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Preserving audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska

 Preserving audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska, funded by CLIR Recordings at Risk

In 2019, Archives and Special Collections was awarded a grant to digitize selected audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska and the circumpolar north by the Council on Library and Information Resources Recordings at Risk program. Many of the items selected for digitization could not be played in their original formats due to condition issues and a lack of necessary equipment. This project allows the Archives to make these items available to researchers for the first time. Some number of items were digitized under the grant and 30 were made accessible online through Alaska’s Digital Archives and the Archives and Special Collections YouTube channel. The items that were not selected to go online are duplicates of other recordings, or contain culturally sensitive information not appropriate for online dissemination. The items digitized for the grant are part of the following collections:

Alaska Native Health Career Program records
Elinor Delight Gregg video
Walter Johnson papers
Frederick A. Milan papers
William J. Mills, Jr. papers
William W. Richards papers
Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings
American Society for Circumpolar Health records
Charles V. Lucier papers
Helen Dittman Beirne papers

To the extent possible under law,UAA/APU Consortium Library Archives and Special Collections
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to metadata associated with this project.

This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Council on Library and Information Resources logo

Alaska Native Health Career Program records

“Academic Advising: The Minority Key”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-01 and -02
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “Academic Advising: The Minority Key”
Description:A video instructing academic advisors in supporting minority students studying health sciences. The video includes a panel with John Eagleday (Seattle Indian Center), Daniel Ursic (University of Washington advisor), Lilliantyne Fields (UW faculty), Raymond Lewis (student at UW), and Dr. Zenaido Camacho (dean for students at UW School of Medicine). This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Washington. School of Medicine
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Academic advising; Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians
Personal Names: Eagleday, John; Ursic, Daniel; Lewis, Raymond; Fields, Lilliantyne; Camacho, Zenaido
Location: Seattle (Washington)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

 “Alaska Careers Exploration, Program #5: Health”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-03
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “Alaska Careers Exploration, Program #5: Health”
Description: This video details the health careers available in Alaska. Careers highlighted include that of a physician, a health administrator, a medical technologist, a registered nurse, and a dental assistant. This video was digitized with support by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Native Health Service
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings:
Health care; Health care personnel; Health education; Nurses; Nursing; Physicians; Medical education; Administrative agencies; Vocational education; Health care facilities; Alaska Natives

Personal Names: Cammack, David; Enright, Mary; Malone, Gladys; Morry, Lu; Sozoff, Jim; Winkleman, Rose
Location: Alaska
Date: 1978
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23088/rec/5

 Caribou Cutback Affects Food Choice”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-04
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “Caribou Cutback Affects Food Choice”
Description: This video presentation depicts nutritionists, community health aides, and traditional healers discussing a caribou shortage, the impact of the shortage on Alaska Native life and culture, and possible food alternatives. It was filmed in Kotzebue. The video features Della Keats, Nellie Griest (Shungnak), Rose Horner (Kobuk), Emma Ramoth (Selawik), Betsy Nobman, Lillian Johnson, Irma Hunnicutt, and Nora Booth. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Native Health Service
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Healers; Healing; Health; Nutrition; Food; Food relief; Hunting; Fishing; Foraging; Women; Caribou; Inupiat–Food; Subsistence fishing; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska; Alaska Natives–Western Alaska
Personal Names: Keats, Della; Nobmann, Betsy; Booth, Nora; Griest, Nellie; Ramoth, Emma; Johnson, Lillian; Hunnicutt, Irma; Horner, Rose
Location: Alaska; Kotzebue (Alaska)
Date: 1976
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Inupiaq
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23102/rec/3

AFN Health Careers Program Presents Cody Bearpaw

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-05 to -09; uaa-0094-b3-03 to -05 (duplicates)
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: AFN Health Careers Program Presents Cody Bearpaw
Description: Title taken from title screen. Circa 1974-1979. This video depicts a presentation created by the Alaska Federation of Natives featuring Cody Bearpaw, a Cree folk singer. Bearpaw sings two songs and discusses violence at his past performances, Native identity and unification, the importance of education, and his experience in veterinarian school. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health education; Music; Folk singers; Universities & colleges Veterinary medicine; Prejudice; Racism; Minorities; Guitars; Headdresses; Alaska Natives
Personal name: Bearpaw, Cody
Corporate name: Alaska Federation of Natives
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1974-1979 Alaska
Language: English
Type: MovingImage
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23096/rec/2

“WAMI, Minority Counseling: A Friend in Need”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-10
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “WAMI, Minority Counseling: A Friend in Need”
Description: Millie Russell (director of the Preprofessional Program for Minorities in Health Sciences at the University of Washington), Dr. Zenaido Camacho (dean of students at UW School of Medicine), Bob Wright (high school science teacher), and Ed Lew (high school counselor) discuss the importance of extra support for minority students pursuing health science degrees, how to prepare minority high school students for college, and what resources and techniques counselors can use to recruit and retain minorities in the health sciences. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Washington. School of Medicine
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Academic advising; Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians; Minorities — education; WAMI Medical Program
Personal Names: Russell, Millie; Camacho, Zenaido; Wright, Bob; Lew, Ed
Location: Seattle (Washington)
Date: 1977
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“WAMI, Fairbanks Satellite Admissions”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-11
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “WAMI, Fairbanks Satellite Admissions”
Description: The video documents a meeting of the Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho medical school program admissions’ counselors in Seattle. They discuss the use of students on the admissions committee, admissions interviews, interviews by satellite, and the reasons behind the low rates of African-American, Alaska Native, and Native American students completing their applications. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Washington. School of Medicine
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: College admission officers; Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians; Minorities — education; WAMI Medical Program
Location: Seattle (Washington)
Date: 1977 December 14
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“Dental Recruitment in Alaska, Linda DeWitt”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-12
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “Dental Recruitment in Alaska, Linda DeWitt”
Description: This video depicts dental student Kenneth Cameron and other unnamed doctors and patients explaining dental careers, describing dental exams and procedures, and demonstrating medical hypnosis. Content warning: footage depicts oral injections of anesthetic. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Unknown
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Dentists; Dentistry; Hypnosis and altered states of consciousness
Location: Unknown
Date: Undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“WAMI, A Successful Student: How Parents Can Help”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b2-13 and -14
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “WAMI, A Successful Student: How Parents Can Help”
Description: This video presentation depicts Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde (associate dean at the University of Washington School of Nursing) Millie Russell (director of the Preprofessional Program for Minorities in Health Sciences at UW), Mike Costellano (Office of Minority Affairs at UW), Celia Longoria (Idaho Health Department), and Van Chase (associate faculty and counselor for minorities at UW) discuss the importance of parental support for minority students pursuing health careers and describing the educational paths and scholarships available. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Washington School of Medicine
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Academic advising; Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians; Minorities — education; Parenting; WAMI Medical Program
Personal Names: Russell, Millie; Costellano, Michael; Longoria, Celia; Chase, Van
Location: University of Washington. School of Medicine
Date: 1978
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“You Can Do It, We Can Help”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-01
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “You Can Do It, We Can Help”
Description: This video presentation depicts Dr. Zenaido Camacho (dean of students at UW School of Medicine), Millie Russell (director of the Preprofessional Program for Minorities in Health Sciences at UW), Ed Lew (high school counselor), Rosse Norris (UW health career planner), Dr. J.C. Lara (assistant professor of microbiology at UW), and Donna Lavellie (physical therapy student at UW) discussing the obstacles and ways to overcome them in preparing for, applying to, and completing a health science degree as a minority student. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Washington. School of Medicine; University of Washington. Instructional Media Services
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Academic advising; Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians; Minorities — education; WAMI Medical Program
Personal Names: Russell, Millie; Lew, Ed, Norris, Rosse; Lara, J.C; Lavellie, Donna
Location: University of Washington. School of Medicine
Date: 1978
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

Interview with Ted Mala

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-02
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Interview with Ted Mala
Description: This video depicts an interview between Ted Mala, a medical student, and Linda DeWitt. Topics discussed include the requirements to enter medical school, Mala’s educational experience, his challenges as a minority student, the obstacles to getting into medical school, and the need for Alaska Native physicians. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Native Health Career Program
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health education; Health care; Diversity — Health care; Physicians; Minorities — Education; Alaska Natives — Education
Personal Names: Mala, Ted; DeWitt, Linda
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

Community Health Medics and Dental Exams in Rural Alaska

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-06
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Community Health Medics and Dental Exams in Rural Alaska
Description: This video recording depicts Henry Brown (community health medic in Aniak) operating a ham radio to contact health clinics in Yukon-Koyukon region and shows patients receiving dental exams. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Native Health Career Program
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Dentistry; Community health aides; Ham radio; Alaska Natives — Western Alaska
Personal Names: Brown, Henry
Location: Aniak (Alaska); Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (Alaska)
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“It Can Be Done”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-07
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “It Can Be Done”
Description: A video produced by the Alaska Federation of Natives Health Career Development Program depicting shaman dances by George Jim and Laird Jones and interviews with Alaska Native students pursuing health careers. Interviewees include Jeff Gonnason, Ken Cameron, Henry Brown, Mary Nanuwak, and Ted Mala. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Vocational education; Medical education; Dentistry; Nursing; Advertising–Recruiting and enlistment; Community health aides; Physicians; Shamanism — Alaska; Healing; Healers; Dance — Alaska Native; Alaska Natives
Personal Names: Jim, George; Jones, Laird; Gonnason, Jeff; Cameron, Ken; Brown, Henry; Nanuwak, Mary; Mala, Ted
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“Gerry Ivey, Health Admin”

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-08
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “Gerry Ivey, Health Admin”
Description: This unedited video interview depicts Gerry Ivey, the executive officer for the Alaska Area Native Health Service. Ivey describes his job, attributes that make a successful health administrator, and the education required to be a health administrator. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Health administration; Medical education; Alaska Natives
Personal Names: Ivey, Gerry
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

Interview with Ken Cameron

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-09
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Interview with Ken Cameron
Description: This unedited video interview depicts Ken Cameron, a dental student in Sitka, Alaska. He describes how he prepared for college and dental school, the work he does day-to-day, the need for Alaskan dentists, and the attributes that make a successful dentist. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Dentistry; Medical education; Alaska Natives
Personal Names: Cameron, Ken
Location: Sitka (Alaska)
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

Interview with Jeff Gonnason

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-10
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Interview with Jeff Gonnason
Description: This unedited video interview depicts eye exams and an interview with an optometry student at Pacific University in Oregon. Jeff Gonnason (Ketchikan) describes the education required to be an optometrist, the day-to-day job of an optometrist, and the versatility of a health science degree. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Optometry; Medical education; Alaska Natives
Personal Names: Gonnason, Jeff
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1975
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

Health Careers Opportunities presentation, circa 1977

Identifier: uaa-0094-b3-11 to -14
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Health Careers Opportunities presentation, circa 1977
Description: This audiocassette records a Health Careers Opportunities presentation by Diane Harborson and an unidentified man. Topics discussed include: Section 787 of the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1976, grant application processes, grant reporting, the Special Health Career Opportunity Grant (SHCOG) Program, and instructions for receiving federal funding for a health career education. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Medical education; Alaska Natives; Grants-in-aid; Scholarships
Personal Names: Harborson, Diane
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1977
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/

“Why Not Medicine”

Identifier: uaa-0094-film1 and -film2
Collection Name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: Why Not Medicine, 1977 July 19
Description: This 15-minute film was produced by the Alaska Federation of Natives’ Alaska Native Health Career Program to promote health careers for Alaska Natives. Footage depicts interviews with elders explaining the need for Alaska Native health professionals and with Alaska Natives in health careers, a dramatization of a boy leaving his village to visit a hospital, and pre-medical student Henry Brown (Mountain Village) conducting health examinations in Yup’ik and visiting a cemetery. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health education; Health care; Physicians; Alaska Natives
Location: Utqiagvik (Alaska); Mountain Village (Alaska); Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1977 July 19
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Central Yup’ik
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23335/rec/4

