Category: Disaster recovery
New in the Archives, November 2019
New in the Archives: December 2018
Back to partial operation
We’re back open to our normal hours on Wednesday, December 5. (With a few exceptions upcoming. See our main website page for details on those.)
But we’re not quite cleaned up from the earthquake quite yet. Here’s our current status:…
Why I want compact shelving
This may sound like a weird topic in the midst of dealing with clean-up after an earthquake, but bear with me here.
There’s a few reasons. We’re nearly at capacity for physical collections, our vault is about 85-90% full. …
Santa Barbara Oil Spill
enough with the glycol already (or I need to get a life)
So I (Arlene) was staying far too late on a Friday night just finishing up some small details. I was almost down the stairs and out the door when I heard my name called behind me. It was Sharyl Kitchin, …
When disaster doesn’t strike
An organized desk is the sign of an organized mind. Or is it?
Usually my (Arlene’s) office is a pretty accurate barometer of my work life. The more things going on, the more disastrous–and I mean that word very literally–my office looks. But today was cleaning day. Not because I had anything less …
The end of a resource
We learned today of the imminent demise of CoOL: Conservation OnLine. CoOL is a resource on conservation and preservation issues that has been hosted by Stanford University for many, many years. Want to know what a stone consolidant does? Go …
New in the Archives, November 2019
New in the Archives: December 2018
Back to partial operation
We’re back open to our normal hours on Wednesday, December 5. (With a few exceptions upcoming. See our main website page for details on those.)
But we’re not quite cleaned up from the earthquake quite yet. Here’s our current status:…
Why I want compact shelving

This may sound like a weird topic in the midst of dealing with clean-up after an earthquake, but bear with me here.
There’s a few reasons. We’re nearly at capacity for physical collections, our vault is about 85-90% full. …
Santa Barbara Oil Spill
enough with the glycol already (or I need to get a life)
So I (Arlene) was staying far too late on a Friday night just finishing up some small details. I was almost down the stairs and out the door when I heard my name called behind me. It was Sharyl Kitchin, …
When disaster doesn’t strike
An organized desk is the sign of an organized mind. Or is it?
Usually my (Arlene’s) office is a pretty accurate barometer of my work life. The more things going on, the more disastrous–and I mean that word very literally–my office looks. But today was cleaning day. Not because I had anything less …
The end of a resource
We learned today of the imminent demise of CoOL: Conservation OnLine. CoOL is a resource on conservation and preservation issues that has been hosted by Stanford University for many, many years. Want to know what a stone consolidant does? Go …