Category: Blog
Archives at the State Fair
It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …
a-a-and it’s back!
COnservation OnLine, that is. This great public resource for matters conservation has been resurrected and made available online again. Go take a look! Click on Resource Center and there it is, about half-way down the page.…
and on with the old news…
Last year we did a great exhibit called “Eye of the Beholder.” Well, not so much we, as everybody else who decided to do the really heavy lifting for us. Here’s the theory behind the exhibit: take a single photograph, …
Eye of the Beholder. Once more.
a chance to join our merry band
We’re accepting applications for a tenure-track, faculty archivist here at A&SC. The job ad appears below. If you’re interested, apply at the University’s job site. September 4, 2009 is when the search committee will be begin reviewing applications. The …
enough with the glycol already (or I need to get a life)
So I (Arlene) was staying far too late on a Friday night just finishing up some small details. I was almost down the stairs and out the door when I heard my name called behind me. It was Sharyl Kitchin, …
It’s that time of the year
No, no, not what you’re thinking. It’s time for the annual A&SC report to the library on how we did on our goals last year and what our goals are for the next. Since this is done via a presentation …
a quiet week in Lake whateverthisis…
So, we’ve not been very good about the blog this week. But we have an excuse. Between researchers, Nicole, Mariecris and I (Arlene) have been working for Kathy. Kathy’s a pretty hard taskmaster. So we’re keeping busy–or at least telling …
Archives at the State Fair
It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …
a-a-and it’s back!
COnservation OnLine, that is. This great public resource for matters conservation has been resurrected and made available online again. Go take a look! Click on Resource Center and there it is, about half-way down the page.…
and on with the old news…
Last year we did a great exhibit called “Eye of the Beholder.” Well, not so much we, as everybody else who decided to do the really heavy lifting for us. Here’s the theory behind the exhibit: take a single photograph, …
Eye of the Beholder. Once more.
a chance to join our merry band
We’re accepting applications for a tenure-track, faculty archivist here at A&SC. The job ad appears below. If you’re interested, apply at the University’s job site. September 4, 2009 is when the search committee will be begin reviewing applications. The …
enough with the glycol already (or I need to get a life)
So I (Arlene) was staying far too late on a Friday night just finishing up some small details. I was almost down the stairs and out the door when I heard my name called behind me. It was Sharyl Kitchin, …
It’s that time of the year
No, no, not what you’re thinking. It’s time for the annual A&SC report to the library on how we did on our goals last year and what our goals are for the next. Since this is done via a presentation …
a quiet week in Lake whateverthisis…
So, we’ve not been very good about the blog this week. But we have an excuse. Between researchers, Nicole, Mariecris and I (Arlene) have been working for Kathy. Kathy’s a pretty hard taskmaster. So we’re keeping busy–or at least telling …