Surrogate access to the unknown

Like most archives, we have a few collections with materials in them that are starting to age, and age badly. One example of that is the Frederick John Date papers: most of what is in the collection is in …
Like most archives, we have a few collections with materials in them that are starting to age, and age badly. One example of that is the Frederick John Date papers: most of what is in the collection is in …
We’ve had students in an anthropology class working in the Archives this semester on a variety of projects having to do with the Independence Mine (Alaska Pacific Consolidated Mining Company records, to be more precise.) They’ve been a …
Inspired by a posting from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art earlier this month, we decided to share some of our favorite archives tools with you! First up, Arlene.
My Flip HD videocam, by Arlene
…Every so often we’ll find something in a collection that really resonates with us and the work we do. For me (Arlene), this week, that was a letter. The letter was pasted into an album of photographs kept by A. …