University of Alaska Anchorage records
The UAA History Wall, covering 1950-2004, is located on the third floor of the Consortium Library. The timeline displayed on that wall is also available here.
Portraits of ACC and UAA Administrators are also located on the third floor of the Consortium Library next to the Pendulum Staircase. A list of those administrators is also available here.
Arranged alphabetically by UAA Anchorage campus office of record (where known) or by title (if office of record is unknown). Please follow the links to more information regarding each series. More extensive inventories of the series are linked where available. Some of the links below do not include series numbers as the description of university records in Archives holdings is an ongoing process and these records series and groups will be converted to our current standards: they will receive series numbers when the conversion is completed.
Also included below the UAA Anchorage office listings are records from from other campuses and predecessor organizations to UAA.
For all UAA/ACC student transcripts, please contact the Office of the Registrar. You can also find most of the university catalogs online on their website.
Academic Affairs
- Degree planning sheets. 1992-1993. UAA.0058
- Faculty Services administrative records. 1986-2007. UAA.0009
- Faculty Services Source Line newsletter. 1988-1990. UAA-0197
- General publications. 1985-2000. UAA.0059
- Sponsored Programs publications. 2004-2005. UAA.0018
Academic Policy and Curriculum Board records, UAA/ACC. 1988. UAA-0070
Accreditation self-studies. 1979-2001. UAA.0019
Adjunct faculty handbooks. 1987-1996. UAA.0061
Adult Learning Center records. 1954?-2004. UAA.0127
UAA. African American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, International and Native American (AHAINA) Student Services records. 1995-2017. UAA.0167
Alaska Native Health Career Program records. 1971-1985. UAA.0094
American Russian Center records. 1990-2008. UAA.0046
Anchorage Senior College
- Division heads meeting minutes. 1972-1973. UAA-0185
- Faculty association records. 1972-1975. UAA-0138
- Faculty meeting minutes. 1971. UAA-0184
- Graduate student manuals. 1972-1973. UAA-0129
- Athletics Department records. 1973-1987. UAA.0082
- Clippings scrapbook. 1974-1975. UAA-0179
- Moving images. 1979-1985. UAA-0079
- Photographic negatives and proof sheets. 1977-1985. UAA.0080
- Photographic slides. 1979-1985. UAA.0081
- Press releases. 1983-1985. UAA.0077
Bookstore special events records; 1999-2019. UAA.0152
Campus calendars; 1979-1987. UAA-0195
Campus Diversity Core team records; 1992-1994. UAA-0170
Campus maps; 1978-1985. UAA-0199
Canada Week posters; undated, 1993-1997. UAA-0213
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) event videos; 1989-2007. UAA.0074
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
- Advisory Board records. 1972-1983. UAA-0221
- Conference records. 1981-1991. UAA-0037
- Correspondence. 1974-1978. UAA-0222
- Publications. 1973-1979. UAA-0224
- Reports. 1974-1984. UAA-0225
- Subject files. 1971-1980. UAA-0223
Center for Information Technology records. 1985-1992. UAA-0131
Chancellor’s Office
- Academic Council records. 1967-1977. UAA-0150
- Academic Development Plan Committee records. 1980-1982. UAA.0146
- Academic development plans, 1981, 1983. UAA-0147
- Administrative files. 1959-1994.
- Anchorage Community College facility planning records. 1964-1972. UAA-0174
- Area and building plans. 1973-1984. UAA-0149
- Budget and Planning Council meeting records. 1981-1987. UAA-0182
- Budget and Planning Council planning records. 1981-1984. UAA-0183
- Bulletins. 1979-1987. UAA-0166
- Chancellor’s awards for excellence and employee awards ceremony programs. 1989-2003. UAA.0056
- Child Care Advisory Committee records. 1974-1985. UAA.0142
- Commencement files. 1982-1993. UAA-0168
- Community college agreements. 1968-1974. UAA-0172
- Correspondence. 1959-1988. UAA.0102
- Executive Council minutes. 1981-1987. UAA.0143
- Organizational charts. 1973-1975. UAA-0178
- Outgoing correspondence. 1980-1981. UAA-0136
- Program and school proposals. 1970-1972, 1983. UAA-0148
- Special event files. 1983-1993. UAA-0144
- Title IX Review Committee files. 1978-1988. UAA-0145
- Transition Management Team meeting records. 1987. UAA-0114
- UAA-AMU consortium records. 1970-1976. UAA-0173
- University reorganization files. 1986-1988. UAA-0187
- University restructuring files. 1975-1976. UAA-0186
Citizens’ Advisory Council records. 1970-1993. UAA-0171
Classified Council Classifieds newsletter. 1982-1986. UAA-0217
Classified Employees Council records. 1979-1986.
