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Craig Mishler papers

Guide to the Craig Mishler papers


Collection number: HMC-1300.

Creator: Mishler, Craig.

Title: Craig Mishler papers.

Dates: 1933-2021.

Volume of collection: 19.8 cubic feet and 749.5 GB.

Language of materials: A majority of the collection is in English; however it also includes materials in Alutiiq, Tanacross, Han, and Gwich’in.

Collection summary: Papers of an Alaskan cultural anthropologist and folklorist.

Biographical note:

Craig Wallace Mishler was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1942. He attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where he received a B.A. in English in 1964. Following a year of graduate school at the University of Colorado at Boulder, he received a fellowship in American Studies at Washington State University, where he was awarded an M.A. in 1968. He then became a Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) in Alaska. From 1968-1969 he worked as a VISTA in Fairbanks with the Hillcrest Home for Boys and with 1020 Second Avenue, a halfway house for recovering alcoholics.

In 1969, Mishler began teaching English and the Humanities at Anchorage Community College (ACC) in Anchorage. While there he met and then married fellow teacher Barbara Ensor. They later had two children, Molly Ann Mishler and Susanna Jane Mishler. In 1972, he received an NEH fellowship to do ethnographic fieldwork in rural Alaska and began working with the Gwich’in in northeast Alaska, studying and recording their language. He left ACC to return to graduate school in 1976 and received his doctorate in folklore and anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1981.

Mishler made a career with the State of Alaska, first as a historian with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources between 1982-1986, and then later as a subsistence resource specialist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Division of Subsistence, from 1989-1998. During his years with the ADF&G, Craig worked closely with the Alutiiq villages in Kodiak and with Aleuts in the Pribilof Islands. During this time, he continued to work with the Gwich’in and with the people at Tanacross. He was employed by Tanacross Impact Services on the Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Radar Project in 1988.

From 2011-2015 he was a research professor at the Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, under a grant from the National Science Foundation. He is the author, co-author, or editor of eight books, including The Blind Man and the Loon: The Story of a Tale, published in 2013 by the University of Nebraska Press and Dinjii Vadzaih Dhidlit: TheMan Who Became a Caribou, published by the International Polar Institute in 2019.

List of Craig Mishler’s major publications.

Collection description:

The collection is divided into five series, which reflect Craig Mishler’s research interests and professional activities. The research and writing files contain nine subseries, which pertain to work state agencies and writing projects: Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Alutiiq research files; Tanacross research files; folklore and folk music research files Gwich’in research materials; Arctic folktale research files; Robert McKennan files; Han research files; coursework; The Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey and historic preservation files. The teaching papers contain material that Mishler used when teaching classes. The field notes consist of original ethnographic research notes from various Alaskan communities. The photographs consist of slides, negatives, and prints taken primarily in Alaska. Finally, the audiovisual materials contain film, video, and audiocassettes of interviews, musical performances, classes, and other events. Additionally there is also a case of Data CDs that contain copied materials and drafts of writings, as well as audio and video.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged into the following series, which largely reflect the order in which the material was transferred to the archives:

Alternative formats: Video files that originally came to the Archives on DVD are also saved as .iso disk images to preserve menu functionality. Please consult an archivist for more information.

Access restrictions: Some materials are restricted due to the presence of personally identifiable information. These items are noted in the container list below.

This collection contains audio, film, and video that is not accessible in its current format and must be digitized prior to access, please consult an archivist for more information.

Use restrictions: This collection contains reproductions of materials from other institutions that Mishler used in his research. Please contact those institutions for information about duplication and use of copied materials.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Digital materials: The digital contents of this collection are not available online. Access may only be provided on-site in the Archives research room. For more information about potential distance access to digital records, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Craig Mishler retains copyright to the materials in the collection. The Archives can grant permission for use of collection materials.

Preferred citation: Craig Mishler papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory: Biographical information was provided by the donor.

Separated materials: Some published material has been separated from the collection and added to the Archives’ Ephemera collection and the Consortium Library’s Rare Books collection.

Acquisition note: The collection was donated to Archives and Special Collections, and a deed of gift signed, by Craig Mishler in 2018. Additional material was donated by Mishler between 2019 and 2023.

Processing information: This collection was described by Veronica Denison in 2018. Original folder titles were retained, and any additional information added by archivists is in brackets. Additional materials were added to the collection by Gwen Higgins between 2020 and 2024.

Container list:

Series 1: Research and writing files; 1933-2021. 12.6 cubic feet.

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1a: Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Alutiiq research files; 1933-2011.  1.4 cubic feet. This series includes Mishler’s work in Kodiak and Exxon Valdez Oil Spill litigation, as well as consulting and field work documenting the impact of the oil spill primarily in the Alutiiq communities of Ouzinkie and Old Harbor.

1/1Kodiak Airport Consulting2005-2006
1/2Buybacks MSS [Minerals Management Service] EVOS [Exxon Valdez Oil Spill]1996-1999
1/3Storage Boxes ADF&G [Alaska Department of Fish and Game]undated
1/4Alutiiq Foodwaysundated, 1991
1/5Alutiiq Kinship1991-1998
1/6Alutiiq Weather Lore1989-1999
1/7Ethnography Comments1998
1/8Black Ducks and Salmon Bellies1997-2004
1/9Black Ducks Maps (4)undated
1/10MMS Workshop Aug 12-141996-1998
1/11Black Ducks Mapsundated, 1998-2002
1/12Alutiiq Languageundated
1/13Alutiiq Vikings1992-1996
1/14MMSII Kodiak Chapters [Old Harbor and Ouzinkie]undated
1/15Kodiak Alutiiq Kinship Termsundated, 1989
1/16ABC News: Video Old Harbor1998
1/17BIA records: Ouzinkie and Afognak1943-1950
1/18RESTRICTED: Kodiak Release Forms/Signed1996-1997
1/19Kozley: Ouzinkie 19631963
1/20Kodiak Village and Agency Contacts1995-1996
1/21Ouzinkie Ethnography [includes Xerox copy of “Spruce Bough” published by the students of the Ouzinkie Government School 1946]1996-1997
1/22Aurcaq Dart Game1997
1/23Ouzinkie Census 1946/1934 [Xerox copies of census]undated
1/24Alutiiq Species Names1991
1/25Old Harbor News MSS. [Alaska Anthropological Association 33rd Annual Meeting in Kodiak, Alaska 2006]undated, 2006
1/26Old Harbor Village Maps [most are hand drawn]undated
1/27Old Harbor History [includes Xerox copies of documents from 1934-1949]undated, 1993, 2007
1/28Alutiiq Vikings1996
1/29Alutiiq Vikings Censusundated
1/30Old Harbor Interviews: Kana [Interviews with Larry Matfay, Anakenti and Senafont Zeeder]1983-1987
1/31BIA Tapes: Old Harbor1996
1/32RESTRICTED: Release Forms: Kodiak1998, 2007
1/33Looking Both Ways Catalogundated, 1997-1998
1/34Alutiiq Place Namesundated, 1989-1990
1/35Paul Kahutak Old Harbor [Interviews]1987-2004
1/36Dora Aga Larsen Bay [Obituaries]1996
1/37George Inga Sr. Old Harbor [Includes interview]1991-2008
1/38Sven and Mary Haakanson Sr. [Interview]1997, 2002
1/39Hender Toms [Interview]1997
1/40Panguingue: Card Gameundated, 2000
1/41Ed Opheim Sr. [Interview]1997
1/42Martha Anderson [Interview]1996-1997
1/43Arthur Haakanson [Interview]1997
1/44Nick Pestrikoff Sr. [Interview]1997
1/45Ephraim Agnot, Akiok [Obituary and letter]1994-1995
1/46Reed Oswalt [Interview]1997
1/47Alutiiq Social Structureundated
1/48Alutiiq Museum Transcripts1987-1996
1/49Larsen Bay Genealogies #11992-1997
1/50Larsen Bay Genealogies #2undated, 1995-1997
1/51Kodiak City Genealogies Rachel Masonundated
1/52Old Harbor Familiescirca 1990-1998
1/53Old Harbor Photos [most are Xerox copies of originals]undated
1/54Old Harbor Census: 1930 [Xerox copy of 1930 census]undated
1/55Old Harbor Census [Xerox copies of 1910, 1920, and1946 censuses]undated
1/56Old Harbor Ethnography1987-1999
1/57Old Harbor1979, 1986-1996
1/58BIA Records: Old Harbor, Alitak [Xerox copies of records from 1950-1951]undated
1/59A.C. Company Recordsundated
1/60The Albatross 1888-1889 [R/V Albatross]undated, 1998
1/61Ouzinkie History1981-1998
1/62Ouzinkie Genealogiescirca 1990-1999
1/63Ouzinkie Photos [Xerox copies]undated
1/64Ouzinkie [Includes genealogies, maps, subsistence use areas]undated, 1990-1999
1/65Old Harbor Photos [Xerox copies]undated
1/66MMS3 Workshop 19971997
1/67Walt Erickson [Interview]1996, 1998
1/68Ron Bernsten [Interview]1997
1/69Community Ethnographies [Interview]1997
1/70MMS: Ethnographic Q’s1996-1997
1/71Interview Questions/CEundated, 1997
1/72Alutiiq Museum masking exhibit2009
1/73-2/5Kodiak Alutiiq Genealogy Workshop funded by a National Science Foundation Grant: Includes two audiocassettes of workshop as well as workshop informationcirca 1997-2001
11/1DeHass: Alutiiq New Year’s2004
11/2Nuta’aq Anchorage [Flyer for Russian New Year celebration]1999 January 22
11/3Masked dance melody research files [Contains photocopies of material dated 1897-1975]undated, 1973
11/4Nuta’aq Mss. [Draft and research files for “The Nuta’aq: Musical Folk Drama in English Bay”]1988
11/5Ethnology: European traditions research files [Contains photocopies of material dated 1868-1985]undated
11/6Malanka [Draft and research files for “Malanka and the Alutiiq New Year’s Play]2007-2009
11/7Seldovia traditions1933-1997
11/8Ethnology: Nanwalek [Research files and paper drafts]1985-2007
11/9Ethnology: Alaskan traditions [Research files on masking traditions. Contains photocopies of material dated 1870-2001]1985-2011
11/10Masking Photos: Perryville and Yakutat 
Oversize folderAlaska mumming mapundated
11/11Kodiak Harbor fishing boats [list]1989
11/12Nanwalek maskalataqundated, 2009
11/13Old Harbor weather lorecirca 2003
11/14Father Oleksa’s talkundated
Box 18Aurcaq: Alutiiq dart game, Thomas Ignatin, Old Harbor [object]1994

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1b: Tanacross and Big Delta research files: 1966-2015. 1.15 cubic feet. This series contains genealogical files and interviews with people from Upper Tanana and Tanacross, files relating to the Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Project, and Mishler’s work with the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey at Dot Lake and Big Delta.

2/32Tanacross Place Namesundated, 1983
2/33Tape Indexes: Tanacrossundated, 1984
2/34Craig’s Field Notes: Big Delta [Big Delta Field Notes]1983
2/35Subsistence/Tanacrossundated, 1978-1988
2/36Tanacross Genealogies [Includes Xerox copies of 1900, 1937, 1938 census]undated, 1972-1989
2/37Abraham and Eva Luke Land Claimundated, 1983-1994
2/38Release Forms/Tanacross1988
2/39Alaska Native Place Names [Workshop]2015
2/40Tanacross: OTH Backscatter [Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Project]undated, 1988-1989
2/41Paredes Dissertation Correspondence1979-1993
2/42Episcopal Church Archives1993-1994
2/43Tanacross Languageundated, 1987
2/44Abraham Luke [Includes Goodpaster field notebook]undated, 1983-1989
2/45Abraham Luke Tape Index1983
2/46Tanacross Tape Indexes1988
2/47Transcriptions/Tanacross [Interviews with Gaither Paul and Silas Solomon]1988
2/48“Born with the River” manuscript1984-1985
Oversize rollIndigenous language place name maps from the Tanacross village area, compiled while working for Tanacross Impact Services1989
11/15Tanacross place namesundated, 1982-1985
11/16Big Delta interviews [oral history subject indexes]1983
11/17Big Delta symposium1983
11/18Big Delta: the early years [Contains photocopies of material from 1900-19751983
11/19The Old Trading Post [“Cultural Site Resources Survey: Rika’s Landing State Historic Site and Access Road” report]1983 March
11/20McCarty Trading Post 1905 Big Delta [photocopies of oversize ledger]undated
11/21Rika’s Roadhouse [Contains photocopies of material dated 1930-1978]undated
Oversize folderTanacross place names map1988
11/22Oral History interviews1983-1985
11/23Abraham Luke place names [index cards]undated
Box 18Kenneth Thomas #1 transcripts MS Word 97 [3.5” floppy disk. Not transferred]undated
Box 18Kenneth Thomas #2 transcripts MS Word 97 [3.5” floppy disk. Not transferred]undated
Box 18, digital storageKenneth Thomas Tr 4B & 13A [3.5” floppy disk. Some files not transferred]2001-2002
Box 18, digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. [3.5” floppy disk. Some files not transferred]2000-2001
Box 18Kenny Thomas Sr. 7/11/01  [3.5” floppy disk. Not transferred]2001 July 11 
Box 18Kenny Thomas Sr. RTF files: raw transcripts [3.5” floppy disk. Not transferred]undated
Box 18, digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. transcripts [3.5” floppy disk. Some files not transferred]2000-2001
Box 18, digital storageMansfield Culture Camp July, 1999 [3.5” floppy disk]1999 July 23 
Box 18, digital storageTanacross Backscatter Radar Project 1988 [3.5” floppy disk]1988-1989, 2000
Box 18, digital storageTanacross genealogy [3.5” floppy disk]1989
Box 18, digital storageTanacross oral history [3.5” floppy disk]1988-1992
Box 18, digital storageTanacross/TIS reports [3.5” floppy disk. Some files not transferred.]1979-1988

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1c: Folklore and folk music research files; 1942-2018. 2.0 cubic feet. This series contains Mishler’s research files concerning folk music and folklore, particularly Athabascan fiddling.

