Archiving AK episode 9: the quake

In this episode of Archiving AK, Gwen, Veronica, and Arlene tell their tales of the November 30th 2018 quake here in southcentral Alaska and then get together for a discussion of lessons learned and things observed. It’s a little longer than our standard podcast, but we hope you’ll forgive us…

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New in the Archives: November 2018

November has come to a close, and while we normally try to get our monthly reports out before too long into the next month, the earthquake on November 30 put a dent in our plans (but not in our collections). We are back to normal operations and had some cleanup…

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Back to partial operation

We’re back open to our normal hours on Wednesday, December 5. (With a few exceptions upcoming. See our main website page for details on those.) But we’re not quite cleaned up from the earthquake quite yet. Here’s our current status: Most archival collections are available for use but because the…

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Archiving AK episode 8: Jennifer Stone

In this episode of Archiving AK, archivist Gwen Higgins speaks with Dr. Jennifer Stone, a professor of English at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Jennifer discusses her decision to incorporate archival research into her History of English Language course and what she has learned from having her students use archival…

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New in the Archives: October 2018

October, which also happens to be Archives Month, has come to an end, which means it’s time to post about what we did over the last month. Alaska’s Digital Archives is undergoing a change in hosting, so we have been unable to upload files to the site. We kept busy…

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Archiving AK episode 7: Alaska State Archives

In the seventh episode of Archiving AK, archivist Veronica Denison interviews Chris Hieb and Leah Geibel – two archivists at the Alaska State Archives. In the episode Chris and Leah discuss their roles at the State Archives, the types of users they see, the material they have, and some of…

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