University of Alaska Anchorage Records
Guide to the UAA. Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
conference records
Collection number: UAA-0037.
Creating office: University of Alaska Anchorage. Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.
Series title: UAA. Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies conference records.
Dates: 1979-1991.
Volume of series: 5.3 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials in English.
Series summary: Conference documents and session recordings of conferences dealing with substance abuse, violence, and other social issues.
Administrative history:
The Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS) was established by the Board of Regents in 1972 to address the problem of substance abuse in Alaska. CAAS is housed within the Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies.
Agency functions:
CAAS conducts research that addresses substance abuse in Alaska. Research activities center on the stimulation and coordination of interdisciplinary and collaborative studies and the promotion of scientific interchanges of alcohol-and drug-related information.
Series description:
The collection consists of records of conferences held in Anchorage and presented by the University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. Textual records consist of conference brochures, programs, proceedings, tape lists, and other materials. These include records from the following conferences: the Annual School on Addiction Studies (1979, 1981-1984, 1986-1991), the Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference (1984, 1985, 1987-1989), the Institute on Family Violence (1984-1986), the Annual Mental Health Conference (1987-1991), and the Annual Interpersonal Violence Symposium (1989-1991). The audio recordings consist of 1150 audiocassettes of conference proceedings. The audiocassettes are from the following conferences: the Annual School on Addiction Studies (1984-1991), the Annual Institute on Family Violence (1984-1985), the Annual Mental Health Conference (1987-1991), and the Annual Interpersonal Violence Symposium (1990-1991). The conferences of 1989 to 1991 were referred to as the Tri-discipline Conferences, on the subjects of addiction studies, mental health, and interpersonal violence.
Arrangement: The collection is arranged chronologically by conference date. The tapes are housed separately from the documents; the box locations are noted in the container list below.
Digitized copies: Digital copies of collection material not available online. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.
Use restrictions: The University holds copyright only to those materials created by CAAS.
Preferred citation: UAA. Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies conference records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Works used in preparation of inventory:
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. 2011 (accessed November 16, 2011).
Custodial history: The records were transferred to the Archives by CAAS in 1991.
Processing information: This collection was initially arranged and described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2003. The collection number was re-assigned to a UAA records prefix and the guide to the collection reformatted to meet current standards by Arlene Schmuland in 2011.
Container list:
Folder |
Number |
Description | Date |
1/1 | 1979 Summer School on Alcohol and Addiction Studies brochure, program, and proceedings | 1979 June 4-8 | |
1/2 | Summer School on Alcohol and Addiction Studies, June 4-8, 1979, Anchorage Alaska proceedings (master typescript copy, 242 pages) | 1979 June 4-8 | |
1/3 | 1981 Annual School on Alcohol and Addiction Studies program and proceedings | 1981 May 4-7 | |
1/4 | 1982 Annual School on Addiction Studies program | 1982 May 3-6 | |
1/5 | The Ninth Annual School on Addiction Studies program | 1983 May 2-6 | |
1/6 | 10th Annual School on Addiction Studies brochure | 1984 April 30-May 4 | |
2 | K186-1 | Keynote speaker: H. Stephen Glenn; Focus: addictions: Alaska’s health challenge for the 80’s | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-2 | Keynote speaker: Claude Steiner; Focus: The challenge opening up to new perspectives | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-3a, b | Focus Alaska: Alcohol program in Athabascan territory; Demit, Titus, Frank, Pedro, Miller and Thomas (2 tapes) | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-6a, b | The new perspective; Steiner (2 tapes) | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-7a, b | Research update-Toward a clearer understanding of the disease; Collins (2 tapes) | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-8 | Keynote speaker: Larry Merculief; Focus: The force of culture in building self esteem | 1984 April 30 |
2 | K186-9 | Keynote speaker: Tim Cermak; Focus: The power of reality and the reality of power | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-10a, b | Alcoholic/co-dependant family dynamics; Cermak (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-11a, b | Continuum of violence: applications to alcohol abuse, part I; Purdy/ Richards (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-12a, b | Prevention through strengthening the family; Glenn (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-13 | The cocaine epidemic and “800-cocaine”; Jones | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-14a, b | Current approaches to treating the disease; Collins (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-15a, b | Healing alcoholism: a personal perspective, part I; Steiner (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-16 | Keynote speaker: Thomas Todd; Focus: Mobilizing the family and other supports | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-17a, b | Taking charge: kids advertising the good life; Hendricks (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-18a, b | Continuum of violence: applications to alcohol abuse, part II; Purdy/Richards (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-19a, b | Reducing barriers to family involvement in treatment; Todd (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-20a, b | Focus Alaska: the elders’ perspective (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-21a, b | Medical aspects of cocaine abuse; Hughes (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-22a, b | Understanding stress management; Breslow (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-23 | Treatment of women: truth and fiction; Middleton | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-24a, b | Focus Alaska: one village’s approach to its youth and alcohol abuse; Merculief (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-25a, b | The safe use of psychotropic drugs in the alcoholic and drug abuser: a physicians workshop; Hughes (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-26a, b | The typical cocaine addict and the course of treatment; Jones (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-27a, b | Concepts of addiction: a roundtable discussion; Steiner, Todd, Collins (2 tapes) | 1984 May 1 |
2 | K186-29 | Keynote speaker: Jane Middleton; Focus: Bridging the river | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-30 | What our grandmothers told us; Middleton | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-31a, b | Healing alcoholism: a personal perspective, part II; Steiner (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-32a, b | Developmental issues for children of alcoholics; Cermak (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-33a, b | Relapse prevention; Collins (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-34 | Awards luncheon, speaker: Dr. Jane Jones; Focus: History of cocaine abuse | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-35a, b | Toward a general model of addiction; Todd (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-36a, b | developing capable young people: an introduction; Glenn (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-37a, b | Recovery process for adult children of alcoholics; Cermak (2 tapes) | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-38 | Treating the cocaine addict; Jones | 1984 May 2 |
2 | K186-39a-h | Course: Marital and family therapy with substance abuse; Thomas Todd (8 tapes) | 1984 May 3-4 |
2 | K186-40a-d | Course: Developing capable young people: the program; H. Stephen Glenn (4 tapes) | 1984 May 3-4 |
2 | K186-41a-d | Course: Women, power and cultural roles; Jane Middleton (4 tapes) | 1984 May 3-4 |
2 | K186-42a-e | Course: Intense workshop in group therapy for adult children of alcoholics; Tim Cermak (5 tapes) | 1984 May 3-4 |
1/7 | Children of Alcoholics program | 1984 October 12-14 | |
1/8 | Institute on Family Violence brochure and program | 1984 December 10-14 | |
2 | K331-1 | Keynote address: Ending family violence: challenge for the last frontier; Diana Russell | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-2 | Keynote address: Child abuse: a systems perspective; Michael Groh | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-3a, b | Child abuse treatment issues; Michael Groh (2 tapes) | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-4a, b | Wife rape and acquaintance rape; Diana Russell (2 tapes) | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-6a, b | Safe home network; Charro Ridge, Lola Tobuk (2 tapes) | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-7a, b | Introduction to elder abuse issues; Mary Quinn (2 tapes) | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-8 | Generations birth: a family systems view of domestic violence; Jane Middleton | 1984 December 10 |
