Alaska Lunch

Our current exhibit in the great room of the Library is all about food in Alaska, with items from the Rare Books collection including cookbooks from the state. After the success (or at least entertainment value) of last year’s Convalescent’s

Electronic records in Archives part 2

What better place to take a bunch of electronic records courses than in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska in June?

June 8-12, 2015 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage, to be precise.

We’re pleased …

Enjoying the great Alaskan outdoors


Celebrate Archives Month with us!

The Anchorage Museum Archives, Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA) and Archives & Special Collections are hosting a home movie and slide show evening. We’ll be featuring movies and photos from our collections celebrating getting …

Re-evaluating our outreach

First, we want to thank those of you who have been fans of our Facebook page. We’re not quite ready to give that up–we’re having too much fun with it!View of radomes and antenna dish at White Alice Communications site on Resolution Island, Nunavut.

But it’s time to re-evaluate Facebook as our primary social …