“A Taste of Medicine,” circa 1977

Identifier: uaa-0094-film3 and -film4
Collection name: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, 1971-1985. UAA-0094
Title: “A Taste of Medicine,” circa 1977
Description: This 20-minute educational film depicts a fictional Alaska Native classroom in which two youths learn about traditional medicine, community health aides, visiting hospitals outside of the village, and the importance of going to the dentist and the optometrist. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: Alaska Native Health Career Program records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health education; Education; Children; Dentistry; Optometry; Physicians; Nurses; Healing; Storytelling; Teachers; Alaska Natives
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/university-records/ccreerecords/uaa-0094/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23336/rec/5

Elinor Delight Gregg video

A Public Health Nurse in Alaska

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0424
Collection Name: Elinor Delight Gregg video, 1936. UAA-HMC-0424
Title: A Public Health Nurse in Alaska
Description:  This is a black and white silent motion picture video recorded by public health nurse Elinor Delight Gregg in 1936. The footage includes: a journey on the North Star through the Inland Passage; stops at Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Juneau; views of Seward, Cordova, a train in the Seward station, Mountain View, and Anchorage; a flight to Nome and its scenery; a float plane; views of interior villages (possibly Dillingham, Bethel, Kanakanak, and Unalakleet); views of hospital interiors and hospital staff; homes; boats; a garden; a fish wheel; people; home interiors; the hospital exterior; Barrow; sailors taking a sounding; women making fried bread; a kayak; an umiak; a sailboat; a surgical operation; people; various villages (possibly Point Hope, Kotzebue, and Kivalina); a cemetery; villagers killing part of the Kivalina reindeer herd; King Island; a DC-3 airplane; Fairbanks; and Tanana. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Gregg, Elinor D.
Required citation: Elinor Delight Gregg video, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Nurses; Hospital supplies; Hospitals; Physicians; Villages; Ships; Airplanes; Reindeer; Women; Children; Schools; Aerial views; Sailors; Sailing ships; Houses; Cemeteries; Railroad cars; Surgery; Umiaks; Whalebone; Fishwheels; Floatplanes; Alaska Natives–Southeast Alaska; Alaska Natives–Interior Alaska; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska; Alaska Natives–Western Alaska
Corporate name: North Star (Supply ship)
Location: Kotzebue (Alaska); King Island (Alaska); Kivalina (Alaska); Ketchikan (Alaska); Kanakanak (Alaska); Wrangell (Alaska); Juneau (Alaska); Seward (Alaska); Cordova (Alaska); Nome (Alaska); Dillingham (Alaska); Bethel (Alaska); Unalakleet (Alaska); Barrow (Alaska); Utqiagvik (Alaska); Fairbanks (Alaska); Tanana (Alaska)
Date: 1936
Type: MovingImage
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0424/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23067/rec/2

Walter Johnson papers

Audio letter, Part 2, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b2-36-1
Collection Name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Audio letter, Part 2, undated
Description: Part 2 of an audio letter from Dr. Walter Johnson to an unidentified friend and Anita. Topics discussed include Dr. Johnson’s new relationship and divorce trial. Recording skips occasionally. This dictabelt was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Physicians; Divorce; Relationships;
Personal names; Johnson, Walter
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Trip to Chevak, 1955 October

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b2-36-2
Collection Name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Trip to Chevak, 1955 October
Description: Title taken from beginning of recording. 1955 October. This is a dictabelt audio recording of Dr. Walter Johnson describing a trip to Chevak. Topics discussed include: Jimmix Samuelson, interpreting at health clinics, difficult dental extractions without anesthesia, the dentist Mike Nayheak, a square dance, Father Wood, the temperament of the Chevak village, the high rate of fathers in tuberculosis sanatoriums, a new kasidak, health conditions in Chevak, the need for new housing, and an emergency landing in a creek near Chevak.  Recording skips occasionally. This dictabelt was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Villages; Tuberculosis; Dentistry; Dance parties; Housing; Air travel; Sanatoriums; Fathers; Alaska Natives–Western Alaska
Personal names; Samuelson, Jimmix; Nayheak, Michael
Location: Chevak (Alaska)
Date: 1955 October
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23360/rec/2

Field Trip to the Yukon, 1955 November

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b2-36-3
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Field Trip to the Yukon, 1955 November
Description: Title taken from beginning of recording. 1955 November. This is a dictabelt audio recording of Dr. Walter Johnson describing a trip to the Lower Yukon region. Topics discussed include: Lower Yukon residents’ eagerness to see a doctor, Father Segundo Llorente, alcoholism, the death and birth rates of the region, the prevalence of a reliance on welfare, and the weather. Recording skips occasionally. This dictabelt was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Alcoholism; Weather: Births; Death; Villages; Public health; Alaska Natives–Western Alaska
Personal Name: Llorente, Segundo
Location: Yukon River (Alaska)
Date: 1955 November
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23353/rec/1

Audio letter, Part 1, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b2-36-4
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Audio letter, Part 1, undated
Description: Part 1 of an audio letter from Dr. Walter Johnson to an unidentified friend and Anita. Topics discussed include: his wife Mary’s depression and increased absence from the home, his children’s bouts with chicken pox, his divorce, a trip to Fairbanks, and the beginning of a new relationship. Recording skips occasionally. This dictabelt was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Divorce; Alcoholism; Relationships; Chicken pox; Family
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Field trip to Lower Yukon, 1955

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b2-36-5
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Field trip to Lower Yukon, 1955
Description: This dictabelt records Dr. Walter Johnson describing a trip to the Lower Yukon region. Topics discussed include: mission a flight out of Alakunuk, Axel Johnson, a clinic in Quiguk [?], a story about a medicine man replacing a woman’s uterus with a seal’s uterus, medicine men’s treatment of tuberculosis, tooth extractions, dental hygiene practices, and attempts at refractions. Recording skips occasionally.This dictabelt was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Physicians; Traditional medicine; Healing; Tuberculosis; Fertility; Dentistry; Tooth removal; Shamanism; Alaska Natives — Western Alaska
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: Alakunuk (Alaska); Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (Alaska)
Date: 1955
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“From Johnson to Bill English/Syd Stealy,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-2-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “From Johnson to Bill English/Syd Stealy,” undated
Description: This audio reel records a band rehearsal with bass, guitar, and drums. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Music; Bands (Music); Rehearsals
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Audio Digest — Internal Medicine with Dr. Thorne,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-3-A to -C
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Audio Digest — Internal Medicine with Dr. Thorne,” undated
Description: This audio reel records a speech calling for more research into treatments for inflammatory diseases and encouraging physicians to research studies thoroughly and of a band rehearsal with guitar, bass, and drums. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Continuing education; Research; Music; Bands (Music); Rehearsals
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“From James Ferrell, surgeon in Puerto Rico,” 1960 April 12-13

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-4
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “From James Ferrell, surgeon in Puerto Rico,” 1960 April 12-13
Description: This audio reel records a letter to the Walter Johnson family describing Easter celebrations in Puerto Rico, Walt’s possible work assignment in Portland, a visit to St. Thomas, a tour of the Yacht “Christina,” the arrival of a new dentist, low visit rates to the health clinic, El Yunque Mountain, Walter’s new resident, the demise of the free practice of medicine due to politics, the threat of socialism, waste in the Navy, politics and the desire for statehood in Puerto Rico, and travel to Europe. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Farrell, James
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Puerto Rico; Yachting; Health care; Statehood (American politics); Travel; Easter; Socialism
Personal Names: Farrell, James; Johnson, Walter
Location: Puerto Rico
Date: 1960 April 12-13
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“From CJ Hudson,” 1958

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-5
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “From CJ Hudson,” 1958
Description: This audio reel records a letter to the Walter Johnson family describing a birthday party, Alaskan statehood, and family life. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Hudson, C.J.
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Statehood (American politics) — Alaska; Family life; Birthday parties
Personal Names: Hudson, C.J.; Johnson, Walter
Location: unknown
Date: 1958
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Child reading about animals, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-6
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Child reading about animals, undated
Description: This audio reel records a child reading about penguins and dolphins. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Children; Reading; Literacy; Dolphins; Penguins; Children’s books
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Children’s recital and Audio Digest — Internal Medicine, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-7-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Children’s recital and Audio Digest — Internal Medicine, undated
Description: This audio reel records an unidentified children’s music recital and a panel discussion on the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease presented by Audio Digest — Internal Medicine. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Children; Music; Musical performance; Physicians; Health education; Continuing Education; Thyroid diseases
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Lecture on sales efficiency and time management, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-8-A to -C
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Lecture on sales efficiency and time management, undated
Description: This audio reel records a lecture on sales efficiency and time management. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Sales; Marketing; Time management; Continuing education
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Francis Lee,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-9
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Francis Lee,” undated
Description: This audio reel records a man (likely Francis Lee) singing an Alaska Native [Gwich’in?] song. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Traditional songs; Alaska Natives; Music; Musical performaces
Personal Name: Lee, Francis
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Francis Lee,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-10-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Francis Lee,” undated
Description: This audio reel records Francis Lee telling stories of medicine men and life before doctors came to the Black River region. The beginning of the reel also contains Mary Johnson playing the Hammond organ. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Physicians; Traditional medicine; Healing; Shamanism; Hammond organ; Alaska Natives — Western Alaska
Personal Name: Lee, Francis; Johnson, Walter
Location: Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Eskimo Dance Songs,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-11
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Eskimo Dance Songs,” undated
Description: This audio reel records Alaska Native dance songs. Poor quality recording. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Dance; Drumming; Traditional songs; Alaska Natives
Location: Alaska
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Hammond organ performance, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-12-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Hammond organ performance, undated
Description: This audio reel records an unidentified person (possibly Mary Johnson) playing the Hammond organ. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Dance; Drumming; Traditional songs; Alaska Natives
Personal Name: Johnson, Mary
Location: Alaska
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Meeting of the Anchorage Service Unit Native Board of Health,” 1973 September

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-13-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Meeting of the Anchorage Service Unit Native Board of Health,” 1973 September
Description: This audio reel records a meeting of the Anchorage Service Unit Native Board of Health. Topic include patient grievances, the building of health clinics in villages, prevalence and treatment of botulism in Alaska, member introductions, and approval of a previous meeting’s minutes. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Rural health clinics; Grievance procedures; Public health; Health administration; Botulism; Alaska Natives
Corporate Name: Alaska Native Health Service; Anchorage Service Unit Native Board of Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1973 September
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Classical music and audio letter, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-14-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Classical music and audio letter, undated
Description: This audio reel records a classical music recital and an audio letter to Martha. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Classical music; Correspondence
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“CHAP meetings,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-15-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “CHAP meetings,” undated
Description: This audio reel records a lecture on Alaska Native cultures and historic interactions with non-Natives and a Community Health Aide Program meeting. Poor audio quality. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska — History; Alaska Natives — History; Culture — Alaska Native; Community health aides
Corporate Name: Community Health Aide Program (Alaska)
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Lipoproteins,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-16
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Lipoproteins,” undated
Description: This audio reel records Dr. Walter Johnson dictating a lecture on the determination and significance of lipoproteins to his wife Mary. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Health education; Lipoproteins
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Meeting on Alaska Native health care, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-17
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Meeting on Alaska Native health care, undated
Description: This audio reel records a meeting on Alaska Native health care, possibly in St. Mary’s Village. Topics discussed include health care services available in Lower Yukon region, issues with care in that region, and picking a location for a new hospital. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Rural health clinics; Hospitals; Construction; Health care issues, costs, and access
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: Alaska; St. Mary’s Village (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Meeting on Alaska Native health care and CHAP meeting, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-18-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Meeting on Alaska Native health care, undated
Description: This audio reel records presentations and a discussion at a meeting (possibly of the Community Health Aide Program or the Anchorage Service Unit Board of Health) about hospital discharges, referral plans, the exchange of medical information across hospitals and clinics, and the availability of addiction treatment and family counseling in Anchorage. The reel also has a recording of a meeting (likely in St. Mary’s Village) discussing the location of a new hospital in the Lower Yukon region and the provision of housing for patients and visiting health care professionals. Audio also includes Dr. Walter Johnson’s commentary on the meeting in which he lists participants: Moses Pauakan (St. Mary’s), Billy Beans (St. Mary’s), Louie Immamak (Emmonak), Paul Philip (Alakunuk), Axel Johnson (Emmonak), Tony Lewis (Bethel), and Paul Dixon (management consultant to St. Mary’s). The recording ends with a meeting (possibly of the Community Health Aide Program or the Anchorage Service Unit Board of Health) discussing health care education, nursing, and referrals. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Rural health clinics; Hospitals; Construction; Health care issues, costs, and access; Addiction; Family counseling; Health education
Personal Names: Johnson, Walter; Pauakan, Moses; Beans, Billy; Immamak, Louie; Philip, Paul; Johnson, Axel; Lewis, Tony; Dixon, Paul
Corporate Name: Community Health Aide Program (Alaska); Alaska Native Health Service
Location: Alaska; St. Mary’s Village (Alaska); Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Mary K.,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-24-A and -B
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Mary K.,” undated
Description: This audio reel records an unidentified person (possibly Mary Johnson) playing the Hammond organ accompanied by a male singer (likely Walter Johnson). This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Music; Bands (Music); Rehearsals; Hammond organ
Personal Names: Johnson, Walter; Johnson, Mary K.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Review of the American Journal of Medicine,” 1958 January

