UAA Archives & Special Collections invites you to register for a free all-day workshop on “Preserving & Identifying Photographs”!
WHEN: Saturday October 22nd, 10:30am-4pm
WHERE: UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3rd floor, Room 307
WHAT: Do you have hundreds of family photographs and negatives stored at home in shoe-boxes in your closet? Are most of them unidentified and undated? Do you want to learn how best to store, preserve, and identify them so that they last for future generations? This workshop will be taught by UAA archivists Megan Friedel and Mariecris Gatlabayan and will include:
- lessons on identifying and dating significant photo and negative types from the 19th & early 20th centuries
- best practices for storing and preserving a wide range of photographic material, including slides, glass and film negatives, photo albums, scrapbooks, and more
- a brief introduction to proper scanning techniques and best practices for storing digital images
- hands-on exercises in identifying the format and subject of photographs
- one-on-one consultation with trained archivists to help you determine the needs of your photo collection
The workshop is open to the general public, maximum 25 participants. There is no cost to attend. Register now, as space will be limited!
TO REGISTER: Contact Megan Friedel at
This workshop is an Archives Month event. Also join us in the Archives at 5pm on Thursday October 13th for an Archives Month Open House and AMIPA Film Screening! More information on that event to come soon.