New in the Archives: April 2019

Happy May, everyone! Last month, we described 10 collections, or additions to existing collections. This included adding 217 GB of videos and photographs to the Rage City Rollergirls records, which had not been possible without our new digital storage system. …

Archiving AK episode 14: National Poetry Month

In this episode of our podcast, Arlene emcees a selection of poetry writings from archival collections in Alaska.

First of all, thank you so much! to the people who volunteered to read poetry for us or who selected materials from …

Archiving AK Episode 13: Women’s History Month

In this episode of Archiving AK, archivists Gwen Higgins, Veronica Denison, and Arlene Schmuland share some documents from our holdings written by Alaskan women.

The links below are to the guides to each of the collections featured in this podcast.…

New in the Archives: January 2019

The first month of 2019 has flown by, and somehow it is the first day of February already. This month we got back into the swing of things adding new items to Alaska’s Digital Archives, which was recently migrated to …

Archiving AK episode 9: the quake

In this episode of Archiving AK, Gwen, Veronica, and Arlene tell their tales of the November 30th 2018 quake here in southcentral Alaska and then get together for a discussion of lessons learned and things observed. It’s a little longer …

New in the Archives: November 2018

November has come to a close, and while we normally try to get our monthly reports out before too long into the next month, the earthquake on November 30 put a dent in our plans (but not in our collections). …