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-25
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Review of the American Journal of Medicine,” 1958 January
Description: This audio reel records Dr. Walter Johnson reading articles from the American Journal of Medicine. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Continuing education; Health education
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Corporate Name: Journal of the American Medical Association
Location: unknown
Date: 1958 January
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Hammond organ radio program, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-26
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Hammond organ radio program, undated
Description: This audio reel records a radio program of Hammond organ music. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Music; Radio programs; Hammond organ
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Mary K. Johnson,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b6-27
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Mary K. Johnson,” undated
Description: This audio reel records an unidentified person (likely Mary Johnson) playing the Hammond organ. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Music; Hammond organ
Personal Name: Johnson, Mary K.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

“Oral history John Samuelson [of] Bethel, March 8, 1982”

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b7-18-1
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Oral history John Samuelson [of] Bethel, March 8, 1982”
Description: This audiocassette records an interview of John Samuelson by Dr. Walter Johnson. Topics discussed include: Samuelson’s birth in Nushagak and his family history, his childhood moving between Oscarville and Holy Cross, fishing on the Kuskokwim, his father’s boats, how Frank Walker lost his toes, his 1916 sailing voyage to Seattle, working in his father’s store, carrying the mail by dogsled, his marriage to Margaret Mary Hoffman, the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic, the refusal to allow the mailman into the village, a trader named Klondike Johnson, the 1930s in Nunapitchuk, gun possession rates, his home in Bethel, his children, and his illness as a child in Akiak. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska Natives — Western Alaska; Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919; Dogsledding; Postal service; Health care; Diseases; Family life
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter; Samuelson, John
Location: Bethel (Alaska); Nushagak (Alaska); Oscarville (Alaska); Holy Cross (Alaska); Nunapitchuk (Alaska); Akiak (Alaska)
Date: 1982 March 8
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Comments on Ludwig Ost, 1999 December 2

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b7-18-2
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: Comments on Ludwig Ost, 1999 December 2
Description: Title created by describer. 1999 December 2.  This is an audiocassette recording of Dr. Walter Johnson at home in Homer introducing a lost 17 November 1983 interview with Ludwig Ost at the Anchorage Pioneer Home. Topics include: his meeting of Ost in Marshall, Alaska, 1955, his visits with Ost throughout the 1980’s, Ost’s sensitivity about the sale of Golovin’s reindeer herd, Ost’s account of the diphtheria scare in Nome during the 1900’s, Ost’s 1885 birth in Sweden, Ost’s account of the “Three Lucky Swedes,” and Ost’s children. The recording seems to have been made for the surviving Ost family. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Pioneers; Reindeer; Gold rushes; Animal auctions; Reindeer farming
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: Anchorage (Alaska); Nome (Alaska); Marshall (Alaska); Homer (Alaska)
Date: 1999 December 2
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23361/rec/3

“Death and Dying. W. Johnson. Given at Homer U/M,” 2000

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0932-b7-18-3
Collection name: Walter Johnson papers, 1902-2016, bulk 1961-1978. UAA-HMC-0932
Title: “Death and Dying. W. Johnson. Given at Homer U/M,” 2000
Description: This audiocassette records Dr. Walter Johnson giving a speech on his life, death, funerals, and grief. Poor audio quality. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Johnson, Walter
Required citation: Walter Johnson papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Autobiography; Health care; Alaska — History; Grief; Funeral rites and ceremonies
Personal Name: Johnson, Walter
Location: Anchorage (Alaska); Nome (Alaska); Marshall (Alaska); Homer (Alaska)
Date: 2000
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0932/

Frederick A. Milan papers

“For Inupiam Ukaluni (Mildred Leavitt & DH Webster),” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-1
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “For Inupiam Ukaluni (Mildred Leavitt & DH Webster),” undated
Description: Title taken from audio reel label. This is an audio reel recording of a man and woman speaking Inupiat, possibly reading from a children’s reader. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska Natives — Northern Alaska — Inupiaq; Language and languages; Children’s books; Inupiaq dialect
Personal name: Leavitt, Mildred; Webster, D.H.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Health, Disease & Behavior — The International Study of Eskimos. Arranged by David Hughes; Chairman, F. Milan, 1969, Session 2”

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-2-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Health, Disease & Behavior — The International Study of Eskimos. Arranged by David Hughes; Chairman, F. Milan, 1969, Session 2”
Description: Title taken from audio reel label. This is an audio reel recording of conference presentations discussing the dentition growth statistics of various Eskimo groups (Dr. Dahlberg), the physical fitness and respiratory function of Wainwright Eskimos (Dr. D. Rennie), the cardiovascular health of Wainwright Eskimos (Dr. D. Rice), the growth of Wainwright Eskimo children (Dr. Paul L. Jamison), and the circadian and circannual rhythms in Wainwright Eskimos (Dr. J. Bohlen). This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska Natives; Dentition; Teeth; Respiration; Alaska Natives — Constitution; Cardiovascular system — Research; Human growth; Circadian rhythms; Circumpolar health; Public health; Physicians
Personal name: Hughes, David; Jamison, Paul L.; Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: International Study of Eskimos
Location: Wainwright (Alaska)
Date: 1969
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Health, Disease & Behavior — The International Study of Eskimos. Arranged by David Hughes; Chairman, F. Milan, 1969, Session 1”

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-3-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Health, Disease & Behavior — The International Study of Eskimos. Arranged by David Hughes; Chairman, F. Milan, 1969, Session 1”
Description: Title taken from audio reel label. This is an audio reel recording of conference presentations discussing the heights and growth spurts of Eskimos, health reports on the residents of Iglulik and Hall Beach for the International Study of Eskimos (Dr. Jack Hildes), cultural impacts on Alaska Native dentition (Dr. John Mayhall), growth and development in the Iglulik people (Dr. Joann de Peña), and the physical working capacity of indigenous children (Dr. Kemper [?]). This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: First Nations; First Nations — Constitution; Iglulik Eskimos; Dentition; Human growth; Circumpolar health; Public health; Physicians
Personal name: Hildes, J. A. (John A.); de Peña, Joann; Hughes, David; Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: International Study of Eskimos
Location: Wainwright (Alaska)
Date: 1969
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Pt. Barrow Whole Body. Chlorimeter Eskimos, Hannon 1960”

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item04
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Pt. Barrow Whole Body. Chlorimeter Eskimos, Hannon 1960”
Description: Title taken from film label. Silent film recording of Arctic Research Laboratory facility in Barrow, Alaska. Film depicts physical examinations of a test subject and a water immersion experiment. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar health; Public health; Physicians; Cold adaptation–Arctic regions; Cold — Research; Water immersion; Human experimentation in medicine; Alaska Natives
Personal name: Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: United States. Arctic Research Laboratory
Location: Utqiaġvik (Alaska)
Date: 1960
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Arctic Aeromedical Lab, USAF, Cold Case,” circa 1965

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item05
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Arctic Aeromedical Lab, USAF, Cold Case,” circa 1965
Description: Title taken from film label. Silent film recording of a man in flight gear using survival equipment and building a shelter in the snow. The film also depicts the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory facility and a researcher fitting a test subject with biometric equipment. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar health; Public health; Physicians; Cold adaptation–Arctic regions; Cold — Research; Water immersion; Human experimentation in medicine; Survival
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.)
Location: Fort Wainwright (Alaska); Ladd Air Force Base (Alaska)
Date: circa 1965
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

Building Snow Huts, 1966 November

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item06
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: Building Snow Huts, 1966 November
Description: This 6-minute silent film footage depicts four men collecting firewood, building a bonfire, and building snow huts on a frozen lake in a forest. They are likely participating in research with the Arctic Aeromedical Research Laboratory. This film was digitized with support by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Fire; Bonfires; Shelters; Snow; Men; Cold; Winter; Research; Lakes & ponds; Forests; Survival and emergency rations
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Research Laboratory
Location: Alaska
Date: 1966 November
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23341/rec/2

USAF Survival Gear: Mukluks Test, 1965 April 23

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item07
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: USAF Survival Gear: Mukluks Test, 1965 April 23
Description: This 6-minute silent film depicts a man in an Air Force uniform fitting a test dummy with warm socks and boots labeled “Arctic Aeromedical Research Lab.” The dummy is then placed in a plane crash simulator, ejected into the air, and crash-landed using a parachute. This film was digitized with support by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Air forces; Air pilots; Research; Testing; Boots; Mannequins; Parachutes; Airplane equipment; Cold; Winter warfare; Survival and emergency rations; Mukluks
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Research Laboratory
Date: 1965 April 23
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23331/rec/1

USAF Survival Gear: Vapor Barrier Boots Test, 1965 April 23

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item08
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: USAF Survival Gear: Vapor Barrier Boots Test, 1965 April 23
Description: This 5-minute silent film depicts a man in an Air Force uniform fitting a test dummy with vapor barrier [bunny] boots labeled “Arctic Aeromedical Research Lab.” The dummy is then placed in a plane crash simulator, ejected into the air, and crash-landed using a parachute. This film was digitized with support by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Air forces; Air pilots; Research; Testing; Boots; Mannequins; Parachutes; Airplane equipment; Cold; Winter warfare; Survival and emergency rations
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Research Laboratory
Date: 1965 April 23
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23343/rec/3

USAF Survival Gear: Vapor Barrier Boots Test, 1965 April 23

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item08
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: USAF Survival Gear: Vapor Barrier Boots Test, 1965 April 23
Description: This 5-minute silent film depicts a man in an Air Force uniform fitting a test dummy with vapor barrier [bunny] boots labeled “Arctic Aeromedical Research Lab.” The dummy is then placed in a plane crash simulator, ejected into the air, and crash-landed using a parachute. This film was digitized with support by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Air forces; Air pilots; Research; Testing; Boots; Mannequins; Parachutes; Airplane equipment; Cold; Winter warfare; Survival and emergency rations
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Research Laboratory
Date: 1965 April 23
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23343/rec/3

“Cold Water Immersion, Raft in Cold Chamber,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item09
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Cold Water Immersion, Raft in Cold Chamber,” undated
Description: This silent film recording depicts two Air Force researchers fitting a test subject with biometric equipment and cold water survival gear. The subject is then placed in a pull with a raft and instructed to get in the raft and put on gloves. The researchers then remove the subject from the pool, remove his gear, and place him in another pool. RESTRICTED: Identifiable human subject. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Cold — Research; Cold adaptation; Human experimentation in medicine; Health — Research; Survival; Water immersion
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.); United States. Air Force
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Building a Snow Hut, December 1964”

