Caelus Energy mud logs; 1949-2008. 4.0 cubic feet. hmc-1416. Records of bore holes from a petroleum corporation.
California-Mexican-Alaska Holding Company letter to stockholders; 1929 January 26. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-0795. Letters from company with permit rights in the oil fields of Katalla.
Emma Cameron slides; circa 1949-1960. 0.01 cubic feet. Slides of Nome and Dexter, Alaska.
Bud Campbell papers; 1882-2009. 21.0 cubic feet. hmc-1186. Professional papers of a surveyor from the Matanuska Susitna area.
Ferrall W. Campbell papers; 1953-1963. 0.75 cubic feet. hmc-0364. Labor union activist and official.
Louis A. Campi scrapbook; 1941-1952. 0.20 cubic feet. hmc-0545. Scrapbook of a man who served in Adak during WWII.
John J. Cape papers; 1941-1942, 1944. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0812. Papers of an 11th Fighter Squadron pilot killed in action near Dutch Harbor.
Keith Capper business records; 1942-1957. 0.45 cubic feet. hmc-0806. Anchorage businessman.
Omer L Carey papers; 1973-1993. 1.0 cubic feet. hmc-0081. Professional papers of a professor in the UAA School of Business and Public Administration.
Calderon Carlisle letter; 1890 October 29. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-0515. Transcription of a letter regarding the case of the “Layward,” and U.S. territorial rights in the Bering Sea.
Nancy E. Carlock scrapbook; 1967. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-0936. Scrapbook created by a woman who took a 13-day tour of Alaska and Canada.
Miriam Carlson papers; 1954, 1981-1989. 0.7 cubic feet. hmc-0493. Papers of a former Anchorage Community College administrator.
Phyllis D. Carlson papers; 1911-1982, bulk 1967-1982. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-1431. Papers of an Alaskan historian and researcher.
Cesare Carlucci photographs; circa 1943-1945. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0083. Photographs taken by a soldier who served in the 18th Engineers, U.S. Army during World War II.
Ruby I Cashen photographs; 1935-1937. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-0421. Photographs relating to the Matanuska Colony.
Charles Cassata photographs; 1956-1966. hmc-1177-ahs. Photographs of Alaska taken by a former Alaska resident.
Thelma Caulkins papers; 1936-1975. 0.45 cubic feet. hmc-1223. Primarily letters and journals of a woman who moved to Alaska with her family as part of the Matanuska Colony Project.
Cliff Cernick papers; circa 1949-2002. 31 cubic feet. hmc-0607. Research and personal files of an Alaskan aviation historian and journalist.
John Cerutti slides; 1964. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1164. Images of 1964 earthquake damage taken by a structural engineer.
Genie Chance (1927-1998) papers; 1964-1977. 21.1 cubic feet and 127 GB. hmc-0084. Broadcast journalist and a member of the Alaska State Legislature.
Ann Chandonnet papers; 1942-2017 6.9 cubic feet. hmc-0085. Personal papers, writings, and research files of an Alaskan poet, author, and journalist.
Fernand L. Chandonnet papers; 1948-2016, bulk 1984-2016. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-1274. Papers of a journalist and radio announcer in Anchorage and Juneau.
T.N. Chapman photographs; undated, 1946-1950. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1042-ahs. Photographs primarily of Fort Richardson and the Anchorage area.
Charles letters; undated, 1908. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1039-AHS. Letters from a Douglas, Alaska resident to family in Great Britain.
Charles Menadelook Project photographs; circa 1900-1950. 0.4 cubic feet. hmc-0086. Copied photographs by an Alaska Native photographer in western Alaska.
William H. Chase photographs; circa 1915-1930. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0087. Photographs of an Alaskan doctor, health commissioner, and mayor of Cordova.
Chickaloon Coal Company records; 1910-1922, bulk 1917-1919. 0.9 cubic feet and 17.7 GB. hmc-1309. Records of a coal mining company in Chickaloon, Alaska.
William O.L. Chinn photographs; 1951-1973. 0.8 cubic feet. hmc-0620. Work and travel photographs of an architect with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District.
