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Community College Coalition of Alaska records

Guide to the Community College Coalition of Alaska records

Collection number: HMC-0090.
Creator: Community College Coalition of Alaska.
Title: Community College Coalition of Alaska records.
Dates: 1986-1988.
Volume of collection: 1.0 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Records of an organization promoting the continuance of community colleges in Alaska.

Organizational history:
The coalition was formed in 1986 in response to the decision of the president of the University of Alaska to eliminate the state’s community college system because of budgetary constraints. The purpose of the coalition was to promote community colleges throughout the state. The organization rallied public support, developed a plan to preserve the community colleges, lobbied with the legislature and the governor, and launched a successful petition campaign to put the issue on the ballot. The coalition ceased operation when the results of the referendum supported the action of the university administration.

Collection description:
This collection consists of the operation records of the coalition. Included are organizational files, meeting minutes, subject files, treasurer’s records, and other papers.

Arrangement: The collection is generally arranged by functional division into four series:

Series 1: Administration and operation records; 1986-1987
Series 2: Subject files; 1986-1988
Series 3: Treasurer’s records; 1986-1988

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives does not hold copyright to collection materials.

Preferred citation: Community College Coalition of Alaska records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was given to the Archives by Chancy Croft in 1990.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described prior to 1993. The guide was updated to current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2017. Duplicates and published materials were removed.

Container list:
Series 1: Administration and operation records; 1986-1987. 0.35 cubic feet.
This series contains the constitution, bylaws, minutes, membership lists, newsletter and other records relating to the administration and operation of CCCA, Inc. Included are papers relating to lobbying, an initiative, law suit, and the CCCA “Plan to Preserve and Strengthen Community Colleges.”

Description Dates
1/1 Organization notebook containing board membership list, correspondence, agenda, press releases, lawsuit brief, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other founding information 1986-1987
1/2 Organization papers including 1986 chronology, correspondence, oath of office, minutes, fact sheets, speech, memoranda, and report of the Committee on University restructuring, Educational Values, and the Student (CURES). 1986-1988
1/3-7 Meeting minutes 1986-1988
1/8 Plan to preserve and strengthen community colleges 1986-1987
1/9 Public relations binder: includes ads, resolutions, press releases, newsletters, and position papers. 1986-1987
1/10 Stationery and outreach button 1986-1988

Series 2. Subject files; 1986-1988. 0.4 cubic feet.
This series contains papers relating legislative bills and resolutions, the budget, lobbying education, the economy, lawsuits, and on the impact of restructuring on students.

Description Dates
1/11 Legislature, Governor, and budget binder including legislative rosters, bills, memoranda, testimony, sample letters, correspondence, and budget records 1987
1/12 Legislature—House: bills, sample letters and transcripts 1987
1/13 Legislature—Senate: bills, fiscal notes, sample letters, and letters 1987
1/14 Letter to the Governor 1987
1/15 University of Alaska: agreements, correspondence, staff letters, memoranda, testimony, and draft budget summaries 1986-1987
1/16 Anchorage Assembly: resolutions, agendas, and remarks 1987
1/17 Resolutions and letters of support 1986-1987
1/18 Anchorage School District agreement copy 1979
1/19 Lawsuit: briefs and other filings for CCCA v. University of Alaska, Ketchikan Gateway Borough v. University of Alaska, and a copy of the Superior Court discussion in University of Alaska v S. A. McAlpine, Lt. Governor 1987-1988
1/20 Student binder: correspondence, testimony, proposals and recommendations 1986-1987
1/21 Voc-Tech: news release on impact of restructuring on women’s programs 1987

Series 3: Treasurers records; 1986-1988. 0.25 cubic feet.
This series contains record maintained by the treasurer of CCCA. Included are memoranda, check records, bank and other statements, bills, receipts, and cash journals. These files document the operation of the organization and include information on the initiative drive and the university budget.

Description Dates
1/22 Memoranda, minutes and reports relative to fundraising, the treasurer, and the initiative; and fliers 1986-1987
1/23 Expenses records including memoranda, check records, bills, and deposits 1986-1987
1/24 Bank reports, memoranda, contributor lists, correspondence, and reports 1986-1987
1/25 Income and expense statements, initiative drive funding budget information 1987
1/26  Bank statements 1987-1988
1/27 Cash journals 1987
1/28 Receipt book 1986-1987
1/29 Expense receipts 1987-1988
1/30 Telephone list of petition sponsors and instructions to sponsors 1987
1/31 University of Alaska budget summary 1987

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