Washington D. Lacabanne papers; 1931. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0670. Letters and photographs of a Nushagak cannery employee.

Guide to the Gene H. Lacy films; circa 1955-1968. 0.6 cubic feet. hmc-1288. Films taken by a communications security analyst who was stationed at Fort Richardson.

J.K. Laing letters; 1898-1899. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0107. Letters written by a man who traveled via steamboats on the Yukon River.

Edward William Laird film; 1930-1934. 275 mb. hmc-1168-ahs. Footage of Ketchikan and surrounding areas shot by a lighthouse engineer.

Lake Clark area visitor photographs; circa 1911-1914. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0636. Photographs of a visitor to Lake Clark and nearby Portage Creek and Bonanza Creek placer mining areas.

Max LaLande photographs; 1943, 1959. 0.02 cubic feet. hmc-1031-AHS Photographs of stores owned by the LaLandes in Dutch Harbor and Anchorage.

Roger Lang papers; 1966-1978. 6.0 cubic feet. hmc-0158. Papers of Alaska Native leader relating to his activities in various organizations.

J. Ray Langdon papers; circa 1944-2015. 1.0 cubic feet and 2.3 GB. hmc-1332. Professional papers of a former Alaskan psychiatrist.

Thelma P. Langdon papers; circa 1983-2012. 0.2 cubic feet and 1.53 MB. hmc-1331. Personal papers of a former Alaska nurse.

JE Langton-Adams audiocassettes and slides; undated, 1973-1975. 0.2 cubic feet. Slides and audio-recordings of the Pribilof Islands.

Ashley and Ruth Larkin scrapbooks; 1968, 1973. 0.6 cubic feet. hmc-0820. Scrapbooks of trips to Alaska, Canada, and the Caribbean.

Al Larson audio tapes; 1966-1967. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1387. Two reel-to-reel audio tape recordings of the 1966 and 1967 North American Championships sled dog races in Fairbanks.

Bill Lathan slides; 1977. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1055. Photographs from a surveyor working on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline construction.

William S. Laughlin papers; 1931-1998. Approximately 80 cubic feet. hmc-0360. Papers of a physical anthropologist who worked in the Aleutians.

Lavin family photographs; 1931-2016. 1.6 cubic feet. hmc-1374. Family photographs from southcentral Alaska.

Clara Cook Lawrence photographs; circa 1907-1917. 0.02 cubic feet hmc-0159. Photographs and postcards from a teacher at the Jesse Lee Home in Unalaska, Alaska.

League of Women Voters of Anchorage records; circa 1950-2014. 12.1 cubic feet. hmc-1268. Records of an Anchorage civic organization that works to ensure voters have easy access to participate in political elections at every level.

Janie Leask papers; 1983-1991. 1.0 cubic feet. hmc-1147. The professional papers of a president of the Alaska Federation of Natives.

Charles David Lee papers; 1940-1945. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0577. Papers of a soldier with the Eleventh Air Force who served at Adak.

Myrtle Lenager tourist scrapbook; 1951. 0.45 cubic feet. hmc-0574. Travel scrapbook of a woman’s road trip from Greensburg, Kansas through the U.S., Western Canada, and Alaska.

Lyle Sherman Leseberg photograph albums; 1943. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1151-ahs. Photographs of the construction of the Alcan Highway and postcards of the Yukon.

Nancy Lesh papers; 1959-2001. 5.0 cubic feet. hmc-0160. Papers of a longtime Anchorage resident and librarian.

Leslie and Steven film; 1960. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0341. Home movie footage of tourists who visited Anchorage.

Carl F. Lewis papers; 1916-1922, 1955. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0802. Photographs and objects of a Company G, 21st Infantry Regiment soldier who served at Fort Gibbon.

Robert C. Lewis papers; circa 1941-1943, 1951. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1026-AHS. Papers and photographs of a soldier who served at Fort Raymond in Seward during World War II.

John F. Lhotka, Jr. papers; 1942-1946. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0928. Chemical Warfare Service officer who served at Fort Richardson and Adak Army Air Field.

Charles Lindfers letters; 1914, 1926. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0842. Letters sent to a miner who worked in Susitna and Flat, Alaska.

Carol and Lloyd Lindsay family papers; 1936-1982. hmc-1415. Papers, photographs, and films of an Anchorage area family.

Edith and Edward Lindsay papers; 1964. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1135. Papers from a couple who lived and worked in downtown Anchorage at the time of the 1964 earthquake.

Sally Lindsay (1864-1951) photographs; ca. 1900-1910. 0.1 cubic feet. hmc-0163. Hotel proprietor in Porcupine, Alaska.

Norman W. Lindsey photographs; 1945-1946. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1462. Photographs taken by a U.S. Army serviceman who served in Alaska during World War II.

Milton Lipton oil reports; 1956-1986. 10.0 cubic feet. hmc-0971. International oil issue reports written by Milton Lipton’s consulting firm, Walter J. Levy Consultants Corp.

Literary Artists Guild of Alaska records; 1981-1982. 0.01 cubic feet.  hmc-0164. Records relating to an Alaskan literary forum.

Lois Little papers; 1931, 1935. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-0575. Scrapbook and travel diary of a schoolteacher from Iowa who took a trip to Alaska and Canada.

Alfonso L’Kievicz papers; 1902-1936. 0.5 cubic feet. hmc-1390. Personal papers and business records of an Alaskan miner.

Thomas Lloyd photographs; 1964-1966. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1487-ahs. Photographs taken by a soldier stationed at Ft. Wainwright with the U.S. Army Dental Corps.

Bob and Marie Logan slides; circa 1945-1962. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-1071. Color slides belonging to an Alaska state senator and his wife.

Charles Lonero Letter; 1947 May 17. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0609. Letter from a Medical Administrative Corps captain who was stationed at Ft. Richardson.who was stationed at Ft. Richardson.

Lorrie and Sarge color slides; 1948. 0.2 cubic feet. hmc-0750. Primarily travel slides of couple who stayed at Fort Richardson and toured Alaska.

Lost River city development collection; 1972-1974. 0.25 cubic feet. hmc-1460-apu. Collected materials related to a proposed development city in on the Seward Peninsula.

Louise letters; 1928-1929. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-0851. Letters written by a woman who toured Alaska in the late 1920s.

Charles V. Lucier papers; 1903-2009. 12.90 cubic feet. hmc-0165. Papers and photographs of an Alaska anthropologist and archaeologist.

Earl J. Lucier photographs; undated, 1944. 0.1 cubic feet. hmc-0621. World War II photographs by a soldier who served in Alaska.

Donald E. Luke and Anne Purdy correspondence; 1948-1949. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1159. Correspondence between an Alaskan journalist and an Alaskan writer.

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