Jay S. Hammond papers

Guide to the Jay S. Hammond papers

Collection number: HMC-0442.
Creator: Hammond, Jay S.
Title: Jay S. Hammond papers.
Dates: 1956-2005.
Volume of collection: 5.5 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in the collection are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of a former state legislator and governor of Alaska.

Biographical note:
Jay Sterner Hammond was born in Troy, New York, in 1921. He graduated from high school in Scotia, New York, in 1940 and studied petroleum engineering at Penn State University. Hammond served as a U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot in the South Pacific in World War II and in China. He came to Alaska in 1946 where he worked as a bush pilot and guide; he also attended the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, graduating with a degree in biological sciences in 1949. Hammond then worked as a hunter for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and became a master hunting and fishing guide. He homesteaded near Lake Clark in the early 1950s and married Bella Gardiner of Dillingham in 1952. He entered politics in 1959, serving as a representative in the Alaska State Legislature from Bristol Bay, and later as state senator and President of the Senate from 1971 to 1972. After leaving the state legislature, Hammond served as mayor of Bristol Bay Borough from 1972-1974 and governor of Alaska from 1974-1982. His administration was noted for its conservation efforts, the creation of the Alaska Permanent Fund, and the passage of a constitutional amendment to limit state spending. After retirement from office, Hammond wrote articles for Alaska newspapers and continued to advocate conservation and fiscal responsibility at the state level. Jay Hammond died in 2005.

Collection description:
The Jay S. Hammond papers consists of papers from Hammond’s political career, as well as personal papers. The personal papers include interviews with Hammond and correspondence. Hammond’s notebooks contain drafts of speeches,  notes on policy positions, and notes on Hammond’s schedule. The speeches in the collection include Hammond’s speeches, as well as some speeches from members of his gubernatorial administration. Hammond’s writings include columns and articles he wrote, as well as a draft of Diapering the Devil: A Lesson for Oil Rich Nations and files relating to his autobiography, Tales of Alaska’s Bushrat Governor. Hammond’s legislative papers include correspondence, communications with constituents, and briefing binders. The gubernatorial campaign materials consist of campaign materials from Hammond’s 1974 and 1978 campaigns, including correspondence, campaign advertising files, polling information, financial information, and files on major campaign issues. The gubernatorial papers contain summaries and analyses of the Hammond Administration’s accomplishments; drafts of news releases and columns; correspondence; and files on issues, including the Permanent Fund, D2, and economic development. The photographs are primarily portraits of Jay Hammond and his wife, Bella.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged into the following series:

Series 1: Personal papers; undated, 1956-1991
Series 2: Notebooks; undated, 1972-1981
Series 3: Speeches and testimony; undated, 1973-1984
Series 4: Writing files; undated, 1973-2005
Series 5: Legislative papers; 1960-1973
Series 6: Gubernatorial campaign materials; 1962-1978
Series 7: Hammond administration papers; 1974-1982
Series 8: Photographs; undated, 1974, 1978

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives and Special Collections owns copyright to materials in the collection created by Jay Hammond. Materials not created by Jay Hammond may be subject to copyright not held by the Archives.

Preferred citation: Jay S. Hammond papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory:
Volz, Matt “Jay Hammond dies at 83.” Juneau Empire. August 3, 2005. Accessed January 30, 2017. http://juneauempire.com/stories/080305/loc_20050803006.shtml#.WIaayxsrK71

Separated materials: Published materials were removed from the collection and selected items added to the Archive’s ephemera collections or transferred to the Consortium Library’s Rare Books collection.

Related materials: Archives and Special collections also hold the papers of Fran Ulmer (HMC-1077), who worked as a speech writer and drafted legislation for Hammond.

For information about where to find the papers of other Alaskan Governors, please visit the Guide to Alaskan Governors’ records on the SLED website.

Acquisition note: The collection was donated to the Archives by Jay S. Hammond in 1996. An addition to the collection was donated to the Archives by Larry Smith in 2011.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 1996. The guide to the collection was converted to current standard and publications removed by Gwen Sieja in 2017.