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-item10
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Building a Snow Hut, December 1964”
Description: Title taken from film label. Silent film recording of a man building a snow hut on a frozen lake. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Cold — Research; Cold adaptation; Human experimentation in medicine; Health — Research; Survival
Corporate name: Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory (U.S.)
Location: unknown
Date: 1964 December
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part I, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-11-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part I, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Dr. Frederick Milan serves as the Master of Ceremonies. Topics include the Hepatitis B virus, its relation to liver cancer, and its prevention (Dr. Baruch Blumberg); the relationship between the Alaska Public Health Association, University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Board of Consultants for Health and Social Services, and the U.S.S.R. (Dr. Lydia Novak, in Russian through a translator); the symposium’s opening (Dr. Wayne Meyers), the Public Health Service and the Alaska Native Council (Dr. Bernard Kelly and Dr. Faye Abdellah); Arctic health services research and delivery (Dr. John Robert Pugh); the relationship between Arctic health research and the environment (UA President Jay Barton II); the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (Dr. Dalee Sambo). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Alaska Natives; Circumpolar medicine; Hepatitis B; Liver — Cancer
Personal name: Blumberg, Baruch S., 1925-2011; Novak, Lydia; Meyers, Wayne Marvin, 1924-; Kelly, Bernard; Abdellah, Faye G.; Pugh, John; Barton, Jay, Jr.; Sambo, Dalee; Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health; United States. Public Health Service; University of Alaska Anchorage; Alaska Public Health Association; Inuit Circumpolar Conference; Alaska Native Council
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part II, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-12
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,”part II, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Topics include the approaches of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland in engaging indigenous peoples in their oral healthcare (Dr. John T. Mayhall) and paleo-pathological investigations of 500-year-old Eskimo mummies (Dr. Hart Hanson). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Inuit — Health care; Dentistry; Archaeology; Paleopathology; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Alaska Natives; Circumpolar medicine
Personal name: Mayhall, John T., 1937-; Hanson, Hart; Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part III, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-13-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part III, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Dr. Brian McMahon and Dr. William Mills serve as hosts. Topics include persistent viral infections (Dr. Peter Skinholz [?]) and the human physiological capacity to adapt to temperature (Dr. Jacques LeBlanc). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Cold adaptation; Physiology; Virus diseases; Circumpolar medicine
Personal name: McMahon, Brian; Mills, William J. (William James), 1951-; LeBlanc, Jacques G.; Skinholz, Peter
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part IV, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-14-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part IV, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Dr. Wayne Meyers acts as host. Topics include global population growth and its impact on health (Dr. Sripati Chandrasekhar) and the unique population research potentials in Iceland (Dr. Pedersdatter). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Population; Population research — Iceland; Circumpolar medicine
Personal name: Meyers, Wayne Marvin, 1924-; Chandrasekhar, S. (Sripati), 1918-2001
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part V, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-15-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part V, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Topics include recent research projects on clean water delivery and disposal in Alberta (unidentified speaker) and acculturation and mental health in circumpolar regions (Dr. John Barry). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Water demand management — Canada; Water quality; Acculturation; Mental health; Circumpolar medicine
Personal name: Meyers, Wayne Marvin, 1924-; Chandrasekhar, S. (Sripati), 1918-2001
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VI, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-16-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VI, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records lectures at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Peggy McMahon and Dr. Cindy Scherer act as hosts. Topics include descriptive and analytical epidemiology (unknown speaker); health care delivery options for remote patients (Dr. Sixton Haroldson [?]). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Circumpolar medicine; Epidemiology; Analytics; Remote health clinics; Rural health
Personal name: McMahon, Peggy; Scherer, Cindy; Haroldson, Sixton
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VII, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-17
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VII, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records a lecture at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. The lecture discusses public health issues in the U.S. and their relation to Arctic health associations (Dr. Victor Sidel). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Circumpolar medicine
Personal name: Sidel, Victor W.
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VIII, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-18-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part VIII, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records a lecture at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. The lecture discusses iron deficiency in Alaska Natives, its possible causes, and prevention (Dr. Leif Hallberg) and healthcare based in indigenous knowledge and the Spirit Movement started by traditional Inupiaq healer Della Keats, Nina Dahl, and Bertha Jennings in Kotzebue (unknown speaker). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Circumpolar medicine; Alaska Natives; Anemia; Healing; Traditional medicine
Personal name: Keats, Della; Dahl, Nina; Jennings, Bertha; Hallberg, L. (Leif)
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

“Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part IX, 1984

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-19-A and -B
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: “Symposium on Circumpolar Health,” part IX, 1984
Description: This audiocassette records a lecture at the 6th International Symposium on Circumpolar Health. Dr. Burns acts as host. Topics include the circumpolar health movement and Inuit health history (Dr. Otto Schaefer); health research in Siberia (Dr. Yuri Nikitin, in Russian through a translator); Arctic health research trends and challenges (Dr. Han Maurice [?]); and the coordination of health research in the Nordic countries (Dr. Per-Ola Granberg). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Physicians; Health–Research; Arctic Regions–Research; Circumpolar medicine; Alaska Natives; Inuit
Personal name: Schaefer, Otto; Nikitin, I︠U︡. V. (I︠U︡riĭ Vi︠a︡cheslavovich); Granberg, Per-Ola; Maurice, Han
Corporate name: International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1984
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/

Fred at Barrow, 1980

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0687-b9-20
Collection name: Frederick A. Milan papers, circa 1870-1995, bulk 1942-1995. UAA-HMC-0687
Title: Fred at Barrow, 1980
Description: Title taken from audiocassette label. 1980 February 17. This is an audiocassette recording of Frederick Milan’s travel diary on a trip to Barrow. Topics described include the flight from Fairbanks to join Ralph Eluska and Jerry Gilliland in Barrow; an interaction with John Aktovuk [?] on the plane; meeting Jacob Adams and other members of Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission; attending a church service led by Reverend Armstrong; visiting with Dan Saunders, the director of the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Charlie Edwardsen, a Hungarian named Otto,  an unknown family in Mr. Edwardsen’s house, and Ella and Josephine (hotel employees); the village’s response to whaling rights efforts; the high rates of white people and obesity in town; and how Inupiaq phrases sound on tape. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Milan, Frederick A.
Required citation: Frederick A. Milan papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Whaling; Air travel; Rural areas; Villages; Churches; Physicians; Communities; Eskimos–Alaska–Government relations; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska
Personal name: Eluska, Ralph; Gilliand, Jerry; Adams, Jacob; Edwardsen, Charles; Aktovuk, John
Corporate Name: Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission
Location: Barrow (Alaska); Utqiagvik (Alaska)
Date: 1980 February 17
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0687/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23356/rec/4

William J. Mills, Jr. papers

“Dr. Martin [Nemiroff], ‘Cold H2O Drowning,’” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1214-b5-1-A to -2-B
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Dr. Martin [Nemiroff], ‘Cold H2O Drowning,’” undated
Description: Title created by describer. This is an audiocassette recording of a lecture on cold water drowning by Dr. Martin Nemiroff sponsored by the Indiana University Aquatic School and Aquatic Health branch of HPER. Topics discussed include: demographics of drowning victims, the importance of CPR training, near drowning syndrome, the mental response during drowning, case studies of drowning victims, viability of drowning victims submerged for more than four minutes, physiologic response to cold water immersion, and rewarming and resuscitation techniques. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Mills, William J., Jr.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Health care; Cold — Research; Survival; Circumpolar medicine; Drowning; Health education; Physiology; Resuscitation; Water immersion
Personal name: Nemiroff, Martin J., 1940-
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“The Patient Too Hot and the Patient Too Cold,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1214-b5-3-A to -B
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “The Patient Too Hot and the Patient Too Cold,” undated
Description: This is an audiocassette recording of Audio Digest Family Practice vol. 28, no. 25’s lectures on heat illness by Dr. Joseph J. Bender and on hypothermia by Dr. Cameron C. Bang [?]. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Mills, William J., Jr.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Health care; Cold — Research; Hypothermia; Heat — Research; Continuing education; Survival; Health education; Physiology
Personal name: Bender, Joseph; Bang, Cameron C.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

Dr. Bill Mills’ Jack Hildes Award Acceptance Speech, 2003 September

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1214-b5-4-A
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Dr. Bill Mills’ Jack Hildes Award Acceptance Speech, 2003 September
Description: Title created by describer. 2003 September. This is an audiocassette recording of a dictated speech given in absentia by Dr. William J. Mills Jr. after receiving the Jack Hildes Award  during the 12th International Congress for Circumpolar Health in Nuuk, Greenland. Topics discussed include: Dr. Mills’ military career, the residual problems of cold injuries, and cold injury treatment. The end of the recording contains a conversation between an unidentified man and woman discussing their trip to Alaska. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Mills, William J., Jr.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Physicians; Health care; Medical aspects of war; Health care personnel; Cold; Research; Military medicine; Military service;Travel; Tourism; Public health
Location: Alaska
Date: 2003
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23384/rec/6

Description of trip to Alaska, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1214-b5-4-B
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Description of trip to Alaska, undated
Description: This audiocassette records an unidentified man and a woman named Jean describing a trip to Alaska to Carl and Vicky [?]. Topics discussed include: a cruise, Sitka, glaciers, Ketchikan, a ferry ride from Vancouver, and the flight back to Heathrow Airport. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Mills, William J., Jr.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Tourism; Travel — Alaska; Ocean travel; Glaciers; Ferries; Heathrow Airport (London, England)
Location: Ketchikan (Alaska); Sitka (Alaska); Vancouver (B.C.);
Date: undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Fluoroscan Imaging Systems,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1214-b5-item05
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Fluoroscan Imaging Systems,” undated
Description: This video contains an advertisement for Fluroscan Imaging Systems x-ray system. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Mills, William J., Jr.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Advertisements; X-rays; Imaging systems
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“‘SF-8-200 Freezing Injury’ Item #008279”

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item06
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “‘SF-8-200 Freezing Injury’ Item #008279”
Description: This video transfer of the “Freezing Injury” films depicts doctors working on frostbitten patients and Dr. William Mills discussing frostbite and cold injury. Dr. Mills also shows photographs of frostbitten body parts and discusses the specifics of each injury, thawing of the affected body part, recovery, and potential medical difficulties. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Cold; First aid; Health education; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services; Military medicine; Military training; Medical education
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: Alaska
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

Fisheries Safety and Survival Series videos, 1983

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item07
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Fisheries Safety and Survival Series videos, 1983
Description: These video recordings depict four Fisheries Safety and Survival Series videos regarding emergency responses to hypothermia, near drowning in cold water, sea survival and shore survival. The intended audience seem to be  fishermen, and the US Coast Guard Survival School in Kodiak assisted in production. The videos are a University of Alaska Instructional Telecommunication Services production and were filmed in Kodiak, AK. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: University of Alaska Fairbanks. Instructional Telecommunication Services
Contributors: United States. Coast Guard.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Accidents; Drowning; Cold; Shipwrecks; Marine accidents; Sailors; Oceans; First aid; Survival and emergency rations; Docks; Boats and boating
Location: Kodiak (Alaska)
Date: 1983
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23128/rec/5

Cold Injury, Dr. William Mills Lecture for NS 661

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item08 and -item09
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Cold Injury, Dr. William Mills Lecture for NS 661
Description:  This is a video recording of Dr. William Mills’ lecture on cold injury treatment to what is likely a University of Alaska Anchorage School of Nursing and Health Sciences class. This video contains graphic images of frostbite injuries. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject heading: Cold; First aid; Health education; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Corporate name: University of Alaska Anchorage. School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1992
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23128/rec/5

“The Rescue,” circa 1995

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item10
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “The Rescue,” circa 1995
Description: This video depicts a documentary video titled “The Rescue: The daring rescue of seven missionaries against impossible odds!” The video involved the plane crash and survival of members of “The Siberia Mission.” This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings:
Search and rescue operations — Bering Sea; Missionaries — Russia (Federation) — Siberia; Aircraft accidents

Corporate Name: Fellowship Ministries
Location: Bering Sea Coast (Alaska)
Date: circa 1995
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Cold Injury: Clinical Consensus Meeting”, undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item11
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Cold Injury: Clinical Consensus Meeting”, undated
Description: This video depicts a lecture where cold weather injuries and revival are discussed. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject heading: Cold; First aid; Health education; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

