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Charles V. Lucier papers

Guide to the Charles V. Lucier papers

Collection number: HMC-0165.
Creator: Lucier, Charles V.
Title: Charles V. Lucier papers.
Dates: 1903-2009.
Volume of collection: 12.90 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are primarily in English, but there are materials in Inupiaq, most having English translations.
Collection summary: Papers and photographs of an Alaska anthropologist and archaeologist.

Biographical note:
Charles V. Lucier was born in Clay Center, Kansas, in 1926. He came to Alaska in 1942 and studied at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Lucier was drafted into military service in 1945 and was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base. After his service, he resumed his studies and received a B.A. in biology in 1949. Anthropologists Ivar Skarland and J.L. Giddings Jr. selected Lucier to assist Helge Larsen in an archaeological survey on the Seward Peninsula from 1950-1952. Lucier studied Alaska Native culture and house ruins at Kotzebue Sound, and did a field study of the culture of the Noatak Inupiat in 1952. In the course of his field study, Lucier collected traditional Inupiat spoken knowledge and recorded music. He taught in schools in Karluk and Talkeetna from 1952-1955 and worked as a technician in small mammal studies from 1955-1956. He returned to Anchorage in 1959 and later worked as a game biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game from 1963-1979, specializing in caribou. Lucier participated in the Cook Inlet Native Association and was a founding member, drummer and singer of the Inupiaq and Yup’ik dance group Urban Natives United (1965-1975). He was also involved in recording folklore in the Seward Peninsula, Norton Sound, and Kotzebue Sound regions (1960-1978). Lucier also co-owned a business with Bruce Boolowon, buying and selling Alaska Native art. Charles Lucier died in 2013.

Collection description:
The collection consists of archaeology and anthropology related papers, correspondence, personal and family papers, as well as photographs, transparencies, slides, post cards, and audio recordings of Alaska Native songs, dances, and biographies. The archaeology and anthropology related papers include notes, lists, and drawings, articles and drafts of articles which he authored, coauthored or with which he was otherwise involved, and an unpublished biography Lucier edited of John Kakaruk. The correspondence consists primarily of incoming letters from friends, relatives, and archaeologists and anthropologists. The personal and family papers include biographical materials, family correspondence, business, employment, school and other records, papers relating to his various interests and activities, and art and poetry by Charles Lucier and others. The photographs consist of family and personal photographs, archaeology/anthropology related photographs and slides, and post cards.

Arrangement: The collection is divided into three parts. The records given to the Archives by Charles Lucier are in Part 1 and has been arranged into series by type of record. Part 2 contains the records Lucier gave to his colleague Ernest S. (Tiger) Burch Jr., which were then given to the Archives by Burch’s estate. Part 2 is arranged in the order in which the records came to the Archives, and contains similar types of records as Part 1. Part 3 contains materials transferred to Archives by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives, and is arranged in the order in which it arrived. Part 3 contains tribal and census information pertaining to Karluk, as well as ethnohistories and stories from the Seward Peninsula. The records are arranged into the following parts and series:

Part 1: Materials received from Charles Lucier; 1913-2002

Series 1. Field journals and notes; 1949-1998
Series 2. Manuscripts; 1981-1996
Series 3. General correspondence; 1949-2002
Series 4. Family correspondence; 1950-1999
Series 5. Biographical materials; 1987-1994
Series 6. Family papers; 1945, 1960, 1983-1984
Series 7. Business, employment, and education records; 1943-1993
Series 8. Personal subject files; 1945-2000
Series 9. Artwork and illustrations; 1958-1997
Series 10. Family photographs; 1913-1997
Series 11. Archaeology and anthropology photographs and slides; 1949-1996

Part 2: Materials received from Tiger Burch estate; 1903-2009

Part 3: Materials received in 2018; 1934-1953

Digitized copies:
Selected photographs and audio have been digitized. The photographs can be found online at Alaska’s Digital Archives. For information about obtaining copies please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Digitization of audio recordings was made possible by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Access restrictions: A portion of the collection is closed to access due to the presence of medical data. Because the collection contains potentially culturally and personally sensitive information, all researchers must sign a form agreeing to abide by the American Anthropological Association’s Code of Ethics before using this collection. Please contact Archives and Special Collections for further information.