Container list:
Series 1: Personal papers; undated, 1956-1991. 0.15 cubic feet.
This series contains personal papers, including interview transcripts, awards, and personal correspondence.

Description Date
1/1 Interview notes and  transcripts undated, 1982
Oversize folder Certificates: Conference of the Future of Alaska, Advanced Study Program in association with the University of Alaska. Safety Certificate awarded to Lake Clark Lodge For Conducting Accident Free Flight Operations during 1969 (awarded by Federal Aviation Administration) 1969
1/2 Correspondence with hunting guides undated, 1956-1973
1/3 Correspondence with Mary Stovall’s 6th Grade Class, Northwood Elementary School, Anchorage undated, 1985 January
1/4 Personal correspondence: Todd Sheldon, Robert Redford, Norman Vincent Peale, and Charles W. Colson 1974-1991
1/5 Hammond scrapbook summary undated

Series 2: Notebooks; undated, 1972-1981. 0.35 cubic feet.
This series consists of notebooks containing notes about issues relating to Hammond’s political career. Notebooks are arranged chronologically.

Description Date
1/6 Bristol Bay Borough notebook circa 1972-1973
1/7 Notebooks 1974
1/8 Notebook containing list of cabinet picks 1974
1/9 Notebook 1975-1976
1/10 Notebooks 1976
1/11 Notebook 1977
1/12 “To-do” notebook 1978
1/13 Notebook 1979
1/14 Notebook 1981
1/15 SOS materials 1981
1/16 Squib book undated

Series 3: Speeches and testimony; undated, 1973-1984. 1.6 cubic feet.
This series consists of speeches, addresses, and testimonies by Hammond, as well as others. Hammond’s speeches are arranged chronologically.

