The need to move things about.

I (Arlene) inherited this from my mother.  Periodically, I just need to rearrange furniture.  And I’ve been thinking about the reading room for a long time.  Long narrow tables, lined up in rows, backs to the window, facing the reference archivist.  Was this really the most congenial/inviting format?  Did the…

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Archives at the State Fair

It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe the Consortium Library too.  We’ll take along some of our…

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a-a-and it’s back!

COnservation OnLine, that is.  This great public resource for matters conservation has been resurrected and made available online again.  Go take a look!  Click on Resource Center and there it is, about half-way down the page.

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Eye of the Beholder. Once more.

Last year, to great acclaim, we launched an exhibit in October entitled Eye of the Beholder. We took a single image from our holdings and sent out a call in September for anybody within UAA and APU to provide interpretation of the image. That interpretation would then be used for…

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a chance to join our merry band

We’re accepting applications for a tenure-track, faculty archivist here at A&SC.  The job ad appears below.  If you’re interested, apply at the University’s job site.  September 4, 2009 is when the search committee will be begin reviewing applications.  The recruitment is subject to closing without notice at any time after…

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