College of Arts and Sciences
- Dept. of Journalism and Public Communications True North magazine. 1995-2007. UAA.0054
- Music Dept. posters. 1991-2005. UAA-0214
- sciarts. 1984-1994. UAA.0032
- sciarts records. 1983-1997. UAA.0033
- Sociology Dept. records. circa 1975-2008. UAA.0030
- Theatre and Dance Dept. photographs. undated, 1980-2011. UAA-0101
- Theatre and Dance Dept. posters. 1970-2012. UAA-0105
- Theatre and Dance Dept. programs. undated, 1982-1990. UAA-0106
College of Community and Continuing Education photographs. 1993-1995. UAA-0106.
College of Education
- Adult Education Program records. 2004. UAA.0069
- Early Childhood Program records. 1989-1991. UAA-0098.
- Educational Leadership Program records. 1999. UAA-0099.
College of Health
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies administrative records. 1983-1990. UAA-0086
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies newsletters. 1988-1990. UAA-0140
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies photographs; 1983-1995. UAA-0141
- Justice Center records. 1973-2005. UAA-0126
- Alaska Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce. Area Health Education Center Program publications. circa 2012. UAA-0231
Community and Technical College. Dean’s Office marketing materials. 1992-2016. UAA-0123
Community and Technical College. Dean’s Office program review files. 1983-1999. UAA.0092
Community and Technical College. Dean’s Office records. 1972-2001. UAA-0110.
Community campus commencement invitations. 1990-1993. UAA-0169
Consortium Library
- Alaska Medical Library newsletter. 2000-present. UAA.0022
- Archives and Special Collections and Creative Writing Club exhibit. 2024. UAA-0235
- Archives and Special Collections Sharing Community Images project photographs. 2001-2016. UAA-0125
- Archives and Special Collections. Student oral history interviews. 2024. UAA-0230
Diversity & Compliance event posters. 2008-2010. UAA.0087
Enrollment Management class schedule. 1971-2009. UAA.0003
Enrollment Management slides. Undated, 1977-1997. UAA.0076
Event posters. 1995-2003. UAA-0216
Facilities and Campus Services art inventory records. 1999, 2017. UAA.0159
Facilities Planning and Construction master plan 1990-2015. 1991. UAA.0233
Fact finder/student handbooks. 1975-2009. UAA.0007
Faculty handbook. 1981-present. UAA.0014
Faculty profiles. 1991-1992. UAA.0011
Financial Aid Office financial aid guide. 1979. UAA-0204
Financial Services. Wolfcard Office wolfcards. undated (2002). UAA.0124
FY budget requests. 1989-1990. UAA.0057
Governance Office
- APT Council minutes and agendas. 1986-2008. UAA.0095
- Classified Council minutes and agendas. 1985-2008. UAA.0096
- Faculty Senate meeting minutes and agendas. 1978-2007. UAA.0040
- General Education Requirements Committee meeting minutes and agendas. 2005-2008. UAA.0041
- Graduate Academic Board meeting minutes and agendas. 1989-2008. UAA.0038
- Undergraduate Academic board meeting minutes and agendas. 1976-2008. UAA.0039
- University Assembly minutes and agendas. 1976-2007. UAA.0048
Graduate School publications. 2006-present. UAA.0013
Graduate studies bulletin. 1984-1988. UAA.0012
Human Resource Services
- General publications. 1990-present. UAA.0029
- Guide to RIP. 1997-1998. UAA.0028
Information Technology Services telephone directories. 1973-present. UAA.0005
Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act research files. 1953-1989. UAA.0100
Institute of Social and Economic Research Fiscal Policy Papers. 1989 August-1999 October. UAA-0133.
Institutional Research
- Institutional Planning, Research, and Assessment reports. 1978-2004. UAA-0218
- Institutional Research current student surveys. 1988-2000. UAA-0064
- Institutional Research factbook. 1995-2000. UAA-0010
- Institutional Studies statistical data. 1958-1972. UAA.0109
Intercollegiate Athletics Board records. 1978-1986. UAA-0083
KRUA records. 1990-1996. UAA-0107.