Description Date
1/17 Reapportionment 1973
1/18 Finance program for the State of Alaska; Juneau, Alaska 1974 March 14
1/19 Republican luncheon; Juneau, Alaska 1974 April 10
1/20 Alaska Committee of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce 1974 October 10
1/21 Alaska Logger’s Association 1974 October 12
1/22 “Growth Council,” Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce; Fairbanks, Alaska 1974 October 15
1/23 Speech; Soldotna, Alaska 1974 October 18
1/24 Rural C.A.P. speech 1974
1/25 Alaska Federation of Natives 1974
1/26 Budget message, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1975 January 15
1/27 Inaugural speech; Juneau, Alaska 1975 January 18
1/28 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1975 January 21
1/29 Opening of budget, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1975 January 23
1/30 Remarks at funeral of Gene Guess 1975 March 17
1/31 Governor’s Day, University of Alaska; Fairbanks, Alaska 1975 May 3
1/32 Naknek High School graduation; Naknek, Alaska 1975 May 23
1/33 Diamond High School commencement Address; Anchorage, Alaska 1975 May 30
1/34 Alaska Methodist University Graduation; Anchorage, Alaska 1975 June 1
1/35 14th Biennial Wilderness Conference; New York, New York 1975 June 6
1/36 Allied Daily Newspapers Association, Annual Meeting; Anchorage, Alaska 1975 September 11
1/37 Northwest Regional Realtors Convention; Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1975 September 19
1/38 Seattle Chamber of Commerce; Seattle, Washington 1975 September 25
1/39 Speech 1975 September
1/40 Alaska State Chamber of Commerce Convention; Fairbanks, Alaska 1975 October 3
1/41 Association of Alaska School Boards; Sitka, Alaska 1975 October 27
1/42 Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association; Elks Club, Anchorage, Alaska 1975 October 29
1/43 Alaska Municipal League, Silver Anniversary Local Government Conference; Anchorage, Alaska 1975 October 29
1/44 Collective bargaining circa 1975 October
1/45 Veterans Day program; Juneau, Alaska 1975 November 11
1/46 Alaska Professional Hunters Association; Anchorage, Alaska 1975 December 12
1/47 Harvest Christian Academy; Anchorage, Alaska 1976 January 4
1/48 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1976 January 13
1/49 Budget Message, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1976 January 15
1/50 Cooperative Church Council; Juneau, Alaska 1976 April 1
1/51 Radio Address; Juneau, Alaska 1976 April 6
1/52 “Common Sense;” Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1976 May 8
1/53 Seward High School Graduation; Seward, Alaska 1976 May 26
1/54 Alaska Broadcasting Association; Anchorage Westward Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1976 May 28
1/55 “Of Promise and of Achievement: The Republican Party; Republican State Convention;” Anchorage, Alaska 1976 May
1/56 Alaska Publishers Association; Sitka, Alaska 1976 June 12
1/57 United States-Japanese Fisheries Negotiations; Washington, D.C. 1976 August 20
1/58 North Slope Haul Road, Statewide Radio Address circa 1976 September
1/59  Alaska Conservation Society and Alaska Center for the Environment Luncheon; Anchorage, Alaska 1976 October 1
1/60 Alaska Visitors Association; Fairbanks, Alaska 1976 October 15
1/61 Constitutional Convention Review; Fairbanks, Alaska 1976 October 16
1/62 Alaska Federation of Natives, Annual Convention; Anchorage, Alaska 1976 October 21
1/63  ”Lands,”Alaska Municipal League, Keynote Address 1976 November 5
1/64 “Alaska’s Royalty Gas,” A Statewide Radio Address 1976 November 12
1/65 “Legacy for Our Children,” Anchorage Chamber of Commerce; Anchorage, Alaska 1976 November 29
1/66 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1977 January 11
1/67 Budget Address; Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1977 January 13
1/68 “What Will Happen to this Land?,” Testimony before the U.S. House Interior Committee, Alaska Land Subcommittee, Regarding 17(D)(2) Lands 1977 April 22
2/1 Washington State Legislature; Olympia, Washington 1977 April 25
2/2 “Chance for a Change,” Radio-TV Address; Juneau, Alaska 1977 May 3
