New in the Archives: July 2018

It is hard to believe it is August already, but time flies when you are busy. Last month we released not one, but two episodes of our podcast, Archiving AK. Arlene became famous thanks to her interview with C-SPAN about …

Archiving AK episode 3: tourism in Alaska

In the third episode of Archiving AK, archivists Gwen, Veronica, and Arlene discuss some of the tourism-related collections available here at the Archives. We look at how Alaska tourism has changed, what has remained the same, and how it is …

The Chilkoot Challenge, High Noon, April 23

Wondering what we could possibly offer this spring to outdo our past years’ Eating From the Archives events?

Do we have a doozy for you. Perhaps you may remember, with varying degrees of fondness or lack thereof, some of our …

Primary or secondary? the Odlin letter

When I teach class sessions on archival research and I’ve been asked to discuss primary sources, this letter is one of the standard ones I use. I pass copies out to the students, give them a few minutes to read …