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UAA. Chancellor’s Transition Management Team meeting records

University of Alaska Anchorage Records
Guide to the UAA. Chancellor’s Transition Management Team meeting records

Collection number: UAA-0114.
Creating office: Chancellor’s Transition Management Team.
Series title: UAA. Chancellor’s Transition Management Team meeting records.
Date: 1987.
Volume of series: 0.4 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Series summary: Reports and correspondence for a committee created to make recommendations regarding the merger of UAA and ACC.

Administrative history:
The Chancellor’s Transition Management Team was created after the announcement of the merger of UAA and ACC to provide staff support to the Chancellor’s Office and the UAA restructuring task forces. Task forces were responsible for managing and addressing issues and to answer policy and procedural questions identified by the President of the University of Alaska and by the Transition Management Team. The task forces created were: Administrative Services, Academic Affairs, Student Services, Statewide Vocational Education Center, and Space Planning and Utilizations.

Agency functions:
The Transition Management Team was not created to be a decision making committee, instead they were responsible for making recommendations on various issues and developments regarding the merger of UAA and ACC and forward those to the Chancellor’s Office. The Management Team identified and prioritized academic and student service related transition issues.

Series description:
The series includes correspondence, recommendation reports, and meeting reports of the Transition Management Team.

Arrangement: Arranged in the order it arrived at the Archives.

Digitized copies: Digital copies of collection material not available online. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Preferred citation: UAA. Chancellor’s Transition Management Team meeting records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Custodial history: This collection arrived with the Miriam Carlson papers, HMC-0493, in 2000. It was separated from that collection in 2015 and moved to the University Records series.

Processing information: This collection was described by Veronica Denison in 2015.


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