Changing our minds and following the logic
180 turns on long-standing policy is not something that happens around here much, but over the past few months we’ve been thinking and discussing. You know all those images we put up on the Alaska’s Digital Archives site? We spend a great deal of time scanning them at a fairly…
White Alice

Today, March 26, is the anniversary of the day the White Alice communications network was put into service. In a random bit of serendipity,this morning I finished the finding aid (collection guide) to the Leland Olson papers. Lee Olson was a surveyor and personnel manager for Western Electric, one of…
African American History in the Archives: Part 4

Guest blogger: Mariecris “I feel Kuumba is a funnel through which information, feelings, political climate, racial dilemmas can be acknowledged and resolved. In order to achieve our highest potential we must recognize ourselves, our culture and values. It’s time that we name ourselves, understand ourselves and create for ourselves!” Paula…
African American History in the Archives: Part 3

Guest blogger: Megan If you’re just tuning in, we’re celebrating Black History Month here at the Archives & Special Collections blog (with a brief detour for some Valentine’s Day affection). Mariecris and I have been highlighting collections from our archives that focus on the history of blacks in Alaska, and…
A valentine in time
One of the things we love about working in archives is that sometimes the papers give you a little glimpse into people’s lives. Not the important, momentous, world-shaking events, but daily lives. A window on relationships, family, love. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, all three of us (Mariecris, Megan,…
African American History in the Archives: Part 2
Guest blogger: Mariecris. Black History -Will no longer be taught in the context of slavery then freedom, of our arrival in the country before the Mayflower in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. – Yes earlier than Mayflower dropping anchor at Plymouth Rock. -As you study history the best way to acquire…
African American History in the Archives: Part 1
The other side of life
Apparently, I (Megan) can’t hide in my office anymore and plead my newbie status as an excuse for not writing a blog post. I’ve been Reference Archivist here in Archives & Special Collections for two weeks now and an Alaskan for just three weeks. And what a busy three weeks…