2/49Alaska Society of Natural History and Ethnology (Sitka)undated, 1975-2002
2/50Miscellaneous Papers and Notes ASNH&E [Alaska Society of Natural History and Ethnology]undated, 1972-1983
2/51ASNH&E Meeting Datesundated, 1988-1995
2/52Sitka: ASNHE MSS.1987
2/53Doyon Region [Includes Mishler’s article “Articulating a Native American folk region: the case for Doyon”]undated, 1971-1977
2/55Speech Play & Verbal Artundated
2/56Frank Fontaine Fiddlerundated, 2002
2/57Indigenous Knowledge Conf.undated, 1994
3/1Legends: Folk1971-1987
3/2Thomas Johnston [Bibliography]undated, 2001
3/3History of Alaskan Anth [Anthropology]undated, 2001-2002
3/4Alaskan Old-Time & Bluegrass [Includes Xerox copies of older documents]undated, 1942-1986
3/5Margaret Hawk (Sioux)circa 1973-1975
3/6Translation of Oral Texts [Elijah John]undated
3/7Alaska Fishing Loreundated, 1971-1996
3/8Henry & Hilma Shavingsundated, 1991-2002
3/9The Jinx Cabinundated, 1981
3/10Craig’s Crossword Puzzlesundated
3/11Yesner & Holmes Critique [David Yesner and Charles Holmes]1990
3/12Rochester Callers Forum [Square Dancing]1997-2002
3/13Western Subarctic [Folklore]undated, 1978
3/14Narrativity in Dead Birds1977-1988
3/15Video MSS [Video as a research and communication tool in Alaskan Applied Anthropology]undated
3/16Pioneer Peak Ski Report1984
3/17Talkeetna Bachelors’ Societyundated, 1991
3/18ASNHE Meeting Minutes 1887-1905, 1910-1911 [Xerox copies of the meeting minutes, and includes Mishler’s notes]undated
3/19Alutiiq Vikings 10undated, 1994-1996
3/20History of Alaskan Anthro [Anthropology]1972-1987
3/21Convergence Theoryundated, 1981
3/22Miscellaneous Papers [Papers written by Mishler]undated, 1976
3/23Finland IASSA (International Arctic Social Science Association)1994-1995
3/24AFS’: Alaska Native Music [“Alaska Native Music: Here and There, Now and Then” by Craig Mishler presented at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage]2001
3/25Eskimo Gospel Musicundated, 1989-2006
3/26-27Aurcaq: Dart Gameundated, 1992-1997
3/28Native New Life MSSundated, 1991-1994
3/29Telling About Bear [Includes Telling About Bear: A Northern Athapaskan Men’s Riddle Tradition by Mishler]undated, 1983-1984
3/30Alaskan Mythical Highwayscirca 1970
3/31“The Last Winged Creature” John Pingayak Play1996
3/32Yupik lore1972-1985
3/33Athabascan Potlatch Oratory interview transcripts1973
3/34Riddles and puzzles, notes and examples [Contains photocopied document from 1913]undated, 1978
3/35Oscar Chappell/Seward [Songs]undated
3/36Carl Seaver/Knik [Photographs and interview release]2006
3/37Ruben Gaines [Research file]2006
3/38“Bill Stevens and Young Native Fiddlers” by Maryanne Allan [Notes on draft]undated
3/39Breakup proposal [Funding proposal for Alaska Native music radio program1981
3/40Chili Cookoffs [Research file]1977-1988
3/41AFS [American Folklore Society] meetings/Albuquerque [“Athapaskan Indian Fiddling: A Musical History” conference proposal and draft]1987
3/42Alaskan tall tales [Includes photocopied documents dated 1904, 1928]undated
3/43Happy Jack AFS [American Folklore Society] paper1975-1982
3/44Happy Jack: transcriptions1972
3/45Happy Jack: biographical1972-1973
3/46Tony Scott Pearce correspondence [Review of The Crooked Stovepipe: Athapaskan Indian Fiddling and Square Dancing in Northeast Alaska and Northwest Canada.]1989
11/24Dene fiddle discography2001
11/25Kole Crook Fiddle1996-2002
11/26Reporting speech mss [Drafts, correspondence, and notes for article ‘He Said, They Say: The Uses of Reporting Speech in Native American Folk Narrative’ by Craig Mishler in Fabula Journal of Folktale Studies, 1981.] 1977-2004
11/27Tiger Burch paper [“Collaborating with the Tiger” by Craig Mishler, presented to the Alaska Anthropological Association.]2011
11/28Pioneer Peak ski report1983-1984
11/29Dead Sweethearts Ball2005-2007
11/30AFS [American Folklore Society] Callers Forum [Information about a square-dancing event at an AFS conference]2002
11/31Robert Demoski-stick danceundated, 1973
11/32Lower Koyukon stick dance [Drafts of “Towards a Semiotic of the Lower Koyukon Feast for the Dead” and related research files. Includes photocopies of material dated 1868-1985]1974-1996
11/33Published reviews [Book reviews written by Mishler]1981-2007
11/34APS translation workshop2015
11/35Miscellaneous research notes [Two notes related to ethnic convergenceundated
11/36Phillips Barry Lectures [list]undated
11/37Alaskan old-time music photos [Copied photographs from other archives, dated 1857-1947]undated
11/38AK Native music: AFS [Draft of “Alaska Native Music: Here and There, Now and Then” American Folklore Society Phillips Barry Lecture]2001
11/39John Hale. Nancy Lake, Willow [Obituary, program for wake, notes]1991
11/40Sourdough and homesteaders’ loreundated, 1975-1982
11/41Mishler/AK Native music2001
11/42Athabascan Fiddling festival1995-2015
11/43Crooked Stovepipe reviews1995-2008
11/44Craig’s papers for professional meetingsundated, 1982
11/45John Campbell letter2005 December 9
11/46Elaine Harp letters2003, 2009
11/47Correspondence1971, 2004
11/48Nina Tortilla: Apache kinship 2016
11/49Nina Tortilla: foodways2016
11/50AFS Paper Msp [Draft of “Sacred Apache Architecture: The Tipi and the Arbor”]2017 October
11/51Apache arbors [Research files]undated, 2017
11/52Melvin Hererra [Interview]2018
11/53Apache [Interview releases and language notes]2013-2018
18/1Dead Birds film critique [Review in American Anthropologist]1985
18/2Tanqik Theater [Chevak]1995-2001
18/3Athabascan Fiddle Festival program [With Bill Stevens letter]1989
18/4Fiddling history [Research files]1988-1996
18/5Crooked Stovepipe reviews [Includes correspondence]1993-1997
18/6Original dance diagrams1993
18/7Athapaskan Fiddlers Alaska Mag [Manuscript]1987
18/8Athabaskan Fiddle History [Research files contain photocopied material from 1899-1939]1979-1990
18/9Fairbanks Fiddle Fest1986-1996
18/10Performance notes1974-1988
18/11Repertoires undated, 1986-1996
18/12Pam Swing correspondence1979-1993
18/13Crooked Stovepipe book [Correspondence, reviews, and notes]1989-1992
18/14Crooked Stovepipe photographsundated
18/15University of Illinois Press [Correspondence]1989-1998
18/16Contact-traditional dances [Research files contain photocopied material from 1908-1972.]1979-1987
18/17Crooked Stovepipe figures1983
18/18Folkways record1974
18/19Fiddlers’ bios1988-1993

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1d: Gwich’in research files; 1940-2021. 5.15 cubic feet. This series consists of Mishler’s research pertaining to the Gwich’in people of Alaska and Canada, including correspondence, notes, oral history transcripts and articles. Subjects include Gwich’in history, individuals, cultural practices, stories, Gwich’in language, and places. Research materials in this series were used in the writing of Neerihiinjìk: We Traveled from Place to Place: The Gwich’in Stories of Johnny and Sarah Frank (2001) and Dinjii Vadzaih Dhidlit: The Man Who Became a Caribou (2019, 2nd edition, revised, 2020).