Chititu Mines Co. records; 1925-1949. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-0088. Administrative records from a mining company in the Nizina Mining District near McCarthy, Alaska.
Hakon Christensen film; 1939-1950. 0.7 cubic feet. hmc-0089. Motion picture film of an Alaskan bush pilot.
Hans J. Christensen family photograph album; 1908-1925. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0664. Mining family that lived in York on the Seward Peninsula.
Dolores Christophel scrapbook; 1941-1944. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-1129. Scrapbook documenting a soldier’s service with the 138th Infantry in the Aleutians during World War II.
Chugach Conference records; 1989-1991. 1.5 cubic feet. hmc-1287. Materials related to telecommunications policy and planning.
Civilian construction worker photograph album; 1948-1950. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0678. Photograph album of an unidentified heavy equipment operator who worked at military sites on Adak, Kodiak, and Afognak Islands.
Audrie and Steve Clark photographs; undated. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1020-AHS. Aeriel photographs and postcards depicting the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak.
D. S. Clark photograph album; 1927. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-0614. Photograph album of a tourist travelling by boat and train through Canada and Alaska.
Evelyn and George Clark slides; 1959-1977. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-1139. Vacation slides of Alaskan retirees.
Omer D. Clark Canol Pipeline Construction photographs; circa 1943-1944. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-0642. Photographs of the construction of the Canol Pipeline.
Claypool family photographs; 1905-1940. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1023-ahs. Family photograph album of a U. S. Commissioner at Fairbanks.
Clinical Laboratory Scientists of Alaska records; 1961-2002. 1.8 cubic feet. hmc-1061. Records of an Alaskan professional association for clinical laboratory professionals.
Clement H. Clower papers; 1939-1993, bulk 1939-1946. 0.45 cubic feet. hmc-0566. Primarily photograph albums of a man who served with the 264th Separate Coast Artillery Battalion at Dutch Harbor during World War II.
Coast Artillery soldier photographs; undated, 1941. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0578. Photos of a cook with the 75th Coast Artillery, stationed at Fort Richardson during World War II.
Francis and Grace Cogswell papers; 1920-1957. 0.75 cubic feet. hmc-0744. Papers of U.S. Navy captain and his wife, who commanded a flotilla which aided the USCGS in a survey expedition to chart the Aleutian Islands in 1935.
M.E. Coker photographs; circa 1946. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0946. Photographs of placer mining at Stuyahok and Girdwood.
Jerry Coleman papers; 1943-2024, bulk 1943-1945. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-1469. Photographs and poems from a man who served in the U.S. Army Alaska in World War II.
Dorothy and Grenold Collins papers; 1907-2002. 5.50 cubic feet. hmc-0422. The papers of an Alaskan bush pilot, sportsman, and business owners.
Robert D. Combes papers; undated, 1952-1953. 0.1 cubic feet. hmc-1237-ahs. Papers, photographs, and film of a Battalion Carpenter and Radar Operator who served at the 96th AAA Battalion Headquarters in Anchorage from 1952-1954.
Kenneth T. Combs letters; 1943. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0815. Letters written by a U.S. Army soldier stationed at Shemya Island.
Commonwealth North records; 1979-2007. 64.8 cubic feet. hmc-0992. Records of an Alaskan public policy forum.
Community College Coalition of Alaska records; 1986-1988. 2.0 cubic feet. hmc-0090. Records of an organization promoting the continuance of community colleges in Alaska.
Community Enterprise Development Corporation of Alaska records; 1968-1980. 47.0 cubic feet. hmc-0091. Records of a non-profit organization involved with assisting development of local business.
Community Health Aide Program records; circa 1960-2000. 5 cubic feet. hmc-1087. Records of an organization dedicated to providing health-care in rural Alaskan communities.
Stephen Conn papers; 1939-1999. 3 cubic feet. hmc-0874. Papers of a UAA Justice Center faculty member.
Conrath photographs; 1917-1918. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1006-AHS. Photographs of various places in southeast Alaska.