2/3 Alaska Bankers Association, 29th Annual Convention; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 May 23
2/4 Anchorage Chamber of Commerce; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 June 27
2/5 Rotary Club; Seattle, Washington 1977 July 13
2/6 Testimony before the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife and the Environment 1977 August 12
2/7 Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 August 16
2/8 Testimony before the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Alaska Lands; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 August 20
2/9 “The Energy Crisis: An Alaskan Opportunity,” Alaska Rural Electric Cooperative Association Annual Meeting; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 August 22
2/10 “D-2,” Statewide radio address 1977 September 15
2/11 Energy Technology Conference; Houston, Texas 1977 September 19
2/12 Alaska State Chamber of Commerce; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 September 30
2/13 Jobs Symposium; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 November 1
2/14 Alaska Federation of Natives, Annual Convention; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 November 10
2/15 Alaska Jaycees, The Real Spirit of Alaska Committee; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 November 12
2/16 Business conference; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 November 29
2/17 Conservationist luncheon; Anchorage, Alaska 1977 November 30
2/18 Proposed announcement address (for re-election) 1977
2/19 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1978
2/20 Budget address, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1978 January 12
2/21 Testimony before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; Washington, D.C. 1978 January 20
2/22 Public safety awards banquet; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 February 10
2/23 American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter; Sitka, Alaska 1978 February 22
2/24 Omar Symposium; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 April 1
2/25 District Conference of Rotary Clubs; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 May 27
2/26 The Ad Hoc Committee of the National Audubon Society; Baranof Hotel, Juneau, Alaska 1978 June 17
2/27 Union Oil Plant Dedication 1978 June 26
2/28 C.M.A.L. breakfast meeting; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 June 28
2/29 Gas Pipeline Seminar; Fairbanks, Alaska 1978 July 26
2/30 Gas Pipeline Seminar; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 July 27
2/31 Spenard Rotary Club; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 August 11
2/32 The Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies; Anchorage, Alaska 1978 September 25
2/33 Statewide radio address from Petersburg on D-2 1978 October 6
2/34 Alaska State Chamber of Commerce; Sitka, Alaska 1978 October 7
2/35 Western Alaska Mayors’ Conference; Bethel, Alaska 1978 October 18
2/36 “Economic Development,” Independent Alaskans for Hammond; Ramada Inn, Anchorage, Alaska circa 1978 October
2/37 Republican Convention; Fairbanks, Alaska 1978
2/38 Republican women 1978
2/39 Speech (“Bill Speer-not given”) 1978
2/40 Statewide D-2 radio address; Juneau, Alaska 1979 January 5
2/41 Inaugural address; Juneau, Alaska 1979 January 13
2/42 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1979 January 16
2/43 Budget address, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1979 January 18
2/44 Testimony before the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 1979 February 6
2/45 D(2) address; Anchorage, Alaska 1979 February 17
2/46 “Public Lands and the Energy Crisis: The Challenge for the 80’s,” Western Governors’ Conference; Sun Valley, Idaho 1979 June 11
2/47 D-2 speech, Fish and Game Commission; Anchorage, Alaska 1979 July 23
2/48 “Income Tax Relief,” Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce; Fairbanks, Alaska 1979 August 21
2/49 “Energy Tax Credits Versus Income Tax Repeal,” Alaska Federation of Natives Convention; Anchorage Westward-Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1979 November 1