Rights note: Copyright to the materials authored or created by Charles V. Lucier has been transferred to Archives and Special Collections. The collection contains materials created by others. The Archives does not hold copyright to these materials.

Preferred citation: Charles V. Lucier papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Related materials: The Field Museum of Natural History may have some of Lucier’s images.

Custodial history: Part 2 of this collection was originally given to Ernest S. “Tiger” Burch, Jr. by Charles Lucier. Upon Burch’s death, the materials he held were transferred to the Archives by the Burch estate. Part 3 of this collection was originally donated to the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives (ARPCA) as part of the Ivar Skarland papers. The materials were separated from the Skarland papers in 1966 and made their own collection within APRCA.

Acquisition note: Part 1 of the collection was presented to Archives and Special Collections by Charles V. Lucier beginning in 1984, and additions were made periodically until 2012. A deed of gift and a statement of transfer were signed in 1984 by Lucier, which was revised in 1996. Part 2 was donated to Archives and Special Collections by the Ernest “Tiger” Burch Jr. estate in 2011. Part 3 was transferred to the Archives by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives. An audiocassette was transferred to the Archives from the National Park Service (NPS) in 2022.

Processing information: Part 1 of this collection was arranged and described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2001. The guide to this collection was converted to current standards, the materials from the Burch estate were added, and personal legal and medical papers, as well as publications without annotations, were deaccessioned by Veronica Denison in 2013. When possible, original folder titles were retained in Part 2. Additional folder descriptions to Parts 1 and 2 were added to the collection guide by UAA’s Ethnohistory of Alaska Natives course students during the Spring 2015 and Fall 2016 semesters. Part 3 was added to the collection and described by Veronica Denison in 2018. Becky Butler provided additional description when materials were digitized in 2019. The audiocassette transferred from NPS was added to the collection by Gwen Higgins in 2022.

Container list:
Part 1: Materials received from Charles Lucier; 1913-2002. 4.85 cubic feet.

Part 1. Series 1: Field journals and notes; 1949-1998. 0.15 cubic feet.
This series consists of papers concerning the culture, technology, and artifacts of the Inupiat in the Kotzebue Sound and the Seward Peninsula areas. Most of the papers concern the period from 1949 to 1953, when Charles Lucier was studying the local culture and archaeology, as well as purchasing art and artifacts for the University of Alaska Museum in Fairbanks. Prominent types of records include travel journals, field notebooks, culture traits and word lists, as well as reports on marine mammal hunting. This series is in chronological order.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Field journal and transcription: College and Port Clarence, Alaska
Field notes recording: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Archaeological sites; Mounds (Burials); Ivory carving; Ivory; Rock art; Influenza; and Tuberculosis. Larsen and Lucier talk with many Native informants who help them find sites. Lucier describes the first time he encounters human burials.

People mentioned: Larsen, Helge; Rainey, Froelich; Komok, Joe; Picnalook, James; Alexander, Ralph; Holtved, Erik; Rye, Owen; Bullock, Jack; Eakan, Burt; Olana family

Place names: College; Port Clarence; Seward Peninsula; Nome; Point Hope

1949, 1995 June-July
1/2-3 Field Notebook: Seward Peninsula, Port Clarence-Deering
Descriptions and drawings of four different types of spears with drawings for each.

Lucier discusses his finds on July 4th, which include carvings, an engraving tool formed with a metal blade, unfinished piece of antler, a flint scraper, and a small ulu with engraved decorations. Lucier states there were bone needles and quartz flakes. Details of sites found: house sites, rock paintings, Caribou, animal remains and house depressions. Lucier and Larsen traveled through the Tuksuk channel, took measurements, and recorded traits of the people. They conclude they are Kaweramiut people from inland. Lucier travels North through Wales, Deering, Shishmaref, and Kotzebue. He meets various people along the way who help him locate sites. Lucier attends an Eskimo Dance and describes what is known as the Wolf Dance. The end of the journal contains translations from English to Iñupiaq.

