Category: Facilities and equipment
New in the Archives: July-August 2023
So busy:
We’ve had the amazing support of a lot of the Access Services workers over the summer as they’ve had time in their busy schedules to help us out with move preparations. One more visible aspect of that work …
Good news and temporary inconveniences
New in the Archives: May-June 2023
We need to start with two huge announcements. First up, Becky Butler has joined us for a two year term archivist position as an Assistant Professor. We’re very excited to have her here and she’s definitely hitting the ground …
FAQs: what about digital materials?
In our ongoing series of questions asked by History students at UAA:
In the modern social media era, a lot of things are exclusively digital. How do you foresee the preservation of such content in an official archival setting?
This …
Testing virtual archival reference
Getting the NAS
New in the Archives, August 2019
Why I want compact shelving
This may sound like a weird topic in the midst of dealing with clean-up after an earthquake, but bear with me here.
There’s a few reasons. We’re nearly at capacity for physical collections, our vault is about 85-90% full. …
Getting to the Archives this summer
New in the Archives: July-August 2023
So busy:
We’ve had the amazing support of a lot of the Access Services workers over the summer as they’ve had time in their busy schedules to help us out with move preparations. One more visible aspect of that work …
Good news and temporary inconveniences
New in the Archives: May-June 2023
We need to start with two huge announcements. First up, Becky Butler has joined us for a two year term archivist position as an Assistant Professor. We’re very excited to have her here and she’s definitely hitting the ground …
FAQs: what about digital materials?
In our ongoing series of questions asked by History students at UAA:
Testing virtual archival reference
Getting the NAS
New in the Archives, August 2019
Why I want compact shelving

This may sound like a weird topic in the midst of dealing with clean-up after an earthquake, but bear with me here.
There’s a few reasons. We’re nearly at capacity for physical collections, our vault is about 85-90% full. …