Category: Grants
What they don’t tell you about digitization projects . . .
Archiving AK episode 19: Preserving audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska
We’re bringing back the podcast for a follow-up on the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Recordings at Risk grant that Veronica got to digitize audio, film, and video related to public health. In this episode, Gwen and Becky …
Getting the grants: Atwood Foundation and CLIR RAR
New in the Archives, August 2019
New in the Archives, July 2019
New in the Archives: March 2019
What have we been up to in the Archives in March? You might well ask, because the answer is: quite a lot! Here’s some highlights:
New collections described
S.S. Shamrock pilothouse record, 1924-1925. Pilothouse record detailing the ports and …
New in the Archives: June 2018
IMLS funding Alaskan archives access!
Over the past 12 years we’ve received grant funding from the Institution of Museum and Library Services, an independent federal agency working to support the efforts of libraries and museums all over the nation. Our grant awards from IMLS …
What’s new: June/July 2013
This is the first of what I hope are regular monthly or bimonthly updates as to what has happened recently in the Archives. So what are we doing with our summer?
We’re keeping busy!
Collections now available (the link points …
What they don’t tell you about digitization projects . . .
Archiving AK episode 19: Preserving audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska
We’re bringing back the podcast for a follow-up on the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Recordings at Risk grant that Veronica got to digitize audio, film, and video related to public health. In this episode, Gwen and Becky …
Getting the grants: Atwood Foundation and CLIR RAR
New in the Archives, August 2019
New in the Archives, July 2019
New in the Archives: March 2019

What have we been up to in the Archives in March? You might well ask, because the answer is: quite a lot! Here’s some highlights:
New collections described
S.S. Shamrock pilothouse record, 1924-1925. Pilothouse record detailing the ports and …
New in the Archives: June 2018
IMLS funding Alaskan archives access!
Over the past 12 years we’ve received grant funding from the Institution of Museum and Library Services, an independent federal agency working to support the efforts of libraries and museums all over the nation. Our grant awards from IMLS …
What’s new: June/July 2013
This is the first of what I hope are regular monthly or bimonthly updates as to what has happened recently in the Archives. So what are we doing with our summer?
We’re keeping busy!
Collections now available (the link points …