4/1Smithsonian Archives [Notes]2005
4/2Ottawa Archives [Research and correspondence]2002-2004
4/3Butler-Dale Collection Alaska State Historical Library Juneau Venetie photos [with notes]undated
4/4Tsukoo site maps1998
4/5Site survey: Upper Chandalar1998
4/6Venetie Graveyardundated
4/7Gwich’in Demography [Articles and notes]undated
4/8Census: K’ahtsik 1919, 1950 [Photocopies]undated
4/9U.S. Census 1900 [Photocopies with notes]undated
4/10US Census 1910: Villages [Photocopies]undated
4/111910 Census Upper Tanana [Photocopies]undated
4/121910 Census Chandalar [Photocopies]undated
4/131930 U.S. Census Sheets [Photocopies]undated
4/14Episcopal Church vital statistics [Photocopies and notes]undated
4/15Census Christian Village [Photocopies]undated
4/16BIA Census/Arctic Village [Photocopies]undated
4/171920 Census Chandalar [Photocopies and notes]undated
4/18AV [Arctic Village] Church [Photographs and photocopied documents]undated
4/19AV Council Mtg Aug 10 [Native Village of Venetie Tribal government documents]1998-1999
4/20Gwich’in Guns [Photocopied articles and notes]undated
4/21Fort Yukon Miscellany [Notes and photocopied articles and report]undated
4/22Fort Yukon Chiefs1973, 1976
4/23Gwich’in Ethnohistory [Chapter drafts by Mishler]undated
4/24Fort Yukon 1971-Present [Research files]1973-1980, 1996
4/25FY [Fort Yukon] 1949-1971 [Research files]1961, 1979-1980
4/26FY [Fort Yukon] 1937-1949 [Incudes photocopies of material from 1946-1955]1979-1980
4/27FY [Fort Yukon] 1905-1937 [Includes photocopies of material dated 1905-1934.]undated
4/28Hudson Stuck 1904-1920 [Includes photocopies of material dated 1909-1920]1979-1982
4/29Gwich’in Letters 1894-1907 [Photocopies of letters written in Gwich’in with undated translations]undated
4/30FY [Fort Yukon] 1896-1904 [Includes photocopies of material dated 1896-1969]undated
4/31Dark Period 1970-1895 [Includes photocopies of material dated to 1885 and 1888undated
4/32Antoine Hooleundated, 1995
4/33McDonald Era: 1862-1905 [Includes photocopies of materials dated to 1898 and 1915]undated
4/34Robert McDonald’s journals [Photocopies]1985
4/35Robert McDonald, Biographical [Notes and photocopies of documents dated 1905-1975]undated
4/36Kirkby & Hunter [Notes and photocopies of documents dated 1859-1973]undated
4/37Explorers FY [Fort Yukon] 1868-1869 [Notes and photocopies of documents dated 1868-1870]undated
4/38Fort Yukon 1840-1868 [Notes, correspondence, and photocopies of documents dated 1836-1973]1983
4/39Missionaries in Collision [Notes, correspondence, and drafts relating to article “Missionaries in Collision: Anglicans and Oblates among the Gwich’in, 1861-65”]1988-1990
4/40Shahnyaati’[Notes, typed accounts, and photocopies of documents dated 1883-1975]undated
4/41Bill Stevens [Correspondence, articles, biographies]1977-2008
4/42Bill Stevens Interview [Transcript]2011
4/43Bill Stevens Outline [Outline and information for book Ch’adzaa Aghwaa: He Carries the Dance: The Life and Times of Gwich’in Fiddle Bill Stevens]2005-2011
4/44Arctic Village: Tritt [Notes, articles, and photocopies of documents dated 1923-1976, relating to Arctic Village and Albert Tritt]1979-1993
4/45BIA Tapes: Arctic Village & Venetie [Inventory]undated
4/46Village Correspondence1974-1991
4/47Signed Releases/Gwich’in [Oral history releases]1975-1992
4/48Ruth Carrol [Letter]1992 December
4/49Chief Christianundated
4/50Jim Christian [Letter, interview transcript, translations of Gwich’in phrases]1985, 1997
4/51Judy Erick [Letter, death information, interview notes, copy of birth certificate from 1976]undated, 1993, 1999
4/52Natalie Erick [Interview and story transcripts]undated
4/53Daniel Flitt [Genalogy notes]undated
4/54Martha Flett [Martha Flett stories and biography]undated
4/55Alfred Francis [Memorial program]1997 February 19
4/56Bella Francis [Interview transcripts]undated
4/57Hamel and Mary Frank [Correspondence and memorial program]1980-1998
4/58Burns Frank1998-2005
4/59Sarah & Johnny Frank [Grant proposal]1988
4/60Frank Genealogyundated, 1990-1992
4/61Frank Family Tree1994, 2000
4/62Kenneth Frank [Correspondence, biography, Gwich’in place names]1996-2007
5/1Moses Gabriel [Correspondence]1972-1995
5/2Nathaniel Frank [Oral history transcripts/translations]undated, 1992
5/3Daniel John [Translated stories]undated
5/4Edward John [Notes]undated, 1999
5/5Elijah John [Correspondence, stories, biography, notes]1972-1983
5/6Frank Ginnis John [Oral history transcripts/translations]1986, 1990
5/7Sophie John [Transcripts and translations of songs and oral histories]undated
5/8Silas John [Letter and transcripts of oral histories and stories]undated, 1974
5/9William Loola [Notes and photocopies of documents dated 1912-1918]1974
5/10Stanley Luke [Letter and oral history transcripts]undated, 1975
5/11Richard Martin [Notes, biography, and transcripts of oral histories and stories]undated, 1983
5/12Charlie Peter [Notes and correspondence. Some correspondence from son, Lawrence Peter]1974-1995
5/13Katherine Peter [Correspondence and story transcript in Gwich’in]1990, 1998
5/14Moses Peter [Story transcripts and photocopied articles dated 1903 and 1954]undated
5/15Myra Robert [Notes and transcripts/translations of oral histories, songs, and stories]undated 1979-1986
5/16Johnny Ross [Oral history transcripts]undated
5/17Sandy Roberts [Oral history transcripts/translations]1973-1980
5/18David Salmon [Obituaries, newsletter column, oral history transcript/translationundated, 1994-2007
5/19Moses Sam [Interview transcript and obituary]1996, 2001
5/20Gary Simple [Pamphlet, flyers, article]2005, 2013
5/21Lincoln Tritt [Autobiography and articles by Tritt]1992, 1994
5/22Mardow & Hannah Solomon [Notes]undated
5/23Bill Stevens CD2009-2014
5/24Abel Tritt (“Zhuu”) [Interview and story transcripts and translations]2006
5/25Helen Tritt [Story transcripts/translations]1994
5/26Isaac Tritt [Story transcripts/translations]undated
5/27Isaac Tritt-Di’Haii [Transcript and translation]1988 June 11
5/28Lincoln Tritt [Interview notes, conference agenda, articles]1991-2006
5/29David Wallis [Notes]undated
5/30Mae Wallis [Interview and obituary]1976, 2006
5/31Ambrose William [Interview and story transcripts/translations]undated, 1972
5/32Johnny & Sarah photoscirca 1940-1972
5/33Sarah Frank [Obituary, life history, and story translation]1980-1988
5/34Johnny Frank notes1972-1991
5/35Maggie Gilbert [Transcript/translation of “Blind Man and the Loon,” recorded April 23, 1973]undated, 1973-1990
5/36Maggie Gilbert old transcriptundated, 2007
5/37Maggie Gilbert: New Mss.2009 September 8
5/38Maggie Gilbert Tonesundated
5/39Maggie Gilbert-Gemmill [Transcription by Fannie Gemmill, translation by Caroline Frank2006, 2008
5/40Gwich’in Texts: Ruth Carroll1992-1999
5/41Trimble Gilbert Transcripts1998
5/42Trimble Gilbert tone-mark1998
5/43K. Peter’s [Katherine Peter]1974-1975
5/44Trimble Gilbert [Transcripts]undated, 1998
5/45Frank Family #2 [Transcripts and translations]undated
5/46Frank Family #3 [Transcripts and translations]undated
5/47Mary Frank [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded 1997 June 13]undated, 2004
5/48Hamel Frank [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded September 20, 1996]undated
5/49Nathaniel Frank [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded June 14, 1992]undated
5/50Gideon James [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded March 22, 1998]1999 March
5/51Trimble Gilbert [Transcripts and translations]1998-1999
5/52Albert Albert [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded on May 14, 1998]undated, 1998 June
5/53Moses Sam [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded May 29, 1996]undated, 1998 April
5/54Jimmy Roberts [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded November, 1997]undated
5/55Margaret Kelly – Daughter Eva Kelly lives in Fort Yukon [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded August 31, 1997]1997
5/56Neil Henry [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded June 30, 1999]undated
5/57Eunice Williams & Mary Simple [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded August 28, 1997]1997-1999
5/58Ellen Henry & John Erick Jr. at Tsuk’oo [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded June 10, 1997]1997
5/59Gideon James [Transcripts and translations]1999 March
5/60Paul Kelly Jr. [Transcripts and translation of interview recorded October 7, 1997]undated
5/61Ellen Henry [Transcripts and translations of interviews recorded on November 24, 1997 and September 12, 1998]undated
5/62Maggie Roberts [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded January 22, 1998]undated
5/63Daniel Flitt [Transcripts and translations of interview recorded September 1, 1997, plus email]undated, 1998 December 7
6/1Old Crow [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1916-1954]1964-2001
6/2Rampart House [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1911-1926]undated, 1975-2010
6/3Peel River history2000
6/4Fort McPherson [Visitor guides and articles]1990-2001
6/5LaPierre’s house [Photocopies of documents dated 1887-1933]undated
6/6ABC News: Arctic Village video [Descriptions of content]1998-1999
6/8Birch Creek [Includes photocopy of article dated 1950]undated, 1987
6/10Venetie tape indexesundated
6/11NPS Venetie final report1999
6/12Gwich’in Steering Committee [Button, letter, and advertisement]undated, 1996
6/13Arctic National Wildlife Refugeundated, 1991
6/14Gwich’in narratives 1876-19731972-1977
6/15Neerihiinjik photos2001
6/16Neerihiinjik: flow chart [Documents relating to the Gwich’in Legacy of Johnny & Sarah Frank]1990-2000
6/17Tom Alton: Neerihiinjik edits1996, 2000
6/18Neerihiinjik reviews1995-1997
6/19Neerihiinjik grant proposal NEHundated
9/1Neerihiinjik NEH grant1989-1991
6/20Allan Benjamin scrapbook [Clippings]2001-2002
6/21Yukon Oral History Tapes [Finding aid]1994
6/22Gwich’in Aboriginal Dances [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1851-1930]1972-2002
6/23Yukon Archives [Collection descriptions]2002
6/24Indian Country-NAARF [Native American Rights Fund clippings and legal documents]1996-1997
6/25Venetie Lawsuit Testimonies1993-1995
6/26Historic contact on the Yukon Flats [Includes photo copies of documents dated 1899-1975]1979-1983
6/27Oblates 1862-72 [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1870-1955]1973-1977
6/28Cree & Gwich’in story cycles [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1898-1911]undated
6/29Tony Scott Pearce correspondence1987-1989
6/30Gwich’in material cultureundated, 1977
6/31Pierre Demers [Postcard and Gwich’in translations of hymns]undated
6/32Gwich’in poetry2013
6/33Gwich’in discourse1973, 1979
6/34Jude Henzler correspondence1986-2002
6/35Brushman Stories [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1915-1975]undated, 1972, 1992
6/36Gwich’in Shamanism [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1950-1961]1973-1998
6/37Krech [Shepard Krech III, letter and article reprint]1982-1983
6/38Hunting beliefs and riddles Gwich’inundated, 1970, 1985
6/39Yukon Archives: Whitehorse2005
6/40Visual arts & traditional dress [Includes photocopies of documents from 1947-19831978-1986
6/41Gwich’in books2007
6/42Gwich’in literacy/Muller1992
6/43Gwich’in ethnohistory intro [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1957-1965]circa 1980
6/44Fredson texts (Sapir). Sapir MS [manuscript] from Johnny Fredsonundated, 1973
6/45Divii Ahtsiknjik [Red Sheep Creek photographs and Gwich’in historic and cemetery site decription form]1998
6/46Try’ah Tsi’njik [Otter Tail Creek photographs and Gwich’in historic and cemetery site decription form]1998
6/47Tr’ee gwhah awal [Deadman’s Creek Gwich’in historic and cemetery site decription form]1998 October 22
6/48Fredson life history [Drafts of “John Fredson: A Gwich’in Athapaskan Life History 1896-1945” by Craig Mishler]undated
6/49John Fredson recordings [Kutchin Cylinder Transfer Project]1987, 2000
6/50Fiddlers & Dancers [Papers by Craig Mishler]1996-2001
6/51Gwich’in song translationsundated, 1973-1987
6/52Shonti Elder’s transcriptionsundated, 1989 March 15
6/53Grant Spearman correspondence1990-1994
7/1Dene gatherings1998-2002
7/2Gold Camp/BIA file [Photocopies]undated, 1987
7/3Albert Tritt’s store/BIA file [Photocopies]1976-1983
7/4Names: Leer & Kari [Papers on collection of geographic names]undated, 1976, 1982
7/5Gwich’in proverbs2010
7/6White Eye genealogiesundated
7/7Northern Dene potlatching [Photocopies of documents dated 1916-1975]1984
7/8Steamboats & trading Co’s [Photocopies of documents dated 1978-1977]undated
7/9Elijah Henry’s cabin: BIA [Photocopies]1976-1986
7/10Old John’s cabin/BIA file [Photocopies]1976-1980
7/11Nehdlii [Definitions and explanations of word]undated, 1994-1995
7/12Roger Kaye: Brushman1991 July 19
7/13Arctic Village: CPSU tapes [Inventories]1993, 1997
7/14Benveniste Gwich’in birds [Includes photocopy of article dated 1953]undated
7/15Gwich’in Gathering 2006-20082006-2008
7/161992 Gwich’in Gathering1992
7/17Gwich’in Niin Tsyaa 19881988
7/18Final draft NEH proposal on Johnny & Sarah Frank1988-1990
7/19Venetie: NPS proposal 19971996-1998
7/201999 Oral History Conference1999
7/21Athabascan Language Conference2002
