In the third episode of Archiving AK, archivists Gwen, Veronica, and Arlene discuss some of the tourism-related collections available here at the Archives. We look at how Alaska tourism has changed, what has remained the same, and how it is represented through the lens of the archival materials that have come to us.
Below, you can find explanations and links with further information regarding collections and people mentioned during the episode. They are arranged in the order in which they were mentioned in the podcast. We also have a topic guide of our collections which relate to tourism in Alaska.
- At 1:33 Veronica mentions the Steamship topic guide.
- 2:18 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Smith photograph album
- 2:57 Pacific Coast Steamship Company tourist diary and Ethel Terry souvenir cruise diary
- 4:00 English sport fishing party photographs
- 4:30 Edward M. Biddle tourist photograph album
- 6:13 D.S. Clark photograph album
- 6:42 Louise letters
- 8:38 Martin Itjen is mentioned, and at 9:23 the Soapy Smith mannequin is mentioned

Martin Itjen (left) and his street car, Skagway. Mannequin of Soapy Smith is on the right. From: Eby, Shelland, and Stark tourist papers, Alaska Historical Society collections, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage
- At 9:49 photographs of Martin Itjen with Mae West are mention by Veronica. Further information on Itjen, and photographs of him and West, are available in the article “A very brief history of Skagway tourism” from Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park website.
- At 10:11, Veronica mentions William Yanert and Purgatory, AK.

Purgatory, AK and St. Nicholas. From: Eby, Shelland, and Stark tourist papers, Alaska Historical Society collections, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
- At 10:15, Veronica mentions Edwin Glenn. The Archives has Glenn’s papers relating to his expeditions in Alaska: Edwin Glenn papers, HMC-0116
- 11:20 Mildred and Robert Mowrer photograph album
- 14:48 Ada and Olia tourist scrapbook
- 16:48 Emma and William Vogelin scrapbooks
- 19:42 Ashley and Ruth Larkin tourist scrapbooks
- 21:44 Alvin and Betty Verser tourist photograph album
- 24:00 Our most recent collection tourism collection is the Gene and Phyllis Krisher papers
- 24:46 Al E. Beyer tourist photograph album and papers
- 26:21 Simpson family photograph album
- 31:47 Tom Faraday tourist photograph album
- 32:09 Eby, Shelland, and Stark tourist papers
- 32:15 Cornelia and Renier Kessels scrapbook
- 32:19 Lois Little papers
- 32:58 Veronica mentions a tour group that was sponsored by a Baptist community church: Baptist tour group member photograph album
- 33:00 Peter L. Ferry family photographs
- At 38:45 Arlene mentions a time-lapse glacier project. Unfortunately, we could not find that particular project, but we found a similar project on the Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve page: Glacier Bay’s glaciers through time