2/50 “Energy Investments and Tax Relief,” Anchorage Rotary Club; Sheraton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska; 1979 November 20
2/51 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1980 January 15
2/52 Budget address, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1980 January 17
2/53 Armed forces salute 1980 February 13
2/54 “Alaska: Who’s Protecting Whom From What?,” National Press Club; Washington, D.C. 1980 June 24
2/55 “Alaska and America’s Energy Independence,” Second National Conference on Energy Advocacy; Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois 1980 June 28
2/56 “Fairbanks ’80: Text of Governor Jay S. Hammond’s Remarks on the Alaska Energy Center and In-State Petrochemical Development,” Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce; Traveler’s Inn, Fairbanks, Alaska 1980 September 9
2/57 “Alaska Development: Text of Remarks By Governor Jay S. Hammond on the Press, Alaska Wealth & the Alaska Statehood Commission,” Allied Newspaper Publishers Association; Baranof Hotel, Juneau, Alaska 1980 September 15
2/58 Chicago News Conference; Chicago, Illinois 1980 October 8
2/59 Business Opportunities Conference; Sheraton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1980 October 29
2/60 “Spending Limitations,” Alaska State Chamber of Commerce, Prelegislative Conference; Sheffield Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1980 December 4
2/61 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1981 January 13
2/62 Budget address, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1981 January 15
2/63 Special session, Twelfth Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1981 July 13
2/64 Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce; Traveler’s Inn, Fairbanks, Alaska 1981 September 15
2/65 Alaska Municipal League; Sheraton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska 1981 November 4
2/66 Third Alaska Alternative Energy Conference; Anchorage Community College, Anchorage, Alaska 1981 November 13
2/67 State of the State, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1982 January 12
2/68 Budget address, Alaska State Legislature; Juneau, Alaska 1982 January 14
2/69 Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce circa 1982 April 28
2/70 Constitutional limit on spending 1982 October 25
2/71 Farewell address, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Forum Meeting; Anchorage Westward-Hilton, Anchorage, Alaska 1982 November 29
2/72 Jaycees, introduction 1984
2/73 Alaska Federation of Women’s Clubs, Annual Convention undated
2/74 “Alaska: Northern Outpost on Center Stage,” Earthcare Address undated
2/75 Cry Wolf undated
2/76 M.C. Bits undated
2/77 Municipal League; Juneau, Alaska  undated
2/78 NOW speech undated
2/79 Republican State Central Committee undated
2/80 Graduation speeches and materials undated, 1970
2/81-85 Jay Hammond speeches and speech materials undated, 1975, 1978
3/1 Lowell Thomas, Jr., Lieutenant Governor candidate: State Chamber of Commerce Convention 1974 October 5
3/2 Lowell Thomas, Jr., Lieutenant Governor candidate: Anchorage Republican Luncheon; Anchorage, Alaska 1974 October 31
3/3 Lowell Thomas, Lieutenant Governor candidate: State Chamber of Commerce; Juneau, Alaska 1974
3/4  Avrum M. Gross, Attorney General: AP Convention; Homer, Alaska 1975 June 15
3/5 Louis Harris: Republican Governors Association Winter Conference; Wichita, Kansas 1975 November 22
3/6 Robert B. Weeden: “Alaska’s Future: Forces and Critical Decisions,” Yale University Symposium on Alaska Land Use 1976 April 21-22
3/7 Avrum M. Gross, Attorney General: Anchorage Jaycees 1976 April 28
3/8 Tom McCall, former Governor of Oregon: “The American Land Trust,” National Governors Conference, Natural Resources Committee; Hershey, Pennsylvania 1976 July 5
3/9 Avrum M. Gross, Attorney General: “A Time to Reflect,” Chamber of Commerce; Fairbanks, Alaska 1977 March 15
3/10 Avrum M. Gross, Attorney General: Chamber of Commerce; Kenai, Alaska 1978 January 11
3/11 Ronald G. Birch, Attorney for the firm, Birch, Horton, Bittner & Monroe: Address to the Rotary Club; Fairbanks, Alaska 1978 August 3

