New in the Archives: July-August 2023

So busy:

We’ve had the amazing support of a lot of the Access Services workers over the summer as they’ve had time in their busy schedules to help us out with move preparations. One more visible aspect of that work is the exhibit that Zach from Access Services put together which is now in the main street hallway on the first floor of the library and features some of our photographs (duplicates, we promise) from Alaska in the 1880s. Many thanks also to Page Brannon for lending us student workers for many many hours over the summer as well. (Special call-out there to Emma Muhlbauer for her unbelievable productivity and good humor). They’ve been rehousing and consolidating collections, creating enclosures for all of the Rare Books that predate 1900, digitizing materials in response to researcher requests, moving things around for us, inventorying our supplies, helping us haul things around, winding films off of metal and plastic reels and onto archival cores, and counting a LOT of boxes. And more. We’ve kind of lost track of all they’ve done. But even if we may have forgotten the specifics, we have not forgotten how much we appreciate the work they completed on our behalf. Thank you guys, so, so much.

We’ve kept up with researcher requests but over this summer pretty much every other task has taken a back seat to preparing for our collection move offsite which should be happening in another week or so.

In a few notable exceptions to move prep: Becky was interviewed for a local podcast. Gwen, with Shelby’s assistance, finished a nearly two-year-long project to item level inventory our a/v materials so we can figure out costs and seek funding to digitize obsolete and dying media material. Arlene presented at the Society of American Archivists annual meeting in DC on the topic of incorporating emotional intelligence into managing researcher services.

And by the way, if you happen to be wandering by the Archives and we have open hours, there will probably be a cart out front with exhibit prints from the last 40 years of our exhibits. We’re selling them for $1 apiece and based on sales so far, there’s going to be some very historically decorated dorm rooms on campus this fall! Come and look and pick some up.

Newly available:

HMC-1420: Arpad Bruce Magyar papers; 1964, 2019. Photos and documents related to 1964 earthquake damage in Anchorage and Kodiak.

HMC-1428: Rawn “Stubby” Fletcher album; 1934-1952. Photographs primarily related to Valdez and Fairbanks.

EPH-0514: Anchorage Municipal Light and Power systems map atlas; 1961-1974.

HMC-1295: Quota Club of  Anchorage, Alaska records; 1952-2013. 0.1 cubic foot and 3 MB addition.

New online:

Added to Scholarworks: The Two Universities of Alaska, Anchorage. A brief history of the University of Alaska, Anchorage and Anchorage Community College written by the Consortium Library director Jack O’Bar in 1983 with support from Pam Hunt, Nancy Lesh, and Kay Wilson.

Updated university records description:

With the massive move we have ahead of us, we’re conducting an inventory of undescribed or legacy described university records so we can get them in as good a shape as possible. This may mean disposing of some non-permanent university records that never should have come to us, but mostly it’s about rehousing them into the most efficient space possible and getting call numbers assigned to them so when they come back, we’ll know exactly where they should go! And updating the finding aids to meet current standard while we’re at it, if we can.

UAA-0188: Office of Public Affairs Soundings newsletter; 1973-1977. Reduction of 0.2 cubic feet.

UAA-0189: Office of Public Affairs Sourdough newsletter; 1977-1978. Reduction of 0.18 cubic feet.

UAA-0190: Office of Publications and Information UAA Staff Bulletin; 1974. Reduction of 0.18 cubic feet.

UAA-0191: Office of Public Affairs Morning Memo; 1974-1979. Reduction of 0.2 cubic feet.

UAA-0192: Office of Public Affairs UAA U-News; 1979-1987. Reduction of 0.3 cubic feet.

UAA-0193: University Relations FYI; 1987-1989. Reduction of 0.2 cubic feet.

UAA-0194: University Relations UAA Today; 1990-1997. Reduction of 0.6 cubic feet.

UAA-0195: Campus calendars; 1979-1987. Reduction of 0.1 cubic feet.

UAA-0196: University Relations Interaction newsletter; 1988-1991.

UAA-0197: Academic Affairs. Faculty Services Sourceline newsletter; 1988-1990.

UAA-0198: Office of Public Affairs Anchorage civic and professional organization directory; 1976-1979. Reduction of 0.18 cubic feet.

UAA-0199: UAA campus maps; 1978-1985.

UAA-0200: Office of Public Affairs Speakers bureau and expertise guide; 1978-1986. Reduction of 0.15 cubic feet.

UAA-0201: Office of Public Affairs annual reports; 1976-1977. Reduction of 0.18 cubic feet.

UAA-0202: Office of Public Affairs high school recruitment packet; 1979. Reduction of 0.18 cubic feet.

UAA-0203: Office of Public Affairs program and department outreach flyers; 1976-1979.

UAA-0204: Financial Aid Office financial aid guide; 1979.

UAA-0205: University Relations correspondence; 1971-1991. Reduction of 0.6 cubic feet.

UAA-0206: Office of Public Affairs staff handbook; 1975-1979. Reduction of 0.1 cubic feet.

UAA-0207: University Relations. Marketing Committee records; 1988-1989.

UAA-0208: Office of Public Affairs UAA policy handbook; 1976.

UAA-0209: Anchorage Community College photographs; 1977-1982.

UAA-0210: Office of Public Affairs subject files; 1972-1986. Reduction of 6.8 cubic feet.

UAA-0211: University Relations Siberia files; 1987-1989. Reduction of 1.0 cubic feet.

UAA-0212: University Relations special events files; 1971-1997. Reduction of 3.0 cubic feet.

UAA-0020: UAA commencement programs; 1971-2012. Update of finding aid.

UAA-0112: ACC commencement programs; 1957-1987. Update of finding aid.

UAA-0213: Canada Week posters; undated, 1993-1997.

UAA-0214: College of Arts and Sciences. Music Dept. posters; 1991-2005.

UAA-0215: Women’s History Month posters; 1997-2003.

UAA-0216: Event posters; 1995-2003.

UAA-0217: Classified Council Classifieds newsletter; 1982-1986.

UAA-0129: Office of Institutional Studies statistical data; 1958-1972. Reduction of 18 cubic feet.

UAA-0218: Office of Institutional Planning, Research, and Assessment reports; 1978-2004.

UAA-0219: ACC. Office of Institutional Research reports; 1983-1984.

UAA-0220: ACC. Planning and Budget Team records; 1983-1984.

UAA-0221: Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. Advisory Board records; 1972-1983.

UAA-0222: Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies correspondence; 1974-1978.

UAA-0223: Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies subject files; 1971-1980.

UAA-0224: Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies publications; 1973-1978.

UAA-0225: Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies reports; 1974-1984.

Other reductions in volume not reflected above: 38.3 cubic feet. We have been storing a LOT of non-permanent records over the years! Some of this volume reduction is accounted for in more efficient rehousing of collection materials, other in disposition of non-permanent files such as exhibit prints, personnel records, budget reports, and so forth.

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