Place names: Trail Creek Caves; Black Roadhouse, Deering; Magids Brothers Store, Deering; Dan’s Stewart’s Camp; Polaris Hotel (Nome); Port Clarence; Deering; Teller; Point Hope; Akivingnuk; Teller; Point Spencer; Diomede; Nome; Cape (Point) Riley; Coyote Creek; Kotzebue; Cape Wales; Shishmaref; Kivalik; Elephant Point; Noatak; Kotzebue

People mentioned: Hopkins, Junior; Vestal (Pudu), Leonard; Larsen, Helge; Alexander, Ralph; Bernhardt, H.; Keen, Daisy; Komuk, Joe; Komuk, Joe; Billock, Jack (Skipper); Ipalook, Percy; Goshaw, George; Dunn, Margaret; Stewart, Don; Moto, Taylor; Skarland, Ivar; Fergusen, Archie; Hunter, Celia; Nagozruk, Art; Hammond, Jay

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

1949 July
1/3 Seward Peninsula, Port Clarence-Deering notebook 1949
1/4 Note on visit to Donald Spaulding about Beaver Cave
Lucier is trying to contact Donald Spaulding about and extension of the Beaver Creek Cave. Spaulding describes that it isn’t much more than 20 feet. The cave was used for mining and smoke stains were on the cave due to a possible prospector’s fire.

People mentioned: Spaulding, Donald

Place names: Bear Creek

1949 December 28
1/5 Kotzebue Sound archaeological and ethnic field notebook
This journal is written in two different parts: 1950 Lucier considers part I, and upside-down in the back of the journal is labeled as part II.

Part I: Lucier receives information from Jim Kennedy, who might know archaeological sites in the Lake Clark and Lake Iliamna area and/or people who may be of “value” as informants in ethnological work. Lucier records interviews and traditional songs from locals in the Kotzebue and Deering areas.
Part II: Correspondence with full list of items and descriptions of all artifacts found on sites listed in Part I.

People mentioned: Picnalook, James; Anagatuhuk, Johnny: Kennedy, Jim; Evan, Jacko; Andrew, Bachar; Severson, Martin; Foss, Sam; Pack, Bill; Burke, Chester;  Pringle, Percy; Larsen, Helge; Larsen, Gerda; Craft, Charlene; Milan, Fred; Milgaard, Jorgen; Moto, Taylor; Spaulding, Phil; Vestal, Leonard; Moore, Terry; Stewards, Don; Nagozruk, Art; Nagozruk, Florence; Eluk (alternate spelling Elook), William; Hadley, John; Briggs, Glenn; Hensley, Maggie; Jessup (also goes by Eckards), Lena; Ipalook, Percy; Lincoln, Abraham; Eakan, Burt; Coffin, Julia; Lincoln, Blanche; Gallahorn, Lester; Barr, Rosie; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Beltz, Susie; Morris, Archie; Morris, Mary; Neal, Queen; Allagauk, William

Place names: Nondalton; Lake Clark National Park and Preserve; Pedro Bay; Iliamna Lake; Anchorage; Nome; Deering; Kotzebue

Corporate Names: Alaska Airlines; Lomen Reindeer Corporation; N.G. Hanson Store (formerly Ferguson’s)

1/6 Pencil drawing by John Hadley at Elephant Point 1951 January 31
1/7 Kotzebue Sound ethnic origins notebook, No. 13 (includes wordlist of Cape Nome dialect)
Pages 1-16 contain translations from Cape Nome Iñupiaq. Lucier describes Iñupiaq winter food storage and housing. He also notes seasonal rounds and community harvest practices. In June, Beluga whale hunting begins and seal hunters travel to trade. There are descriptions of cultural items and practices including the Blanket Toss and Native dancing.

