• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

April is the something month

T.S. Eliot might have called it the cruellest, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped a lot of people from using April to celebrate a lot of things. Jazz. Gardens.

And poetry, mathematics, and food, too. To celebrate April, the …

I failed scissors in kindergarten.

This is Arlene.  That title isn’t a joke.  A couple of years ago my mother found my kindergarten grade card and sent it to me.  I did okay on the less physical elements of the curriculum, but the things requiring …

exhibits on a shoestring

well, fabric tape, to be a little more precise.

The 2009 edition of Eye of the Beholder is up in our research area in A&SC and we think it looks pretty good.  Most of our exhibit flat panels are in …

Archives at the State Fair

It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …

Eye of the Beholder. Once more.

Last year, to great acclaim, we launched an exhibit in October entitled Eye of the Beholder. We took a single image from our holdings and sent out a call in September for anybody within UAA and APU to provide interpretation …