Some of our favorite things, installment 1
Inspired by a posting from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art earlier this month, we decided to share some of our favorite archives tools with you! First up, Arlene. My Flip HD videocam, by Arlene Arlene’s personalized Flip HD videocam I know this may be surprising to include in a…
You’re Invited to an Open House & Film Screening at the Archives!

In celebration of Archives Month in October, you are invited to an Open House and Film Screening hosted by UAA Archives & Special Collections and the Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA). WHEN & WHERE: Thursday, October 13th, 2011 Third floor of the UAA/APU Consortium Library (click here to see…
Even if you ask
“Preserving & Identifying Photographs” Workshop
UAA Archives & Special Collections invites you to register for a free all-day workshop on “Preserving & Identifying Photographs”! WHEN: Saturday October 22nd, 10:30am-4pm WHERE: UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3rd floor, Room 307 WHAT: Do you have hundreds of family photographs and negatives stored at home in shoe-boxes in your closet?…
Anchorage: Almost home of the Winter Olympics

Anchorage was almost the home of the Winter Olympics. Twice. Our fair city was the U.S. Olympic Committee’s choice as a the host site for both the 1992 and 1994 Winter Olympics. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you ask), both times the International Olympic Committee chose another location: Albertville,…
When state fairs go international
Eye of the Beholder 4

Call for Participation: Be a Co-Curator! Archives & Special Collections Eye of the Beholder 4: One Image, Many Perspectives October 3, 2011-? THE EXHIBIT: Archives & Special Collections is mounting an exhibit to demonstrate how a single item: this image in particular, could be used/interpreted/described in a variety of ways…
Preservation, Care, & Identification of Manuscripts and Photographs
Just a few weeks ago, I had the great fortune to travel to Nome, Alaska with members of the Alaska State Historic Records Advisory Board (ASHRAB) to help teach a full-day workshop on caring for archival records. The whole experience was wonderful. From the moment we got off the plane,…
Student asks super questions

The archives is blessed to have the aid of the Consortium Library’s fine student workers. Just by searching our blog you can see the multiple projects that students have helped make possible. This blog is to talk about one student in particular, Ksenia Polikakhina. Our archives vault is getting full.…