7/22Schraeder diary & photos [Includes copies of documents and photographs dated 1899-1904]undated, 1993
7/23John Fredson [Research notes, correspondence, paper written by Craig Mishler. Includes photocopies of documents dating 1912-1961]1973-2000
7/24Gwich’in tonality1979-1981
7/25Slavey Jargon Textsundated
7/26Athapaskan grieving1990-1998
7/27Slavey Jargon [Research for “That’s a rubbaboo: Slavey Jargon, a Nineteenth Century Subarctic Speech community” by Craig Mishler. Includes photocopies of documents dated 1900-1996]1973-2008
7/28Gwich’in linguistic acculturationundated, 1977
7/29Gwich’in language [Instructional materials]1969-1997
7/30-31Gwich’in grammar [Instructional materials]1971-2011
7/32Sapir [Edward Sapir] Gwich’in stem list [Photocopies]undated, 1964
7/33Dene Languages Conf.2013
7/34Gwich’in literacy: Moore [Patrick Moore]1995, 2007
7/35Boundary line story [Research for “The Alaska-Yukon Boundary Survey of 1911-1912: An Athapaskan Perspective” by Craig Mishler presented at the Borderlands Conference, 1989. Includes photocopies of documents dated 1893-1912.]1980-1990
7/36Archival holdingsundated, 1976-2002
7/37Gwich’in names: La Pierre’s House [Photocopies of documents dated 1851, 1866.]undated
7/38Crooked Stovepipe [Correspondence regarding publication of Mishler’s book The Crooked Stovepipe and his dissertation]1982-1989
7/39Gwich’in materials in Canadian archives [Correspondence and notes]1976-1979, 2002
7/40McGary/Gwich’in texts [Photocopy of “Gwich’in Gwandak: Edition and Translation of Alaskan Athabaskan Narratives: A Thesis” by Mary Jane McGary1984
7/41Drane, Arctic Village 1922 [Photocopies]undated
7/42Douglas Leechman [Photocopy of article dated 1952]2009
7/43Venetie DCRA [Division of Community and Regional Affairs Community Information Summary database printouts]1996, 1998
7/44Venetie Reservation/BIA [includes photocopies of documents dated 1940-1979]undated
7/45Nishuk-Johnny Frank’s Bro [Records on the grave of Johnny Frank’s brother]1977-1980
7/46Arctic Village correspondence1991
7/47Arctic Village DCRA [Division of Community and Regional Affairs Community Information Summary database printouts]1996-2000
7/48Tiger Burch MS [Draft and manuscript of “Social and Linguistic Boundaries in North-Central Alaska]1998
7/49Di’haii Gwich’in [Correspondence with Ernest S. “Tiger” Burch, Jr. concerning “The Di’haii Gwich’in: Mystery People of Northern Alaska” co-authored by Burch and Mishler]1986-1997
7/50Tiger Burch correspond [Correspondence with Ernest S. “Tiger” Burch, Jr concerning “The Di’haii Gwich’in: Mystery People of Northern Alaska” co-authored by Burch and Mishler.]1986-1997
8/1-2Frank family transcripts1989 October 5
9/1Distribution list complimentary copies [For The Man Who Became a Caribou]undated
9/3John Tritt caribou body parts translation list2013 August 24
9/4Vadzaih Tth’an protocol: Gwich’in Caribou Anatomy Language Data Sheet2010-2015
9/5Vadzaih Tth’an (caribou anatomy) word lists2012
9/6Canadian contacts2011-2013
9/7Protocols: Body Parts2013
9/8Caribou references2014
9/9Interview questions: caribou and deer anatomy2012
9/10Caribou and moose typologies: Gwich’in word listsundated, 2009
9/11Research licenses2013
9/12Open-ended questionsundated
9/13Maggie Roberts recording indexundated
9/14Kenneth Frank caribou anatomy notes1998-2012
9/15Isaac Tritt obituary1993
9/16Caribou Anatomy: Kenny Thomas Sr.2010
9/17Vadzaih Tth’an word listsundated
9/18Dinjik (moose) typology listundated
9/19Caribou butcheringundated
9/20Allan Hayton2012
9/21Caribou fences1984, 1974
9/22Paul “Snook” Herbert caribou body part translation listsundated
9/23AAA 2012 photo contest2012
9/24Moose and caribou sketchesundated, 2014
9/25Simon Francis caribou body part translation listundated
9/26Vasaagihdzak’s Scarf symposium materialsundated
9/27Peter Mather release2016
9/28Translating Gwich’in examples2015-2016
9/29University of Oklahoma Press reader’s reportundated
9/30“Meat Flavors, Tastes, and Smells: A Sensory Lexicon of Gwich’in Gastronomy and Cuisine from Kenneth Frank2015
9/31Vasaagihdzak’s Hat Colloquiumundated
9/32Freddie Kaydahzinne Apache deer anatomy lists2013 March 6
9/33Benveniste on caribouundated
9/34Caribou research material1976-1991
9/35Niinvyaa Zheh [Notes and articles on Gwich’in tents, photocopied document from 1979]undated
9/36Randall Tetlichi notes2012
9/37Old Crow Elders tapes [Transcripts]undated
9/38MacArthur Tritt caribou body part translation lists2012
9/39Gwich’in foodways resources and notes [Includes photocopied document dated 1948]1974-2016
9/40Trimble Gilbert caribou anatomy list Gwich’in translations2012
9/41Robert Bruce Jr. caribou anatomy list Gwich’in translations2013 September
9/42Robert Frank Robert Bruce Jr. caribou anatomy list Gwich’in translations2011 May 22
9/43Gary Simple photos [caribou butchering]undated
9/44Maggie Roberts caribou anatomy list Gwich’in translations2012 May 23
9/45Research on Caribou2016
9/46Caribou anatomy notesundated, 2012
9/47Book notes on caribouundated
9/48Michio Hoshino caribou photos2012
9/49Rasmuson Library UAF research file1998-2016
9/50Caribou fence and corral [Photocopies of Isaac Tritt journal with notes]undated
9/51Making dry meat video [Script and production information]2014-2015
9/52Dry meat video: part 1 [Script and notes]2014
9/53Caribou lore [Includes photocopies dated 1991-2004]1998-1999
9/54Seasonal round charts [caribou hunting seasons]undated
9/55Gwich’in potlatch notes2003
9/56“The Gwich’in Memorial Potlatch: A New Awakening” [Draft and sources]1973, 2004
9/57Skeletal sketches [Caribou anatomy]undated
9/58Gwich’in notesundated
9/59Vadzaih anatomy notes and printouts2010
9/60Vadzaih.com web page [Now inactive]2019
9/61Caribou book proposals2003, 2009
9/62Caribou book outlineundated
9/63John Ritter letters [Yukon Native Language Centre]1986
11/53Inuvik2001 July 17-24
11/54Venetie place names and sites2006-2008
1/55Arctic Village place names1998-2006
11/56Gwich’in historic photos [Copies of photographs from other archives]undated
11/57Venetie census data [Contains photocopies of material dating 1966-1972]undated, 1989
11/58Judy Erick’s transcripts1992-2000
12/1USGS Archives [Research files for “Anthropology on the Rocks: The Human Landscape of Interior Alaska Field Geologists, 1898-1937”. Folder contains photocopies of materials dated 1892-1993.]1994-1995
12/2Mertie and FitzGerald [Research files about Gerald FitzGerald and J.B. Mertie including correspondence, notes, and photocopies of material dating 1925-1983]1990-1995
12/3J.B. Mertie photographs [Copies of photographs from the USGS Archives of Arctic Village]1927
12/4Mertie and Schrader Slides [Slides of photos from USGS Archives]undated
12/5McGary notes on Gwich’inundated
12/6Gwich’in kinship [Lists of kinship terms in Gwich’in and “Ooazhrii: Gwich’in Names and Kinship Ties” by Craig Mishler and Kenneth (Drit Zhuu) Frank ]undated, 1993-1995
12/7Gwich’in New Year’s [Research files for “The Gwich’in New Year: Scottish Saturnalia in the Subarctic” by Craig Mishler, including photocopies of materials dating 1881-1996 ]1996-1998
12/8Gwich’in New Year’s mss [Draft, clippings, and notes]1991-1998
12/9Gwich’in Gatherings [Information about Gwich’in Gathering events]1996, 2010
12/10Gwich’in naming ceremony [Draft of Ooaazhrii: Gwich’in Naming Ceremonies]2012
12/11Gwich’in personal names [Contains photocopies of material dated 1851-1942]1975-2002
12/12Tsuk’o̧o̧ Tee’itree paperundated, 1997
12/13Gwich’in and HBC lobsticks [Draft and research files, “Njah, Njoh: Lobsticks Among the Gwich’in and Others”]2006-2007
12/14Gwich’in names, Hudson’s Bay Company [Contains photocopies of material dated 1849-1854]undated, 1997
12/15Sam Peter Mss [Oral history transcripts/translations and draft of “The Sam Peter Stories: Some Gwich’in Athabaskan Tall Tales” by Craig Mishler and Kenneth Frank]undated, 1998
12/16Gwich’in Humorundated, 1980
12/17Johnny Frank family tree2020
12/18Boundary line story [Drafts of “The Alaska-Yukon Boundary Survey of 1911-1912: an Athapaskan perspective” and correspondence]1989-1991
12/19Mizhur card game [Research files and drafts of paper “Mazhur, Monsieur? A Gwich’in Athapaskan Card Game”. Contains photocopies of material dated 1953-1970]1983-2000
12/20Anthropology on the Rocks [Draft of paper “Anthropology on the Rocks: The Human Landscapes of Interior Alaska Field Geologists]1996
12/21Sam Peter storiesundated, 1996-2020
12/22Lear Khęhkwaii Play [Program for a Gwich’in inspired production of King Lear]2013
12/23Dinjii Zhuu K’yaa workshop [Gwich’in language workshop materials]2014
12/24Gwich’in Scrabble2002
12/25AHF Gwich’in place names2008
12/26Gwich’in language notesundated
12/27John Fredson bio1991
12/28Venetie hist. preservation [list of projects]undated
12/29The Man Who Became a Caribou book reviews2020-2021
12/30Johnny and Sarah Frank legacy [Draft of “The Gwich’in Legacy of Johnny and Sara Frank–Some Issues in Oral Biography and Autobiography]1990 March 9 
12/31Ellen Henry stories [translation/transcription of 1997 interview]undated
12/32AAA-Nyaa Verb [Draft of “-Nyaa, Just Saying: Functional and Artistic Uses of a Gwich’in Verb Stem”]2018 March 22 
Oversize folderHistoric site survey Upper Chandalar maps1998
12/33NEH grant letters2005
18/20Missionaries in collision [article]1990
18/21NPS: Venetie historic preservation plan [draft]1999 May
18/22NPS Venetie progress report1997-1998
18/23Di’hąįį Gwich’in paper1995
18/24Craig’s early paper [“Gwich’in Fiddle Music: a Contact Tradition”]circa 1978
18/25Gwich’in fiddle music1986-1988
18/26Johnny Frank finished songs1991, 1995
Digital storageCaribou backup [research materials from external hard drive]2011-2018
Digital storageCaribou project, Kole Crook [research materials from external hard drive]2011-2017

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1e: Arctic folktales; 1969-2018. 1.0 cubic feet. This series contains Mishler’s research on stories found across different Arctic cultures, particularly “The Blind Man and the Loon.”

8/3Blind Man & Loon Indian subtype [Contains photocopies of documents dated 1892-1979]1982-2006
8/4Greenland variants [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1827-1986]undated, 2007
8/5Blind Boy & the Loon Eskimo subtype [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1908-2003circa 1975-2007
8/6Birgitte Sonne letters2007
8/7Blind Man  & Loon semi-literary versions [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1875-2008]undated, 2001-2009
8/8BM&L [Blind Man & Loon] talk notesundated, 2013
8/9Jacques & Mary Regat [Interview notes]2009 May 31
8/10Nebraska: peer review2010
8/11Von Sydow: Oikotypesundated
8/12Blind Man & Loon notes [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1900-2006]1976-2009
8/13Workman: White River Ash [Photocopy]1974
8/14Rasmussen & Rink archiveundated
8/15AAA [Alaska Anthropological Association] paper/Blind Man & Loon2008
8/16Blind Man & Loon mapsundated, 2010
8/17Blind Man & Loon art1998-2012
8/18Untranslated textsundated
8/19Rink’s variants [Hinrich Rink’s Greenlandic variants]undated
8/20Leechman [Douglas Leechman’s Blind Man & Loon variants, photocopies of documents dated 1931-1964]undated
8/21Knud Rasmussen [Greenlandic variants. Includes photocopies of documents dated 1929-1988]2007
8/22Charles Lucier Variants2018
8/23Blind Man & the Loon [Includes the paper “The tale of the Blind Man and the Loon” by Craig Mishler.]1977-2009
8/24Internet variants1988-2008
8/25Loon biology1985-1990
8/26Film & media variants [Includes photocopy of document dated 1949]undated, 2001-2009
8/27BM & L [Blind Man & Loon]: permissions2009-2012
8/28Thisted [Kirsten Thisted “Republication of Greenandic Tales Collected in the Nineteenth Century,” photocopy. Also includes catalog records for other resources about Greenland]1996, 2007
8/29BM&L [Blind Man & Loon] museum exhibitundated
8/30Sonnesbase translations2007, 2010
8/31Blind Man & Loon Mss. [Draft of “Diving Down: Ritual Healing in the Tale of the Blind Man and the Loon” by Craig Mishler]2001
Oversize folderDraft of “Diving Down: Ritual Healing in the Tale of the Blind Man and the Loon” by Craig Mishler2003
8/32Petitot texts [Includes photocopies of texts by Emile Petitot dated 1886-1890undated
8/33Sun Sister/Moon Brother [Includes copies of documents dated 1800-1987undated, 2011
8/34The Woman Left to Freeze [Includes transcripts of interviews dated 1972-1990]undated, 1989-1990
8/35The Abandoned Widow [Includes transcript/translation of interview with Elijah John dated 19721981-1990
8/36Awl and Her Son’s Son [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1894-1960]undated, 1977
8/37Ethnohistory talkundated, 1969
8/38Raven Brings Light tale [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1902-1965]undated
8/39Boy in the Moon tale [Includes photocopied document dated 1883]undated
12/34The Blind Man and the Loon reviews2013-2014
12/35The Blind Man and the Loon research notesundated, 2001

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1f: Robert McKennan research files; undated, 1969-2009.  0.3 cubic feet. This series contains files related to the book, Tanana and Chandalar: The Alaska Field Journals of Robert A. McKennan, published by University of Alaska Press in 2006.

