Put the thinking caps on

So I (Arlene) was writing an email this afternoon to set up a meeting and realized that I really dislike the term “Reading Room.”  Where to start?  First, too passive.  People aren’t just reading, they’re researching.  So I suggested Research …

The need to move things about.

I (Arlene) inherited this from my mother.  Periodically, I just need to rearrange furniture.  And I’ve been thinking about the reading room for a long time.  Long narrow tables, lined up in rows, backs to the window, facing the reference …

Archives at the State Fair

It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …

a-a-and it’s back!

COnservation OnLine, that is.  This great public resource for matters conservation has been resurrected and made available online again.  Go take a look!  Click on Resource Center and there it is, about half-way down the page.…

Eye of the Beholder. Once more.

Last year, to great acclaim, we launched an exhibit in October entitled Eye of the Beholder. We took a single image from our holdings and sent out a call in September for anybody within UAA and APU to provide interpretation …