Newly described and updated:
EPH-0470: Anchorage Opera Il barbiere di Siviglia performance recording; 2000 April 13. EPH-0470
EPH-0482: All Saints Episcopal Church (Anchorage, Alaska) “Alaska Fishermen’s Hymn;” 1983.
HMC-0525: Tony Simola photograph album; 1934-1949. The original order of the collection was re-established and the guide updated by Shu Mayer.
HMC-1256: Alaska Humanities Forum grant products. 0.4 cubic foot addition.
HMC-1323: Dude Obert slides; 1959-1962. 0.1 cubic feet and 290 MB addition.
HMC-1392: Esther Louise Bock papers; 1944-1967. Papers and photographs of a public health nurse who worked for the Indian Health Service in Alaska, described by Shu Mayer.

Esther Louise Bock stands with two children. From Esther Louise Bock papers.
HMC-1393: Martin Kilian photographs; circa 1921-1925. 0.1 cubic feet. Photographs taken during a mountaineering expedition.
UAA-0159: UAA. Facilities and Campus Services art inventory records; 1999, 2017. 5.79 GB.
Subject guides
Capitol Move collections: guide created by Shu Mayer.
Alaskan leadership collections created by Arlene.
Alaska’s Digital Archives
Interviews with Ralph Perdue, Niilo Koponen, and Wally Hickel have been digitized, transcribed and placed online in the Alaska’s Digital Archives. These recordings, conducted by Don Mitchell, were part of an oral history project about ANCSA conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Funding for the digitization project was provided by the Atwood Foundation.
On June 2, the Chancellor’s Office hosted a reception for the Board of Regents following their first in-person meeting since the pandemic began. The reception highlighted the Senator Ted Stevens’ ANCSA papers and featured selected items from the papers on display in the research room. Additionally, Arlene put together a slideshow of Alaskan leaders that played during the reception. Gwen and intern Shu Mayer updated the research room exhibit cases with photographs from our Faces of the Archives exhibit, which was originally set up in the Great Room in 2019. Gwen and Arlene provided tours of the Archives vault for attendees. Tours of the vault seemed to be a popular part of the evening, though that may have had more to do with the vault being about 65 degrees F (as per usual) and the rest of the third floor of the library being close to 80F! We’re not at all saying that’s why we were offering to lead those tours every few minutes (okay, we are. We love giving tours of the vault but we don’t usually offer them at that frequency during events!)

Faces of the archives exhibit in the Archives Research Room.