9/64Robert McKennan correspondence [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1929-1974]1977, 2003
9/65McKennan : photos, research files, and notes [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1935, 1963-1964]1995-2000
9/66McKennan illustrationsundated
9/67McKennan mapsundated
9/68McKennan: 1933 letters [Copies of letters dated 1933 from Dartmouth University Special Collections]undated
9/69Robert McKennan research materials [Includes photocopies of materials from 1919-1920, 1982]1996-2006
9/70Alaska Humanities Forum grant documents2005
9/71Information about resources at Dartmouth College Archives2004-2005
9/72Dartmouth/McKennan. Correspondence with and documents from Dartmouth and Harvard. [Contains photocopies of documents dated 1933]1969, 1996-2004
9/73“Robert McKennan’s Journal of the Chandalar,” paper by Craig Mishler, presented at the Alaska Anthropological Association and research materials [Contains photocopies of documents dated 1933]1999
9/74Photographs of and notes on beadwork items in Robert McKennan Collection the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan2004
9/75McKennan photos and tapes notes [Contains photocopies of materials of materials 1929-1930]undated
9/76McKennan releases [For the book Tanana and Chandalar]1999-2005
9/77McKennan life history [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1910-1974]2004
9/78Mc Kennan and Osgood article [Photocopies of documents dated 1934-1935]undated
9/79Elmer and Elaine Harp correspondence, notes, and obituary2004-2009
9/80“An Archaeological Survey of the Old John Lake Area” by Edwin S. Hall and Robert A. McKennan, photocopy of article1973
9/81McKennan Chandalar Kutchin stories listundated
9/82McKennan Upper Tanana, photocopy of 1929-1930 journalundated
9/83McKennan finding aid UAFundated
12/36Tanana and Chandalar reviews2006-2007

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1g: Han research files; 1973-2007. 0.75 cubic feet This series contains research files related to Craig Mishler and William Simeone’s book Han, People of the River, published in 2004 by University of Alaska Press.

9/84Han releases1975, 1997-1999
9/85Han maps and figuresundated
9/86Han mapsundated
9/87Han family trees1997
9/88Han field methods1997
9/89Han place names1978
9/90Trees comments [Comments on “Han Family Trees” drafts]1997
9/91Han conference/Dawson [programs and travel information]2000-2001
9/92Chief Isaac [Photocopied documents dated 1904-1977 and notes]1997-2000
9/93Genealogies: Hanundated, 2001
9/94Han census data [Includes photocopied documents dated 1899-1966]1995-1997
9/95Han flyers [Flyers for “Han, People of the River”]2003
9/96Han audiotapes/Alaska [List]undated
9/97Gordon Marsh notesundated
9/9812 Mile & Half Way [Article and notes]undated, 1987
9/99NPS: Han contract1996
10/1Han language notesundated, 1973
10/2Book design [Correspondence]1997 September 29
10/3Han reviews: draft mss.1998
10/4Asa Baldwin mss. [Notes]undated
10/5Charley Village [Research file includes photocopies dated 1900-1982]undated, 1975
10/6Willie Juneby [Research file contains photocopies dated 1889,1973-1980]undated
10/7Han Language [Research file contains photocopies dated 1973-1983]1999
10/8Interview notes: Han1997 July 8-9
10/9McQuesten [Annotated photocopy of document dated 1952]undated
10/10Eagle Historical Society newsletters1985-1986
10/11Chief Charley [Research file]undated
10/12Sarah Malcolm Baskets [Contains photocopied article dated 1978]1997
10/13Sarah Malcolm interview [Contains photocopied transcript dated 1980]undated
10/14Han research [Contains photocopied documents dated 1901, 1913]1998-2000
10/15Han history [Research file includes photocopied documents dated 1891-1996]2000
10/16Han outline [Draft outlines and notes for “The Han Athabaskans, People of the Upper Yukon River”]1997
10/17Tappan Adney [Photocopies of documents dated 1900-1908, 1993-1994]1997
10/18Release forms [For Han People of the River]1997
10/19Tappan Adney sketches [Photocopied documents dated circa 1898]1997
10/20Eagle Village (Han) [Research file contains photocopies of documents dated 1915-19891973, 1996-1997
10/21Yukon-Charley [Information on Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve]1997
10/22Han Oral History & Folklore [Notes]undated
10/23Han bibliographyundated, 1997
10/24Expressive culture: Han [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1902-1993]2000
10/25The Han People today [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1976-1988]undated
10/26Missionary notes: Han [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1887-1898, 1967]1997
10/27Han Land claims [Articles]1997-1998
10/28Terry’s Chronology [From Terry L. Haynes]1997
10/29Slobodin [Photocopied articles by Richard Slobodin dated 1963]undated
10/30Schwatka [Photocopies from books related to Frederick Schwatka dated 1891, 1893]undated
10/31William Silas [Photocopies of articles]1988
10/32Eagle phone book1995, 1997
10/33Yukon Archives correspondence1997
10/3440 Mile Village [Photocopy from book published in 1994]undated
10/35Eagle/welfare reports [Contains photocopies of documents dated 1920-1956]1997
10/36William Ogilvie [Contains photocopies of documents dated 1913, 1976]undated
10/37Kennicott’s Ethnonyms [Robert Kennicott’s list of Kutchin tribes]1997 April
10/38Han correspondence 1997, 2004
10/39Louise Paul: Tsae’o Shae story [Transcripts of interview recorded in 1973]undated, 1995
10/40Louise Paul #2 [Transcript of interview recorded in 1991]undated
10/41Louise Paul #3 [Transcript of interview recorded in 1997]undated
10/42Silas Stevens/Charlie Stevens [Interview transcripts and notes, including photocopied document dated 1964]1997
10/43Dick Nukon/Edith Josie [Articles]1999-2000
10/44Matthew Malcolm [Interview transcript and article]1991, 2006
10/45Charlie Biederman [Interview summary]undated
10/46Intro comments [Comments on introduction to “Han Ethnography]undated
10/47Percy Henry [Articles and interview transcript]1999-2000
10/48Han book edits and comments1999-2006
10/49Martha Kates correspondence2000
10/50Han sidebars: fixed [Edits to sidebars in “Han Ethnography”]undated
10/51Han photos: McGill and Washington [Contains photocopies of photographs dated 1898-1899]1997
10/52Han photos for bookundated
10/53Bancroft Library/Han photos [Contains copied photographs from other archival institutions]1997
10/54Han archival photos [Contains copied photographs and documents dated circa 1897-from other archival institutions]1997
12/37Han: People of the River book reviews2004-2007
18/27Han photographs-historic [copied photographs from Yukon Archives]undated

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1h: Coursework; 1959-1980 0.25 cubic feet. This series contains materials related to courses taught by Mishler, as well as papers he wrote while he was a student.

Box/Folder DescriptionDate
10/55Craig’s student papersundated, 1959-1961
10/56American regional folklore & culture area theory [Notes, course materials, and workshop program]1976-1980
10/57Craig’s UT graduate student papers 
10/58Texas Hill Country1978 February 6
10/59William Hornsby: Folk Art1978-1980
10/60The Howlers band: Austin1976-1977
10/61Ethnomusicomedy [Research and draft]1976

Series 1: Research and writing files. Subseries 1i: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and historic preservation files, Southcentral Alaska; 1973-2007. 0.6 cubic feet. This series consists of material related to Mishler’s work with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, as well as his work on the Mat-Su Historical Site Survey in Southcentral Alaska.

10/62DGGS [Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys] Reports: Craig1982-1985
10/63-64Final report Mat-Su Historical Survey1981 December 18
10/65Cooper Landing nomination [National Register of Historic Places nomination forms]1985-1986
10/66Nick Leman [Includes photocopied documents dated 1909, 1985]undated
10/67Historic Sites Mat-Su Borough [Includes photocopies of documents dated 1915-1979]1976-1986
10/68Bill Hoskins/Palmer1986
10/69-70Vladimir Stafeev manuscript [“Writings of the Russian-American Trader Vladimir Stafeev” translated by Julie deSherbinin and edited by Craig Mishler. Published by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys in 1985]circa 1985
10/71Dena’ina demography manuscript2006
10/72Beverly Christiansen [interview tape index]undated
12/38Val Anderson’s map of Skilak Lake 1922-1937 [photograph of map]undated
12/39Mishler: Kenai Dena’ina [Draft of “Historical Demography and Genealogy: The Decline of the Northern Kenai Peninsula Dena’ina”]1985
12/40Cooper Landing tape indexesundated
12/41Beryl Lean: Cooper Landing [tape index of 1984 interview]undated
12/42Dena’ina Hist. Demography [Drafts of 2007 version of “Historical Demography and Genealogy: The Decline of the Northern Kenai Peninsula Dena’ina”]1985-2007
12/43Dena’ina research [Contains photocopies of material dated 1916-1977]undated, 1973-1984
12/44Dena’ina research 2 [Contains photocopies of material dated 1889-1965]1981-2000
12/45John Chilligan Stump (Eklutna) interview notes for recording1973 November 17
12/46Carl Clark [Tape index of 1984 interview]undated
12/47Peter Kalifornsky interview1984
12/48Peter Kalifornsky [Interview transcripts]1985
18/28Dena’ina Demography2007
18/29Kenai Peninsula ethnohistoric bandsundated

Series 2: Teaching materials; 1972-2004. 0.25 cubic feet.

12/49Michael Krauss letters [University of Alaska Fairbanks]1973-1986
12/50Folklore lecture notesundated, 1979
12/51Cultural anthropology [Teaching materials]1976-2004
12/52ANTH 202: handouts2001
12/53Symbolic anthropology [Teaching materials]1978-2001
12/54IC [Intercultural Communication]: lecture notes2001-2002
12/55Alaskan Folklore #1 [RESTRICTED: Contains student information protected under FERPA]1972-1975
12/56Alaskan Folklore #2 [RESTRICTED: Contains student information protected under FERPA]1972-1978
18/30Bluegrass & old timey music course1977-1986

Series 3: Field notes; 1972-2020. 1.45 cubic feet.

13/1ADF&G trip reports1989-1998
13/2Miscellaneous notesundated, 2001-2002
13/3Field notes2016-2020
13/4Miscellaneous notes2015
13/5Field notes2013-2014
13/6Field notes2012-2013
13/8Gwich’in immersion class [includes photographs]2001
13/12Kodiak and Pribilofs1997-1998
13/13Gwich’in 1996-1997
13/14Kodiak and Pribilofs1995-1996
13/15Field notes1993
13/16ADF&G field notes1992
13/17Kodiak 1990-1991
13/19Kodiak field notes 1989
13/21Fort McPherson1990
13/22Tlingit celebration1988
13/23Summit Island1985
13/24Big Delta: Rika’scirca 1984
13/26Arctic Village1973, 1993
13/27Circle1973, 1975
13/28Fort Yukon Journal1972
14/1Field notes2010-2011
14/2Old Harbor2008
14/5Field notes2005
14/6Han: Eagle Village2004
14/7Old Harbor/Ouzinkie1998
14/10Kodiak and Gwich’in 2002-2007
14/11Han: Eagle Village1997
14/14Professional meetings1992
14/15Fort Yukon and Birch Creek1976
14/18Han: Eagle Village1973, 1975
14/19Venetie and Gold Camp1972
14/20Fort Yukon1972

Series 4: Photographs; 1972-2008. 2.0 cubic feet and 345 MB.

This series consists of slides, prints, negatives, and digital photographs taken by during research trips and events in Alaska and Canada. The photos are arranged in the order in which they were received by the archives and descriptions were taken from envelopes and slide containers, with additional information in brackets.

14/21-15/21Ethnographic slides1972-1999
15/22-73Gwich’in, Han, and Tanacross prints1973-2003
15/74-88Kodiak villages prints1992-2004
18/31Han basket and beadwork photographs [prints]undated
18/32Mansfield village [prints]1999 July
18/33Kenny Thomas, Sr. [prints]2002 June
18/34Tanacross Potlatch [prints]2001 August 23-25
18/35Han Gathering Moosehide [prints]2000 July 28-30
18/36Eagle and Eagle Village [prints]2004
18/37Old Harbor photographs [original and copied historic prints]undated
18/38Kodiak villages [slides]1989-1991
18/39Gwich’in slides1972-1973
Digital storageInuvik NWT photos [from CD]2001 July 18-21
Digital storageAlaska Native March photos, Anchorage [from CD]2001 August  
Digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. photos BM&L [from DVD]2008

Series 5: Audiovisual materials and data CDs; 1972-2013. 3.5 cubic feet and 95.6 GB.

This series consists of audio, film, and video recordings, as well as data CDs and DVDs.

Series 5. Subseries 5a: Audio; 1972-2014. 1.5 cubic feet and 5.33 GB.

Audio cassette and digital sound recordings in this subseries include oral histories and musical performances. Descriptions are taken from those written on the media or the cases they came in. Punctuation has been added for clarity and additional information is included in brackets.

