I’m Going to College (Year 3)

This was the third year that Archives and Special Collections has participated in “I’m Going to College,” a day of classes and workshops for fifth and sixth graders held at UAA to give them a taste of what college is …

The collection question

One of the regular questions we get is “what do you collect?”  That’s not always an easy question to answer! Sometimes the answer is: it depends. For a while now, though, we’ve been talking about formalizing our collection policy for …

Now that’s dedication

This isn’t an April Fools Day joke, but in the spirit of the day…

We had a researcher in recently trying to track down some photographs that appeared in a publication by William Laughlin. We have his professional papers.  …

The end of a bad line

Often when promoting A&SC’s resources to faculty or students I’ll say something like “There’s not a topic taught at this university that we can’t provide archival material to support. Well, except maybe math.” Hokey, I know. Occasionally it gets a …

The stuff of memories

A little over a week ago, I was in Kodiak on a consulting job with the Kodiak College library. They’re going to be creating a Kodiak room, and wanted some advice on organization, facilities, so forth. I always learn a …

Moving along

A few months ago, I received a phone call from one of our long-ago donors, Ellen Hays. Daughter of Andrew Hope, she’d given us a collection comprised of her father’s papers and her own. Most of the papers related to …