• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

The end of a bad line

Often when promoting A&SC’s resources to faculty or students I’ll say something like “There’s not a topic taught at this university that we can’t provide archival material to support. Well, except maybe math.” Hokey, I know. Occasionally it gets a laugh. I usually also follow that up with an explanation…

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The stuff of memories

A little over a week ago, I was in Kodiak on a consulting job with the Kodiak College library. They’re going to be creating a Kodiak room, and wanted some advice on organization, facilities, so forth. I always learn a lot on consulting jobs, but what really stuck out in…

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Moving along

A few months ago, I received a phone call from one of our long-ago donors, Ellen Hays. Daughter of Andrew Hope, she’d given us a collection comprised of her father’s papers and her own. Most of the papers related to their activities with the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood as…

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sometimes we say goodbye

Last May, Betsy Tower came to find me in my office one day. Many of you know of Betsy: she was recently inducted into the Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame. A physician, she moved to Anchorage in 1954 with her husband. She retired from medical work in the 1980s and…

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the campaign season

[Ed note: I don’t know what’s worse, that I put down the wrong election day in this posting originally–based on the advice of a colleague which I didn’t confirm–or that none of you caught it in the 4 days it was up! Go vote. November 2. And now back to…

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