Cold Weather Injuries lecture by Dr. William Mills

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item12
Collection name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Cold Weather Injuries lecture by Dr. William Mills
Description: This video recording depicts a presentation on cold injury to the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle by Dr. William J. Mills in 1997. This video contains graphic images of frostbite injuries. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Cold; First aid; Health education; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Corporate Name: VA Puget Sound Health Care System (U.S.)
Location: Seattle (Wash.)
Date: 1997
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23158/rec/4

Pre-hospital Care Hypothermia/Frostbite lecture by Dr. William Mills

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item13
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: Pre-hospital Care Hypothermia/Frostbite lecture by Dr. William Mills
Description: In this video, Dr. Mills discusses hypothermia and immersion injury, cold injury in the form of frostbite, and a discussion for first responder and victims on immediate treatment of frostbite and hypothermia. This video contains graphic images of frostbite injuries. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Cold; First aid; Health education; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: Alaska
Date: 1983
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23131/rec/1

“Frostbite, rough cut,” circa 1997

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b5-item14
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Frostbite, rough cut,” circa 1997
Description: This video depicts Dr. James O’Malley and Dr. Mills, specialists in treating cold injury, discussing the various aspects of cold injury, prevention, and treatment for the video “Frostbite and Hypothermia.” The video was presented by Alaska Arctic Research Foundation. The video begins with an introduction by Dr. O’Malley and Dr. Mills, followed by Don Love as the character “Dr. O” discussing hypothermia and frostbite. Various scenarios are presented, and then photographs of frostbite are shown. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Cold; First aid; Health education; Hypothermia; Frostbite; Health care; Nursing; Physicians; Emergency medical services
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.; O’Malley, James; Love, Don
Corporate name: Alaska Arctic Research Foundation
Location: Alaska
Date: circa 1997
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Mt. McKinley,” 1983

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-b6-film1
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Mt. McKinley,” 1983
Description: This film depicts a helicopter landing at a camp on Mt. McKinley (Denali). People are seen loading supplies onto it before it takes off again. Dark and difficult to see scene of people possibly loading things into a vehicle and people changing clothes. No sound. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Helicopters; Mountains; Snow; Loading and unloading
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: Denali, Mount (Alaska)
Date: 1983
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23342/rec/6

“Pressure Measurement; U. of WA Orthopedics, Seattle, WA 98195 F.A. Matsen M.D.,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel1
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Pressure Measurement; U. of WA Orthopedics, Seattle, WA 98195 F.A. Matsen M.D.,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts a lecture explaining how to take tissue pressure measurements for the treatment of compartmental syndrome. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Health education; Compartment syndrome–Treatment; Tissue Culture–methods; Physicians
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: Seattle (Wash.)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Bethel Ortho. Clinic 1959”

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel2
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Bethel Ortho. Clinic 1959”
Description: This silent film reel depicts Dr. Mills examining patients at the Bethel orthopedic clinic, exterior shots of the hospital, children playing, buildings in the town, and dog teams. Dr. Mills and nurses place a cast on the leg of a young boy. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Rural health clinics; Orthopedics; Hospitals; Sled dogs; Casts
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: Bethel (Alaska)
Date: 1959
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“USAF Aerospace Audio-Visual Service: Oric-Freezing, 30 May 1966”

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel3
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “USAF Aerospace Audio-Visual Service: Oric-Freezing, 30 May 1966”
Description: This silent film reel depicts doctors amputating the forefoot on a patient with frostbite and includes several takes of Dr. William Mills presenting his slideshow on frostbite. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Surgery; Amputation; Frostbite; Cold; Patients; Health education
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Corporate name: United States. Aerospace Medical Division
Location: unknown
Date: 1966 May 30
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“MD-USA Part II,” 1984 December 21

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel4
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “MD-USA Part II,” 1984 December 21
Description: This film reel depicts the March of Medicine MD USA television program showing U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in Bethel. Dr George Wegman[?] gives medical advice to remote communities over radio. Shows village of Nikmute[?]. Follows the story of young boy Paul Tamugiak [?] as he comes to Bethel for an orthopedic evaluation. Shows Dr. William Mills coming from Anchorage to see orthopedic patients at Bethel. Shows patient examinations. Paul is fitted with a new leg brace and returns home. The program then visits Landsdale, Pennsylvania and Dr. David Moyer as he consults with patients at his office. He stops at a pharmacy and then visits patients. The program then visits Dr. Julius Fernandez[?] as he cares for a pregnant woman at a hospital in Franklin, Louisiana. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Rural health clinics; Orthopedics; Pharmacies; Ham radio; Patients; Pregnancy; March of medicine (Television program)
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.; Wegman, George; Tamugiak, Paul; Moyer, David; Fernandez, Julius; Tamugiak, Paul
Corporate name: United States. Public Health Service;
Location: Nikmute (Alaska); Bethel (Alaska); Landsdale (Penn.); Franklin (Louis.)
Date: 1984 December 21
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Dave Dolese First Part,” 1984 December 21

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel5
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Dave Dolese First Part,” 1984 December 21
Description: This film reel depicts the March of Medicine: MD USA television program (produced by Smith Kline & French Laboratories). It begins in Arizona with Dr. David Dolese seeing patients at a clinic for Navajo patients. Doctor Dolese is then shown at the hospital at the Ganado Mission performing gallbladder surgery on a woman he saw at the clinic. The program then visits Dr. Dan Dorchester in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin as he cares for migrant workers picking the local cherry crop. He then travels by plane to visit a patient suffering from a hemorrhaging ulcer. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Health clinics; Surgery; Gallbladder; Patients; Navajo; Ulcers; Migrant workers; March of medicine (Television program)
Personal name: Dolese, David; Dorchester, Dan
Corporate name: Smith, Kline & French Laboratories
Location: Ganado (Ariz.)
Date: 1984 December 21
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Freezing Injury, US Army, Fort Richardson, AK. Freezing Injury: Diagnosis and Care,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel6 and -FilmReel7
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Freezing Injury, US Army, Fort Richardson, AK. Freezing Injury: Diagnosis and Care,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts Dr. William Mills discussing the effects of cold injury on military operations through history. He goes on to discuss what frostbite is and the physiological processes that cause injury. Presents a slideshow of frostbitten body parts, discussing how the injury occurred and treatment of the patients’ injuries, and their eventual outcomes. Dr. Mills contrasts rapid rewarming in warm water with slower thawing in cold water or snow. It is the original film that most of UAA-HMC-1214-b5-item06 was duplicated from. Same as FilmReel8 but with an introduction and the entire amputation scene. Poor sound quality. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Survival; Hypothermia; Frostbite; Health education; Cold; Wounds and injuries; Military history
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Corporate name: United States. Army
Location: Fort Richardson (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Freezing injury, personal copy,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel8 and -FilmReel15
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Freezing injury, personal copy,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts Dr. William Mills discussing the effects of cold injury on military operations through history. He goes on to discuss what frostbite is and the physiological processes that cause injury. Presents a slideshow of frostbitten body parts, discussing how the injury occurred and treatment of the patients’ injuries, and their eventual outcomes. Dr. Mills contrasts rapid rewarming in warm water with slower thawing in cold water or snow. It is the original film that most of UAA-HMC-1214-b5-item06 was duplicated from.This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Survival; Hypothermia; Frostbite; Health education; Cold; Wounds and injuries; Military history
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Corporate name: United States. Army
Location: Fort Richardson (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #1,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel9
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #1,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts an acknowledgement and end screen to one of Dr. Mills’ lectures on cold injury. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health education
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #2,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel10
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #2,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts an outtake from Reel 8 showing Dr. Mills sitting on his desk speaking at the camera. There is no sound. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health education
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #3,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel11
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #3,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts a nurse wheeling a patient into a room on a stretcher. It cuts to a shot of a pair of frostbitten feet. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health education; Frostbite; Nurses; Patients
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #4,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel12
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “Outs & Trims: Freezing Injury Diagnosis & Care #4,” undated
Description: This film reel depicts outtakes from Reel 8. It includes shots of patients’ feet, a whirlpool bath, marking feet for amputation and Dr. Mills at his desk. There are several shots of slides from the slideshow. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health education; Frostbite; Patients; Amputation; Feet
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.
Location: unknown
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“For Dr. Dolese – 12/21/1984; Mills 1st Part”

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel13
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “For Dr. Dolese – 12/21/1984; Mills 1st Part”
Description: This film reel depicts the March of Medicine MD USA television program showing U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in Bethel. Dr George Wegman[?] gives medical advice to remote communities over radio. Shows village of Nikmute[?]. Follows the story of young boy Paul Tamugiak [?] as he comes to Bethel for an orthopedic evaluation. Shows Dr. William Mills coming from Anchorage to see orthopedic patients at Bethel. Shows patient examinations. Paul is fitted with a new leg brace and returns home. The program then visits Landsdale, Pennsylvania and Dr. David Moyer as he consults with patients at his office. He stops at a pharmacy and then visits patients. The program then visits Dr. Julius Fernandez[?] as he cares for a pregnant woman at a hospital in Franklin, Louisiana. Duplicate of Reel 4. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Rural health clinics; Orthopedics; Pharmacies; Ham radio; Patients; Pregnancy; March of medicine (Television program)
Personal name: Mills, William J., Jr.; Wegman, George; Tamugiak, Paul; Moyer, David; Fernandez, Julius; Tamugiak, Paul
Corporate name: United States. Public Health Service;
Location: Nikmute (Alaska); Bethel (Alaska); Landsdale (Penn.); Franklin (Louis.)
Date: 1984 December 21
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

“M.D. USA (Part 1) (Reel 1)”

Identifier: uaa-hmc-1214-FilmReel14
Collection Name: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, circa 1941-2005. UAA-HMC-1214
Title: “M.D. USA (Part 1) (Reel 1)”
Description: This film reel depicts the March of Medicine: MD USA television program (produced by Smith Kline & French Laboratories). It begins in Arizona with Dr. David Dolese seeing patients at a clinic for Navajo patients. Doctor Dolese is then shown at the hospital at the Ganado Mission performing gallbladder surgery on a woman he saw at the clinic. The program then visits Dr. Dan Dorchester in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin as he cares for migrant workers picking the local cherry crop. He then travels by plane to visit a patient suffering from a hemorrhaging ulcer. Duplicate of Reel 5. This film was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Required citation: William J. Mills, Jr. papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject: Physicians; Health care; Health clinics; Surgery; Gallbladder; Patients; Navajo; Ulcers; Migrant workers; March of medicine (Television program)
Personal name: Dolese, David; Dorchester, Dan
Corporate name: Smith, Kline & French Laboratories
Location: Ganado (Ariz.)
Date: 1984 December 21
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1214/