People mentioned: Hadley, John

Place names: Buckland; Kaluwaco’k; Mikiyeok; Sealing Point; Cape Espenberg; Deering; Kotzebue; Noatak; Point Hope; Koyukuk Station; Nulato

1/8 Kotzebue Sound ethnic origins notebook, No. 15
Various cultural beliefs and practices: Death and burial customs; Ghost story of a woman; Technology; Dancing; Trade; Rites of passage; Hunting beliefs and taboos; Pure and impure hunters; Buckland hunting grounds; Being/spirit “Sila.” There is a drawing by Lucier of a beluga harpoon. Andrew Sunno tells the story of Angatkok (Anatkuk?) (medicine man/shaman) who wanted to be burned alive because of sadness (rebirth and soul flight story). People of Qaligi hold ceremony, drum and song to aid Angatkok (Anatkuk?). Another story is “Man, Caribou, and Wolf”. Teaching of morals, truth, and protection. Description of the Buckland Messenger Feast.

People mentioned: Konalok, John; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Hadley, John

Place names: Selawik; Elephant Point; St. Michael; Kivalik

Corporate Names: Friends Church

1/9 Kotzebue Sound ethnic origins notebook, No. 16: Buckland Notes, Elephant Point.
This notebook includes descriptions of Buckland masks, trading feasts, games, animal carvings, rites of passage, stories, a ghost story, tools, kinship explanations, and songs. It has illustrations of house games, and human interactions.

People mentioned: Yaksuk; Ralph, Jessie; Tugoa; Iaringaak; Elinirak; Kazycrmyut; Icalic; Icakk, Icalik; Shyagunik; Llyagunik; Suluk; Kuvraurik; Nugruk; Ilyagunik; Lyaiouik; Jlyagunik; Ugrunuk; Igligurut; Iupnuk; Azaikoks; Kazycrmyut; Ugrunuk; Ilyagunih; Inyorivik; Koyukuk; Alinioktok; Eagle; Ayauiroaks; Kaloh, John; Akputut; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Nugruk

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Western Alaska; Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska; Ethnotechnology; Buckland Knives; Rites and ceremonies; Masks; Songs; Competition; Drawings; Sculptures; Puberty observance; Origin Chaniso; The Torture Song; The Trading Song; House Construction; Torture Story; Kivgik; Buckland Messenger Feast

1951 April
1/10 Kotzebue Sound ethnic origins notebook, No. 17: Wordlist, verbs, vocabulary, grammar, present tense

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq Vocabulary

Language: English; Iñupiaq

1/11 Charles Lucier’s work as a purchasing agent of Alaska Natives material for the University of Alaska Museum of the North in the early 1950s. Contains receipts for museum items and dig materials. Lucier describes the 1951 findings from a then uncompleted dig in Kiwalik.

People mentioned: Hadley, John; Nagozruk, Arthur; Goodhope, Fred; Smith, Dick; Skarland, Ivar; Booth, Ezra; Skoog, Pat; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu)

Place names: Elephant Point; Candle; Noatak (Nuataaq); Kiwalik; Chamisso Island; Fairbanks; College; Anchorage; Buckland; Selawik

1950-1953, 1959
1/12 Buckland River Iñupiat aboriginal culture trait checklist (informants: Andrew Sunno, Leslie Thomas, and John A. Hadley)

Subjects: Household items; Utensils; Fishing tools; Hunting tools; Clothing; Toys; Body markings; Exposure of corpse; Water burial

1/13 Cape Nome and Deering Iñupiat word lists (informants: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tiepleman and Mary Morris), includes Iñupiat words with translations to English.
The lists includes various words for animals, plants, tools, places, clothes and body parts, bird names, bodies of water, equipment, snare/niaaok, plants and plant products, fish and shellfish, sled and sled terminology, kayaks and kayak terminology, hand tools, dance, burials, music and dance, spirits, communication, rope activities, physical activities, war, shamanism, murder, sports, tattooing, birds, mammals, plants and plant products, and words relating to the human body.
1/14 Noatagmiut (Upper Noatak River) Iñupiat word lists (informants: Aluniq Jenny Mitchell, Misigaq “Mark” Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, and Della Keats)
The lists include words for: gear and equipment involving spirits; familial relationships; relatives or extended family; pronouns including plural and dual; Iñupiaq verbs (verbs translated and used with masculine examples- “he”, “him” except for the Iñupiaq verb for giving birth);

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Games; Sweat-baths; Clothing and dress; Songs; Shamans; Ghosts; Family members; Numerals; Food; Hunting; Drums; Tools

