Playing with memes

Alaskans in winter meme

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And since we’d be bad archivists if we didn’t cite our own stuff… Clockwise from the upper left:

1. Captains Glenn & Culp, near Portage Bay, 1898. Photographer: Walter C. Mendenhall. Edwin F. …

It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Man

One of the things about having students in to do research is that we often don’t get to see what becomes of the research they do. That’s not really a complaint, by the way, it’s just the way things go. …

Our thanks, 2011.

Alaska Defense Command, Alaska District shoulder patch, circa 1942.


Anchorage Fur Rendezvous parade, 1958.


Fred Fickett, Signal Corps. 1882, Virginia.


Helicopter landing at US Army Arctic Test Board, 1962.


Private Billy B. Johnson, US First Infantry …

When state fairs go international

In 1862, the British Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Trades sponsored an international exposition in London. Exhibitors brought wares from 36 countries, and a publishing house chose 300 of the items in the exhibit to publish via tinted lithographs.…

Eye of the Beholder 4

Call for Participation: Be a Co-Curator!

Archives & Special Collections

Eye of the Beholder 4: One Image, Many Perspectives

October 3, 2011-?

THE EXHIBIT: Archives & Special Collections is mounting an exhibit to demonstrate how a single item: this image …