William W. Richards papers

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part I, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-01
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with Russian narcotic professionals in Magadan, Vladimir and Larissa. At least three English-speaking interviewers are present. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video covers the topics the treatment of drug addiction, the relationship between narcology and other health fields, and efforts to stop production of ephedrone. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part II, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-02
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with Russian narcotic professionals in Magadan, Vladimir and Larissa. Dr. Bill Richards and at least two other English-speaking interviewers are present. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video covers the difference between ephedrone and ephedrine, symptoms of ephedrone ingestion, and the treatment, study, and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part III, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-03
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part III, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with Russian narcotic professionals in Magadan, Vladimir and Larissa. Dr. Bill Richards and at least two other English-speaking interviewers are present. The video covers the topics of the response to child abuse in Alaska, the rates of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Alaska Natives and non-Natives, and the treatment and education of children with FASD. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Alaska Natives; Education
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part IV, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-04
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part IV, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with Russian narcotic professionals in Magadan, Vladimir and Larissa. Dr. Bill Richards and one other English-speaking interviewer are present. The video covers the topics of the education of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, the funding of public health efforts by NGOs and pharmaceutical companies, and the identification of FASD. The video includes a visit to a Russian clinic to point out the physical identifiers of FASD in newborns. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Education; Children
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part V, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-05
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part V, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with Russian narcotic professionals in Magadan, Vladimir and Larissa. Dr. Bill Richards and one other English-speaking interviewer are present. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video covers the development of a survey to assess the public’s view of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, a discussion of promotional materials to educate the public on FASD, and an interview with an ephedrone user. The video includes visits to a school for children with FASD and various sites around Magadan. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Education; Children
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian patient, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-06
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian patient, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts an interview with an ephedrone and alcohol user in Magadan, Russia. It was recorded when Dr. Bill Richards and other Alaskan public health professionals visited what appears to be an inpatient substance abuse center. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Content warning: the video includes discussion of depression and addiction. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Alcohol addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Depression
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part VI, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-07
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian narcotic professionals, part VI, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts interviews with ephedrone users and public health professionals in Magadan, Russia. It was recorded when Dr. Bill Richards and other Alaskan public health professionals visited what appears to be an inpatient substance abuse center. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Content warning: the video includes discussion of depression and addiction. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Drug addiction; Alcohol addiction; Public health; Health care; Narcotherapy; Depression; Substance abuse
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part I, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-08
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards of Alaska interviewing two psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video covers topics like patient records, the documentation of mental conditions, and the provision of mental health services in Magadan. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration; Patients
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part II, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-09
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part II, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards and other Alaskans interviewing psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video covers the topics of mental health in adolescents, the affect of mental health on crime rates, and the provision of mental health services in Magadan. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration; Teenagers; Crime
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part III, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-10
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part III, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards and other Alaskans interviewing psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video discusses crime and mental health services in Magadan. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration; Crime
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian mental health patients, part I, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-11
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian mental health patients, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards counseling a mental health patient with two Russian psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. The video discusses depression and mental health diagnoses and treatments in Magadan. RESTRICTED: Patient’s first name is used but their face is not shown. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Patients; Health administration
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian mental health patients, part II, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-12
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian mental health patients, part II, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards counseling two mental health patients with Russian psychiatrists and discussing mental health, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and substance abuse treatments in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. RESTRICTED: The second patient’s first name is used, he is a minor, and his face is shown. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Patients; Health administration; Substance abuse; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian mental health patients, part III, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-13
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian mental health patients, part III, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards interviewing a young male adolescent with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and discussing mental health patients’ cases with Russian psychiatrists. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. RESTRICTED: The patient’s first name is used, he is a minor, and his face is shown. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Patients; Health administration; Substance abuse; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part IV, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-14
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part IV, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards discussing mental health treatments and the state of mental health care with a Russian psychiatrist in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part I, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-15
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards discussing mental health treatments, the state of mental health care, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome with a Russian psychiatrist in Magadan, Russia. This is a continuation of a discussion in item 14. The video also depicts three interviews with mental health patients. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Content warning: discussion of suicide. RESTRICTED: Patient faces are clearly visible. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration; Depression; Drug addiction; Suicide; Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part II, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-16
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part II, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards interviewing mental health patients in Magadan, Russia. This is a continuation of the interviews in item 15. There is also a discussion of mental health care between Dr. Richards and a Russian psychiatrist. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Content warning: discussion of suicide. RESTRICTED: Patient faces are clearly visible. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Health administration; Depression; Drug addiction; Suicide
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part V, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-17
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists, part V, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards discussing mental health care for suicidal patients and patients’ cases with psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Content warning: discussion of suicide. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Depression; Drug addiction; Suicide
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part III, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-18
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian psychiatrists and patients, part III, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards interviewing mental health patients and psychiatrists in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. Topics discussed include substance abuse, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, mental health treatments, and juvenile mental health care. RESTRICTED: Patient faces are clearly visible. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Depression; Drug addiction; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Children
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian healers, part I, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-19
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian healers, part I, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards observing two women performing traditional healing on several patients, likely in Magadan, Russia. Dr. Richards and his daughter then interview the healers on their techniques and the use of healing energy. There is also an interview with a Russian psychiatrist about learning disabilities in schools, mental health stigmas, and paying for mental health care. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Traditional healers; Healing; Learning disabilities
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Interview with Russian healers, part II, circa 1991

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-20
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Interview with Russian healers, part II, circa 1991
Description: This video depicts Dr. Bill Richards and his daughter interviewing three traditional healers about their practice and observing patients receiving acupuncture, massage, and energy treatments. Likely filmed in Magadan, Russia. Dialogue is in Russian and English through a translator. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Public health; Health care; Psychiatry; Mental health — Treatment; Traditional healers; Healing; Acupuncture; Massage
Personal name: Richards, William W.
Location: Magadan (Russia)
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Russian
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

“Celebrating Alaska Native Cultures and Lifestyles,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-21
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: “Celebrating Alaska Native Cultures and Lifestyles,” undated
Description: This video depicts various Alaska Native dance and drum groups performing at an unknown event. Chukchi, Yupik, and Inupiaq dances are among those featured. Performed by groups like the Northern Light Dancers and the Chukchi Eskimo Dancers. This video was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Richards, William W.
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska Natives — Culture; Dance; Traditional songs
Corporate name: Northern Light Dancers; Chukchi Eskimo Dancers
Location: Alaska
Type: MovingImage
Language: English; Yupik; Inupiaq
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Inupiaq terms by Bertha Jennings

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-22
Collection name: William W. Richards, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: Inupiaq terms by Bertha Jennings
Description: Title taken from audiocassette label. Undated. This is an audiocassette recording of a woman giving English translations of Inupiaq terms for emotional and physical states and key verbs. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jennings, Bertha
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Language; Education; Audiocassettes; Vocabulary; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska–Inupiaq
Personal name: Richards, William
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: Inupiaq; English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23375/rec/1

Inupiaq terms

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-23

Collection name: William W. Richards, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693

Title: Inupiaq terms

Description: Title taken from audiocassette label. Undated. This is an audiocassette recording of a woman [likely Bertha Jennings] listing Inupiaq vocabulary words. Some English translations are provided. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Creator: Jennings, Bertha

Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Subject headings: Language education; Education; Vocabulary; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska–Inupiaq

Personal name: Richards, William

Location: Alaska

Type: Sound

Language: English; Inupiaq

Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23382/rec/2


North Slope, Inupiaq medicine terminology

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-24
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: North Slope, Inupiaq medicine terminology
Description: Title taken from audiocassette label. Undated. This is an audiocassette recording of a woman [likely Bertha Jennings] reading Inupiaq vocabulary words from pages 58 – 61 of a book titled “North Slope, Inupiaq Medicine Terminology.” Some English translations are provided. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jennings, Bertha
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Language education; Medical education; Health care; Health education; Vocabulary; Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska–Inupiaq
Personal name: Richards, William
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English; Inupiaq
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23375/rec/1

“Values by Bertha Jennings,” undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-0693-b5-25
Collection Name: William W. Richards papers, circa 1966-1995. UAA-HMC-0693
Title: “Values by Bertha Jennings,” undated
Description: This audiocassette records a woman discussing the types of values held by people. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jennings, Bertha
Required citation: William W. Richards papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Culture; Social values; Alaska Natives
Personal name: Jennings, Bertha
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0693/

Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings

Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 1

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-4-A
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 1
Description: Title created by describer. Circa 1993 – 1996. This is an audio recording of Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interviewing Margery Albrecht and Dr. C. Earl Albrecht. Topics discussed include: finding a new hospital in Sitka, Dr. Roy Lyman Sexton, how Margery met Earl, Dr. Albrecht’s first wife Blanche Smith, his children, his work in the Matanuska Valley, why he became a doctor and came to Alaska, his work in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and as the Commissioner of Health in Alaska, mental health and tuberculosis in Alaska, the building of the Alaska Native Medical Center, circumpolar health initiatives, his work with Russian physicians, Ernest Gruening, and Dr. Albrecht’s work with Dr. Joseph H. Romig. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject heading: Hospitals; Health care; Physicians; Health care facilities; Marriage; International relations; Public health; Alaska Natives
Personal name: Albrecht, C. Earl; Albrecht, Margery
Corporate name: Alaska Native Medical Center; Matanuska Valley Colony (Alaska)
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23345/rec/2

Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 2

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-4-B
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 2
Description: Title created by describer. Circa 1993 – 1996. This is an audiocassette recording of Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interviewing Margery Albrecht and Dr. C. Earl Albrecht. Topics discussed include: Dr. Albrecht’s work in Palmer, the Matanuska Valley colony, Dr. Joseph H. Romig, the emergency use of a reed as a catheter, Kitty Gair, Dr. Albrecht’s influence on young doctors, the search for the first commissioner of health in Alaska, and the logistics of writing “Frontier Physician: The Life and Legacy of Dr. C. Earl Albrecht.” This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Emergency medical services; Writing; Health education; Government officials; Public health
Personal name: Romig, Joseph Herman, 1872-1951; Albrecht, C. Earl; Albrecht, Margery; Gair, Kitty
Corporate name: Matanuska Valley Colony (Alaska)
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23366/rec/5

Interview with Dr. Frank Pauls, Part 1

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-5-B
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. Frank Pauls, Part 1
Description: Title created by describer. Circa 1993 – 1996 July 13. This is an audiocassette recording of Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interviewing Dr. Frank Pauls. Topics discussed include: health care in Alaska prior to having a Commissioner of Health, the creation of an Alaskan health department, health care education in Alaska, military “90-day Wonders,” tuberculosis, sanitariums in Alaska, the survey of rural Alaskan tuberculosis cases by steamship, railroad, place, and dog sled, George Hayes, the military’s cold weather test laboratory at Ladd Field in Fairbanks, public health nurse centers, microbiology services in Alaska, and Dr. Pauls’ World War II service and work in Texas. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Government employees; Government facilities; Tuberculosis; Health education; Laboratories; Military officers; Military service; Research facilities; Cold; Surveying; Public health; Alaska Natives
Personal name: Pauls, Frank; Hayes, George
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23357/rec/4

Interview with Dr. Frank Pauls, Part 2

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-6-A
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. Frank Pauls, Part 2
Description: Title created by describer. Circa 1993 – 1996 July 13. This is an audiocassette recording of Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interviewing Dr. Frank Pauls. Topics discussed include: Dr. C. Earl Albrecht’s work as an administrator and in collecting tuberculosis tests, Dr. Albrecht’s relationship with the medical society and Dorothy Whitney, Dr. Albrecht’s work in mental health care in Alaska and Ohio, the Alaska Psychiatric Institute and its predecessor in Valdez, Dr. Albrecht’s skill as a debater, D. Albrecht’s military service and marriages, Dr. Albrecht’s work in the American Society for Circumpolar Health and the Arctic Health Research Center, and Dr. Albrecht’s research interests. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Health care facilities; Mental institutions; Psychiatry; Tuberculosis; Organizations; Military service; Research; Public health; Psychiatric hospitals–Administration
Personal name: Pauls, Frank; Albrecht, C. Earl; Whitney, Dorothy
Corporate name: American Society for Circumpolar Health; Arctic Health Research Center
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23354/rec/3

Interview with Diane, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-6-B
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Diane, undated
Description: This is an audiocassette recording of Strohmeyer interviewing Diane, an Australian former community health aide, and an Aleut dance group. Topics discussed include: St. George, St. Paul, and the Pribilof Islands, indigenous dance in the Aleutian Islands, dance regalia and masks, high schools in the Aleutians, Australian Aboriginal dance, substance abuse in St. George, and Aleut dance history. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Community health aides; Dance; Traditional dress; Traditional songs; Alaska Natives — Aleutian Island — Unangan (Aleut); Aboriginal Australians; Substance abuse
Location: Saint Paul Island (Alaska); Saint George (Alaska); Pribilof Islands (Alaska)
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/

Interview with public health nurses, circa 1993-1996

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-7
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with public health nurses, circa 1993-1996
Description: This is audiocassette records Strohmeyer interviewing former public health nurses. Topics discussed include: pregnancy and delivery in rural Alaska, the removal of ribs to treat tuberculosis, the collection of tuberculosis tests, Dr. Albrecht’s delivery of lambs, Dr. Albrecht’s first surgery, the Matanuska Colony, and nursing in rural Alaska. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Alaska Natives; Health care; Public health; Nurses; Tuberculosis; Surgery; Pregnancy; Birth; Ribs; Lambs
Personal name: Albrecht, C. Earl
Corporate name: Matanuska Valley Colony (Alaska)
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/