2 | K331-9 | Keynote address: The wisdom of elders, causes and solutions to Native American violence; Jane Middleton | 1984 December 11 |
2 | K331-10 | Self determination: a community approach to Native American domestic violence; Jane Middleton | 1984 December 11 |
2 | K331-11a, b | Introduction to domestic violence offender treatment; Norm Nickle (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-12a, b | Interviewing techniques with young victims of sexual assault; Phil Kaufman (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-13a, b | Revictimization, why it happens: an examination over time; Diana Russell (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-14a, b | Nonviolent parenting skills; Center For Children and Parents (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-16 | Keynote address: Elder abuse: myth or reality?; Mary Quinn | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-17 | Strategies for intervention in elder abuse; Mary Quinn | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-18a, b | Changing role of Native women’s identity; Cookie Guinn (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-19a, b | Role of law enforcement in intervening in family violence; Susan Kaplan (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-20a, b | Prevention of child abuse; Michael Groh (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-21a, b | Sex offender treatment, part I; Ron Eldridge (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-23a, b | Sex offender treatment, part II; Ron Eldridge (2 tapes) | 1984 December 11 |
3 | K331-27 | Impact of emotional abuse on children; Michael Groh | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-28a, b | Breaking through the denial of batterers and incest offenders; Norm Nickle, Fran Purdy (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-29a, b | Incest: beyond the myths; Diana Russell (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-30a, b | Using the legal system to intervene in elder abuse; Mary Quinn, Rosemary Haffner (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-32a, b | Child sexual abuse treatment; Ann Stockman (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-33 | Awards luncheon: Empowerment; Susan Kaplan | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-36a, b | Child sexual abuse prevention curricula in Alaska; Rosemary Murray, Susan Leddy (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-37a, b | Outreach, advocacy and community education: a rural perspective; Vivian March (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-38a, b | Expert witnessing techniques; Susan Kaplan (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-39a, b | Victim advocacy; Carla Huntington (2 tapes) | 1984 December 12 |
3 | K331-41a-e | Circles of hands: a family and community approach to Native American domestic violence; Jane Middleton (5 tapes) | 1984 December 13-14 |
3 | K331-43a-f | Treatment techniques for working with batterers and incest offenders; Norm Nickle (6 tapes) | 1984 December 13-14 |
3 | K331-44a-f | Child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment; Michael Groh (6 tapes) | 1984 December 13-14 |
3 | K331-45a-f | Recovery processes for battered women: advanced techniques for counseling and shelters; Carol Richards, Francis Purdy (6 tapes) | 1984 December 13-14 |
3-4 | Eleventh Annual School on Addiction Studies | 1985 May | |
3 | L194-1 | Welcoming remarks | 1985 May |
3 | L194-2 | Keynote speaker: Health and healing-community approach to addictions; Glenn | 1985 May |
3 | L194-5a, b | Community and family strategies for prevention; Glenn (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-6a, b | Depression and grief in alcoholic family systems; Dwinell (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-7a, b | The alcoholic family as a learning system; Greenleaf (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-8a, b | Introduction to nutrition and alcohol; Harrison, Nobmann (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-9a, b | Exploring human spirituality; Fassett (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-10 | Keynote speaker: Native self identity; Demit | 1985 May |
3 | L194-11 | Keynote speaker: Long term recovery and aftercare for the entire family; Dwinell | 1985 May |
3 | L194-12a, b | Long term recovery and aftercare for the entire family-Keynote follow-up; Dwinell (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-13a, b | Prevention: state of the art; Glenn (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-14a, b | Nutritional intervention, part I; Harrison, Nobmann (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-15a, b | The counselor as community organizer in western Alaska; Marum (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-16a | Incest and sobriety; Wolf, Nevaldine | 1985 May |
3 | L194-26a, b | Rural providers conference: addressing the issues; Sam (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-27 | Keynote address: Going from yesterday to today; Frank | 1985 May |
3 | L194-28a, b | The process of identification, intervention, and treatment of adolescent abusers; Hunter, et al (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-29a, b | Treatment approaches with alcoholic family systems; Dwinell (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-30a, b | Alcohol, malnutrition, and Native Americans; Harrison, Nobmann (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-32a, b | Women and eating disorders, part I; Nevaldine (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
3 | L194-35a, b | Approaching prevention by building individual strengths in youth; Glenn (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-36a, b | Transforming addictions: learning to live at the growing edge; Small (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-37a, b | Women and eating disorders, part II; Nevaldine (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-38a, b | Research update: marijuana and its medical impact; Chapman (2 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-40a-g | An overview of cocaine and marijuana treatment issues; Chapman (7 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-41a-h | Developing capable people as an approach to prevention, intervention, and treatment; Glenn (8 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-42a-3 | The journey beyond abstinence; Small (5 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-43a-c, e, f | Healing, helping and self-helping; Greenleaf (5 tapes) | 1985 May |
4 | L194-45a-c, e, f | Aftercare: recovery, training, and self help; Zackon (5 tapes) | 1985 May |
1/9 | Children of Alcoholics Conference brochures and program | 1985 September 27-28 | |
1/10 | 2nd Annual Institute on Family Violence invitation, brochure, and program | 1985 December 9-13 | |
4 | L327-1 | Keynote address: Responding to violence against women in the USA and Britain; Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-2 | Family violence: a developmental understanding; Miriam Ingebritson | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-3a, b | Short term and long term solutions to violence against women; Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash (2 tapes) | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-4a, b | Family abuse: the addiction; Miriam Ingebritson (2 tapes) | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-5a | Basics of batterer treatment in rural Alaskan communities; Daniel Saunders, Steve Wilson | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-6a, b | Child witness and expert witness preparation for criminal court procedures; Elizabeth Sheley (2 tapes) | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-7a, b | Family system strategies for treatment of abusive families; Susan LaGrande, Mercy Dennis (2 tapes) | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-8 | The dependent/co-dependent relationship: an addictions approach to battering; Janna Gingras | 1985 December 9 |
4 | L327-10 | Keynote address: Sexual assault of children: current clinical and legal issues; Lucy Berliner | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-11a, b | The hard cases: custody disputes, the very young victim, and the multiple victim/multiple offender; Lucy Berlinger (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-12a, b | Criminal justice response to violence against women in Europe and the U.S.; Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-13a, b | Counseling gay and lesbian batterers; Shanna Horman, Andrew Slavin (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-14a, b | Alcoholism and the batterer; Delores White (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-15a, b | Preventing child abuse and neglect; Shirley Pittz (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-16a, b | Recognizing and treating multiple victimization in shelter clients; Laurie Chamblee (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-17a, b | Guidelines for making appropriate therapist referrals; Rosemary Murry (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-18 | Keynote address: Men who batter: who are they and what helps them change?; Daniel Saunders | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-20a, b | How to evaluate programs for men who batter; Daniel Saunders (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-21a, b | Child physical and sexual abuse programs: different advocates equal different approaches; Sharon Araji (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-23a, b | Alcoholism and the victim; Delores White (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-24a, b | Civil and criminal court procedures in child sexual abuse cases; Judge Victor Carlson, Victor Krumm (2 tapes) | 1985 December 10 |
