Category: Alaska’s Digital Archives
The Spoils of Conversion: Charlotte E. Mauk’s Color Slides
Changing our minds and following the logic
180 turns on long-standing policy is not something that happens around here much, but over the past few months we’ve been thinking and discussing. You know all those images we put up on the Alaska’s Digital Archives site? We spend …
Elizabeth Peratrovich and the speech
It’s coming up on Alaska Civil Rights/Martin Luther King Jr. Day and once again the question has reappeared. Archivists, librarians, and historians around the state are being asked: “Where do I find the text of Elizabeth Peratrovich’s speech to the …
Tales of danger in Archives or Was Dr. Jones really ahead of his time?
Nicole has been working on a grant project (Thanks IMLS & the Alaska State Library) to put a bunch of images from the Alan May diaries online. Alan May was an amateur anthropologist who went along on three of Ales …
I’ve been working on the Pipeline.
Clamber over? Or walk around? When automation creates work for us.
(This is Arlene). It’s not often I indulge my need to complain in quite such a public setting, but I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few days working on additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives and, well, …
filed under ‘better late’
Creative archives
Deborah Tharp is one of our researchers who has been utilizing photographs in our collection in some creative ways. Below is a composite photograph she created using images from our National Geographic Society Katmai Expeditions photograph collection. The photographs …
Working on sustainability
The Spoils of Conversion: Charlotte E. Mauk’s Color Slides
Changing our minds and following the logic
180 turns on long-standing policy is not something that happens around here much, but over the past few months we’ve been thinking and discussing. You know all those images we put up on the Alaska’s Digital Archives site? We spend …
Elizabeth Peratrovich and the speech
It’s coming up on Alaska Civil Rights/Martin Luther King Jr. Day and once again the question has reappeared. Archivists, librarians, and historians around the state are being asked: “Where do I find the text of Elizabeth Peratrovich’s speech to the …
Tales of danger in Archives or Was Dr. Jones really ahead of his time?
Nicole has been working on a grant project (Thanks IMLS & the Alaska State Library) to put a bunch of images from the Alan May diaries online. Alan May was an amateur anthropologist who went along on three of Ales …
I’ve been working on the Pipeline.
Clamber over? Or walk around? When automation creates work for us.
(This is Arlene). It’s not often I indulge my need to complain in quite such a public setting, but I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few days working on additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives and, well, …
filed under ‘better late’
Creative archives

Deborah Tharp is one of our researchers who has been utilizing photographs in our collection in some creative ways. Below is a composite photograph she created using images from our National Geographic Society Katmai Expeditions photograph collection. The photographs …