Interview with Dr. John Middaugh, circa 1993-1996 July 25

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-8
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. John Middaugh, circa 1993-1996 July 25
Description: This audiocassette records Strohmeyer interviewing Dr. John Middaugh. Topics discussed include: the American Society for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Middaugh’s career in public health, how telecommunication advances impacted health care in Alaska, Dr. C. Earl Albrecht and Dr. Frederick Milan’s contributions to health in Alaska, the International Union for Circumpolar Health, the influence of the military on Alaskan public health, the need for U.S./Arctic science policy, tuberculosis in Alaska, the 1954 Parron Report, and international Arctic health research. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Physicians; Public health; Telecommunication; Tuberculosis; Circumpolar medicine; Arctic Regions — Research;
Personal name: Middaugh, John P.; Albrecht, C. Earl; Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate name: International Union for Circumpolar Health; American Society for Circumpolar Health
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23367/rec/6

Interview with business strategists, circa 1990-1999

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-9-A
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with business strategists, circa 1990-1999
Description: This audiocassette records Strohmeyer interviewing a group of unidentified business strategists for an article in Alaska Business Monthly. Topics discussed include: modeling business markets, Carrs, Holland America, corporate litigation, the men’s time working with the Air Force, client relations, and business strategies. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Business; Industrial management; Business models; Litigation; Strategies
Personal name: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Corporate name: Carrs; Holland America Line Inc.; Alaska Business Publishing Co.
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/

Strohmeyer testing microphone, undated

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-9-B
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Strohmeyer testing microphone, undated
Description: This audiocassette records Strohmeyer testing her tape recorder. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Sound recordings; Testing; Journalism
Personal name: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Location: unknown
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/

Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 3

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-10
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with Dr. C. Earl Albrecht, Part 3
Description: Title created by describer. Circa 1993-1996. This is an audiocassette recording of Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interviewing Margery Albrecht and Dr. C. Earl Albrecht. Topics discussed include: patient appreciation for Dr. Albrecht, the donation of Dr. Albrecht’s papers to the archives at the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Palmer hospital, the passage of a Congressional bill to fund Alaskan public health, E.L. “Bob” Bartlett, Dr. Phillip Moore, Dr. Albrecht’s legacy and love of music. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Health care; Physicians; Hospitals; Government policy; Government employees; Archives; Public health
Personal name: Albrecht, C. Earl; Albrecht, Margery; Bartlett, Edward Lewis, 1904-1968; Moore, Phillip
Location: Alaska
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/
Item URL: https://vilda.alaska.edu/digital/collection/cdmg13/id/23367/rec/6

Interview with dance group, circa 1990-1999 October 13

Identifier: UAA-HMC-1273-b1-11
Collection name: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, circa 1990-1999. UAA-HMC-1273
Title: Interview with dance group, circa 1990-1999 October 13
Description: This audiocassette records Strohmeyer interviewing a group of school-aged dancers from St. Paul. Topics discussed include: indigenous dance on St. Paul, dance regalia, Aleut dance tradition, a dance performance with drumming, and the Aleut language. Recording quality is poor. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Jordan, Nancy, 1923-
Required citation: Nancy Jordan Strohmeyer interview recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Dance; Traditional dress; Traditional songs; Children; Alaska Natives — Aleutian Islands — Unangan (Aleut)
Location: Saint Paul Island (Alaska)
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related Materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-1273/

American Society for Circumpolar Health records

ASCH Annual Meeting, 1986 October 20

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-1
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH Annual Meeting, 1986 October 20
Description: This audiocassette records an annual meeting of the American Society for Circumpolar Health at the Anchorage Hilton. Topics discussed include: the presentation of an award to Dr. Fred Milan, approval of minutes, the treasurer’s report, a call for comments on a draft response to the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984, opportunities for research in public health, the 7th International Conference on Circumpolar Health planning, an update on collaborations across health organizations, radioactivity detection in Alaska from Chernobyl, the ASCH’s bylaws and constitution, the development of an Alaskan medical publication, the development of an Alaskan medical publication, the creation of an endowment fund, member announcements, and a call for membership. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ, Ukraine, 1986; Arctic regions — Research; Professional associations
Personal Names: Milan, Frederick A.
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1986 October 20
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, 1986 January 31

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-2
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1986 January 31
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a description of Canadian and Yugoslavian circumpolar health efforts (Dr. Frederick Milan), an update of the Canadian Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Dr. John Middaugh), the selection of health as one of the priorities for the Arctic Research and Policy Act by the Arctic Research Commission, the treasurer’s report, and the selection of delegates to 7th International Symposium for Circumpolar Health. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Arctic regions — Research; Professional associations
Personal Names: Milan, Frederick A.; Middaugh, John P.
Corporate Names: Canadian Public Health Association; United States. Arctic Research Commission
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1986 January 31
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, 1986 May 29

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-3
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1986 May 29
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the approval of minutes, an update on the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium for Circumpolar Health published by the University of Washington Press, the treasurer’s report, the president’s report on a planning visit in Sweden for the first International Union for Circumpolar Health, funding Dr. Brian MacMahon’s virology workshop on Hepatitis B and creating her own session on cancer (Dr. Ann Lanier), the costs of attending the 7th ISCH, planning the annual meeting and elections for the ASCH (Dr. Carl Hild made the new Board member), a call for articles for the newsletter, and Dr. John Middaugh’s appointment as Editor of “Alaska Medicine” and a report on his meeting with Glenn Olds (president of Alaska Pacific University) on establishing endowment funds. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Arctic regions — Research; Professional associations; Meetings; Hepatitis B; Cancer
Personal Names: Lanier, Anne P.; Hild, Carl M.; Middaugh, John P.; Olds, Glenn A. (Glenn Alvero), 1921-2006
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1986 May 29
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part 1, 1987 February 4

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-4
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part 1, 1987 February 4
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report (Dr. Helen Beirne), the establishment of an endowment fund in Dr. Earl Albrecht’s name (Dr. Frank Pauls), special travel fares to the 7th ICCH, a proposal to extend the ACSH’s presidential term (Dr. John Middaugh), the journal “Alaska Medicine,” the difficulty in fundraising for the ICCH, and the relationship between the ASCH and the International Union for Circumpolar Health and an agreement between UAA and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Dr. Ted Mala), an agreement between UAA and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Dr. Ted Mala), funding for Dr. Brian MacMahon’s Hepatitis B workshop, the possibility of funding ASCH members attendance to the 7th ICCH, and the activities of the Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization (Paulette Nix). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Arctic regions — Research; Professional associations; Meetings; Hepatitis B
Personal Names: Pauls, Frank; Beirne, Helen; Middaugh, John P.; Mala, Ted; MacMahon, Brian; Nix, Paulette
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization; Akademii︠a︡ medit︠s︡inskikh nauk SSSR
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 February 4
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part II, 1987 February 4

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-5
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part II, 1987 February 4
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a constitutional amendment to extend the ASCH president’s term, the appointment of ASCH delegates to the IUCH meeting, Dr. Ted Mala’s disgruntled response to the previous board meeting, the need to delineate the ASCH’s identity from other circumpolar health organizations, and the role of ASCH in the IUCH (Dr. John Middaugh). This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings
Personal Names: Mala, Ted; Middaugh, John P.
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 February 4
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part III, 1987 February 4

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-6-A
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part III, 1987 February 4
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the activities of the Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization and an invitation to the Board to attend an ASCHO meeting (Paulette Nix), funding for ASCH to attend the ICCH meeting, the need to develop guidelines for ASCH delegates to the ICCH, and the need to clarify IUCH membership status. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings
Personal Names: Nix, Paulette
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; Arctic Students Circumpolar Health Organization
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 February 4
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meetings, 1987 February 25-May 19

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-6-B
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meetings, 1987 February 25-May 19
Description: This audiocassette records ASCH board meetings. It begins with a 1987 February 25 meeting before the tape recorder is stopped. The rest of the tape is from a 1987 May 19 board meeting. Topics discussed include: an endowment fund committee report, the treasurer’s report, discussion of bringing a gift to the 7th ICCH, an update on the journal “Alaska Medicine,” the ASCH annual meeting, the search for new board members, and a report on the constitutional amendment to lengthen the ASCH’s presidential term. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 February 25-May 19
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

Annual ASCH meeting, 1987 September 24

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-7
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: Annual ASCH meeting, 1987 September 24
Description: This audiocassette records the annual ASCH meeting. The recording includes a speech made by Elmer E. Rasmuson on the Arctic Science Policy, his participation on the Arctic Research Commission, and the need for more Alaska Native involvement in research. The meeting continues with membership introductions, the approval of the minutes of the 1986 meeting, the treasurer’s report, a brief report on ASCH membership, a brief report on the Arctic Research Commission’s decisions regarding the Arctic Research and Policy Act, a brief report on the 1987 IUCH and ICCH meetings in Sweden, ASCH election results to select two new board members, reports on the endowment fund, the constitutional amendment to lengthen the ASCH’s officers’ terms, the adoption of “Alaska Medicine” as the official ASCH journal, and a request for research into a lifetime membership category. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Alaska Natives; Arctic regions — Research
Personal Name: Rasmuson, Elmer E.
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 September 24
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, 1987 September 9

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-8
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1987 September 9
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, a thank-you from Dr. Bill Fagey for the attendance to the ICCH, planning for the ASCH annual meeting, an update on the “Alaska Medicine” journal, a consensus statement from a circumpolar cancer group, an update on the election of new board members, a report from Dr. Ted Mala about the frequency of the ICCH meetings, potential dues increases, promoting membership in the ASCH, the “Alaska Medicine” journal, membership dues, establishing the agenda of the ASCH annual meeting, a report from the endowment committee, Elmer E. Rasmuson’s address to the ASCH annual meeting, the participation of the Soviet Arctic research branch in the IUCH, Dr. Ted Mala, and a report on cold water immersion research. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Cancer; Arctic regions — Research; Water immersion
Personal Names: Mala, Ted; Rasmuson, Elmer E.; Fagey, Bill
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1987 September 9
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part I, 1988 February 24

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-9
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part I, 1988 February 24
Description: This audiocassette records the first two-thirds of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a presentation by Lyle Perrigo about the Arctic Research Commission and the need for an Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, the need for cooperation with other arctic research organizations, the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s membership report, the lack of progress towards incorporation, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the annual dues for the ASCH, a report on the planning for the 8th ICCH, the legislation and funding for the International Circumpolar Health Institute, and an election report. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research
Personal Names: Perrigo, Lyle Donovan, 1930-
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission; Alaska Science and Technology Foundation
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 February 24
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part II, 1988 February 24

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-9
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part II, 1988 February 24
Description: This audiocassette records the first two-thirds of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a presentation by Lyle Perrigo about the Arctic Research Commission and the need for an Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, the need for cooperation with other arctic research organizations, the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s membership report, the lack of progress towards incorporation, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the contract between the ASCH and the “Alaska Medicine” journal, the annual dues for the ASCH, a report on the planning for the 8th ICCH, the legislation and funding for the International Circumpolar Health Institute, and an election report. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research
Personal Names: Perrigo, Lyle Donovan, 1930-
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission; Alaska Science and Technology Foundation
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 February 24
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part III, 1988 February 24

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-10
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part III, 1988 February 24
Description: This audiocassette records the last third of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a movement to extend officer terms and shorten Dr. Brian MacMahon’s, a discussion about Hart-Hansen and the International Arctic Science Committee, the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research meeting in Tasmania, Dr. John Middaugh’s appointment to the Polar Research Board, the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the ASCH annual meeting, and the 1988 Alaska Science Conference. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.; MacMahon, Brian
Corporate Names: Arctic Science Conference; International Arctic Science Committee; International Council for Science. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research; National Research Council (U.S.). Polar Research Board
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 February 24
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part I, 1988 May 25