4 | L327-25a, b | Violence and role expectation: the oppression of men and women; Rick Romito (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-30 | Keynote address: Children of alcoholics: emotional and physical abuse; Delores Richardson | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-32a, b | Using sand play and drawings in the treatment of abused children; Delores Richardson, Susan LaGrande (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-33a, b | Strategies for effective interdisciplinary cooperation; Wendy Warnick (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-34a, b | Elder abuse issues; Pillimer (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-35a, b | The role of rural Alaskan communities in child sexual abuse prevention and intervention; Clara Kelly (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-36 | Awards luncheon: Psychological abuse: the meaning is the message; James Garbarino | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-37a, b | Family violence: the belief system and treatment of women who were abused as children; Miriam Ingebritson (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-38a, b | Introduction to working with men who batter; Daniel Saunders, Wilson (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-39a, b | Rapid cultural change and family violence: challenge for Alaskans; Joan Hamilton Cannelos, the Honorable Kay Wallis (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-40a, b | Group empowerment for abused women; Mary Matthews, Kate Lehn (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-41a, b | Psychological abuse: the meaning is the message; James Garbarino (2 tapes) | 1985 December 11 |
4 | L327-43 | Keynote address: Traditional Alaskan Native child-rearing values: myths and reality; Clara Kelly | 1985 December 12 |
5 | L327-45a-e | Counseling men who batter their partners; Daniel Saunders, Wilson (5 tapes) | 1985 December 12-13 |
5 | L327-46a-e | The process and structure of treating family violence; Miriam Ingebritson (7 tapes) | 1985 December 12-13 |
5 | L327-47a, e | Research and public policy about violence against women; Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash (2 tapes) | 1985 December 12-13 |
5 | L327-48a-f | Strategies for intervention in elder abuse issues (6 tapes) | 1985 December 12-13 |
5 | L327-49a-e | Dealing with psychological maltreatment; James Garbarino (5 tapes) | 1985 December 12-13 |
1/11 | 12th Annual School on Addiction Studies brochures and a program | 1986 May 5-9 | |
5 | S185-2 | Keynote address: Prevention: dynamics that make it work; Andrew Mecca | 1986 May 5 |
5 | S185-4a, b | Prevention trends and special populations; Andrew Mecca (2 tapes) | 1986 May 5 |
5 | S185-6 | Relapse prevention and aftercare planning in rural Alaska; Terence Gorski/John Baertschy | 1986 May 5 |
5 | S185-7a, b | Effects of marijuana on adolescents; Delores White (2 tapes) | 1986 May 5 |
5 | S185-8a, b | Funding alternatives for nonprofits/prioritizing needs, C-Joe Dimatteo (2 tapes) | 1986 May 5 |
5 | S185-9 | Keynote address: Terrence Gorski; Relapse prevention update 1986 | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-10a | Warning signs of relapse; Terrence Gorski | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-11a, b | Eating disorders as addiction; Anne Nevaldine (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-12 | Natural helpers: a program overview; Paul Sulley | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-13a, b | Focus Alaska: sober and proud; Anna Frank (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-14a, b | What’s new on cocaine; Delores White (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-16 | Women’s support luncheon: Women healing women; JoEllen Wahto | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-17 | Focus Alaska: economics-substance abuse, the correlates; Perry Eaton | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-18a, b | Adult children of the alcoholic; Robert Subby (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-19a, b | Making the transition from counselor to manager; Yvonne Chase (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-21a, b | The social model: a philosophy for community recovery (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-22a, b | Working with lesbian and gay clients; Anne Nevaldine, Fred Hillman (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-23a, b | Integrating the 12 steps into treatment; Ken Kopf, John Malcolm (2 tapes) | 1986 May 6 |
5 | S185-28 | Adolescent treatment approaches: do they really work?; Alan Altman | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-29a, b | Framework for community prevention action plans; Andrew Mecca (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-30a, b | Focus Alaska: southcentral program sharing; K.A.N.A., RuralCAP (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-32 | Update review of policy issues; George Mundell | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-33a, b | Alaska research update; Bernard Segal (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-34a, b | Adult substance abusers as sexual abuse survivors; Shkurkin (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-35 | Awards luncheon, Keynote speaker: Jane Angvik | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-36a, b | COAs and co-dependents: issues of identity and intimacy; Robert Subby (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-37a, b | How to run an aftercare group; Terence Gorski (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-38a, b | Introduction to Kakawis: a family experience; Pat Kozeski, Ray Seitcher (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-39a, b | Unmet treatment needs of women; Delores White (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-40a, b | Identifying and intervening with young children of alcoholic families; Launa Lackey, Cindy Scales (2 tapes) | 1986 May 7 |
5 | S185-42 | Keynote address: Alcoholics have the right to every other disease known to man; Delores White | 1986 May 8 |
5 | S185-45a-c | Mini Course: Information on drugs ’86; Delores White (3 tapes) | 1986 May 8-9 |
5 | S185-46a-e | Mini Course: Co-dependency and the half-life syndrome; Robert Subby (5 tapes) | 1986 May 8-9 |
5 | S185-48a, b | Mini Course: Community planning for prevention programs; Andrew Mecca (2 tapes) | 1986 May 8-9 |
1/12 | 3rd Annual Institute on Family Violence program and labels | 1986 December 1-3 | |
1/13 | Third Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference brochures and flyer | 1987 February 27-28 | |
1/14 | The Thirteenth Annual School on Addiction Studies and the Second Annual Conference on Mental Health program and audiotape list | 1987 May 18-21 | |
6 | SAS1 | Keynote address: Principles and processes for developing a healthy and sufficient future; Phil Lane | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS2 | Four Worlds development project: a comprehensive community based approach for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, part I; Phil Lane | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS4, 5 | Four Worlds development project, part II; Phil Lane (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
SAS6 | Relapse update, part I; John Baertschy, Irene McIntosh | 1987 May 18 | |
6 | SAS8, 9 | Relapse update, part II; John Baertschy, Irene McIntosh (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS10, 11 | An introduction to the recovery pyramid; Dee Burant (White) (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS14, 15 | Beyond identification: working with young children of alcoholics; Launa Lackey (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS16, 17 | Suicide and the schools; Larry Maile (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS18, 19 | Individualized care for children and adolescents; Robert Sewell, Harper (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS20, 21 | Wedidit corporation: a consumer run business; Nancy Hunter (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS 22 | Keynote address: Alcoholism, co-existing psychiatric problems and relapse; Robert Triana | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS25, 26 | Multigenerational fetal alcohol syndrome; Eva Marie Smith (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS27, 28 | Breaking the cycle with children of alcoholics: preventing another generation of alcoholism; Launa Lackey (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS29, 30 | Serial sex: a behavioral addiction; Constance Bai (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS33 | Keynote addresses: Building bridges: advocacy for children, and challenges in the 80’s: vocational programs for adults with mental illness; Christina Young/Mary Alice Brown, Dave Basel | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS34, 35 | Native cultural perspective; Phil Lane (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS36, 37 | Detox in Alaskan bush: let’s find the best way, part I; Dee Burant (White) (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS38, 39 | Untreated depression and untreated borderline personalities: a risk for relapse to alcohol; Robert Triana (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS40, 41 | Dram-edy: challenge to change; Jamie Cox (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS42, 43 | How to get off the “pot”: treatment considerations for marijuana users; Jim Griffin (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS44 | The difference between religion and spirituality; Norm Nauska | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS46, 47 | Advocates can make it happen; Christina Young (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS48, 49 | Psychosocial rehabilitation model: how it works at the Laurel Hill Center; David Basel and Mary Alice Brown (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS50 | Keynote address: For the health of it: understanding PMS; Launa Lackey | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS51 | Keynote address: Sexuality and intimacy: a heterosexual and homosexual perspective; Ellen Ratner and Gerald Schulman | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS52, 53 | Culture and learning for human development; Michael Bopp (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS54, 55 | Detox in the Alaskan bush: let’s find the right way, part II; Dee Burant (White) (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS56, 57 | Neuropsychological deficits associated with chronic alcohol abuse; Paul Craig (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS58, 59 | Relapse prevention: cause and effect; Carlo DiClemente (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS62, 63 | Supported work options for people with severe mental illness; Karen M. Ward, Sandra J. Law (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS64 | The Alaska youth initiative; John VandenBerg and Tom Buckner | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS66 | Keynote address: Beyond recovery: replace prevention; Carlo DiClemente | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS67 | Pre-adolescents and adolescents: a high risk profile; Robert Triana | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS68 | The journey to the drum; Sherry Byers | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS72 | Managing aggressive clients; David Mandt | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS73 | Keynote address: Food as a drug of choice; Judi Hollis | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS74, 75 | Providing outside support to the community healing process; Michael Bopp (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS76, 77 | Crack: an epidemic; Dee Burant (White) (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS78, 79 | Adolescent assessment and treatment issues; Gerald Shulman (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS80, 81 | AIDS in the treatment setting; Ellen Ratner (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS82, 83 | The family myth: protection for the alcohol abusing and/or violent family member; Susan LaGrande (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS84, 85 | Family relapse: a systemic view; Carlo DiClemente (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS86, 87 | Ikaiyurluki mikelngutt (helping our children); Sophie Polk (2 tapes) | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS88 | The supported work model: DVR’s expectations; Theda Ellis, Cusack | 1987 May 20 |
6 | SAS91, 92 | Alaska Psychiatric Institute: hope when all else fails; Cheryl Frair (2 tapes) | 1987 May 18 |
6 | SAS93, 94 | Gay and lesbian substance abuse treatment issues; Ellen Ratner and Gerald Shulman (2 tapes) | 1987 May 19 |
6 | SAS101-106 | Village suicide prevention: empowering for self help; Mark Mattaini (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
6 | SAS201-206 | Fat is a family affair; Judy Hollis (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
6 | SAS301-306 | Teaching parents to parent: techniques for counselors; Robert Triana (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
6 | SAS401-404 | Getting started in community development; Michael Bopp (4 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
7 | SAS501-506 | Co-dependency; Ellen Ratner, Gerald Shulman (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
7 | SAS601-606 | Management and supervision in recovery programs; Gary Morse (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
7 | SAS701-706 | Making a continuum of care available for seriously emotionally disturbed children and youth; Christina Young (6 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
7 | SAS801-805 | Functional assessment: a tool in developing community based vocational services; David Basel and Mary Alice Brown (5 tapes) | 1987 May 20-21 |
1/15 | Fourth Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference brochure | 1988 February 12-13 | |
13 | 1-8 | Jan Geringer Woititz presentation (16 tapes: 2 sets of 8) | 1988 April 22 |
13 | 1-8 | Jan Geringer Woititz presentation (8 tapes) | 1988 April 22-23 |
1/16 | 14th Annual School on Addiction Studies program and notes about tapes | 1988 May 16-20 | |
7 | SA1 | Keynote address: Spirituality and recovery from addiction; Leo Booth | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA2, 3 | 12 steps and recovery; Leo Booth (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA4, 5 | Alaska drug survey update; Bernard Segal (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA6, 7 | Tribal action plans; Tessie Rickets (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA8, 9 | Advanced group therapy, part I; John Pagan (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA10, 11 | Alaska Teen Institute: an overview; Paul Sulley and Stan Mayra (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA12 | Keynote address: Health aspects of inhalant abuse; Morris Dyer | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA13, 14 | Psychological effects of inhalant abuse; Morris Dyer (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA15, 16 | Understanding nicotine addiction; Deborah Williams (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA17, 18 | Advanced group therapy, part II; John Pagan (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA19, 20 | School intervention: student assistance; Teresa Johnson (2 tapes) | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA21 | Substance abuse and family of origin; Curt Ledford | 1988 May 16 |
7 | SA25 | Keynote address: A conceptual model of treating alcoholism; Bruce Carruth | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA26, 27 | Helping clients work through loss, grief and depression in recovery from alcoholism; Bruce Carruth (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA28, 29 | Alcoholism: the family disease; Leo Booth (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA30, 31 | Adolescent treatment: keeping our eyes on the addiction; Ross Finke (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA32, 33 | Community intervention and prevention of inhalant abuse; Morris Dyer (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA34, 35 | Community development of support groups; Curt Ledford (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA36 | Awards luncheon; The alcohol-suicide connection in later life; Nancy Osgood | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA37, 38 | Oral traditions of the elders: wisdom for the 80’s; Joan Hamilton (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA39, 40 | Spirituality and co-dependency; Leo Booth (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA41, 42 | Street work with youth in Alaska; Jeff Budd (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA43, 44 | Stopping the drinking driver; Bruce Yates (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA45, 46 | Alcohol, suicide and aging; Nancy Osgood (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA47, 48 | Hope and help for children in troubled families; Annie Franklyn (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | SA49, 50 | Plenary session: Trends in adolescent treatment; speaker: Ross Finke, Panel: Alaskan adolescent treatment programs (2 tapes) | 1988 May 17 |
7 | MC51-54 | Mini-course: Breaking the cycle; Phil Oliver Diaz (4 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | MC56-59 | Mini-course: Dealing with double trouble: alcohol and family violence; Jerry Flanzer (4 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | MC61-64 | Mini-course: Beyond abstinence: long term growth issues in recovery; Bruce Carruth (4 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | MC66-69 | Mini-course: Health aspects of inhalant abuse; Morris Dyer (4 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | MC71-74 | Mini-course: Clinical issues in adolescent treatment; Ross Finke (4 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | SA76 | Keynote address: The role of the mental health worker in critical incident intervention; Jeff Mitchell | 1988 May 18 |
7 | SA77, 78 | The adolescent sex offender: evaluation, placement and treatment; Bruce Smith (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | SA79, 80 | Helping families cope with mental illness: an alliance training; Roxanne Manly (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | SA81, 82 | Management of the cognitively impaired elder; Chuck Mundorff (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
