Category: Outreach
New in the Archives, November 2019
New in the Archives, August 2019
New in the Archives, June 2019
For a month in which all but 2 days had at least one of us gone, we were pretty busy!
New up on the Alaska’s Digital Archives
20 images from the Christine McClain papers
205 images from the Bill Bacon …
Alaskan archives and advocacy
You might not know this, but these are pretty trying times for Alaskan archives and those who research in them. A lot of the Alaskan archives have cut access hours, are under hiring freezes, are facing additional budget cuts. We’re …
New in the Archives: March 2019
What have we been up to in the Archives in March? You might well ask, because the answer is: quite a lot! Here’s some highlights:
New collections described
S.S. Shamrock pilothouse record, 1924-1925. Pilothouse record detailing the ports and …
New in the Archives: September 2018
New in the Archives: June 2018
New in the Archives: March 2018
March has been a busy month for us! Must be all that extra light we’re getting right now that’s letting us get all this work done!
Collections described:
Ruth Hart papers; 1964-2003. HMC-1279. The collection contains the papers of Ruth …
Do you have signs to share?
Were you a part of the Women’s March on Saturday?
Here’s what’s going on. As anybody who reads this probably already knows, we as an archives in an educational institution have an obligation not only to preserve materials, but to …
New in the Archives, November 2019
New in the Archives, August 2019
New in the Archives, June 2019

For a month in which all but 2 days had at least one of us gone, we were pretty busy!
New up on the Alaska’s Digital Archives
20 images from the Christine McClain papers
205 images from the Bill Bacon …
Alaskan archives and advocacy
You might not know this, but these are pretty trying times for Alaskan archives and those who research in them. A lot of the Alaskan archives have cut access hours, are under hiring freezes, are facing additional budget cuts. We’re …
New in the Archives: March 2019

What have we been up to in the Archives in March? You might well ask, because the answer is: quite a lot! Here’s some highlights:
New collections described
S.S. Shamrock pilothouse record, 1924-1925. Pilothouse record detailing the ports and …
New in the Archives: September 2018
New in the Archives: June 2018
New in the Archives: March 2018

March has been a busy month for us! Must be all that extra light we’re getting right now that’s letting us get all this work done!
Collections described:
Ruth Hart papers; 1964-2003. HMC-1279. The collection contains the papers of Ruth …
Do you have signs to share?
Were you a part of the Women’s March on Saturday?
Here’s what’s going on. As anybody who reads this probably already knows, we as an archives in an educational institution have an obligation not only to preserve materials, but to …