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Guide to the APT Council minutes and agendas





University of Alaska Anchorage Records
Guide to the Governance Office. APT Council minutes and agendas


Collection number: UAA-0095.
Creating office: UAA. Governance Office. APT Council.
Series title: UAA. Governance Office. APT Council minutes and agendas.
Dates: 1986-2008.
Volume of series: 1.0 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Records in English.
Series summary: Records of the group representing the university administrative, professional and technical (APT) staff’s interests in university activities.


Administrative history:

Not available at this time.


Agency functions:

The APT Council provides official representation for the APT (administrative, professional and technical) staff  of the University of Alaska Anchorage in matters that affect the general welfare of the University.


Series description:

This series contains agendas and meeting summaries.  Included are items discussed at meetings and any motions heard by the Council or decisions made.


Arrangement: The records are in chronological order by meeting date.


Digitized copies: Digital copies of collection material not available online. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.


Preferred citation: UAA. Governance Office. APT Council minutes and agendas, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.


Current records: The Governance Office maintains more recent records. Generally the most recent two years of minutes and agendas can be located on the UAA Governance website. Some of the agendas dating back to 1999 can be found on that site.


Related materials:
UAA. Governance Office. University Assembly minutes and agendas; 1976-2007, UAA.0048.


Custodial history: This series was transferred to the Archives by the Governance Office in 2010.


Processing information: This series was described by Arlene Schmuland in 2011.




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