O.C. and Ruth Connelly photograph album; 1938-1941. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-0562. Local Reindeer Superintendent for Saint Lawrence Island and wife for the period of 1938-1940.
Levi Whitner Cook papers; 1938-1961. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0767. Papers and photographs of a soldier of the 102nd Signal Radio Intelligence Co. stationed at Fort Richardson.
Donald J. Coolidge papers; 1949-2003. 7.0 cubic feet. hmc-1106. Papers of an architect living in Southcentral Alaska.
Louise Copeland letters; 1943-1944. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0765. Letters of a woman who worked for a U.S. Army Engineering unit stationed at Ladd Field in Fairbanks.
Ila Copley papers; 1948-1950. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1005-AHS. Photographs and memorabilia from a woman who lived in Alaska between 1948 and 1950.
Cordova District Fishermen United records; 1988-1996. 29.2 cubic feet. hmc-1199. Records pertaining to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, clean-up, and lawsuit.
Joan Elva Corliss papers; 1948, 1966-1972. 0.7 cubic feet and 963 MB. hmc-1082. Papers of a secretary and board member of the Alaska Federation of Natives.
Millie Wedel-Cowgill papers; 1950-2009. 25.5 cubic feet. hmc-1062. The papers of an Anchorage secondary high school teacher, Alaska Pacific University and University of Alaska Anchorage faculty member, and production company business owner.
Leon Crane photographs; 1943. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0093. Photographs of an Army Air Corps serviceman.
Glenn and June Crawford slides; circa 1957-1966. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1263-ahs. Photographs taken by former Alaska residents.
Mable Crawford papers; 1892-1978. 0.7 cubic feet. hmc-1158. Papers and photographs of a long time Alaska resident.
Edwin B. Crittenden papers; 1938-2005. 11.20 cubic feet. hmc-0094. Papers of an architect in Alaska.
Katharine Crittenden papers; 1978-2005. 0.45 cubic feet. hmc-1075. Correspondence and research files for Crittenden’s biography of Col. Frederick Mears, Get Mears!
Wendell Crouch letters; 1964-1969. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0517. Letters between Anchorage teacher and book dealer and U.S. Senators E. L. Bartlett, Ernest Gruening, and Mike Gravel.
Lucy Hon Cuddy papers; 1925-1946, 1979.1.0 cubic feet. hmc-0095. Alaskan school teacher and wife of a prominent banker.
Howard Culbertson family scrapbook; 1967. 0.3 cubic feet. hmc-0923. Scrapbook of postcards and tourism flyers from a family who traveled across Canada and Alaska.
Thomas Culhane papers and photographs; 1935-1939. 0.65 cubic feet. hmc-0096. Family papers and photographs of an Anchorage businessman.
Donald F. Culver papers; 1942-2008. 0.7 cubic feet. hmc-1211. Papers and photographs of a man who worked on the construction of the ALCAN Highway for the U.S. Army.
Walter W. Cummings papers; 1939-1945. 0.46 cubic feet. hmc-0951. Army Air Forces soldier who served at Fort Mears in Dutch Harbor.
James W. Cunningham scrapbook; 1942-1945. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-0911. Scrapbook of a soldier who served with the 78th Coast Artillery in the Aleutian Islands during WWII.
Bob and Gayle Curtis photograph albums; 1965-1983. 0.8 cubic feet. hmc-1296. Photograph albums of a couple who founded Tikchik Narrows Lodge, a fishing lodge near Bristol Bay.
Cheryl Curtis and Morgan Grey papers; 1954-2018. 8.6 cubic feet and 89.7 MB. hmc-1286. Papers of a couple who advocated for feminist and lesbian issues, and women in the trades.
Frank P. Curtis letters; 1900-1902. 0.1 cubic feet. hmc-0799. Letters from a Yukon gold rush miner to his wife.
H.C. Curtis slides and photographs; circa 1990. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1444. Slides and photographs depicting Anchorage, Alabama, and the Black Student Achievement Program at West High School.
Cyrano’s Theater Company records; 1987-2012. 2.0 cubic feet. Records of a community theater in Anchorage.