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-11
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part I, 1988 May 25
Description: This audiocassette records the first half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the planning of the 8th ICCH (Peter Reid), disparity between previous treasurer and secretary reports, the secretary’s membership report, the shipment of the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the treasurer’s report, the search for two new board members, the status of incorporation, the endowment fund, the need for health topics at the 1988 Alaska Science Conference, the ASCH annual meeting, the need for a health conference in Alaska, the Alaska Health Coalition, the relationship between the Polar Research Board and the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research, the relationship between the IUCH, the WHO, and UNESCO, and selecting editors for the Arctic Medical Research Journal. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.; MacMahon, Brian
Corporate Names: Arctic Science Conference; International Union for Circumpolar Health; International Council for Science. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research; National Research Council (U.S.). Polar Research Board
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 May 25
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part II, 1988 May 25

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-12
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part II, 1988 May 25
Description: This audiocassette records the second half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: selecting editors for the Arctic Medical Research Journal, financing IUCH, the creation of a tobacco-cancer workshop, a decision that ICCH symposiums should continue to be held every three years, ASCH’s affirmation of the IUCH decision that Soviet labor unions should not be allowed to join the IUCH board, problems with the Alaska Science Foundation, potential members of the Alaska Science Foundation’s board, the next board meeting, and Peter Reid’s progress report on the 8th ICCH planning. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine; Cancer
Personal Names: Reid, Peter
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; Alaska Science Foundation
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 May 25
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, 1988 July 29

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-13
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1988 July 29
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s report, the approval of the past meeting’s minutes, Dr. Robert Fortuine and Dr. Ted Mala’s reports on the IUCH council meeting, the tobacco-cancer workshop, the actions of the U.S. Arctic Commission, the results of Dr. John Middaugh’s meeting with Henry Cole about funding Alaskan health initiatives, the announcement of the nominees for new ASCH board members, report on the ASCH endowment fund, ASCH annual meeting planning, the relationship of ASCH to other circumpolar health organizations, and an ASCH membership brochure. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Mala, Ted; Middaugh, John P.; Fortuine, Robert
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 July 29
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting and lecture, 1988 July 29 and undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-14
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1988 July 29 and undated
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting and a lecture by Dr. Frank Pauls. Topics discussed at the Board of Directors meeting include: a UAA/ACC circumpolar health club and a new cold room at UAA/ACC. Dr. Frank Pauls’ lecture discusses laboratory research, Alaskan medical history, his career, the importance of mission hospitals and public health nurses to Alaskan health, the importance of public health, brucellosis and rabies outbreaks in Alaska, the creation of an Alaskan virology lab and a rabies registry used to locate potentially rabid dogs. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine; Nurses; Alaska — History; Rabies; Virology–Research — Alaska; Brucellosis; Hospitals
Personal Names: Pauls, Frank
Corporate Names: University of Alaska Anchorage
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1988 July 29 and undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

Annual ASCH meeting, 1988 October 8

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-15
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: Annual ASCH meeting, 1988 October 8
Description: This audiocassette records the annual ASCH meeting at Ryan Middle School in Fairbanks, Alaska as part of the 1988 Alaska Science Conference. Topics discussed include: member introductions, the treasurer’s report (Dr. Helen Beirne), the secretary’s report (Dr. Frank Pauls), the Arctic Medical Research Journal, the election of Dr. Phillip Nice as a new ASCH board member and the need for a run-off election between Dr. Carl Hild and Dr. Brian McMahon to select a second, a report on the Albrecht-Milan Endowment Fund, a report on arctic health research policies, the announcement of the 8th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Dr. Robert Fortuine’s report as a delegate to the International Union for Circumpolar Health, the IUCH’s secretary report presented on behalf of Dr. Ted Mala by Mary Core, the International Union for Circumpolar Health’s secretary report presented on behalf of Dr. Ted Mala by Mary Core, the International Arctic Science Conference in Leningrad in 1988, Dr. Ann Lanier’s report on a tobacco workshop to be held at the IUCH/World Health Organization 1989 Circumpolar meeting, the selection of Alaska Science Foundation board members, the 1989 and 1990 Arctic Science Conferences, the selection of Jennifer Talbot as chairwoman of the membership committee, and the selection of Dr. Robert Wainwright as a representative to the Alaska Health Science Library’s advisory council. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine; Nurses
Personal Names: Fortuine, Robert; Mala, Ted; Lanier, Anne P.; Core, Mary; Wainwright, Robert; Talbot, Jennifer; Beirne, Helen
Corporate Names: Arctic Science Conference; International Congress on Circumpolar Health; International Union for Circumpolar Health; World Health Organization
Location: Fairbanks (Alaska)
Date: 1988 October 8
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part II, 1989 March 9

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-16
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part II, 1989 March 9
Description: This audiocassette records the last third of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include the need to evaluate procedure for the 1990-1992 election of board officers and promote nominations among the ASCH membership. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1989 March 9
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part I, 1989 March 9

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-17
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part I, 1989 March 9
Description: This audiocassette records the first two-thirds of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, the authorization of the treasurer to purchase liquid assets and affirmation of the treasurer’s position to make such decisions in the future, the future for leftover Hepatitis B research funds, the secretary’s report, the establishment of a student ASCH membership fee, a report on the Albrecht-Milan Fund, a report on the ASCH’s 1988 annual meeting, a report on the two run-off elections needed to elect Dr. Brian McMahon as an ASCH board member, Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the Polar Research Board, Dr. Ann Lanier’s report on the Alaska Science Foundation, the 1989 IUCH/WHO Tobacco and Health Circumpolar Conference, the development of a health section for the 1989 and 1990 Arctic Science Conferences, planning for the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health in 1990, the decision to offer free ASCH membership to individuals providing complimentary services to the organization, and the need to evaluate procedure for the 1990-1992 election of board officers. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine; Students
Personal Names: McMahon, Brian; Middaugh, John P.;
Corporate Names: National Research Council (U.S.). Polar Research Board; Arctic Science Conference; International Congress on Circumpolar Health; International Union for Circumpolar Health; World Health Organization
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1989 March 9
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part I, 1989 June 6

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-18
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part I, 1989 June 6
Description: This audiocassette records the first half of an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: a call for nominations for officer positions, potential new board members, discussion of potential new officers, and Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the status of the International Union of Circumpolar Health. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1989 June 6
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, part II, 1989 June 6 and undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-19
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, part II, 1989 June 6 and undated
Description: This audiocassette records the second half of an ASCH board meeting and unidentified classical music. Topics discussed include: a movement to provide $1000 to the International Union of Circumpolar Health to cover the registration fee in the International Council of Scientific Unions, the secretary’s report on membership, treasurer’s report, the future of dedicated funds held by ASCH, the use of funds for research, whether or not the ASCH retains the residual funds leftover from a Hepatitis B project, workshop sponsorship, special account policy, the World Health Organization’s AIDS conference, a status report on the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, a status report on the 1989 ASCH annual meeting, and student membership fees. The last few minutes of tape contain the end of a lecture on consumer health awareness. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Students
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; International Council of Scientific Unions; International Congress for Circumpolar Health; World Health Organization
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1989 June 6 and undated
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

Annual ASCH meeting, 1989 September 15

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-20
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: Annual ASCH meeting, 1989 September 15
Description: This audiocassette records annual ASCH meeting at at the University of Alaska Fairbanks as part of the 1989 Alaska Science Conference. Topics discussed include: secretary Dr. Frank Pauls’ comments on the first part of the meeting, member introductions, the treasurer’s report, the secretary’s report on membership and the new ASCH officers, a status report on the Albrech-Milan Endowment Fund, Peter Reid’s report on the 8th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. John Middaugh’s report on the International Union for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Francis Williamson’s report on the Alaska Science and Engineering Foundation, Drs. Mim Dixon, Peter Wilkiness, and Jerry Brown’s report on the actions of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission and the Polar Research Board, the Department of Health and Human Services activities with the Canadian and Soviet governments, a message from President-Elect Anne Lanier, the suspended publication of the Alaska Medicine Journal, fundraising for the 10th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Thomas Newberry’s announcement of the 1990 Alaska Science Conference, and a call for nominations for the Jack Hildes Medal. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.; Reid, Peter; Williamson, Francis; Dixon, Mim; Wilkiness, Peter; Brown, Jerry, 1936-; Lanier, Anne P.; Newberry, Thomas
Corporate Names: International Union for Circumpolar Health; Arctic Science Conference; International Congress for Circumpolar Health; United States. Arctic Research Commission; National Research Council (U.S.). Polar Research Board; Alaska Science and Technology Foundation
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1989 September 15
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

ASCH board meeting, 1986 September 18

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0993-b4-21
Collection name: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, 1980-2015. UAA-HMC-0993
Title: ASCH board meeting, 1986 September 18
Description: This audiocassette records an ASCH board meeting. Topics discussed include: the treasurer’s report, Dr. John Middaugh’s report of the 7th International Congress for Circumpolar Health, Dr. Anne Lanier’s proposal to host a tobacco-cancer workshop, Dr. Frank Pauls’ report on travel to a conference in Sweden, the nominees for ASCH officer positions, the 1986 annual ASCH meeting, a funding shortfall in publishing the proceedings from the 1984 International Symposium on Circumpolar Health, planning the 1986 ASCH annual meeting, the Arctic Research Commission’s final draft report on research priorities, a call for articles for the Alaska Medicine Journal, a request to audit the ASCH’s books, the proposal to found an endowment fund, and Dr. Ted Mala’s endeavors to create a Soviet exchange program. An earthquake briefly interrupts the meeting. This audiocassette was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: American Society of Circumpolar Health
Required citation: American Society for Circumpolar Health records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Circumpolar medicine; Public health; Physicians; Professional associations; Meetings; Publications; Soviet Union; Cancer — Research; Earthquakes; Arctic regions — Research; Arctic medicine
Personal Names: Middaugh, John P.; Lanier, Anne P.; Pauls, Frank; Mala, Ted
Corporate Names: United States. Arctic Research Commission; International Congress for Circumpolar Health
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: 1986 September 18
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0993/

Charles V. Lucier papers

“Della Keats,” circa 1968-1971

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0165-b11-f31
Collection name: Charles V. Lucier papers, 1903-2009. UAA-HMC-0165
Title: “Della Keats,” circa 1968-1971
Description: This audio reel records Charles Lucier interviewing Della Keats, a traditional Inupiaq healer. Topics discussed include patients Keats lost, healing techniques and knowledge, and patient cases. RESTRICTED: Traditional healing methods discussed. This audio reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Lucier, Charles V.
Required citation: Charles V. Lucier papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Healers; Patients; Public health; Arctic medicine; Traditional medicine; Healing; Alaska Natives — Northern Alaska — Inupiaq
Personal Names: Keats, Della
Location: unknown
Date: circa 1968-1971
Type: Sound
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0165/

Helen Dittman Beirne papers

“Alaska Crippled Children’s Association,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0535-b1-f67-A
Collection name: Helen Dittman Beirne papers, 1951-2003. UAA-HMC-0535
Title: “Alaska Crippled Children’s Association,” undated
Description: This 8mm silent film reel depicts a promotional film for Alaska Crippled Children’s Association, a man and a woman in the tundra in front of the Alaska Range, caribou, and people in a flower garden. Poor recording quality. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Beirne, Helen Dittman
Required citation: Helen Dittman Beirne papers Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Tundra animals; Caribou; Mountains; Public health; Gardens; Children with disabilities
Corporate names: Alaska Crippled Children’s Association
Location: Anchorage (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0535/

“Mount McKinley [Denali] National Park,” undated

Identifier: uaa-hmc-0535-b1-f67-B
Collection name: Helen Dittman Beirne papers, 1951-20033. UAA-HMC-0535
Title: “Mount McKinley [Denali] National Park,” undated.
Description: This 8mm silent film reel depicts landscape and caribou in Denali National Park. This film reel was digitized by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Creator: Beirne, Helen Dittman
Required citation: Helen Dittman Beirne papers Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Subject headings: Tundra animals; Caribou; Wildlife refuges; Mountains
Location: Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska)
Date: undated
Type: MovingImage
Language: English
Related materials: https://archives.consortiumlibrary.org/collections/specialcollections/hmc-0535/

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