7 | SA83, 84 | Critical incident intervention; Jeff Mitchell (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA85, 86 | Community networking for seriously emotionally disturbed youth; Sandra Collins-Jackson (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA87 | Mental health conference awards luncheon: depression and suicide in the elderly; Nancy Osgood | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA90 | Case specific training: individualized community support for youth at risk; Cheryl Riggs | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA92, 93 | Primary prevention: the fourth mental health revolution; George Albee (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA94, 95 | Assessment and treatment of depression in the elderly; Nancy Osgood (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA98, 99 | Overview of the youth day program; Kathryn Craft (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA102 | Mental health board update; Thelma Langdon | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA104, 105 | Chemical abuse and violence during pregnancy (2 tapes) | 1988 May 18 |
8 | SA106 | Keynote address: Social change: learning from each other to build for long range success; George Albee | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA107 | Dram-edy dramatization: fragmented family, fragmented intervention: a reality picture | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA108, 109 | Cross-training on assessment; Jill Baker and Janet Lindeman (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA110, 111 | Case and services analysis: a systems approach; marriage and family therapists panel (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA112, 113 | Networking and community development; Laurie Marum and Jacki Rhuman (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA114, 115 | Dram-edy: Alaska’s home-grown process for community, staff and personal development; Jamie Cox (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA116 | Issues in cross-discipline case management; Kate Morris and Eileen Lally | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA118, 119 | Where and how we spend the state resources for human services?; Peter Scales and Beth Kerttula (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA120, 121 | Which intervention approaches are healthy and which are unhealthy to client/family/community?; Phil Oliver Diaz and Nina Kinney (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA122, 123 | What are the common roots of interpersonal violence, addictions and mental health?; George Albee and Blanche Brunk (2 tapes) | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA124 | Dram-edy dramatization: a family becoming healthy through collaboration: a reality picture | 1988 May 19 |
8 | SA126 | Keynote address: Issues in the causes and prevention of suicide; Frank Nelson | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA129, 130 | Getting off the pot, what’s new; Jim Griffin (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA131, 132 | Discovering wellness within culture; Janet Allen (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA133, 134 | AIDS: trends and issues; Fred Hillman (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA135, 136 | Career transition: counselor to supervisor; John Pagan (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA137, 138 | Suicide issues in rural Alaska; Susan Soule (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA139, 140 | Healthy aging; Virginia E. Gorton (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA141, 142 | Alaska youth initiative: the first year; John VandenBerg (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA143, 144 | Borderline personality disorders; Sylvia Condy (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA145, 146 | Management of hostile and aggressive behaviors: intro to Mandt training; Mike Standridge (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA147 | Women’s support luncheon: Superwoman: male myth-female model?; Commissioner Myra Munson | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA148 | Keynote address: The three E’s: empowerment, equality, enhancement; Jerry Flanzer | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA149, 150 | What to do after the abuse stops; Jerry Flanzer (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA151, 152 | Adolescent addictions: primary or secondary?; Ross Finke (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA153, 154 | Community recovery process; Mary Stachelrodt (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA155 | Business enterprises in the non-profit sector; Jeff Budd | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA157, 158 | Divorce: counseling transition issues; Leon Webber (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA159, 160 | Differentiating between depression and dementia in the older adult; Norma Lundy (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA161, 162 | An Alaskan phenomenon: seasonal affective disorder – diagnosis and treatment; Bruce Smith (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA163, 164 | Assessing needs with culturally different elders; Mary Wolcoff (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA165, 166 | Responding to and treating suicidal crisis; Frank Nelson (2 tapes) | 1988 May 20 |
8 | SA172 | Network luncheon: Contributions to the healing process: jargon differences; Phil Oliver Diaz | 1988 May 19 |
1/17 | 3rd Annual Mental Health Conference program | 1988 May 18-20 | |
1/18 | Relationships in Recovery: Rebuilding Intimate Bonds, Workshop for Advanced Clinicians brochure | 1989 February 23-25 | |
1/19 | Fifth Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference brochure | 1989 March 30-31 | |
13 | 1-6 | Fifth Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference; Patricia O’Gorman and Phillip Oliver-Diaz (6 tapes). | 1989 March 30-31 |
1/20 | A Tri-discipline Conference: 15th Annual School on Addiction Studies, 4th Annual Mental Health Conference, The Alaska Interpersonal Violence Conference programs | 1989 May 22-26 | |
8 | AM1 | Keynote address: Macaroni at midnight; Don Bartlette | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM2, 3 | Cross cultural awareness in the counseling setting; Barbara Stuckel (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM4, 5 | Basic group skills, part I; Ray Dexter (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM6, 7 | The epidemiology of inhalant abuse: nature and extent of the problem; Beatrice Rouse (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM8, 9 | Just kiddin’ around: come play to restore your spirit and spontaneity; Kat Connerty and Delores Richardson (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM10, 11 | Working together with mental health and substance abuse in aging Alaskan populations; Gail Dalrymple (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM12, 13 | Involuntary commitment: who, what, where, when and how; Frank Nelson (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM 14, 15 | Continuity of care: hospital and community linkages; Ken Taylor (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM16, 17 | Responsible expert witness testimony; James Harper (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM18, 19 | The strengths of systems and victim advocacy approaches in working with domestic violence; Linda Webber (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM20, 21 | AIDS: the basics; Ron Rowell (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM22, 23 | A clinic is not enough: suicide from a public health perspective; Susan Soule (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM24 | Keynote address: AIDS: beginning to feel the full force; Dennis Leoutsakas | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM25, 26 | Assessment of the dual diagnosed adolescent patient; Meyers, Katie Evans (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM27 | Basic group skill, part II; Ray Dexter | 1989 May 22 |
8 | AM31, 32 | Inhalant abuse: treatment needs and issues; Beatrice Rouse (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM33, 34 | Not just another stress management workshop; Linda Julliard and Shirley Pittz (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM35, 36 | The interaction between physical decline and depression in the elderly; Norma Lundy (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM37, 38 | AFN and ANHB report on the health status of Alaska Natives; Leask, Marianne R. Ashby (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM39, 40 | Sexual abuse and domestic Violence in child custody cases; Ruth Lister and Judith Bush (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM41, 42 | HIV: the new family disease-prevention, intervention and support; Mary Cavalier and Dennis Leoutsakas (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM43, 44 | Healing within a cultural context; Doug Modig (2 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM45a-c, e, f | Level I substance abuse counselor certification exam course review; Janet Carter (5 tapes) | 1989 May 22 |