KRUA. Dominant Egg audio recordings. undated, 1994-1995. UAA-0154
Learning Resource Center records. 1983-1990. UAA-0097
Native Student Services records. 1979-2017, 2023. UAA-0132
Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. Commission on Colleges University of Alaska Anchorage evaluation committee reports. 1974, 1979. UAA.0062
Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Engagement, and Academic Support records. 1994-2004. UAA-0108.
Recreation/intramural handbooks. 1983-1987. UAA.0063
School of Business and Public Administration
- Alaska Center for International Business administrative records. 1982-1998. UAA.0049
- Alaska Center for International Business publications and reports. 1987-1997. UAA-0153
- Anchorage Urban Observatory administrative records. 1974-1979. UAA.0035
- Anchorage Urban Observatory correspondence files. 1975-1979. UAA-0088
- Anchorage Urban Observatory grant files. 1975-1978. UAA.0091
- Anchorage Urban Observatory project files. 1975-1982. UAA.0089
- Anchorage Urban Observatory reports. 1975-1980. UAA.0090
- Bureau of Management and Urban Affairs general files. 1974-1979. UAA.0034
SRC/ASC/ACC joint division head meeting minutes. 1971. UAA-0176
Staff meeting minutes. 1971. UAA-0175
Student Activities calendars. 1983-2007. UAA.0055
Student Showcase flyers. 1987-1989. UAA.0016
Student Showcase journal. 1986-2002. UAA.0015
Student Showcase programs. 1987-2000. UAA.0017
Student Showcase records. 1985-1990. UAA.0031
Union of Students at UAA (USUAA)
- Northern Light. 1988-present. UAA.0008
- Records. 1973-1985
- Spectrum. 1969-1976. UAA.0066
- University Reporter. 1977-1979. UAA.0024
- Voice. 1980-1988. UAA.0117
University Advancement and predecessor offices (including UAA News Service, Office of Publications and Information, Office of Public Affairs, and University Relations)
- Office of Public Affairs Anchorage civic and professional organization directory. 1976-1979. UAA-0198
- Office of Public Affairs annual reports. 1976-1977. UAA-0201
- Office of Public Affairs high school recruitment packet. 1979. UAA-0202
- Office of Public Affairs Morning Memo. 1974-1979. UAA.0191
- Office of Public Affairs program and department outreach flyers. 1966-1979. UAA-0203
- Office of Public Affairs Soundings newsletter. 1973-1977. UAA.0188
- Office of Public Affairs Sourdough newsletter. 1977-1978. UAA.0189
- Office of Public Affairs Speakers bureau and expertise guide. 1978-1986. UAA-0200
- Office of Public Affairs staff handbook. 1975-1979. UAA-0206
- Office of Public Affairs subject files. 1972-1986. UAA-0210
- Office of Public Affairs UAA policy handbook. 1976. UAA-0208
- Office of Public Affairs UAA Reporter. 1984-1986. UAA.0023
- Office of Public Affairs UAA U-News. 1979-1987. UAA. 0192
- Office of Publications and Information UAA Staff Bulletin. 1974. UAA.0190
- University Advancement Accolades. 2002-2013. UAA-0229
- University Advancement commencement programs. 1971-2012, 2015-2024. UAA.0020
- University Advancement commencement publications. Undated, 1994-2007. UAA.0060
- University Advancement photographs and recordings. 1967-2024. UAA.0043
- University Advancement press releases. 1971-2002. UAA.0052
- University Relations correspondence. 1971-1991. UAA-0205
- University Relations FYI. 1987-1989. UAA-0193
- University Relations Interaction newsletter. 1988-1991. UAA-0196
- University Relations. Marketing Committee records. 1988-1989. UAA-0207
- University Relations Siberia files. 1987-1989. UAA-0211
- University Relations special event files. 1971-1997. UAA-0212
- University Relations UAA Today. 1990-1997. UAA-0194
UAA/ACC Academic Policy and Curriculum Board records. 1988. UAA.0070
University Year of Action records. 1975-1978. UAA.0084
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs records. 1972-2006.
Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies Research News newsletter. 2003-present. UAA.0021
Women’s History Month posters. 1997-2003. UAA-0215
Matanuska-Susitna College
- Library planning and building files. 1982. UAA.0036
- Site plans. 1979. UAA.0045
Southcentral Regional Center
- Southcentral Regional Center administrators handbook. 1974-1975. UAA.0151
- Southcentral Regional Center Council meeting minutes. 1971-1975. UAA.0162