• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

Arliss Sturgulewski

Guest blogger: Mariecris  Ed. note: We’ve been working on Arliss’s papers for quite some time. Arliss originally gave them to us in 1997, I’d worked on them from about 2003-2005 sporadically, and after Mariecris started, I assigned them to her …

another quiet week

I (Arlene) am off to Austin this week for the annual Society of American Archivists conference.  MC will be holding down the fort, with an occasional substitution by Nicole.  So it’s probably going to be fairly quiet on the blog …

Adventure in archiving

[Mariecris:] When working the reference desk you never know what type of reference requests will come along.  Some of them are pretty consistent: people doing research for a book/dissertation, requesting images for a documentary or exhibit, compiling family history etc.…