9 | AM46 | Keynote address: Grief, depression and dysfunctional families; Lorie Dwinell | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM47, 48 | Grief, depression and dysfunctional families; Lorie Dwinell (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM49, 50 | Rational psychopharmacology in the treatment of addictive disease; Thomas Jewett (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM51 | Seasonality, depression and substance abuse in Alaska; John Booker | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM53, 54 | Overview of the National Institute of Drug Abuse: programs and resources; Beatrice Rouse (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM55, 56 | Traditional and not-so-traditional housing resources; Michael G. Reddy (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM57, 58 | The effects of the new catastrophic care and the impact of screening nursing home residents; Charles Mundorff (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM59, 60 | Consumer responsibility in empowerment; Thomas Posey (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM61, 62 | Triangulated settings: a seven-step path to human growth; Bruce Bibee (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM63, 64 | Survival skills for children in Violent families; Jill Baker (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM65, 66 | The AIDS epidemic among Native Americans; Ron Rowell (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM67, 68 | Dealing with domestic Violence in rural Alaska; Alice Abraham (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM69 | Mental health awards luncheon: Working together; Thomas Posey | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM70 | Keynote address: Brief strategic therapy: its development and significance; John Weakland | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM71, 72 | Introduction to AA and the 12 steps in rural Alaska communities; John Malcolm (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM73-75 | Support groups for high risk youth: we can make them work; Annie Franklyn (3 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM 76 | Changing patterns of drug use among Alaskan adolescents; Bernard Segal | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM77, 78 | Primary, progressive, fatal: the disease of co-dependency; Sally Baker (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM79, 80 | Working with difficult to treat adolescents; Katie Evans (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM81, 82 | Establishment of an informal case management system in your community; Nancy Peters, Suzanne Boisen and Tary Tranfo (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM83, 84 | MRI brief therapy, described and illustrated; John Weakland (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM85, 86 | Professional and consumer interaction; Thomas Posey (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM87, 88 | Male entitlement and the perception of powerlessness; Robert Heasely and Don Hull (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM89, 90 | Effective rural models of service development and delivery; Nettie Scott and Elinore McMullen (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM91, 92 | Common ground of behavioral health problems in family stress; H. Stephen Glenn (2 tapes) | 1989 May 23 |
9 | AM101-104 | Mini-course: Unnecessary losses: the pain that does not heal itself; Lorie Dwinell (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM11-114 | Mini-course: Strategies for prevention, intervention and treatment of behavioral health problems in family stress; H. Stephen Glenn (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | MC131-134 | Mini-course: Implacable disease: principal treatment issues of co-dependency; Sally Baker (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM141-143 | Mini-course: Alliance for change: active partnership skills in working successfully in our Villages; Bea Shawanda (3 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM151, 152 | Mini-course: Strategic brief therapy in practice; John Weakland (2 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM161-164 | Mini-course: Developing sensitivity for the human perspective of mental illness; Mary Moller (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM171-174 | Mini-course: A Values based approach to community housing; Michael P. Reddy (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM191-194 | Mini-course: Child sexual abuse: Victim to Victimizer; Linda T. Sanford (4 tapes) | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM200 | Annual School Awards luncheon; John Schaeffer | 1989 May 24 |
9 | AM201 | Keynote address: Coordinating provider systems in the development of Viable communities; H. Stephen Glenn | 1989 May 25 |
9 | AM202 | Multiple problem case discussion; moderator: John Pagan | 1989 May 25 |
9 | AM203 | Women’s support luncheon: Together we can transform the world; Lucille Frey | 1989 May 25 |
9 | AM204 | Keynote address: People power and pro-action: cross-cultural community development and growth; Bea Shawanda | 1989 May 25 |
9 | AM205 | Keynote address: Bridging the gaps and interdisciplinary cooperation; Sally Baker | 1989 May 26 |
9 | AM206, 207 | Identifying interpersonal Violence issues for mental health and substance abuse workers; Penny Cordes and Mike Walti (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM208, 209 | Identifying mental health issues for interpersonal Violence and substance abuse workers; Michael Graf (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM210, 211 | Identifying substance abuse issues for mental health and interpersonal Violence workers; Ray Dexter (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM213, 214 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for mental health and substance abuse workers: domestic Violence; Carol Richards (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM215, 216 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for mental health and substance abuse workers: child abuse; Milli Andreini (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM217, 218 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for mental health and substance abuse workers: sexual assault; Evie Smith (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM219, 220 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for interpersonal Violence and substance abuse workers: severe mental illness; Jeff Duncan and Mike Riley (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM221, 222 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for interpersonal Violence and substance abuse workers: personality disorders; Sylvia Condy (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM223, 224 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for interpersonal Violence and mental health workers: cocaine addiction; Jim Griffin (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM225, 226 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for interpersonal Violence and mental health workers: the chronic alcoholic; Greg Hilderbrandt (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM227, 228 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for interpersonal Violence and mental health workers: fetal alcohol syndrome; Vicki Hild and Suzanne Perry (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM229 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for all workers: youth at risk; Trish Barnett-Whearley | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM231, 232 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for all workers: suicide; Evelyn Wiszinckas (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AM233, 234 | Cross-training in assessment and case planning for all workers: elders issues; Kay Burrows (2 tapes) | 1989 May 26 |
10 | AMX1 | Psychopharmacology | undated |
1/21 | Sixth Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference brochure | 1990 March 16-17 | |
1/22 | The Tri-discipline Conference: 16th Annual School on Addiction Studies, 5th Annual Mental Health Conference, 2nd Annual Interpersonal Violence Symposium programs | 1990 May 21-25 | |
10 | TD1 | Keynote address: Coming together: we speak the same language; Katie Evans | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD2, 3 | Counseling the treatment resistant adolescent; Katie Evans and J. Michael Sullivan (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD4, 5 | Solution-oriented treatment with adults molested as children, part I; William O-Hanlon (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD6, 7 | Emotional aspects during first recovery; Isabella Tweedy (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD8, 9 | Strategies for working with ACOA issues in rural Alaska; Larry Roberts and Claudia Shanley-Roberts (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD10, 11 | Is couple therapy ever justified with Violent couples?; Mike Walti, Barbara Miklos, Susan LaGrande, Chad Morse and Leon Weber: moderator (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD12, 13 | The hidden addiction: sex; Mary Cavalier (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD14, 15 | Successful management of Volunteers; Evelyn Moorhead (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD16, 17 | Parenting for recovering people; Anne Taylor (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD18, 19 | A report on Alaska’s alcoholism and drug abuse counselor certificate process; Tom Lonner (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD20, 21 | It is never too late to grow old, part 1; Ken Helander and Barbara Wallant (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD22, 23 | Ideas for functional client assessment; Alexander Von Hafften (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD24, 25 | State budget and legislative process; Deborah Smith (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD26, 27 | Solutions oriented treatment with adults molested as children, part II; William O’Hanlon (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD28, 29 | Alaska Teen Institutes: a strategy for empowering Alaska’s youth; Paul Sully and Stan Myra | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD30, 31 | Grief and mourning: an introduction to bereavement; Lu Redmond (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD32, 33 | Children of chemically-dependent family systems: intervention and prevention strategies for six to twelve year olds; Janet Saul (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD34, 35 | Is it suicide or an addiction to self-harm?; Evelyn Moorehead (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD36, 37 | Coping with the effects of bi-polar illness on the family; Mary Moller (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD38, 39 | Eye of awareness: Ellam-iinga; Mary Stachelrodt (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD40, 41 | Inhalant abuse in rural Alaska; Natasia Markham-Walberg (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD42, 43 | After-care and relapse: issues in racism; Lauri Gilcrest (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD44, 45 | It is never too late to grow old, part II; Helander and Wallant (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD46, 47 | Indian child welfare; George Charles, Jacquelyn Canoose, and Norma Malberg (2 tapes) | 1990 May 21 |
10 | TD48 | Keynote address: Is there a link between addictions, Violence and mental illness?; Mary Moller | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC50-52 | Mini-course: Surviving when someone you love was murdered; Lu Redmond (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC55-58 | Mini-course: Child sexual abuse and incest: a Native perspective; Tony Martens (4 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC60-62 | Mini-course: Understanding the human condition in schizophrenia; Mary Moller (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC65-67 | Mini-course: Metaphors be with you: therapeutic storytelling, symbols and rituals; William O’Hanlon and Patricia Hudson (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC70-72 | Mini-course: Relapse prevention: a model for juvenile sex offender treatment; Bruce Smith and Robert Freeman-Longo (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC75-77 | Mini-course: Inua: spirit group; Alice Sullivan and Randall Madigan (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
10 | TC80-83 | Mini-course: Adults with developmental disabilities and mental illness: the people, the issues, the services; Harold Woodward (4 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
11 | TC90-92 | Mini-course: Counseling the personality disordered substance abuser; Katie Evans and J. Michael Sullivan (3 tapes) | 1990 May 22 |
11 | TC95-97 | Mini-course: Inhalant abuse: interventions and treatments; Lauri Gilcrest | 1990 May 22 |
11 | TD108 | Awards luncheon: Creating drug-free communities: a review of the national drug control strategy; Phil Oliver-Diaz | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD109, 110 | Creative recovery training; Errol Strider and Lou Montgomery (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD11 | Masks as a non-traditional therapeutic tool; Delores Richardson, Pamela Schaf, Kevin Stalder, and Barbara Wallant | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD113, 114 | Healing power of play in long term recovery; Rose Mary Beck (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD115, 116 | Application of sand tray and art therapy to adult therapy issues; Carol Lambert (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD117, 118 | Let the children play; Dennis Sakowski (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD119, 120 | Dancing with your inner child; Gaye Willard-Brown (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD121, 122 | Sex, the raven and electronics: things I didn’t learn in Brooklyn College; Dennis Leoutsakas (2 tapes) | 1990 May 23 |
11 | TD123 | Keynote address: Chemical dependency and family dynamics; H. Stephen Glenn | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD124, 125 | Coping with problems of peer pressure, failure and poor self-image; H. Stephen Glenn (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD126, 127 | Alcoholism and affective disorder: causes and treatments; Bob Triana (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD128, 129 | Integrating a developmentally disabled client into a rural Alaska substance abuse program; Tom Walter, Mary Stachelrodt, and Georgia Bannon (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD130, 131 | Alcohol and domestic Violence: a model for understanding the relationship between them; Christine Mullin (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD132, 133 | Overview of Alzheimer’s disease; Leslie Moore (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD134, 135 | Suicide among American Indian and Alaska Native adolescents; Norman Dinges (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD136, 137 | Chronic child neglect-diagnosis and treatment; Milli Andreini (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD138, 139 | The demystification of API; John Hess (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD140, 141 | Update on AIDS/HIV in Alaska; Lureta Porter, Gwen Perry-Crawford, Michele Hanson, Errol Locker, Allison King and Mikki Boling – moderator (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD142, 143 | Substance abuse among Australian aborigines; Maggie Brady (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD144, 145 | Family rituals; Annie Lou Williams (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD148 | Women’s support luncheon: Woman empowerment; Annie Lou Williams | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD149, 150 | The central nervous system and addictive disorders: a primer; Tom Jewitt (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD151, 152 | An intro to parent training; Charles F. Lester and Cliff Ames (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD153, 154 | Post traumatic stress disorder: diagnosing and brief therapy intervention; Gary Muramoto and Robert York (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD155, 156 | Alcohol treatment in the Soviet Far East: state of the art; Dennis Carraher (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD157, 158 | Review of psychopharmacology; Jennifer Lothian (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD159, 160 | Group work with the schizophrenic and/or developmentally disabled chemically dependent client; Gay Welloman, Carol Sampson, and Susan Osmun (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD161, 162 | Demystifying anger management: working with clients’ anger; Arnold Fritz (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD163, 164 | Rural Alaskan batterers’ treatment models; Sam Faulkner (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD165, 166 | Living, learning and teaching: sensitivity to sexual orientation; James Mcdonald and Maureen Considine (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD167, 168 | Parenting issues regarding drug exposed infants and children; Carole McConnell (2 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
11 | TD171 | Keynote: Dual diagnosis multi-discipline approach; Bob Triana | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC175-177 | Mini-course: Exploring the mystery of relapse in schizophrenia; Mary Moller (3 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC180, 181 | Mini-course: Working with the dually diagnosed; Bob Triana (2 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC185-188 | Mini-course: Child sexual abuse and incest: a Native perspective; Tony Martens (4 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC195-198 | Mini-course: Weaving in another strand: HIV education for clients; James Mcdonald and Maureen Considine (4 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC200-202 | Mini-course: Developing a rural response network; Paul Ruff, Joyce Constenius, and Thia Falcone (3 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC205-208 | Mini-course: Rewriting love stories: brief marital therapy; William O’Hanlon and Patricia Hudson (4 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC210-212 | Mini-course: Myths and realities of outcome evaluation; Norman Hoffman (3 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC215-218 | Mini-course: Advanced group therapy interventions; Hal Post (4 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC220-222 | Mini-course: Suicide crisis intervention and post traumatic stress disorder; Lu Redmond (3 tapes) | 1990 May 25 |
11 | TC224-226 | Healing the child-becoming the adult; Terry Kellogg (3 tapes) | 1990 May 24 |
1/23 | Seventh Annual Children of Alcoholics Conference brochures | 1991 April 5-6 | |
1/24 | 1991 Tri-discipline Conference: 6th Mental Health Conference, 3rd Annual Interpersonal Violence Symposium, 17th Annual School on Addiction Studies programs, tape lists, and other conference papers | 1991 May 13-17 | |