1/15 Notes on family descents, residents of Sisualik camp and vicinity, Northern Kotzebue Sound-Kobuk River-Upper Noatak River-Lower Noatak River areas. It includes family descendants of Frank Glover, Ralph Gallahorn (Angnoiaq), Yiyuk Harris (Yaiyuk), Neuqoq, Akolauk, Jenny Mitchell (Alunik) 1952
1/16 Trait list: Wales Hillside Midden (descriptions and illustrations of Native tools and artifacts). The list includes: Wales Hillside Middens; trait/material list of artifacts: flint flakers, whetstone, sidescraper, knife, stone saw, end scraper, awl, two-handed scraper, net shuttle, mattock, ulus, knife side blade, slate blades, toggles, bola weight, drum rim, pipe bowl, scraper or “chopper”, drinking tube, ice pick, fish lure, sled shoe, arrowheads, lance point(?), slate weapon points. Illustrations: inner and outer surface sketches; Puyuk/ “okivik” ivory figure circa 1953
1/17 “Elements of Alaskan Eskimo Sea Ice Practice Adaptable to Air Force Sea Ice Adaptation: An Hypothesis Generating Matrix for Air Force Needs” by Charles Lucier 1956 May 10
1/18 1961 Report to Division of Game office in Nome on the May hunt of walrus and other marine mammals, including whale and seal on Gambell, St. Lawrence Island. Records daily takes, crew numbers, butchering practice, processing and usage. Estimates for yearly hunting cost, inventory of a hunting boat.

People mentioned: Koonooka, Harold;  Irrigoo, Clarence; Konahok, Howard; Campbell, Phillip (Patrick); Oovi, Lloyd; Slwooko, Vernon; Koningok, Willard; Oktokiyuk, Frank; Koozaata, Harry; Ooseva, Stanley; Booshu, Solomon; Koonooka, Harold;  Apongalook, John;  Kulukhon, Allen; Aningoyou, Steven; Blassi, Lincoln; Iyakiton, Daniel; James, Winfred; Iyakiton, Louis; Iknokinak, Clifford; Booloowon, Bruce

1961 May-June
1/19 Gambell walrus hunt: Two field notebooks (labeled G-81-A and G-81-B).

G-81-A: Daily Walrus hunt totals by sex, number caught and number lost, including unborn
G-81-B: Tusk size, measurements with notation of sex, and inventory cost estimate for hunting boats

People mentioned: Tungiyan, Robert; Irrigoo, Clarence; Konahok, Howard; Campbell, Phillip (Patrick); Oovi, Lloyd; Slwooko, Vernon; Koningok, Willard; Oktokiyuk, Frank; Koozaata, Harr; Ooseva, Stanley; Booshu, Solomon; Koonooka, Harold; Apongalook, John; Kulukhon, Allen; Aningoyou, Steven; Blassi (Booshu), Lincoln; Iyakiton, Daniel; James, Winfred; Iknokinak, Clifford; Konahok, Howard; Oktokiyuk, Frank; Irrigoo, Clarence

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Whaling; Walrus; Seals, Hunting; Subsistence activities; Fishing and hunting gear;

Place names: Gambell; St. Lawrence Island.

1961 May-June
1/20 “An Eskimos Journey” by John Hadley
Grace Lucier handwritten translation of Charles Lucier recording; Charles Lucier handwritten draft for publication.

Place names: Manilgachag; Atshugutmun; Buckland; Tatchan (bird eating location); Manilgachagmiut; Nulato (Nulgatu); Kutilhahagmiut; Qikiqtagruk (Kotzebue); Gazghi (dance house)

People mentioned: Lucier, Grace; Kaygina; Kivgaq; Anaqtuuq; Niaquq; Kisiqaqauluk; Paqaq