16/1-2Oscar Chappell, Seward [2 audiocassettes]1973 February 7 
16/3Pauline Beulna, Iñupiaq story of unborn baby whale’s ear, Pt. Hope [audiocassette]undated
16/4Jimmy Beaver, Talkeetna sourdough folklore [audiocassette]undated
16/5Sister Margaret Hawk [audiocassette]1972 October 19 
16/6Mike Ardaw/Nancy Lake [audiocassette]1972
16/7Marge and Carl Bandy, Delta Junction: Discussion of Marge’s school play “The Bear Grease Cake” first staged in 1976 and artifacts and goods sold from Rika’s [Roadhouse] [audiocassette]1983 July 22 
16/8Walter Johnson: discussion of the Sourdough Dance Club in Fairbanks (1928-1975), also social dancing in Wiseman in the late 1940s [audiocassette]1986 December 2 
16/9Bill Hoskins: history of the Grange, Blind Nick, Tanaina Indian [audiocassette]1986 May 10 
16/10Bill Hoskins: history of the Matanuska Valley [audiocassette]1981 October 1 
16/11Rollie Snodgrass: history of the Matanuska Valley [audiocassette]1981 November 11
16/12Joe and Emil Kircher: Pre-colony settlers in the Matanuska Valley and Wasilla Creek Area [audiocassette]1981 November 30
16/13Hubert Oliver: stepson of O.D. Krogh at Old Matanuska, musician. Dub of original in Kelly Fike collection [audiocassette]1977 August 15 
16/14Fanny Werner [audiocassette]1985 September 28 
16/15Liar’s Contest: Willow Winter Carnival [audiocassette]1972
16/16-22Happy Jack Smith [7 audiocassettes]1972
16/23-44Abraham Luke [22 audiocassettes] 1983-1985
16/45-46Eva Moffit [2 audiocassettes]1983 November 11 
16/47English Bay Maskalataq music [audiocassette]1980 January 12-13
16/48Maskalataq dance radio demo [audiocassette]undated
16/49Bob Johnson #2: Buildings at Big Delta, cabin sites on the Goodpaster River [audiocassette]1983 July 10 
16/50Bladder Festival Play [audiocassette]1986 February 7 
16/51Joe and Vi Reddington, Sr. [audiocassette]1981 September 28
16/52-53Austin Hammond, Haines [2 audiocassettes]1985 May 26-27
16/54 Bill Glover: Rika’s Roadhouse in Delta Junction [audiocassette]1983 July 7 
16/55Martha Demientieff [audiocassette]undated
16/56-57Irene and Mary Hansen, Big Delta [2 audiocassettes]1982 July 16 
16/58AkAA Catharine McClellan, “Traveling” [audiocassette]1985 March 2 
16/59David Kepler 1981 October 12 
16/60-61Henra Sundt, Gakona [2 audio cassettes]1983
16/62Val Anderson: family history on Skilak Lake [audiocassette]1985 September 10 
16/63-66Athapaskan Fiddle Festival [4 audio cassettes]1983
16/67Tim Twitchell 1984 January 9 
16/68-72Tim Twitchell [5 audio cassettes]1972-1974
16/73Tom Johnston lecture: Alaskan folklore undated
16/74Fanny Werner 1985 September
16/75Catherine Charlie, Alakanuk (Yupik) undated
16/76Evan Hamilton: Oral History of Emmonak, in Yupik w/ English translation by Martin Moore 1983 June 16 
16/77Jean Briggs: paper presentation at the Alaska Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Fairbanks “Fieldwork Before and After Political Correctness” 1996 April 5 
16/78-85History of Bluegrass Music course: radio lectures on KSKA-FM, taught at Anchorage Community College [8 audio cassettes]1980
16/86-100Alaskan Folklore and Folklife [15 audio cassettes]undated
16/101Czhilispiel #2, Flatonia, TX 1977 October 29-30
16/102Robert Johns, homesteading in 1947 1976 February 6 
19/1Arthur Haakanson. Interviewed by: Craig Mishler in Ouzinkie (May 15, 1977). History of Ouzinkie from 1940s – present. History of Kodiak Island fisheries 1964 earthquake & tidal wave 1997 May 15
19/2Sarah Malcolm #2. Interviewed by Yvonne Howard in Eagle. Side A: 6/21/90. Side B: 6/20/90 1990 June 20
19/3Tim & Micah Malcolm.Recorded by: Craig Mishler in Eagle. Tim Malcolm, Fiddle; Micah Malcolm Guitar 1982 August 25
19/4Tim & Micah Malolm #1 Eagle. Recorded in Eagle by Craig Mishler. Tim Malcolm – fiddle; Micah Malcolm – guitar. Note: Tape is damaged at end of Side A 1982 August 25
19/5Tim & Micah Malcolm – Eagle #2. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Eagle. Tim Malcolm – fiddle; Micah Malcolm – guitar 1982 August 25
19/6Kaltag Stick Dance songs. Side A: Kaltag Stick Dance (Koyukon Language) – recorded, March 8-9, 1973 by C. Mishler. Side B: This side blank speech & lead singer on side A is Franklin Madros 1973 March 8-9
19/7George Inga Sr. Interview by Craig Misher in Old Harbor. Alutiiq kinship terms 1993 April 3
19/8George Inga #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. Alutiiq names for animals, birds, and fish 1991 September 18
19/9George Inga Sr. #3. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. Subsistence & commercial fishing some life history. Copied from videotape master 1996 September 10
19/10Anakenti Zeedar & George Inga Sr. Interviewed in Old Harbor by Craig Mishler. Alutiiq names for birds & fish. Side A: Anakenti Zeedar #1; Side B: Blank 1991 September 8
19/11Anakenti Zeedar & George Inga #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. Waterfowl used for subsistence with Alutiiq names for species. Side A: Anakenti Zeedar #2; Side B: Anakenti Zeedar continued 1994 December 7
19/12Matthew John Fiddle N.D. Louis Boudreault, The Great Simple Jig. Matthew John Fiddle Esias Loola – Guitar Vocal. Side A: 1. Soldiers Joy; 2. Ragtime Annie; 3. These shoes don’t fit me anymore – vocal; 4. Fiddle Tune (? Name); 5. Eight Couples; 6. Brandy – (Varandii); 7. Nettsa-sa-gla. Side B: 1. Reel River Jig; 2. Handkerchief Dance; 3. Frauline (vocal); 4. Fiddle Tune ( ? Name); 5. Maidens – prayer – faded love; 6. Under the double eagle undated
19/13Side A: Kaltag – Olasker Nikolai March 9, 1973. Side B:  blank 1973 March 9
19/14Robert Demoski – Galena. Side A: Robert Demoski – Galena, Chief on Nulato Massacre & Stick Dance. Side B: Robert Demoski – continued 1973 March 14
19/15Arthur Kennedy – Galena. Accordion & fiddle music,  3/14/73. Interviewed by Craig Mishler 1973 March 14
19/16Grafton Njootli – The Yukon Drifter. Side A: Grafton Njootli & Boyd Benjamin Guitar Music & Vocals by: Grafton Njootli of Old Crow, YT. Born March 10, 1947. Died in a boating accident on the Porcupine River June 20, 1999 undated
19/17Arctic Village place names #2. Isaac Tritt interviewed by Rick Caulfield. Side A: Arctic Village place names #2; Side B: AV place names continued #2 undated
19/18Venetie Place Names #3. Dan Frank, Abraham Christian, & Christian Tritt. Interviewed by Rick Caulfield. Side A: Venetie place names #3; Side B: place names continued #3 1981 March 9
19/19Sonny Osborne interview. Side A: Sonny Osborne 12-1-79. Side B: Osborne interview continued 1979 December 1
19/20Andrew Isaac. Recorded at Dot Lake, Alaska by Craig Mishler. Side A: Andrew Isaac 2-09-84, Dot Lake, recorded by Craig Mishler. Side B: Andrew Isaac, Dot Lake (Continued) 1984 February 9
19/21Chief Andrew Isaac 10/14/84 1984 October 14
19/22Andrew & Maggie Isaac 10/20/84. Side A: Andrew & Maggie Isaac 10/20/84; Side B: Blank 1984 October 14
19/23Andronik Kashevarof Sr. 2/1/95. Interviewed by Craig Mishler on St. George Island.The Subsistence use of wild birds 1995 February 1
19/24Ernest & Earl Mack 12/4/92. Interviewed in King Cove by Craig Mishler & Vicki Vanek. Subsistence use of harbor seals & steller sea lions 1992 December 4
19/2579ARC003 Copy. Side A: 79ARC003 Arctic Village, AK.4/26/79 Hearing on proposed public land withdrawals (D-2) 1979 April 26
19/2683ARC001 I. Tritt (3 of 3). Side A: 83ARC001 Issac Tritt @ Arctic Village. A.J. Lynch (Interviewer) (Arcitc Village Tape #1). Side B: 83ARC001 Isaac Tritt Arctic Village, A.J. Lynch (Interviewer) Topics: Elijah Henry cabin, Albert Tritt stove and cabin 1983 June 21
19/2779ARC002 Copy (2 of 3). Side A: 79ARC002 Arctic Village, AK. Hearing on proposed public land withdrawals (D-2). Side B: 79ARC002 – cont. Copy 1979 April 26
19/2879RAC001 Copy (1 of 3). Side A: Arctic VIllage, AK. hearing on proposed public land withdrawals (D-2). Side B: 79ACR001 – cont. Copy 1979 April 20
19/29Matthew & Martha Malcolm. NPS Yukon – Charley,   H95-96-06 Rasmuson Library, UAF. Interviewed in Eagle by Steve Ulvi  and Carl. Family & village history in Eagle 1989 July 26
19/30Louise Paul. Interviewed in Eagle by Craig Mishler. Story of Ts’ae oo Shae in English and in Han. 1973 December 27
19/31Louise Paul A. Recorded in Han by Louise Paul interviewed by John Ritter undated
19/32Louise Paul B. Louise Paul telling Han stories in Han and in English. Recorded by John Ritter undated
19/33Louise Paul C. Louise Paul telling Han stories in Han. Recorded by John Ritter undated
19/34Louise Paul. Louise Paul (with daughter Beatha Ulvi) interviewed by Craig Mishler in Fairbanks 1997 March 20
19/35Louise Paul & Ruth Ridley. Interviewed by William Schneider. Rasmuson Library UAF H91-22-43. Han ethnohistory 1991 August 26
19/36Sarah Malcolm. Interviewed on June 16, 1986. Rasmuson Library oral history H95-69-1. Barely audible, some Han Language spoken 1986 June 16
19/37Sarah Malcolm. Interviewed by Yvonne Howard in Eagle 1990 June 21
19/38Mike & Ginny Chernikoff. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Ouzinkie. Alutiiq names for fish, shellfish, birds, & game animals 1991 November 6
19/39Nick Pestrikoff Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Kodiak City. Life history, commercial fishing in Ouzinkie, subsistence, banyas & bingo, trapping 1996 November 21
19/40Walt Erickson Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Kodiak City. Life History in the Chigniks and Old Harbor, commercial fishing, subsistence, social life & banyas & bingo, trapping 1996 November 21
19/41Silas Solomon. Taped by A.J. Lynch at mouth of Kechumstuck and on Flint Hill 1984 October 19
19/42Silas Solomon. BIA interviewed by A.J. Lynch 1984 October 19
19/43Silas Solomon 1984 October 24
19/44Silas Solomon. Side A: Silas Solomon Interviewed by A.J. Lynch (BIA) 1984 October 24
19/45Herman Moonin } English Bay. Side A: Discussion of masking & starring Russian Christmas & New Years. Side B: Continue w/ above; killer whale story (in English & Sugcestun); bigfoot sightings 1980 January 12
19/46Henra Sundt #1 Gakona history. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Anchorage 6/29/83 at Henra’s house. Operated Gakona Roadhouse & Lodge from 1932-1976 w/ Husband Arnie & 3 children 1983 June 29
19/47Henra Sundt #2: Gakona history. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Anchorage 6/29/83 at Henra’s house. Operated Gakona Roadhouse & Lodge w/ Husband Arnie from 1932-1976 1983 June 29
19/48John Pingayak. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Anchorage 2/6/96. Copied from videotape 1996 February 6
19/49Joe Delia. Taped at Joe Delia’s house in Skwentna. History of Skwentna area. Interviewed by Craig Mishler 1981 September 18
19/50Side 1: Shem Pete. Stories in English about Knik & Susitna. Interviewed in Fairbanks by Craig Mishler. Side 2: Copper River & Tanana songs. Copper River Singers (with Shem Pete) Tanana Singers (with Paul George) at UAF 1983 May 25
19/51Freddy Christiansen. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. Subsistence, commercial fishing, sport fishing, ecotourism, community change. Copied from digital video master undated
19/52Willie Juneby, Tape 426 ANLC, H91-12-319. Story of Indian Wars Told in Han Athabaskan [2 copies, audio cassette]    [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Identifier ANLC0009 Titled “Indian Wars” https://www.uaf.edu/anla/record.php?identifier=ANLC0009]1973 March 8
19/53Silas Stevens #1. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Fairbanks. Life history, Han Indians at Eagle 1997 April 7
19/54Silas Stevens #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Fairbanks. History & ethnography of the Han in Eagle Village, Han veterans 1997 November 11
19/55Silas Stevens #3. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Fairbanks. History & ethnography of the Han in Eagle Village & surrounding area 1997 November 11
19/56John & Julia Pestrikoff #6. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Port Lions. Side A: Old-time music John’s boat wreck – the Gale Building Port Lions. Side B: Easter foods: duck soup, pirok, & kolich bread. Speaking in Alutiiq about native foods & Russian calendars 1994 December 11
19/57Ed Opheim Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Kodiak City. Introductions of elk to Afognak Island in 1929, subsistence foods, history of Ouzinkie Ed’s pool hall 1997 February 26
19/58Ephraim Agnot Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Akhiok. Alutiiq weather lore, wind directions 1993 March 31
19/59Ephraim Agnot Sr. #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Ahiok. Head Lice Song, Tea Song, Alutiiq kinship terms 1993 December 8
19/60Ron Berntsen. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. Childhood in King Cove; move to Old Harbor in 1965; scallop fishing; banya pleasure/village social life; complaints about halibut IFQ’s & habitat destruction by draggers 1997 February 7
19/61Dora Aga #1. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Larsen Bay. Dora’s family history; subsistence sites in Larsen Bay & Uyak Bay; some place names; Alitak boys coming for holiday dances (speaks Alutiiq) 1989 November 4-5
19/62Dora Aga #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Larsen Bay 1989 November 5
19/63Reed Oswalt. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Kodiak Narration of scanned photos in Oswalt’s collection from Ouzinkie. History of Ouzinkie 1930-1950 1997 February 25
19/64Subsistence Brown Bear. Ronnie Lind Karluk 4/28/91; Dora Aga Larsen Bay 4/29/91. Interviewed by Craig Mishler 1991 April 28-29
19/65Rufina Merculief. Interviewed by Craig Mishler and Lisa Scarbrough; St. George Island, Pribilofs. Aleut cooking,  wild game recipes 1993 January 22
20/1Side 1: Trimble Gilbert Fiddle Walter Newman Guitar. Side 2: Potlatch Oratory. Speech making at Howard Luke’s fish camp on the Tanana 1983 May 25
20/2Trimble Gilbert w/ Son Bobby on electric guitar, Venetie Community Hall. Side A: Trimble Gilbert. Fiddle tunes Recorded by Craig Mishler 1980 April 4
20/3Trimble Gilbert/James Gilbert. Trimble Gilbert, fiddle; Walter Newman, guitar; James Gilbert, square dance caller. Recorded at Arctic Village 1978 1978
20/4Timble Gilbert #1. Recorded by Craig Mishler at historic sites along the Upper Chandalar River above Arctic Village on 8/30-8/31/98. In Gwich’in 1998 August 30-31
20/5Trimble Gilbert #2. Recorded by Craig Mishler at historic sites along the Upper Chandalar River above Arctic Village 1998 September 1
20/6Trimble Gilbert #3. Audio good except for first 2 minutes of Side A. Story by Trimble Gilbert all in Gwich’in, Jan 20-21 2004. Side A: Gwich’in bands & chiefs. 90mins 2004 January 20-21
20/7Trimble Gilbert #4. Story begin, Wind River by: Trimble Gilbert. Gwich’in – all of it. Audio is good. Side A: 1942 thru 1953, story 1/24/05 by Trimble Gilbert #4. Side B: Story part 2, Gwich’in 2005 January 27
20/8Trimble Gilbert #5. 90 mins. Story about my marriage life all in Gwich’in. Part 1: Audio level is very low. Story fiddle (in English). Part 2 other side: fiddle music and summer hunting camp (in Gwich’in) 2005 January 30
20/9Trimble Gilbert #6. Audio good on both sides: all in Gwich’in. Trimble Gilbert Arctic Village N.D. Side A: Native store & BIA school. Side B: Married life from 1955 till today, Part 2 (Continued from Tape #5) Undated
20/10Trimble Gilbert #7. Side A: All Gwich’in. Audio levels: Ok, some surface noise. Side B: Subsistence, fisheries (partly blank) 2005 March 21
20/11Trimble Gilbert #8 Side A: Part 1 lost dogs & animal story. Smoke sin. Message delivery by dog. Trimble Gilbert Arctic Village. Side B: Change of weather. More animal language. Less animal today. Ended ask when. All in Gwich’in, excellent audio 2005 February 8
20/12Gwich’in song and dance music. Side 1: Natalie Erick: love songs, Fort Yukon. Side 2: John William, violin. Willie Salmon, guitar. Chalkyitsik 1979 May 17
20/13Charley Peter #1 1972 August 23
20/14Charley Peter #2 & Silas John #2. Side 1: Charley Peter 6 songs 8-23-72, Silas John – trapping lore 8-24-72. Side 2: Silas John: Sagitsak, Crow stories & 2 songs 8-24-72 1972 August 23-24
20/15Charlie Peter #3 c.1972. Charlie Peter in Chalkyitsik fiddle tunes #3 circa 1972
20/16Charlie Peter #4 w/ John Christian electric guitar. Recorded in Chalkyitsik by Moses Gabriel Dec. 25, 1972. Identify 2nd to last tune on Side A 1972 December 25
20/17Charlie Peter #5: Venetie Carnival. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Venetie Spring Carnival w/ Stanley Frank, guitar and Jimmy Roberts, violin 1973 April 19
20/18Charlie Peter #6. Fiddle tunes Ft. Yukon: 1. I got a girl w/ a wooden leg; 2. Eight Couple; 3. Double Jig; 4. Cocoa (Cuckoo) Waltz; 5. Nobody’s Darling but mine; 6. “Square Dance” (Virginia reel); 7.Handkerchief Dance.1-6 F#C#G#D#, 7: G#D#G#D# 1979 May 21
20/19Jimmy Roberts/John Christian w/ David Henry (guitar). All acoustic: ¾ size violin, Gibson Imitation Dove model guitar Recorded at Stanley Frank’s house, Venetie. John Christian born 3/18/42, died 4/22/2014, 5’7” 1979 May 13
20/20Jimmy Roberts #1. Recorded by Judy Erick at Venetie. Audio quality is poor   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Identifier KU979E1998]1998 May 12
20/21Jimmy Roberts #2. Recorded by Judy Erick at Venetie. Audio Quality is poor.   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Identifier KU979E1998]1997 September
20/22Sandy Roberts #4.  Recorded by Craig Mishler. 1. K’Aiihenjik, 2. Tr’injaa Gwintl’oo Ch’a’aa, 3. Ch’atth’an Vee, 4. Tk’eeviti’, 5. Datshalti’, 5. Sam Peter Story #1 Gwichin, 6. Sam Peter Story #2 English with bio 1973 August 26
20/23English Bay New Years play. Side 1: Play, Side 2: Slavonic singing & dance 1980 January 14
20/24David Salmon & John Christian. Venetie potlatch, following ordination of Paul Tritt into Episcopal clergy. Copy made from erased original. Side A: Venetie fiddle music 11/19/72 Rev. Salmon – violin, John Christian – guitar. Side B: Fiddle dance music contd. 1972 November 19
20/25Rev. David Salmon. Gwich’in sermons (1990). Source is unknown. Johnny Frank songs. Recorded by Craig Mishler 1990
20/26Willie Juneby: fiddle. Eagle 12/23/73. Willie Juneby – violin #1, Archie Juneby – guitar. Recorded at the Junebys House. Recorded by Craig Mishler 1973 December 23
20/27Christmas Eve – Eagle #1. Willie Juneby. Side A: Christmas, 1973 2 carols, Willie Juneby (violin), Archie Juneby & Dave Young (6-string guitars). Side B: Christmas at Eagle 1973
20/28Side A: Willie Juneby #2. Side B: Christmas Eve/Eagle 1973 December 25
20/29John Chilligan Stump #1. Eklutna – Tanaina vocabulary & place names 1973 September 17
20/30John Chilligan Stump #2. Eklutna – Tanaina folk tales in English 1973 September 17
20/31John Stump – Eklutna. Tanaina Athabascan personal reflections (autobiographical) 1973 August 17
20/32John Stump #4. Tanaina 1976 April 24
20/33James & Maggie Gilbert. ANCSA 14 (h) 1 oral history (BIA), Tape # 79 Doy005. Interviewed by Leila Wise & David Libbey, translator, Trimble Gilbert 1979 July 12
20/34Maggie Gilbert. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Arctic Village. Gwich’in story about Chief Christian, New Year’s song 1973 April 21
20/35Maggie Gilbert BM&L. Blind Man & The Loon story (copy of original). Told in Gwich’in, Arctic Village Alaska, April 23, 1973 1973 April 23
20/36Trimble Gilbert. Gwich’in Niin Tsyaa dance held at Arctic Village. Recorded by Craig Mishler. Side A: Poor quality copy Trimble Gilbert fiddle Gwich’in Niin Tsyaa #3 1988 June 8
