Writing a love letter
As archivists, we don’t often tell people how to create their documents. Unless asked, of course, then the gloves are off. But on this St. Valentine’s Day Eve, I’ve found a nice little nugget in the 1885 Gay’s Standard Encyclopedia on how to write a love letter and I’d like…
A matter of timing
Loren Taft: a retrospective
The Self-Educator
Appraising legislator’s papers
Periodically I’ll receive a call from a legislator’s office to begin the conversation of what of their legislative records might be appropriate for an archives to take in. I often try to dodge providing lists, because any list I might provide should be regarded not as prescriptive (i.e. throw everything…
Reel Life Alaska: The Re-cap
Coming October 18th: “Reel Life Alaska: Films from UAA Archives & Special Collections”!

Join us for “Reel Life Alaska: Films from UAA Archives & Special Collections,” a showing of archival film footage from our collections! WHEN: 7pm – Thursday October 18, 2012 WHERE: UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 307 WHAT: We will be opening up our film collection and screening some choice gems, including:…