Series 4: Writing files; undated, 1973-2005. 0.1 cubic feet.
Files relating to Hammond’s writings, including newspaper articles and columns, and books.

Description Date
3/12 “Bristol Bay’s Blown Bonanza;” by Jay Hammond (3 pages with notes and newspaper clipping of Alaska Forum column) circa 1973
3/13 Robert Clarke file (correspondence, quotes, facsimiles, and other materials related to Jay S. Hammond’s autobiography, Tales of Alaska’s Bushrat Governor, 1994) undated, 1992-1993
3/14 Newspaper and Journal Articles/Columns by Jay S. Hammond 1983-1993
3/15 Draft manuscripts of Diapering the Devil: A Lesson for Oil Rich Nations 2005

Series 5: Legislative papers; 1959-1973. 0.4 cubic feet.
This series contains papers relating to Hammond’s career in the Alaska House of Representatives, and later, the Alaska Senate.

Description Date
3/16 Correspondence undated, 1963-1973
3/17 Fish and Game Board files undated, 1968-1973
3/18 Fish and Game correspondence 1963-1972
3/19 Newsletters to constituents undated, 1959-1970
3/20 Pipeline and non-renewable resources (includes materials on Rampart Dam, lands issues, the Canadian pipeline route, and House Bill 405 on mining) undated, 1971-1972
3/21 Legislative reports and communications undated, 1960-1972
3/22 Press releases undated, 1970-1972
3/23 Briefing binder for Senator Jay S. Hammond, District H: Aleknagik, Allakaket, Anderson, Aniak, Anvik, Bettles, Cantwell, Clarks Point, Crooked Creek, Dillingham. 1972
3/24 Briefing binder: Egegik, Ekuk, Ekwok, Farefell, Flat, Galena, Georgetown, Grayling, Healy, Holy Cross, Hughes, Huslia, Iguigig, Iliamna 1972
3/25 Briefing binder: Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag, Kaltag, King Salmon, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Koyukuk, Levelock, Lime Village, Little Russian Mission, Manley Hot Springs, McGrath, Medfra, Meshik 1972
3/26 Briefing binder: Naknek, Nenana, Newhalen, New Minto, New Stuyahok, Nikolai, Nondalton, Nulato, Nushagak 1972
3/27  Briefing binder: Ohgsenakale, Pilot Point, Port Alsworth, Port Heiden, Rampart, Red Devil, Ruby Shageluk, Sleetmute, Stoney River, Takotna, Tanana, Togiak, Twin Hills, Ugashik, Wiseman 1972

Series 6: Gubernatorial campaign materials; 1962-1978. 1.9 cubic feet
This series consists of campaign materials from Hammond’s gubernatorial campaigns in 1974 and 1978.

