New in the Archives: May-June 2022

Newly described and updated: EPH-0470: Anchorage Opera Il barbiere di Siviglia performance recording; 2000 April 13. EPH-0470 EPH-0482: All Saints Episcopal Church (Anchorage, Alaska) “Alaska Fishermen’s Hymn;” 1983.  HMC-0525: Tony Simola photograph album; 1934-1949. The original order of the collection was re-established and the guide updated by Shu Mayer. HMC-1256:…

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New in the Archives, January-February 2022

Grants & Alaska’s Digital Archives: Donald Mitchell oral histories recordings and transcriptions digitized and placed online in the Alaska’s Digital Archives: Joe and Carolyn Begich, Frank Bracken, Maurice Carmody, Roy Peratrovich, Hugh Gallagher, 2 interviews with Emil Notti, and 2 interviews with Victor Fischer. This ongoing project has been funded…

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FAQs: What gets archived?

Last week we received some great questions from some History majors here at UAA about what we do. Gwen spent a lot of time answering them (and then Arlene spent time making Gwen’s answers even longer) and we thought they were such terrific questions, that we’d share them here, one…

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