• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

When state fairs go international

In 1862, the British Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Trades sponsored an international exposition in London. Exhibitors brought wares from 36 countries, and a publishing house chose 300 of the items in the exhibit to publish via tinted lithographs.…

Eye of the Beholder 4

Call for Participation: Be a Co-Curator!

Archives & Special Collections

Eye of the Beholder 4: One Image, Many Perspectives

October 3, 2011-?

THE EXHIBIT: Archives & Special Collections is mounting an exhibit to demonstrate how a single item: this image …

the campaign season

[Ed note: I don’t know what’s worse, that I put down the wrong election day in this posting originally–based on the advice of a colleague which I didn’t confirm–or that none of you caught it in the 4 days it …

Too much fun to leave

From an unsolicited Facebook posting by a library colleague last night:

Too much partying at the Archives Open House–I missed my bus.

For those of you who missed the previous blog posting, we here at A&SC decided to celebrate Archives …

Eye of the Beholder: for a third glorious year

All right, I’ll ‘fess up. Our whole Eye of the Beholder exhibit thing? Was Arlene being lazy. In early September 2008, when I asked if we should do something for Archives Month in October, Mariecris suggested an exhibit. The problem …