Description Date
3/28 Alaska Election Campaign Commission file: correspondence, legislation, disclosure forms 1974
3/29 Biographical information form: Jay S. Hammond undated
3/30 Biographical information on Lowell Thomas, Jr.: form, biographical sketch, and brochure from 1962 campaign for U.S. Congress undated, 1962, 1974
Oversize folder Bumper sticker (b&w negative) 1974
3/31  Campaign literature 1974
3/32 Capitol move file: correspondence, statements, initiative, and clippings undated, 1974 March-June
3/33 Contribution procedure undated
3/34 Correspondence: Jay Hammond undated, 1974
3/35 Correspondence: Bob Palmer, Campaign Chairman undated, 1973 May-1974 October
3/36 Correspondence: Lowell Thomas, Jr., Lieutenant Governor candidate 1974 October 14
3/37 Correspondence: Mike Whitehead, Campaign Coordinator undated, 1974
3/38 Correspondence undated, 1974 May-September
3/39 Egan interview with Anchorage Times 1974 October 7
3/40 Fairbanks trip: list of contacts undated
3/41 Guides for Hammond: registration form and releases 1974 October-November
3/42 Invitation forms and correspondence 1974 September 13-October 31
3/43 League of Women Voters-Fairbanks: juvenile needs undated
3/44 Membership lists: -Republican Party of Alaska: Officers and Anchorage Area District Chairmen, untitled membership list with addresses and phone numbers. undated
3/45 Monthly investment report, State of Alaska, Department of Revenue, Treasury Division 1974 July 31
3/46 Native/rural issues file: Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. correspondence, board of directors list, questionnaire, statement of purpose, and historical outline); Upper Yukon Development Corporation, Inc. (policy board resolutions), Eben Hobson News Release; Alaska Federation of Natives (correspondence regarding September 26 meeting of Hammond with AFN Board); Alaskan Symposium, October 2 & 3, sponsored by Fairchild Industries, Germantown, Maryland (symposium papers regarding communications problems for village Alaska); Tlingit-Haida Central Council Executive Committee (correspondence and questions regarding October 4 meeting of Hammond with the committee); Overall Findings of the Second Bush Justice Conference 1974
3/47 News Releases 1974 April-October
3/48 Campaign worker lists undated
3/49 Polls and Poll Results undated, 1974 October
3/50 President Ford endorsement 1974 October 30
Oversize folder Printer Layouts: *Hammond & Thomas: Logo; Lowell Thomas, Jr., Lieutenant Governor: Billboard; “Let’s Set the Record Straight”: Hammond & Thomas Advertisement 1974
3/51-52 Receipts 1974
4/1 “Report on the Hearings of the Joint House-Senate Interim Committee on Fisheries” with supplementary synopsis of the joint hearings. 1973
4/2 Campaign slogans 1974
4/3 Campaign communications to voters 1974
4/4 Campaign notes 1974
4/5 Position statements by groups 1974
4/6 Letters to the editor 1974
4/7 Alaska Statewide Study Report; Prepared for Hammond for Governor Committee by Market Opinion Research 1977 May-June
4/8 Announcement for re-election undated, 1977
4/9 Campaign disclosure statement 1978 January-July
4/10-11 Bob Clarke (media director) files: outgoing memos, notes, releases, ad copy undated, 1978
4/12-13 Bob Clarke files: correspondence and memos 1976 December -1978 November
4/14 Bob Clarke files: notes undated, 1978
4/15 Bob Clarke files: policy papers undated 1978
4/16 Bob Clarke files: polling and election information undated, 1978
4/17 Bob Clarke economic files undated, 1974 July-August
4/18 Bob Clarke Hickel files (notes, clippings, campaign literature, and other material concerning the Hickel campaign) undated, 1977 December -1978 July
4/19 Bob Clarke political advertising file undated, 1978 October-November
4/20 Bob Clarke strategy file (correspondence, outgoing memos, notes, statements, interviews, etc.) undated, 1978 June-October
4/21 Bob Clarke Teamster propaganda file (memos notes, and Teamster correspondence and newsletters) undated, 1978 April-August
4/22 Bob Clarke files undated, 1978
4/23 Complaints 1978 September-October
4/24 Correspondence undated, 1977 May-1978 October
4/25-26 Court case concerning primary election: Hickel vs. Thomas 1978 September-October
4/27 Door-to-door precinct canvassing: primary election in Anchorage (voter reminder cards, lists of canvassers, and precinct maps) 1978 August
4/28 Finance Committee minutes and handouts, Fairbanks 1978 September-October
4/29 “The First Four Years: A Narrative Account of the Actions of Governor Jay Hammond, 1975-1978” 1978
4/30 Bumper stickers and campaign button 1978
4/31-32 Campaign literature and advertisements undated, 1978 August-November
4/33  Hammond/Miller logo 1978
4/34 The Hammond Years: Personal Recollections (correspondence, notes, and other materials concerning book sold to help retire campaign debts) 1978
4/35 Membership and volunteer lists undated, 1976, 1978
4/36 Literature Distribution Project file 1978 October-November
4/37 Messages undated, 1978 July-November
4/38 Terry Miller “Fun-Raiser” at Fox Roadhouse on Steese Highway: newspaper ad, event details, and list of ticket purchasers 1978 October 30
4/39 Media monitoring instructions 1978 October
5/1 News releases: Hammond for Governor Committee and Independent Alaskans for Hammond undated, 1978 April-November
5/2 News releases: Office of the Governor 1977 December-1978 November
5/3 Open houses, cocktail parties, dinners, and receptions undated, 1978 July, October
5/4 Political advertising: Mystrom Advertising Inc. (radio and television placements, brochure distribution) 1978 June-September
5/5 Poll watch: general election (instructions, identification card, and Alaska Statute) 1978 October-November
5/6 “Public Attitudes and Perceptions: A Report to Governor Hammond;” by Bill McConkey 1978 January 28
5/7 The re-election of Governor Jay S. Hammond: suggested action items 1976 December
5/8 Roll with Hammond & Miller: fundraiser at Tanana Valley Fairgrounds (newspaper ad, fliers, public service announcement script, list of poster makers and poster locations, and list of bakers) 1978 November 5
5/9 Scheduling: Governor Hammond, Bella Hammond, and Terry Miller 1978 July-November
5/10 Shopping center polls: general election (instructions and sign up sheet, sample ballot) 1978
5/11 Signs (policy for placement, desirable and prohibited locations, and release form) undated, 1978 June
5/12 Summaries of general election campaign files 1978 October-November
5/13 Telephone polling project: general election (packet for poller) undated
5/14 Letters of appreciation and lists of supporters 1976-1978
5/15 T.V. & radio impact polls 1978 July-August
5/16 Voter registration drive (instructions) undated
5/17 “Who is Jay Hammond?” (profile of Governor Hammond and his policies including notes and drafts) 1978
5/18 Campaign notes undated, 1978
5/19 Pro-Hammond statements 1978
5/20 Polling circa 1978
6/17 Hammond/Miller Radio Spots (3 reels, ¼ inch audiotape) 1978

