Surrogate access to the unknown

Like most archives, we have a few collections with materials in them that are starting to age, and age badly. One example of that is the Frederick John Date papers: most of what is in the collection is in great shape, but the photograph albums, not so much. Some of…

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Playing with memes

Click on it to see it bigger! And since we’d be bad archivists if we didn’t cite our own stuff… Clockwise from the upper left: 1. Captains Glenn & Culp, near Portage Bay, 1898. Photographer: Walter C. Mendenhall. Edwin F. Glenn papers. 2. Fur Rendezvous Queen, 1958. Photographer: Donald Arthur…

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George Harper’s “Blacks in Alaska History” exhibit.

George T. Harperwas born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1930. In 1981, he moved to Anchorage from Oregon to work as a computer programmer for the Bureau of Land Management. After his retirement in 1990, he ran a consulting business called, “One on One PC Consulting.” In addition, Harper devoted more…

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It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Man

One of the things about having students in to do research is that we often don’t get to see what becomes of the research they do. That’s not really a complaint, by the way, it’s just the way things go. Back when I was a university student, by the time…

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Our thanks, 2011.

Alaska Defense Command, Alaska District shoulder patch, circa 1942.   Anchorage Fur Rendezvous parade, 1958.   Fred Fickett, Signal Corps. 1882, Virginia.   Helicopter landing at US Army Arctic Test Board, 1962.   Private Billy B. Johnson, US First Infantry Division, Company E, 18th Infantry, Honor Guard, checkpoint post, Frankfurt,…

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how much do you trust records?

We’ve had students in an anthropology class working in the Archives this semester on a variety of projects having to do with the Independence Mine (Alaska Pacific Consolidated Mining Company records, to be more precise.) They’ve been a really fun crew to have around. We had a request from one…

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