12 | JL1-3 | Mini-course: The other side of family: recovering from incest, abuse and neglect; Ellen Ratner (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL4-6 | Mini-course: Adolescent recovery planning; Ross Finke (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL7-9 | Mini-course: Services for adolescents with severe emotional disturbances, part I; John Burchard and Robert Sewell (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL10-12 | Mini-course: Inhalant abuse: the destruction of body and mind; Thurman and Luis Fornazzari (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL13-15 | Mini-course: Quality assurance for Native substance abuse treatment services; Pieter DeGroot (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL16-18 | Mini-course: Basic counseling skills for substance abuse counselors, Part I; Helen Buell (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL19-21 | Mini-course: How to use the Basis Alcohol and Addictions Beginning Educational Systems (B.A.B.E.S.) concept in a rural setting; Rosanne Turner and Judith Lethin (3 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL22 | Mental health and alcohol problems in Native adolescents; Robert Morgan | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL23 | Alcohol assessment: review of psychological assessments in planning alcohol treatment; John Allen | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL24 | AIDS and substance abuse; Dale Chitwood and Dennis Fisher | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL26, 27 | The Native adolescent recovery program with its subset the Native adolescent suicide prevention program; Robert Morgan (2 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL28, 29 | Mental health services research at NIMH: preparing a foundation to serve Alaska Native populations with dual diagnoses; Ann Hohmann (2 tapes) | 1991 May 13 |
12 | JL31-34 | Addiction Severity Index, session I, part 1; William L. Dubnov (4 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL36-38 | Mini-course: Community crisis response: a systems approach to dealing with communities in trauma; Marlene Young (3 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL40, 41 | Mini-course: Women, addiction and the therapeutic process; Stephanie Covington (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL42-45, 45a | Mini-course: Practical brief therapy: how to accomplish more in less time; Lynn Johnson (5 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL46-49 | Mini-course: Services for adolescents with severe mental illness, part II; John Burchard and Robert Sewell (4 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL54-57 | Mini-course: The mentally ill substance abuser: practical approaches to assessment and treatment; Kathleen Sciacca (4 tapes | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL58-60 | Mini-course: Basic counseling skills, part II; Helen Buell (3 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL62, 63 | Report of a study of homelessness and drinking in Anchorage; Bernard Segal (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL64, 65 | Community dynamics: helping Villages help themselves; Kris Larson (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL66, 67 | How to write a federal grant proposal and get funded; Richard Needle (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL68, 69 | Young children of alcoholics; T. Diane Smith (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL70 | Keynote address: Communities in trauma; Marlene Young | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL71, 72 | Whole family approach in combating alcohol and drug abuse; Flora Pauken and Frank Chayalkun (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL73, 74 | Outreach efforts among IV drug users; S.T.O.P. AIDS Project Outreach Workers (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL75, 76 | Does your substance abuse program fit deaf people?; Barbara Kannapell (2 tapes) | 1991 May 14 |
12 | JL77 | Keynote address: The road less traveled; John Middaugh | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL78, 79 | Mini-course: Outrageous acts and everyday seduction: experiences of sexual aggression and Victimization in a national sample of college students; Mary Koss (2 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL80-83 | Mini-course: Creative approaches to financing integrated housing for people with disabling conditions; Robert Laux (4 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL90-93 | Mini-course: Addiction Severity Index (ASI), session I, part 2; William L. Dubnov (4 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL95 | Morning plenary session: Community mobilization and environmental approaches to prevent alcohol related problems | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL96 | Luncheon address: How to work together without sabotaging the client; Ross Finke | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL97, 98 | Quality assurance and community development: the Canadian model; Pieter DeGroot (2 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL99, 100 | Are you certifiable?; Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Review Board (2 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL101, 102 | Emergency response to rape: an overview of procedures for first responders; Mary Koss (2 tapes) | 1991 May 15 |
12 | JL103 | Keynote address: Mental health: where is it now? where is it going?; Charles G. Ray | 1991 May 16 |
12 | JL104-106 | Mini-course: Design and development of managed mental healthcare systems; Charles G. Ray (3 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
12 | JL108-111 | Mini-course: The grieving process: “crazy is normal”; Nancy Peters (4 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
12 | JL112, 113 | Mini-course: Battered women as survivors; Ed Gondolf and Ellen R. Fisher (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
12 | JL116-188 | Mini-course: Housing and support services for persons with mental illness; Laurie C. Curtis (3 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL120-123 | Mini-course: In the spirit of the family; Bob and Dorothy Aloysius, Elizabeth Sunnyboy, and Esther Green (4 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL124-126 | Mini-course: Kids and drugs: how to tell and what to do; Jann Pittmann and G. W. Bischoff (3 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL128-131 | Addiction Severity Index (ASI), session II, part 1; William L. Dubnov (4 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL133, 134 | Chemical dependency treatment for the gay/lesbian client; Ellen Ratner and Rose Mary Beck (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL135, 136 | Fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effect: dealing with the present, looking to the future; Christine Jackson, Steve Saiz, and Betty Taaffe (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL137, 138 | Inhalant abuse; Harry Haverkos (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL139, 140 | Post traumatic cultural disorder/functional and dysfunctional Native American codependence (enmeshed codependence); John Baertschy and Carol Shold (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL141, 142 | Detox for the non-medically trained counselor, therapist, or community health aide; Thomas Jewitt (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL143, 144 | Emergency psychiatric intervention; Jennifer Lothian and Melinda Glass (2 tapes) | 1991 May 16 |
13 | JL145 | Keynote address: Adolescents: sexual abuse and substance abuse, a dual recovery model; Katie Evans | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL146-148 | Mini-course: Working with the treatment resistant adolescent; Katie Evans (3 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL150-152 | Mini-course: Children of alcoholics; Jeannette Johnson (3 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL154-156 | Mini-course: Treating the multiple drug user: the chronic disease model; Scott McMillin (3 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL158-160 | Mini-course: Task group method of counseling: the chronic disease model; Ron Rogers (3 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL162, 163 | Addiction Severity Index (ASI), session II, part 2; William L. Dubnov (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL166, 167 | Assessing mental conditions in the elderly; Chuck Mundorff and Janet Enos (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL168, 169 | Keeping it confidential: client rights, legal obligations and common sense; Mac Armstrong (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL170, 171 | Racism: working through oppression; Evelyn Tucker and Cookie Gwinn (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL172, 173 | Providing comprehensive community services to the seriously mentally ill; Gene Redden and Fairbanks Community Mental Health Center Staff (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL174, 175 | Psychopharmacology; Merijeanne Moore (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL176, 177 | Twelve-step based group work for long term recovery; Jan Lindeman (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL178, 179 | Clinical supervision; Shelia Burke and Teresa Staley (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
13 | JL180, 181 | Behavior management with Alzheimer’s disease patients; Rick Graber (2 tapes) | 1991 May 17 |
1/25 | Current Issues in Addictions workshop series brochures | 1987-1988 | |
13 | C1 | A strategy for happiness; By Gary Applegate, PhD, Clinical Psychologist | undated |