Held incommunicado

It seems so odd for an archivist to feel as if s/he is unable to communicate.  After all, we’re all about records and documents and records and documents are all about information and the transference of information.  But since Sunday …

I failed scissors in kindergarten.

This is Arlene.  That title isn’t a joke.  A couple of years ago my mother found my kindergarten grade card and sent it to me.  I did okay on the less physical elements of the curriculum, but the things requiring …

Adventures in archivy

So I (Arlene) dressed down today, figuring I was going to spend the afternoon in the vault moving things about.  We’ve been slowly moving boxes off the tops of the shelving for two reasons: 1. maybe someday we’ll get compact …

exhibits on a shoestring

well, fabric tape, to be a little more precise.

The 2009 edition of Eye of the Beholder is up in our research area in A&SC and we think it looks pretty good.  Most of our exhibit flat panels are in …

A different view of archives

Archives: your ally in the battle against plagiarism.

Okay, so this isn’t quite how David Bowie (a new prof in English here at UAA) phrased it, we took a little dramatic license.  But it’s basically the idea.  Professor Bowie visited …