Series 7: Hammond Administration papers; 1974-1982. 1.0 cubic feet. 
This series contains materials relating to Hammond’s two terms as Governor of Alaska from 1975-1982

Description Date
5/21 Accomplishments of the Hammond Administration undated, 1977 September -1978 March
5/22 Accomplishments of the Hammond Administration: by department 1982
5/23 Accomplishments of the Hammond Administration: budget undated, 1978-1981
5/24 “Alaska 1975, Facing the Crunch” (draft for pamphlet) 1975
5/25 Alaska Inc. (correspondence, notes, booklet, information kit, clippings, etc.) undated, 1976-1978
5/26 Alaska Inc. “Facing up to the Future: A Five-Part Newspaper Series;” By Jay Hammond, Governor of Alaska (booklet and drafts) undated
5/27 Alaska Petroleum Company project 1978
5/28 “Being Reflections on the Role of Government and Related Matters in Alaska;” by Chuck Konigsberg (handwritten treatise to Governor Jay S. Hammond) 1975
5/29 Capital relocation undated, 1974, 1978
5/30 Columns: View from My Side of the Desk undated, 1975-1980
5/31 Draft columns (lands, D-2, wolves, the Copper River Highway, and state employees) undated
5/32 Constitutional amendment limiting increases in state appropriations 1981
5/33 Constitutional Amendment to Limit Size of State Government 1977-1978
5/34 Correspondence: Hammond letters and memoranda undated, 1975-1982
5/35 D-2 lands file(correspondences, notes, briefing papers, reports, clippings, articles) undated, 1975-1979
5/36 Delta Junction Agricultural Development Project undated, 1977
5/37 Power and Economic Development Program file undated, 1977 August-1978 March
5/38 Employment Opportunity and Minority Hire notes and statistics undated, 1978
5/39 Growth Council polls and analyses undated, 1975
5/40 “The Hammond Administration: The First Year Personal Image” poll and analysis circa 1976
5/41 Income and energy tax credits (notes, working papers, draft legislation) undated
5/42 Inaugural program 1975 January 18
5/43 Kachemak Bay oil leases buy-back (newspaper column, etc.) undated, 1972, 1975
5/44 Lands: “Alaska’s Land — The Crucial Years,” By Guy R. Martin, Commissioner of Natural Resources, remarks before the Forty-First North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; Washington, D.C. 1976 March 21-25
5/45 Letters to the editor 1977-1982
5/46  Multi-Quest, Volume I; Prepared for the Governor’s Club, Dittman Research Corporation (poll results and analysis) 1980 April
5/47 News releases: Office of the Governor 1983 November 15
6/1 A Night of Appreciation: correspondence concerning dinner honoring Governor Hammond on December 12, 1980 in Fairbanks 1982 December
6/2 Permanent Fund Dividend: general undated, 1977, 1980
6/3 Permanent Fund Dividend: comments undated, 1980-1982
6/4 Permanent Fund Dividend: impact undated, 1982
6/5 Permanent Fund Dividend: loans undated, 1979-1982
6/6 Permanent Fund Dividend: press undated, 1980-1982
6/7 Poems undated, 1974-1982
6/8 Political poll: Anchorage political-election; Rowan Group Inc. 1982 October
6/9 Public forum undated, 1977-1978
6/10 “Self” correspondence undated, 1982
6/11 “Selected Policy Statements of Governor Hammond on the Management of Alaska’s Natural Wealth;” Reference for Use by the Division of Policy and Planning 1979 October
6/12 State employee negotiations: governor’s file undated
6/13 Notes undated, 1977
6/14 Policy papers undated, 1977
6/15 Articles 1974-1979

Series 8: Photographs; undated, 1974, 1978. 0.01 cubic feet.
This series consists of photographs of Jay Hammond and others from his career as Governor of Alaska.

Item Description Date
6/16 1 Portrait of Jay S. Hammond 1974
6/16 2 Jay and Bella Hammond undated
6/16 3 Jay S. Hammond at governor’s desk undated
6/16 4 Woman and two children sitting in living room of log cabin undated
6/16 5 Portrait of Jay S. Hammond at governor’s desk (second term) undated
6/16 6 Portrait of Jay S. Hammond 1978 January 20
6/16 7 Portrait of Bella Hammond undated
6/16 8 Portrait of Bella Hammond undated

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