Dusty and quiet? Riiiiight.

It’s not been a quiet week here in A&SC! In fact, at one point yesterday I think our research area was probably the noisiest room in the library. Lots of people having some great discussions about collections, research, and archival practice.

Since it’s been a while since we’ve updated you on all the things that have been going on, let me do that now. On top of our normal researcher visitor workload (which is getting larger all the time and includes several students working on their senior seminar projects), in the last month or so we’ve:

Conducted tours & classes!

  • Megan Friedel is co-teaching a UAA History class A497: “Archival Practicum in Alaska History,” with Professor Elizabeth James for 1 student this semester.  (are you a history major? Interested in doing something similar? Shoot us an email using the Contact tab above.)
  • APU professor Gina Miller’s History of Reading and Writing class came for an hour and a half tour and instruction session.
  • 22 freshman (high school) history students from East High visited us for a tour.
  • A UW-Milwaukee graduate student taking an archives course did a site visit with us.

Opened up exhibits!

  • In celebration of Women’s History Month, Mariecris and Megan set up an exhibit on Alaska’s Working Women. That’s in the Library’s Great Room as well. You might see a few faces you recognize.
  • In tandem with the Consortium Library’s book display on mountaineering, the exhibit cases in the Great Room have been filled with sample documents from the Sourdough Ski Patrol: the Alyeska branch of the National Ski Patrol’s Alaska chapter. Want to know how to look for avalanche-prone spots? Or what kind of first aid skills it takes to be a ski patroller? Go take a look.

Made collections available!

Take a deep breath, because there’s more.

Created subject guides to archival collections! These are particularly handy for a lot of our researchers and we’ve created them both in response to faculty or student requests, or just generally the topics we see researchers requesting a lot.

By the way, we also have a list of all the topical guides we offer. And if you have any requests for topics that aren’t yet on that list, let us know.

And that doesn’t even include all the things we have ongoing that aren’t quite complete yet. We’ll let you know when they are. In the meantime, stop by. Do some research. Look at the exhibits. Check out our website for listings of all of the collections we have that may be of use to you. (You can even keyword search.) Or if you want to help out with all these things we have ongoing, we might just take you up on that. Hope to see you soon.

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