20/37Trimble Gilbert. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Whitehorse, Y.T. Side A: Interview at Chon-fm on Gwich’in fiddling & square dancing (with Ruth Carroll). Microphone switched off on first part (internal mike only). Side B: Speech made at borderlands history conference Yukon College Whitehorse 1988 June 3-4
20/38The Red River Jig variants: 1. Reg Bouvette, 2. The Hate- Paul Benkkassi, 3. The Hate Matthew John, 4. Trimble Gilbert, 5. Bree Stevens, 6. The late Charlie  Peter. Compiled by Bill Stevens undated
20/39Song for Allan Benjamin. Composed by Bannock Boy vocal, guitar, bass with Dennis Thompson fiddle & Wilbert Kendi, Swede saw. Bannock boy Resides in Whitehorse Y.T. Allan Benjamin is an old crow fiddler and snowshoe racer. The song is a Tribute to Allan. undated
20/40George Ramos & Ray Sensmeier. Testimony given at the Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission meeting in Kodiak. Dubbed from videotape. Topics: seal hunting in Icy Bay and seal spirituality 1998 March 26-27
20/41Alfred’s Waltz. Alfred Francis “Halfway Up” Nov. 21, 1986. Gregory Gilbert “Alfred’s Waltz” 2001 1986 November 21
20/42Henry & Hilma Shavings interview. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Anchorage. Chuupit Eskimo gospel singers orig. from Mekoryuk, Nunivak Island. Interview/no music 1991 February 17
20/43Sven & Mary Haakanson Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Old Harbor. How Rolfe Christiansen and Arthur Haakason Sr. Came to Old Harbor and got married. How welfare got introduced after the 1964 earthquake, changes in subsistence, World War II 1997 February 6
20/44Side A: Cliff Maytwayashing. Side B: Mel Bedard, Metis fiddler undated
20/45Alfred Bernard, Cree John Greenland. Cree fiddlers  undated
20/46Thursday Alaska Folk Festival 1991 April 11
20/47Helen Tritt. Record by Craig Mishler with Kenneth Frank in Venetie 1994 July 31
20/48Isaac Tritt #1 Recorded by Craig Mishler at the Episcopal Mission House in Fort Yukon. Side A: Arctic Village history, caribou bone tools, caribou snares, & caribou skin huts. Side B: Recollections of Chief Christian & Chief Peter the Loon & the Raven Story   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archive at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under the identifier ANLC1055. https://www.uaf.edu/anla/record.php?identifier=ANLC1055]1973 April 16
20/49Isaac Tritt & Kias Peter. ANCSA 14 (h) oral history tape #79DOY006. Interviewed by Linda Madlock and Sarah Thompson 1979 July 14
20/50Isaac Tritt. Interviewed by Craig Mishler and Sarah James in Arctic Village during the Gwich’in Gathering.  History of Di’haii Gwich’in 1988 June 11
20/51Isaac Tritt #2 translations, Daniel John #1. Edward John’s translation of Isaac Tritt’s The Loon & the Raven. Moses Paul Gabriel’s translations of Daniel John’s Sam Peter stories. 1. Sam Rides A Moose, 2. Sam & The Brush Man, 3. Story of Henry John’s Father, 4. Brown Bear & Crow, 5. Vasaagihdzak & The Dancing Ducks, 6. Sam Peter & The Owl, 7. Georjit’s Love Song undated
20/52Gideon James #1. Interviewed by Kenneth Franks in Arctic Village. Historic & cemetery sites.   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU 994F1998]1998 March 22
20/53Gideon James #2. Interviewed by Kenneth Franks in Arctic Village. Historic & cemetery sites in Gwich’in   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU 994F1998]1998 March 22
20/54Gideon James #3. Interviewed by Kenneth Franks in Arctic Village. Tribal rights & the Supreme Court decision   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU 994F1998]1998 March 22
20/55Kole Crook (Fiddle), Helen Edgar (Piano) undated
20/56Colin Adjun, Kole Crook Interviews Inuvik, 2001. Dubbed from videotape recorded by Craig Mishler. Interviews about traditional fiddling 2001
20/57Hender Toms. Interviewed in Seattle by Craig Mishler Lived in Ouzinkie; 1936-1950. Worked as bookkeeper at Grimes Packing Company Cannery. Topics: cannery operations, labor relations, Oscar Grimes, Mike Chernikoff 1997 March 9
20/58Paul Kahutak #1. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Anchorage. Life history & community history in Old Harbor 1997 March 12
20/59Paul Kahutak #2. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Anchorage. Life history & community history in Old Harbor 1997 March 12
20/60Harold Woods. Interviewed by Craig Mishler at Polaris Hotel, Fairbanks. 4th annual Athapaskan Fiddle Festival. Old-time fiddling & dance music in Rampart, Alaska (discussion only) 1986 November 20
20/61John Nelson Sr. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Port Lions.Topics: Introduction of elk to Afognak Island. Some life history; the red salmon hatchery at Afognak Lake & fish traps around Afognak; 1964 earthquake & tidal wave; the founding of Port Lions 1994 December 10
20/62Joyce Smith #1. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Ouzinkie The Baptist Mission & School; Ouzinkie since the 1950s; the great earthquake of 1964 1997 January 21
20/63AFS 2002 Annual Conference Square Dance Caller Forum. Chair – Craig Mishler, Jim Kimball, Ken Lowe, Richard Castner, Dudley Laufman, Jacqueline Laufman Randy Wilson. Recorded by Mike Leach at Rochester, NY Oct 17, 2002 2002 October 17
20/647th Annual Athapaskan Fiddlers. Speeches & music at banquet/dance: Hannah Solomon, Poldine Carlo & others 1989 November 17
21/1Kenny Thomas Sr. #1. Recorded by Craig Mishler 12/8/99 in Tanacross. Life history 1999 December 8
21/2Kenny Thomas Sr. #2. Recorded at Tanacross 12/9/99 by Craig Mishler. Life history: working on the river 1999 December 9
21/3Kenny Thomas #3. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 12/9/99. Life history: trapping, John Hajdukovich, freighting on the river boats 1999 December 9
21/4Kenny Thomas Sr. #4. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross 12/10/99. Stories told in the Tanacross Language: The Mean Man of Mansfield, The Crippled Woman Who Saved Dihthaad Keelata’, Mansfield Culture Camp   May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at UAF under identifier ANLC4105.1999 December 10
21/5Kenny Thomas Sr. #4A translation. Translated by Irene Arnold 2001 January 11
21/6Kenny Thomas Sr. #5. Interviewed in Tanacross 4/26/00. Life history, the medicine people 2000 April 26
21/7Kenny Thomas Sr. #6. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 4/26/00. Life history 2000 April 26
21/8Kenny Thomas Sr. #7. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 4/26/00. Ghosts & stick Indians 2000 April 26
21/9Kenny Thomas Sr. #8. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 4/26/00. Kinship and clans: mixed Tanacross and English 2000 April 26
21/10Kenny Thomas Sr. #8 translation. Translated by Irene Arnold.Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 4/26/00 2000 April 26
21/11Kenny Thomas Sr. #8A translation. Translated by Irene Arnold. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 4/26/00. Kinship and clans. The board that goes between villages to keep everyone straight 2000 April 26
21/12Kenny Thomas Sr. #9. Interviewed by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 9/7/00. Life history: trapping and prospecting days 2000 September 7
21/13Kenny Thomas Sr. #10. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 9/7-9/8/00, 56 min 20 sec. Life history: Alaska Road Commission, firefighting with BLM, moose calling, Han Gunhawk & dance songs 2000 September 7-8
21/14Kenny Thomas Sr. #11. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross 10/30/00. Tsaih (ochre), feathers, & flint; Becoming a song & dance leader; story of the Gunhawk 2000 October 30
21/15Kenny Thomas Sr. #12. Interviewed by Craig Mishler at Tanacross 10/30/00. Learning & composing songs – continued from #11; Yabal Tel Chedh story cycle. Dubbed from video original 2000 October 30
21/16Kenny Thomas Sr. #12 translation. Yamaagh Tel Cheegh story. Translated by Irene Arnold undated
21/17Kenny Thomas Sr. #13. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross 10/30/00. Continuation of Yabal Tel Chedh story cycle from #12 (mostly in Tanacross language). Raven’s tricks, bear lore, The Bear who Married a Woman, harmonica tunes. Dubbed from video original 2000 October 30
21/18Kenny Thomas Sr. #14. Interviewed by Craig Mishelr in Fairbanks 11/9/01. Old-time square dances, love and marriage, counseling, WWII. 44mins. Dubbed from video original 2001 November 9
21/19Kenny Thomas Sr. #15. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross Aug 4, 2002. Tanacross settlement history, story of two kidnapped girls, get-well potlatch, Upper Tanana 100 Boat Race 2002 August 4
21/20Stories about Bob McKennan #1. Bill Workman, Karen Workman, Chuck Diters, Dale Slaughter, Bill Simeone, Craig Mishler. Recorded by Craig Mishler 1999 May 20
21/21Stories about Bob McKennan #2. Bill Workman, Karen Workman, Chuck Diters, Dale Slaughter, Bill Simeone, Craig Mishler. Recorded by Craig Mishler 1999 May 20
21/22Dudley Laufman. Dance calls, Machias Valley Grange Hall, Maine. Dudley Laufmans & Jacqueline Gilman (fiddles). Recorded by Craig Mishler. 45 mins 1997 October 24
21/23Gwich’in Converestion #1. Side A: Weather, body parts, cooking & eating. Side B: Cooking & eating continued, hunting & shooting 2001 June
21/24Gwich’in conversation #2. UAF language class 2001 June
21/25Gwich’in conversation #3. UAF language class 2001 June
21/26Frank Fontaine & Family #1 & Roderick Ross 1976
21/27Frank Fontaine #2 & Roderick Ross. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Winnipeg c. 1976. 1. Waltz: Roderick Ross, 2. Jig, 3. Jig (Clogging Step). Roderick Ross: white fiddler from Winnipeg 1976
21/28John Fredson songs. “Wild Melodies from the Arctic”  sheet music as played by Barbara Mishler. Source: The Étude 47 (4) : 271 1929 April
21/29John Fredson Vickilik. Songs recorded in 1923 by Edward Sapir. From wax cylinders at Indiana University Archives of Traditional Music. Vocabulary & songs undated
21/30Moses Sam. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Arctic Village  mostly in Gwich’in. Side A: History of Tsukǫǫ & Gahtsik, life at Tł’oo Thoovan. Side B: Sam Peter stories, times of starvation: caribou hunting   May be available from Alaska Native Language Archive at UAF under identifier ANLC6133. 1996 May 29
21/31Mary Simple/Eunice William. Recorded by Judy Erick in Venetie   May be available from Alaska Native Language Archive at UAF under identifier KU979E1998.1997 August 28
21/32Albert Alkbert. Recorded by Judy Erick   May be available from Alaska Native Language Archive at UAF under identifier KU979E1998.1998 May 14
21/33Daniel Flitt. Recorded by Judy Erick at Fort Yukon   May be available from Alaska Native Language Archive at UAF under identifier KU979E19981997 September 1
21/34Abel Tritt Side A: Old John story, Albert Tritt story. Side B: Kyehti’ story, Vasaagitsak story   Recorded in Gwich’in by Kathy Alexander for Alaska state library songs & Legends collection. Early 1970’sundated
21/35Berchman Esmailka 1989 November 18
21/36Kenny Thomas Sr. photo. Identifying photo in the Ted Drane collection. Rasmuson Library Archives UAF 2001 June 14
21/37Kenny Thomas Sr. #4B & #13A. Translated by Irene Arnold 2001 January 1
21/38Ellen Henry #1. Recorded by Judy Erick   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU979E1998]1997 November 24
21/39Ellen Henry #2. Recorded by Judy Erick at Venetie   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Identifier KU979E1998]1998 September 12
21/40Neil Henry   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Identifier KU979E1998 or ANLC6134]1999 May 30
21/41Neil Henry / John Erick Sr. / Natalie Erick. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Fort Yukon August 20, 1972 & May 17, 1979. Gwich’in Songs 1972 August 20 & 1979 May 17
21/42Makalataq. Nanwalek music for Russian Christmas. Commentary by Bobby Kvasnikoff c. Early 1990’s. Copy obtained from Tony Scott Pearce in January 2003 undated
21/43-44Neerihiinjik master tape #1-#2 undated
21/45Gwich’in songs. 1&2 John Eric. 3-5 Natalie Eric Ko’Etan Song, Katherine Alexander’s Love Song, Crow Dance Song (Circle, 1922). 6-9 John Frank: Khagoohoonjikti’s Caribou Song, Old Lady’s War Song, 2nd Caribou Song, Detse’s Power Song (Healing). 10-11 Daniel John: Song of Snow Geese & Ducks, Georjit’s Love Song & Introduction. 12-17 Stancey Luke 5 Songs. 18-19 Myra Robert Shootoo Vahan’s/Song for Dying Man. 20 Silas John Old Dance Song undated
21/46Elijah John. Kii Tseejii story w/ Neil Henry. Recorded by Craig Mishler   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU972J1972]1972 October 3
21/47Elijah John – Woman Left to Freeze. Side A: Elijah John: Oolt’i. Woman Abandoned; Cannibal’s of Kii Ts’eejii Mountain (copy). Side B: Elijah John: 4 Songs Story of Tł’ev’i’, Shanat’i, and Jeevałt’i’ (with Abraham Peter) (copy)   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU972J1972]1972 October 3
21/48Ruth Carroll: Gwich’in Show radio broadcast 1992 October 19
21/49Ruth Carrol: The Gwich’in Show radio broadcast 1992 November 10
21/50Ruth Carrol: The Gwich’in Show radio broadcast CBC Inuvik 2001 June 19
21/51Myra Robert #5. Side 1: Oral history – Myra’s father’s story of Moses (Mercier) & First Americans at Fort Yukon. Story of John Fredson teaching Side 2: John Fredson & the Venetie Reservation   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU972Mi1986 ]1980 April 5
21/52Margaret Kelly. Recorded by Judy Erick and John Erick Jr at Fort Yukon   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU979E1998]1997 August 31
21/53Paul Kelly Jr. Recorded by Judy Erick at Denali Center; Fairbanks. Bo was the nickname of Paul Kelly Jr. 1997 October
21/54Elijah John #5. Shahnyaati’ Viti’ Vagwandak   [May be available from the Alaska Native Language Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under identifier KU972Mi1986]1983 April 10
21/55Sarah John. Recorded by Judy Erick at Venetie 1998 March 10
21/56John Cook. John Cook interviewed by Craig Mishler & Bill Simeone. Topic: The professional career of anthropologist Robert McKennan 1999 April 26
21/57Alfred Francis. Recorded by Craig Mishler. Fiddle Tunes w/ Walter Newman, guitar. At Ft. McPherson, NWT 1996 August 17
21/58Alfred Francis. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Polaris Hotel, Fairbanks Alaska. Alfred Francis (fiddle), William Nerysoo (guitar) 1986 November 21
21/59Bill Stevens, Gwich’in fiddler. Yukon fiddle undated
21/60Bill Stevens on the death of Charley Peter. Side A: Noah Peter 1975 (dub) Hamel Frank: SQ dance calls. Side B: On the death of Charley Peter 1975
21/61Bill Stevens & Artie Joseph Fairbanks, AK 1987 July 30
21/62Bill Stevens KSKA interview aired Aug 30, 1982 1982 August 30
21/63Bill Stevens fiddle tunes. Side 1: Virg [?] Evans harmony fiddle, Ed Marley rhythm guitar. Side 2: Bill Stevens fiddle, Lee Eddy – guitar. 1978-79
21/64Bill Stevens: fiddle tunes.Traditional Indian fiddle tunes by Bill Stevens – fiddle & Charley John – guitar. Ft. Yukon 1981 1981
21/65Charlie Peter Charlie. Interviewed by Craig Mishler at the Polaris Hotel, Fairbanks 4th annual Athapaskan Fiddle Festival 1986 November 20
22/1Johnny Frank #1. Johnny Frank: Tai’ich’i [side 1], JF: Dakneha; Tł’evit’i [138]; Medicine Song [side 2] 1972 November 16
22/2Johnny Frank, Mishler #2. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Gold Camp [in] Gwich’in & English 1972 November 16
22/3Johnny Frank H91-12-299. Interviewed by Kathy Alexander at Gold Camp 4/1/73. Songs & Legends #404, Oral History Collection, Rasmuson Library, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks 1973 April 1
22/4Johnny Frank, Alexander #2. Recorded at Gold Camp for Songs & Legends Project 1973 April 1
22/5Johnny Frank, Alexander #3. Autobiographical & historical narrative. Captain Ray John Fredson. Recorded at Gold Camp by Kathy Alexander. Alaska State Library #406 1973 April 1
22/6Johnny Frank to Mike Holloway Gold Camp 1 & 2 1976 September 1
22/7Johnny Frank to M. Holloway Gold Camp 3 & 4. A: Bible-spirit; looking at wildlife magazine. B: Christ-God; singing hymns; prayer book; friend’s deaths; dogs; steamboat-gold rush 1976 September
22/8Johnny Frank to M. Holloway Gold Camp 5 & 6. A: Continue gold rush, Barter Island; father-Dihai Gwichen [sic]; story of man bitten by bear; Fbk meeting-TCC; Ft. Yukon flu epidemic [side B blank] 1976 September
22/9Johnny Frank to M. Holloway Gold Camp 7 & 8. A: Continued flu; smallpox; missionaries; medicine stories. B: Medicine; how birds started; Crow (Raven) steals from bear; Crow makes land; Brush man 1976 September
22/10Johnny Frank M. Holloway Gold Camp (9-last). A: Brush man; big animals [side B blank] 1976 September
22/11Johnny Frank from Kenneth Frank collection (fair to poor audio) undated
22/12Translation-Johnny Frank, Martha Flett. Translated by Moses Gabriel undated
22/13Johnny Frank’s songs undated
22/14Sarah Frank, Mishler. Traditional stories recorded in Venetie by Craig Mishler entirely in Gwich’in 1979 May 14
22/15Sarah Frank H83-337 BIA. Sarah Frank at her mother’s grave 1979 July 17
22/16-17Sarah Frank, Lillian Garnett #1-2 [two copies of tape #2] 1984 June
22/18-19Sarah Frank, Kenneth Frank #1-2 [two copies of tape #1, original damaged] 1985 Fall
22/20Burns Frank Gwich’in Fiddler/Venetie 1986 November 21
22/21Frank Family #1. Nathaniel, Hamel, Dan & Maggie recorded by Craig Mishler at Dan Frank’s house in Venetie. Reminiscing about childhood & early days with their parents Johnny & Sarah at Ch’at’oonjik 1989 October 5
22/22Frank Family #2. Recorded in Gwich’in by Craig Mishler at Dan Frank’s house in Venetie. Conversation about childhood & early days at gold camp with their parents, Johnny & Sarah Frank. Nathaniel Frank, Hamel Frank, Dan Frank, & Maggie Roberts 1989 October 5
22/23Frank Family #3. Dan Frank, Hamel Frank, Maggie Roberts, Kenneth Frank, & Caroline Tritt-Frank. Recorded at Dan Franks house, Venetie, by Craig Mishler 1990 June 19
22/24Nathaniel Frank interviewed by Craig Mishler in Venetie at Gwich’in Gathering. History of Venetie and Old Robert; 1927 USGS Survey; gold camp; John Fredson & the Venetie Reservation. Copied from videotape [two copies] 1992 June 14
22/25Hamel Frank/Mary Frank 1997 June 13
22/26Mary Frank interviewed by Craig Mishler in Venetie. Story in Gwich’in: Frank Family history at Tsukǫǫ during the 1960s [two copies] 1997 June 13
22/27Maggie Roberts recorded by Judy Erick at Venetie. Maggie is the daughter of Johnny & Sarah Frank 1998 January 22
22/28-30Kenneth Frank #1-3, Gwich’in caribou anatomy 2010 March 25-26
Digital storageBlack Beauty.  Matthew John: Fiddle, Esias Loola: Guitar and vocal 2004
Digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. Tanacross Kinship Terms, Stories [data CD]2005 August 6
Digital storageTrimble Gilbert fiddle with Gregory and Albert Gilbert 2010 July
Digital storageErnest Erick Venetie Vich’ilik 2011 May 22
Digital storageRobert Frank, Venetie, Vadzaih Tth’an [data CD]2011 May 22
Digital storageVadzaih Recordings: Trimble, Maggie, Hannah, Robert, and Macarthur [data CD]2012
Digital storageAllan Benjamin Old Crow fiddle tunes 2013
Digital storageGwich’in Anchorage: Trimble Gilbert stories in English, recorded by Craig Mishler 2014 August 12
Digital storageTrimble Gilbert stories and songs in Gwich’in with Allan Hayton, recorded by Craig Mishler, Anchorage 2014 August 15
Digital storageMatthew John, Esias Loola, 18 songs undated

