New in the Archives, December 2019

December events: Dr. Jennifer Stone of the UAA English department held her A476: History of English Language student posters presentations in the Archives. The students shared posters and presented on their research topics, many of which were based on documents from the Archives holdings. Above: Students from Professor Stone’s class…
New in the Archives, November 2019

Research round-up: Our researchers in November included UAA students, Anchorage community members, Alaskans, a variety of people from across the United States, and a professor visiting from Norway. Topics of research included the performing arts in Anchorage, maritime history, Arctic environmental science and politics, and images requested for use in…
New in the Archives, October 2019

This month we described two new collections and added 86 new items to Alaska’s Digital Archives, in addition to participating in UAA’a STEM Day. Behind the scenes, we’ve been implementing new digital preservation policies and procedures. Newly described collections: HMC-1342: Anne D. Pasch papers; 1952-2014. Primarily slides of an Alaskan…
New in the Archives, September 2019
Veronica’s farewell
I moved to Alaska six years ago to be an archivist at the UAA/APU Archives and Special Collections. It was my first professional archives job. And it is bittersweet that I am now leaving to be an archivist at Kansas State University. In the six years since I’ve been here,…
Getting the NAS
Getting the grants: Atwood Foundation and CLIR RAR
New in the Archives, August 2019
Archiving AK episode 18: Emily Moore

In this episode, Gwen interviews Emily Moore, an Art History professor at Colorado State University. Emily did research in the Archives for her recent book, Proud Raven, Panting Wolf: Carving Alaska’s New Deal Totem Parks. After this episode, Archiving AK will transition to releasing episodes more sporadically, rather than monthly,…