Newly described:
- First Alaska State Fair program; 1959. EPH-0497
- National Bank of Alaska “The Heritage of Alaska” pamphlets; undated. EPH-0498
- Northern Commercial Company “Native handicraft from north of the Arctic Circle” pamphlet; undated. EPH-0499
- Z.J. Loussac Public Library Dedication program and “The Loussac Story” pamphlet; undated, 1955. EPH-0500
- Alaskan stock certificates; 1925-1935. EPH-0501
- Kiwanis International. The Potlatch conference magazine; 1963 August. EPH-0502
- Robert and Wilma Knox papers; 1925-2018. hmc-0461. 0.3 cubic foot addition, added by History Department intern, Ashlyn Burns.
- Caelus Energy mud logs; 1949-2008. 4.0 cubic feet. hmc-1416. Records of bore holes from a petroleum corporation.
- Jack Dionigi photographs; 1942-1945. 0.01 cubic feet. hmc-1408-ahs. World War II era photographs from a US Army Signal Corps service member stationed in Alaska.
- UAA. African American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, International and Native American (AHAINA) Student Services records, 1995-2014. 0.4 cubic feet and 4.07 GB. UAA-0167. Primarily photographs of AHAINA events. Our intern, Ashlyn Burns, rehoused all of the photographic images and co-wrote the description with Arlene.
- DeEtte and Edward Davis family papers; 1929-1985. 3.6 cubic feet. hmc-1412. Papers of a couple who were active in politics and civic life, including the Alaska Constitutional Convention and the Anchorage Charter Commission.
- Carol and Lloyd Lindsay family papers; 1936-1982. hmc-1415. Papers, photographs, and films of an Anchorage area family. Our intern, Ashlyn Burns, processed the collection and wrote the finding aid.
- Thomas Jenks Porter papers; 1971-2019. 0.4 cubic feet. hmc-1418. Professional papers of an Anchorage doctor involved with care of newborns.
New online in the Alaska’s Digital Archives:
7 images from the Stoll family papers, related to a specific mine in the Willow Creek Mining District (Hatcher Pass area). In response to a researcher request.
19 images from the Don Grybeck slides, related to Gulkana Glacier. In response to a researcher request.
21 images related to the Nenana Ice Classic and 1 image from the Chena Ice Classic, from the Bill Bacon, Betzi and Lyman Woodman, and Berry Gilcrease collections.
Transcripts to 16 recordings from the Ruben Gaines broadcasts collection were added to the metadata on the Alaska’s Digital Archives site. Thanks to our volunteer transcribers, Alice Cone and Robin Hanson, for all the time they’ve spent on doing these! The transcripts mean that even those who cannot listen to the audio recordings can still have access to the content.
Updated collections:

Group photo from the Yukon Territory negatives, HMC-0394
Our History Department intern, Ashlyn, digitized 34 glass plate negatives from a collection from 1908 in the Yukon Territory. 3 additional nitrate negatives and one glass plate negative were digitized by Arlene. Several of the glass negatives were cracked, one was broken in several places. Due to the fragile nature of these materials, it’s important that we have good digital surrogates available to researchers to view. This will allow us to preserve the originals as long as possible and to protect our researchers from cuts from the glass! Since many of the original negative envelopes were labeled, Arlene added a descriptive item list to the guide to the collection. Ashlyn also digitized 44 glass plate negatives from the Thomas Sexton photographs collection for access.
At the end of March, Gwen traveled to Fairbanks to present at the Alaska Library Association Conference about our grant-funded project to create topic guides to primary source collections at archives across the state.
On April 25, the Consortium Library held a 50th anniversary celebration. Our intern, Ashlyn helped identify photographs of the library in our collections. Gwen scanned the photos that weren’t already digitized and organized them into a slideshow to play during the party (Ashlyn had completed her internship, or we would have let her put the slideshow together).

Construction of the original Consortium Library building