Series 5. Subseries 5b: Film; undated, 1973. 0.5 cubic feet.

This subseries consists of 16 mm, 8 mm, and Super 8 mm films. Some or all of these films may be available digitally elsewhere in the collection. Descriptions are taken from those written on the media or the cases they came in. Punctuation has been added for clarity and additional information is included in brackets.

1-2Half Fast Chili original release print  and re-edited version [two 16 mm film reels]undated
3Kaltag Stick Dance Ceremony [8mm film]1973
4Arctic Village Spring Carnival and Square Dance [8 mm film]1973 April
5Venetie snowshoe baseball [Super 8 film]undated
6Venetie Spring Carnival-snowmachine races [Super 8 film]undated
7Venetie Spring Carnival dog races [Super 8 film]undated

Series 5. Subseries 5c: Video; 1972-2014. 1.4 cubic feet and 90.3 GB.

This subseries contains video recorded on 1/2-inch videotape, VHS, U-Matic, DVD, Video8, MiniDV, and digital files. Descriptions are taken from those written on the media or the cases they came in. Punctuation has been added for clarity and additional information is included in brackets.

17Stanley Luke/Charley Peter [½” videotape]undated
17Gwich’in Language Story Tellers, Fort Yukon, Alaska. 1. Stanley Luke, 2. Charlie Peter Gwich’in Fiddler  [DVD]1976 July 18 
17Half Fast Chili [DVD]1980
17Half-Fast Chili [U-Matic, 2 copies]1980
17Gwich’in storytellers 1) Stanley Luke, 2) Silas John, Gwich’in fiddler 3) Charlie Peter. Recorded in Fort Yukon, Alaska1972, 1976 July 18
17Half Fast Chili, Stanley Luke, Charlie Peter [Data DVD containing  MP4 digital copies]2013
17Alaskan Subsistence: The Kodiak Connection [3 DVDs]1993
17Fort McPherson [VHS]1996 August
17Mansfield and Tanacross Dances [VHS]1999
17Kaltag Stick Dance [VHS]1973 March
17Arthur Matfay, Accordion, Old Harbor [VHS]1998 April 23 
17Gwich’in Storyteller: Stanley Luke, Gwich’in Fiddler: Charlie Peter. Ft. Yukon [VHS]1972
17Tsuk’o̧o̧ & Tee’itree [VHS]1997 June
17Tanacross songs by Koyukon and Lower Tanana singers [VHS]1991 June
17Tanacross Christmas [VHS]1998
17Tanacross Elders Conference [VHS]1988 October 1 
17“Medicine Fiddle” Producer/Director: Michael Loukinen. Time: 81:00 [VHS]undated
17Gwich’in Niintsyaa. NEEDAA #22: Season 3 [VHS]1988 June
17Venetie Potlatch [VHS copy of 1939 film from Alaska State Library]undated
18/31Kaltag Stick Dance [VHS]1973 March
18/32Alask Subsistence-The Kodiak Connection. VHS Dub. TRT: 00:30:00:00.1993
18/33Eagle Village & Moosehide (archival copy). Han Indians, video by Craig Mishler, Alaska Dept of Fish & Game. 1) Matthew Malcolm fish camp, 2) Tim Malcolm fiddler, 3) Moosehide culture camp. 90 mins [VHS]1997 July
18/34Mazhur [VHS]2000 May 22
18/35Moosehide Gathering [VHS]2000 July 28-30
18/36Kias Peter [VHS]undated
22/31Alaska Folk Festival Thursday [Video8]1991 April 11 
22/32Alaska Folk Festival Friday [Video8]1991 April 12 
22/33Alaska Folk Festival Friday/Saturday [Video8]1991 April 12-13
22/34Alaska Folk Festival Saturday [Video8]1991 April 13-14
22/35Anchorage Folk Festival, State Fair Fiddling Contest [Video8]undated
22/36Arctic Village New Year’s Celebration recorded by Craig Mishler [Video8]1996 December 31-1997 January 1
22/37Athapaskan Old-Time Fiddlers. Kids Day: Trimble Gilbert, David Salmon (fiddlers). Recording Studio: Mountain Village Band w/Paul Fisher, fiddler & Cornelius Paukan; David Salmon, fiddle, Chalkytsik; Artie Joseph, guitar & vocals w/Stan Peters, Russian Mission. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Eagles Hall and True North Recording Studio Nov. 12, 1993-Fairbanks. Interviews by Tony Scott Pearce, videography by Craig Mishler [Video8]1993 November 12 
22/38Athapaskan Fiddle Festival 1995: Charlie Peter Charlie/Old Crow, Allan Benjamin/Old Crow, Charles “Tucky” Mayo & Artie Joseph/Rampart. Taped by Craig Mishler at Eagles Hall, Fairbanks [Video8]1995 November 11
22/39Subsistence Kodiak. Theodore Squartsoff/Ouzinkie: subsistence gill netting, cleaning red salmon at Little Afognak Bay 5/29/91. Interview with Larry Matfay in Old Harbor 9/12/92. Beach seining on Big Creek, Old Harbor with George Inga Sr., Walt Erickson, & Paul Kahoutak [Video8]1991 
22/40Russian New Year Masquerade Ball, Elks Lodge, Kodiak City, January 14, 1992. Recorded by Craig Mishler [Video8] 1992 January 14
22/41-42Kodiak Brown Bears: Kodiak brown bears, deer, foxes, & birds at O’Malley River, Upper Karluk Lake. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1992 August 14-15
22/43Clamming in Larsen Bay with Jimmy Johnson & his 2 girls 5/2/92, Octopus hunting in Larsen Bay with Stan McCormick 5/3/92. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1992 May 2-3
22/44Larsen Bay Cannery [Video8]1994
22/45Native Musicale: Feb 26 & 28, 1992, Native Alaskan Gospel Singers at West High School auditorium, Anchorage. Feb 17, 1994, Henry & Hilma Shavings & family at Native Musicale1992 February 26 & 28, 1994 February 17 
22/46Old Harbor sea lion hunt #1: Akhiok scenes-pan of village. Old harbor Orthodox church, mountains/lagoon, clam beach/culvert, boat harbor, sunrise on the water. Cape Barnabas sea lions with Sergei Alexandroff. Butchering & sharing sea lion. 32 mins [Video8].1990 October 3
22/47Old Harbor sea lion hunt #2: Butchering sea lion at Old Harbor 10/3/90. Kodiak Alutiiq Dancers at East Elementary 11/12/90 [Video8]1990 October 3, November 12
22/48Old Harbor sea lions #3: Sea lions on 2-headed island haulout with George Inga Sr. 9/19/91.  Wildlife in Resurrection Bay (including sea lions) 7/31/92 [Video8]1991 September 19, 1992 July 31
22/49Russian Christmas Old Harbor [Video8]1991
22/50Old Harbor splitting silver salmon: Oscar Christiansen, Mary Haakanson, Ralphy Christiansen, Michael Alexanderoff, Mike Tunahun [Video8]1991
22/51Old Harbor July 4, 1991: Church service, boat race, foot race, pie eating, sack races, buoy bouncing, pudding eating, watermelon eating, tug of war, egg tossing, boxing matches, arcade games, water balloon tossing [Video 8]1991 July 4 
22/52Old Harbor subsistence brown bear hunting: Victor Melovedoff, George Inga Sr., Anakenti Zeedar, William Ignatin, Freddy Christiansen. Interviewed by Rachel Mason and Craig Mishler, Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, Div. of Subsistence. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8] [digitized copy on DVD]1992 March 14
22/53Old Harbor wedding. Russian Orthodox wedding: Harold Christiansen & Mona Erickson, Father Peter Kreta [Video8]1992 September 13 
22/54Pribilof Islands: Village scenes-St. Paul; sea lion hunting, NE Point; Masquerade ball, Russian New Year’s; St. George Island boat harbor, sea lion hunting site, village scenes; fur seal rookery St. Paul, June 1994. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1993 January, 1994 June 
22/55Pribilof Islands: Ouzinkie church, St. Paul Island, crab processing, Russian Orthodox Wedding, Fr. George Pletnikoff. 20:56 [Video8]1995 January, June
22/56Henry & Hilma Shavings performing at Alaska Folk Festival, Juneau. Video by Craig Mishler 28 mins 43 secs [Video8]1991 April 12
22/57Henry Shavings art 1/2/93: Henry Shavings interviewed by Craig Mishler. Discussion and demonstration of Mekoryuk-style wood carving and mask making. Recorded in Henry’s garage workshop, Anchorage, January 2, 1993 [Video8]1993 January 2
22/58Talkeetna Bachelors #1: Wilderness Women’s Contest, Talkeetna Bachelor’s Society Auction Dec 7, 1991. Recorded by Craig Mishler [Video8]1991 December 7
22/59Talkeetna Bachelors #2 [Video8]1991 December
23/1Denakkanaga Tanacross: Denakkanaga Elders/Youth Conference. Songs & dances being taught by elders to youth at the Tanacross Community Hall. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1991 June 4 
23/2Tanqik Theater/Bartley [Video8]1995 April 21 
23/3Chevak Tanqik Theatre with John Pingyaq: 1) Making Agutaq, 2) Dress rehearsal, 3) Performance of The Last Winged Creature (play). Recorded by Craig Mishler & Susan Mishler at the Begich/Boggs Visitors Center, Chugach National Forest Portage, Alaska [Video8]1995 April 21 
23/4John Pingayak of Chevak interviewed by Craig Mishler at the Anchorage Sheraton Hotel. Topic: Tanqik Theatre performance of the play “The Last Winged Creature” [Video8]1996 February 6
23/5Tsuk’ǫǫ boat trip 1997: Venetie boat trip to old village of Tsuk’ǫǫ (Marten Creek) to fix up a graveyard. Also a stop at Tee’itree and K’ahtsik. The Gwich’in homeland. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1997 June
23/6-7Beach seining on Uyak Bay July 30, 1991: pink salmon & chum, with Allen Panamaroff & has 3 sons: James (spokesman), Brian, & Kevin of Larsen Bay. Video by Craig Mishler [Video8]1991 July 30 
23/8Venetie Gathering #1: Interview with Nathaniel Frank, arrival of Old Crow People on DC-3 charter, Aboriginal-style dancers, ground squirrel [Video8]1992 June 12-14
23/9Venetie Gathering #2: Speeches in Gwich’in & English; Gary Simple singing country & western in Gwich’in 1:57: “On My Mind” (Flatt & Scruggs), “I Would Not Be Denied” (gospel), “Mansion on the Hill” (Hank Williams Sr.) [Video8]1992 June 12-14
23/10Venetie Gathering #3: Speeches by elders, mostly Old Crow & Venetie [Video8]1992 June 12-14
23/11Venetie Gathering #4: Fiddling & square dancing, jigging, etc. Trimble Gilbert, fiddle [Video8] 1992 June 12-14
23/12Yukon-Alaska outdoors: scenery shot on Taylor and Dempster Highways [Video8]1990 July 
23/13Kenneth Frank #1: Demonstration of traditional Gwich’in games [MiniDV]2000 May 25
23/14Kenneth Frank #2: Demonstration of traditional Gwich’in tools, Loche’s potlatch story, fire starter [MiniDV]2000 May 25
23/15Arctic Village Potlatch: Crystal & Tisheena Frank’s potlatch; outdoors cooking; Mazhur game. Aerials: Arctic Village, Venetie, Ft. Yukon. Videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2000 May 22-23 
23/16Caroline’s Potlatch: Caroline Tritt-Frank’s M.A. graduation party Venetie 5/23/02. Speeches by Rev. David Salmon, Kenneth Frank (with drum) & Gary Simple. 61 mins, videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2002 May 23
23/17Hamel Frank’s memorial potlatch & gift distribution in Venetie. Videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2002 May 24
23/18Louise Paul: 1) Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Fairbanks with Bertha Ulvi life history in Eagle & Coal Creek. 2) Historic still photos-Angela Harper Coll. Video by Dave Andersen [MiniDV]1997 April
23/19Eagle City: 1) Bill Stevens, fiddle; Walter Newman, guitar, 30 mins 37 secs. 2) 4th of July festivities, parade & races. 3) Yukon River boats. 4) Historic still photos. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1997 July
23/20Eagle Village: Matthew Malcolm (blind fisherman) & Scarlet Hall, Tim Malcolm (fiddler). 48 mins 17 secs. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1997 July
23/21Moosehide: 1) Han Youth culture camp: song workshop 34:05. 2) Boat ride to mouth of the Chandindu 39: 29. 3) Scenic shots: Dawson Hill & Eagle Bluff, 41 mins 48 secs [MiniDV]1997 July
23/22Colin Adjun interviewed by Craig Mishler at Inuvik  July 20, 2001. Gwich’in & Inuvialiut fiddler from Kugluktuk, NWT. 27 mins 38 secs [MiniDV]2001 July 20 
23/23Kole Crook #1: Interviewed by Craig Mishler at Inuvik July 20, 2001. Hay River Métis fiddler from Hay River, NWT. [MiniDV]2001 July 20 
23/24Kole Crook #2: Recorded by Craig Mishler at Inuvik Great Northern Arts Festival July 20, 2001. Kole Crook, Fiddle; Helen Edgar, Keyboard (includes Butterfly Dance) [MiniDV]2001 July 20 
23/25Inuvik Square Dance recorded by Craig Mishler July 21, 2001 Great Northern Arts Fest. Fiddle players: Colin Adjun, Kole Crook [MiniDV]2001 July 21 
23/26Old Harbor #1: Paul Kahutak (Abalik) Sept. 1997 & Sept. 1996. Salting fish/Barabara 15 mins 41 secs (1997). Boat trip to Big Creek Bingo Hall 21 mins 51 secs (1996) [MiniDV]1996 September, 1997 September
23/27Old Harbor #2: Alutiiq Heritage Week 4/21-4/23/98. Connie Chya, dance teacher; Sven Hakkanson, cook; Arthur Matfay, accordion; bentwood hat carving, boat harbor/historic photos. 55 mins 49 secs [MiniDV]1998 April 21-23 
23/28Old Harbor #3: Interview with George Inga Sr. by Craig Mishler, 40 mins 08 secs. Susanna Mishler, videographer [MiniDV]1996 September 10 
23/29Old Harbor #4: 2) Freddy Christiansen interviewed by Craig Mishler 9/11/96. 2) City Council meeting. Susan Mishler, videographer [MiniDV]1996 September 11 
23/30Old Harbor #5: Spawning pink salmon, pulling skiffs/Big Creek, windshield splashing, Sven & Mary’s family photos [MiniDV]1999 September 15 
23/31Mansfield #1: Tanacross culture camp, games, songs & dances, swimming in the fog, arts & crafts, Kenny Thomas Sr. interview. Videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 July 8-9 
23/32Mansfield #2: Training potlatch Tanacross Culture Camp 7/10/99 at Mansfield village. Videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 July 10 
23/33Tanacross language and dance:Tanacross Language Workshop 0-21:03; Tanacross song & dance 21:06-52:51. Recorded by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 December 8
23/34Kenny Thomas Sr. get well potlatch #1 recorded in Tanacross Aug 26-27, 2001. Sorry songs & dance songs, part 1: 35 min 34 secs, part 2: 26 min 18 secs. Videography by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2001 August 26-27
23/35Kenny Thomas Sr. get well potlatch #2 recorded in Tanacross. Calico dance & tug of war, potlatch giveaway, moose meat cooks, gun dance. 59 mins 30 secs, videography [MiniDV]2001 August 26-27
23/36Kenny Thomas Sr. #1 12/8/99 Tanacross. Self-introduction, Mansfield culture camp, death of parents at the age of 12. [MiniDV]1999 December 8 
23/37Kenny Thomas Sr. #2. River freighting for John Hajdukovich, 1934-1941, 0-24:00;  the potlatch tradition & taboos, 24:00-; clans. Recorded at Tanacross by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 December 9
23/38Kenny Thomas Sr. #3. Trappings days, 1930s; heavy equipment: mining & freighting; troubles w/alcohol; counseling. Recorded at Tanacross by Craig Mishler. [MiniDV]1999 December 9
23/39Kenny Thomas #4. Stories told in the Tanacross Language: The Mean Man of Mansfield, The Crippled Boy who Saved Mansfield. Recorded by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 December 10
23/40Kenny Thomas Sr. #5. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Medicine people; World War II: Army days (continued on #6). 61 minutes [MiniDV]2000 April 26
23/41Kenny Thomas Sr. #6. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Army days: WWII in the Aleutians and Okinawa; postwar trauma (continued from #5), 54 mins. Still shot portraits: Kenny & Craig [MiniDV]2000 April 26
23/42Kenny Thomas Sr. #7. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Ghosts: Chĕšig; stick indians: Gǫǫ. 56 mins 40 secs [MiniDV]2000 April 26
23/43Kenny Thomas Sr. #8. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross, 61 mins. Copper River ice; kinship & clans (told in Tanacross Language & English) [MiniDV]2000 April 26
23/42Kenny Thomas Sr. #9. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Life history: trapping & prospecting. [MiniDV]2000 September 7
23/43Kenny Thomas Sr. #10. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross, 56 min 20 sec. Life history: Alaska Road Commission, firefighting with BLM, Han Gun Hawk & dance songs [Mini DV]2000 September 7-8
23/44Kenny Thomas Sr. #11. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Tsaih (ochre), feathers, flint, becoming a song & dance leader [Mini DV]2000 October 30
23/45Kenny Thomas Sr. #12. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Learning & composing songs; Yaamaagh Tel Cheegh story cycle w/BM&L [The Blind Man and the Loon]; harmonica tune: Red Wing [MiniDV]2000 October 30
23/46Kenny Thomas Sr. #13. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross. Conclusion of Yabal Tel Chegh story (in TC Tanacross); Raven’s tricks; bear lore; The Bear Who Married a Woman; harmonica tunes [MiniDV]2000 October 30
23/47Kenny Thomas Sr. #14. Interviewed in Fairbanks Nov 9, 2001. Square dances, love & marriage, counseling, WWII. 44 mins, video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2001 November 9
23/48Kenny Thomas Sr. #15. Interviewed by Craig Mishler in Tanacross 8/4/02. Tanacross settlement history / story of two kidnapped girls / get-well potlatch / Upper Tanana 100 boat race [MiniDV]2002 August 4
23/49Kenny Thomas Sr. #16. Interviewed in Tanacross April 20, 2008. Video by Craig Mishler [Mini DV]2008 April 20
23/50-51Kenny Thomas Sr. #17 & #18. Caribou & Moose anatomy. Recorded by Craig Mishler in Tok 10/11/10 [MiniDV]2010 October 11
23/52-53AFS Callers’ Forum #1-#2. 10/17/02 – Rochester, NY. Criag Mishler, Dudley & Jacqueline Laufman, Richard Castner, Randy Wilson, Jim Kimball & Ron Lowe [MiniDV]2002 October 17
23/54AFS Callers’ Forum #3. 10/17/02 Square dance, Covenant United Methodist Church, Rochester [MiniDV]2002 October 17
23/55Alutiiq Dancers:Nanwalek dancers, Tatitlek dancers, Kodiak Soonaq dancers at Youth-Elders Conference, Cordova, Aug 21-22, 1998. 48 mins, video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1998 August 21-22
23/56Arctic Village memorial potlatch #1. James & Maggie Gilbert potlatch: Arctic Village boat trip to K’aii Dzuu Zhit Gwitsik; AV graveyard ceremony. Videography by Craig Mishler [Mini DV]2003 July 18-19
23/57Arctic Village memorial potlatch #2. James & Maggie Gilbert potlatch: Arctic Village giveaway (continued), square dance. Videography by Craig Mishler, 40 min 35 sec [MiniDV]2003 July 19 
23/58Athabaskan Fiddle Festival, Fairbanks [MiniDV]2003 November 13-14
23/59Chevak dancers. Recorded at the American Folklore Society reception – Anchorage Museum 10/17/01. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2001 October 17
23/60Czhilispiel 2001. Video by Craig Mishler, Flatonia, Texas. [MiniDV]2001 October 27
23/61Eagle Village gathering: Moose butchering; dancing-led by Georgette McLeod of Dawson. Videography by Craig Mishler. Videography by Craig Mishler, 25 mins.2004 August 14
23/62Gwich’in gathering 2010, Fort Yukon, Alaska, 7/21/10. 1) Waterfront, 2) David Solomon speech, 3) Naming ceremony, 4) Arctic Village dancers [MiniDV]2010 July 21 
23/63Homer: Festival of Wooden Boats, May 2005.  Storytelling & singing at the Salty Dog Saloon; injured raven; toy boat making; birding cruise: Kachemak Bay [MiniDV]2005 May 6-7
23/64Alaska Subsistence: The Kodiak Collection. Video by Craig Mishler 1993 new. Footage from Larsen Bay & Old Harbor [MiniDV]1993
23/65Old Crow sights & sounds, 2003 [MiniDV]2003
23/66Ouzinkie & Old Harbor still photos/beluga. 1) Ouzinkie still photos; 2) USCG line-throwing gun; 3) Old Harbor stills; 7 mins 15 secs; 4) Beluga hunting c. 1939 Sesualik, Kotzebue Sound. Butler/Dale reels, AK State Library, 13:31 [MiniDV]undated
23/67Tok dog races: 6 dog race, mushers’ trucks, 6 mins. [MiniDV]2005 March 26 
23/68Winnipeg. Folklorama: Métis dancing; United church at Little Britain; Lower Fort Garry. 34 mins, video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2002 August
23/69Simon Francis recorded in Ft. Yukon July 11, 2012. Interviewed by Kenneth Frank. Videography by Craig Mishler. 3 mins 46 secs [MiniDV]2012 July 11 
23/70George Inga Sr. 8/9/07 Alutiiq oral history stories, 52 mins 22 secs. Videography by Craig Mishler2007 August 9
23/71Michael Oleksa: 1) Fr. Michael Oleksa Cordova Youth-Elders Conference, Aug 20, 1998; 2) Feona Sawden Alutiiq song. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1998 August 20
23/72-77Maggie Roberts #1-6. Interviewed by Kenneth Frank in Ventie in Gwich’in. Caribou anatomy project. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2012 May 22-23
23/78Jimmy Roberts Quartet recorded at Alaska Native Heritage Center, July 20, 1999 (from Venetie & Ft. Yukon). Jimmy Roberts, fiddle; Chester Fields, g[uitar] & vocals; Buck Delkettie, g[uitar] & vocals [MiniDV]1999 July 20 
23/79Carl Seaver #1. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Knik, AK. 61 mins [MiniDV]2006 October 2
23/80Carl Seaver #2. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Knik, AK [MiniDV]2006 October 2 & 20
23/81Carl Seaver #3. Recorded by Craig Mishler at Knik, AK, 59 mins 21 sec [MiniDV]2006 October 20
23/82Carl Seaver #4. Horses & horseshoeing, recorded by Craig Mishler at Knik, Alaska, 57 mins 52 sec [MiniDV]2006 November 3
23/83Carl Seaver #5. Horse wrangling, recorded by Craig Mishler at Knik, Alaska, 58 mins, 26 secs [MiniDV]2006 November 3
23/84-85Hannah J. Solomon. Interviewed in Gwich’in by Kenneth Frank in Fort Yukon. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]2012 July 11 
23/86Bill Stevens. CD recording sessions, Fairbanks Jan 9-10, 1999. With Walter Newman & Lisa Jaeger, guitars. Video by Craig Mishler [MiniDV]1999 January 9-10
Digital storageCharlie Peter, Fort Yukon, video by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1972 August 23
Digital storageArctic Village Winter Carnival. Video by Craig Mishler, 15 mins 30 secs [transferred to digital strorage from DVD]1973
Digital storageSarah Frank, Venetie, video by Joe Wagner, 60 mins [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1987
Digital storageSarah John and Sarah Frank, Venetie [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1987 June
Digital storageGwich’in Gathering, Arctic Village. Video by Kenneth Frank. 2 hrs. [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1990 August
Digital storageTreaty Council # 1, Arctic Village, 2 hrs, video by Kenneth Frank [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1991 July
Digital storageTreaty Council #2 Arctic Village. Video by Kenneth Frank, 2 hrs. [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1991 August
Digital storageOld Harbor Brown Bear Hunters, interviewed by Rachel Mason, video by Craig Mishler, 70 minutes [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1992 March 14
Digital storageBill Stevens #4 KTVA-TV. 3 mins [transferred to digital storage from DVD]1999
Digital storageCarl Seaver #1, Knik. Recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 October 2
Digital storageCarl Seaver #2, Knik. Recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 October 
Digital storageCarl Seaver #3, Knik. Recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 October 20
Digital storageCarl Seaver #4, Knik, recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 November 3
Digital storageCarl Seaver # 5, Knik, recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 November 3
Digital storageCarl Seaver #6, Amvets Wasilla. Recorded by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2006 November 17
Digital storageGeorge Inga Sr. Alutiiq Stories from Old Harbor DVD, videography by Craig Mishler in Anchorage [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2007 August 9
Digital storageThomas 60th Wedding Anniversary, 31 mins [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2008 April 19
Digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. # 15, Tanacross, 59 min 35 sec [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2008 April 20
Digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. # 17 video by Craig Mishler [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2010 October 11
Digital storageKenny Thomas Sr. # 18, video by Craig Mishler, 28 min DVD [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2010 October 11
Digital storageMaking Caribou Dry Meat/Vadzaih Nilii Gai Tr’ahtsii: A video by Kenneth Frank [transferred to digital storage from DVD]2014
Box 18Alaska Native music clips video, Craig Mishler [DVD-RAM]undated
Box 18Kenny Thomas Sr. [DVD-RAM]undated

Series 5. Subseries 5d: Data CDs; 2001-2011. 0.1 cubic feet.

17Data CDs2001-2011

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