• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

Electronic records in Archives part 2

What better place to take a bunch of electronic records courses than in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska in June?

June 8-12, 2015 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage, to be precise.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve just signed the contract with the Society of American Archivists to host another weeklong intensive of Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) courses here at the Consortium Library. We have an amazing line-up of instructors, so we’re very excited about being able to get this training and hope you’ll join us.

You don’t have to be pursuing the DAS certification to attend. You don’t have to sign up for all the courses to attend. Take a look at the list below and see what’s of interest to you. SAA is offering a nice price break for those who sign up for the full week ($775 for SAA members, $920 for employees of an institutional member, $1070 for non-members if you register by May 9), as you’ll see if you look at one of the courses listed below.

Course registration and information is all available through the SAA website. If you have more localized questions (parking, housing) you’ll want to contact us here in the Archives. Unfortunately we were just notified that dorm space will not be available. If housing costs will be an obstacle for your attendance, please contact us–we’ll see if we can arrange for crash space with one of our colleagues.


Monday, 6/8/2015: Copyright Issues for Digital Archives #15A6

Tuesday, 6/9/2015: Managing Electronic Records in Archives and Special Collections #15A7

Wednesday, 6/10/2015: Digital Forensics: Foundational #15A8

Thursday-Friday, 6/11/2015 – 6/12/2015 Digital Forensics: Advanced #15A9

We hope you’ll consider joining us for all or part of this week. It’s a great way to get a lot of training in at once. (Note to non-Alaskans: Anchorage in June tends to get a lot of sunlight. The sun sets, but it never gets full dark. So you’ll have lots of time outside of class to see the beautiful area, too.)

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