Is there an echo in here?
Lately we’ve been getting a lot of requests in pairs. Not the same queries, just queries for the same collection. Today we had two email requests regarding the Michael Philip collection from people who had spotted the portion of the exhibit about the filming of the movie Eskimo on our…
Oh, we love seeing our name in print
The September ’09 copy of Arctic, the journal of the Arctic Institute of North America landed in our mailbox today. This is a little unusual since A&SC doesn’t actually subscribe to any journals, so the next possibility is, hey, maybe somebody published something that cited one of our collections! Which indeed…
I’ve been working on the Pipeline.
Adventures in archivy
exhibits on a shoestring
A different view of archives
Archives: your ally in the battle against plagiarism. Okay, so this isn’t quite how David Bowie (a new prof in English here at UAA) phrased it, we took a little dramatic license. But it’s basically the idea. Professor Bowie visited us yesterday to ask about possibly having some of his…
the buildup to an exhibit
Clamber over? Or walk around? When automation creates work for us.
(This is Arlene). It’s not often I indulge my need to complain in quite such a public setting, but I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few days working on additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives and, well, I’ll say it, ContentDM is driving me nuts. Don’t get…
Put the thinking caps on
So I (Arlene) was writing an email this afternoon to set up a meeting and realized that I really dislike the term “Reading Room.” Where to start? First, too passive. People aren’t just reading, they’re researching. So I suggested Research Center to MC, who said that sounded like a whole…