Love, Bill
Playing with memes
George Harper’s “Blacks in Alaska History” exhibit.
The Hatcher Pass Ski Resort That Never Was
It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Man
Our thanks, 2011.

Alaska Defense Command, Alaska District shoulder patch, circa 1942. Anchorage Fur Rendezvous parade, 1958. Fred Fickett, Signal Corps. 1882, Virginia. Helicopter landing at US Army Arctic Test Board, 1962. Private Billy B. Johnson, US First Infantry Division, Company E, 18th Infantry, Honor Guard, checkpoint post, Frankfurt,…
how much do you trust records?
We’ve had students in an anthropology class working in the Archives this semester on a variety of projects having to do with the Independence Mine (Alaska Pacific Consolidated Mining Company records, to be more precise.) They’ve been a really fun crew to have around. We had a request from one…
Some of Our Favorite Things, Installment 4
some of our favorite things, installment 3

The Microspatula, by Jason Sylvestre There are a number of things that I find cringe-worthy as an archivist: legal sized documents, scotch tape, paperclips, rusty staples, and unruly masses of paper. Although my favorite archival tool can’t address all of these, it does handle my most hated enemy, rusty staples,…