The company you keep

We’re currently in the middle of a Rare Books shift.  In library lingo, that means we’re shifting the books from one place to another.  Or in this case, to another section of the same shelving.

This is not glamorous work.  …

Held incommunicado

It seems so odd for an archivist to feel as if s/he is unable to communicate.  After all, we’re all about records and documents and records and documents are all about information and the transference of information.  But since Sunday …

I failed scissors in kindergarten.

This is Arlene.  That title isn’t a joke.  A couple of years ago my mother found my kindergarten grade card and sent it to me.  I did okay on the less physical elements of the curriculum, but the things requiring …

Adventures in archivy

So I (Arlene) dressed down today, figuring I was going to spend the afternoon in the vault moving things about.  We’ve been slowly moving boxes off the tops of the shelving for two reasons: 1. maybe someday we’ll get compact …