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Storytelling, AcUlugiag (mock battle)

circa 1960s
1/21 Uncle Uplugiaq’s Song (translation by John A. Kakaruk and Grace Lucier): Photocopy of an Iñupiaq song with English translations written by John Kakaruk’s uncle, Uplugiaq. The piece was translated by Kakaruk and Grace Lucier. The song was created in the 1870’s while Uplugiaq was caribou hunting out in the Seward Peninsula and it was later performed at a summer dance festival in Kotzebue by Kakaruk’s father. 1974 January 13
1/22 Tracings of Jessie Ralph’s net gauges, Buckland, Alaska: Composite net gauges, and one-piece, rectangular net gauges. Side and end views of dip nets and handles with measurements and descriptions (seine hardwood, dip nets, pike and other fish under ice in winter). Illustrations and descriptions of actual size net gauges for different fish and fishing conditions (whitefish, salmon, under ice in winter). 1976 July
1/23 Notes on the village of Mitletavik, Cape Prince of Wales area (informant: Arthur Nagozruk Sr.).
Description of original meaning place name (miisiktuag=miisik=leap over) based on geography of area; village entirely abandoned after epidemic (no date given); fall camp built by Arthur in 1920s; seal hunting, fishing (salmon, trout, flounder), Arthur collected birds, ducks, eggs sent to Denver Museum of Natural History in 1920s; polar bears came ashore in winter.

Place names: Miisiktaavik; Cape Prince of Wales area

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Village; Communicable diseases; Subsistence activities; Hunting; Fish; Seals (animal); Polar bears; Salmon; Trout; Spear fishing; Net fishing

1976 January 17
1/24 Charles V. Lucier publications: Copy of list made for Makiko Yamada. A personal publication bibliography written in 1993, Lucier noted an inability to document two short publications for which he could only recall generalities. 1993 August 8
1/25 Charles Lucier’s field notes, bibliographical listing by Tiger Burch Folder 1952, and 1971

Subjects: Wildlife, Hunting practices; Religious rituals; Supernatural tales; Material culture related to hunting and religion.

People mentioned: Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.;; Anoak, Oliver; Gallahorn, Ralph; Glover, Frank; Hadley, John; Harris, Albert; Howard, Mary; Keats, Della; Koonalook, May; Lincoln, Abraham; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Mitchell, Gordon; Mitchell, Jenny; Mitchell, Mark (Misigaq); Morris, Mary; Penn, Flora; Ralph, Jessie; Seveck, Chester; Tiepleman, Jack; Tiepleman, Ina; Vestal, Leonard

Place names: Sheshalik; Noatak River; Selawik; Buckland; Kotzebue; Elephant Point; Igloo Point; Koyukuk; Kiwalik; Cape Nome

1/26 Blood types: RESTRICTED ACCESS circa 1950

Part 1. Series 2: Manuscripts; 1981-1996. 1.25 cubic feet.
This series consists of papers relating to Charles Lucier’s published and unpublished articles on Inupiat archaeology and anthropology. Anthropologist James W. VanStone co-authored most of these articles. The papers include research notes; article drafts with comments, corrections, and inserts; reviewers’ comments and critiques; and the final published articles. Subjects include historic Inupiat pottery, traditional Inupiat oil lamps, fast ice seal hunting, traditional beluga whale drives, and the autobiography of Inupiat nurse and midwife, Della Keats. This series is grouped by manuscript generally chronological within.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/27-33 “An Inupiaq Autobiography: Autobiography of Della Keats;” edited by Lucier and VanStone: poem, drafts with comments, transcript of Keats recording, and final published article published in Etudes Inuit Ses journal vol. 1, no. 1, 1987. 1981, 1986-1987
1/34-48 “Historic Pottery of the Kotzebue Sound Iñupiat” written and compiled by Lucier and VanStone: article notes, photographs of pottery and potsherds, measurement of baton’ teeth, correspondence between authors and Jeanne Schaaf, National Park Service archeologist, concerning Kotzebue Sound pottery, and Susan Fair, Norton Sound (E. W. Nelson) pot dimension. Also includes audiocassette of Lucier discussing Trail Creek Caves that he sent to someone at the National Park Service. 1987-1992
1/49-55 “The Traditional Oil Lamp Among the Kangigmiut and Neighboring Iñupiat of Kotzebue Sound, Alaska;” written by Lucier and VanStone: drafts, manuscripts, and published article 1989-1991
1/56-67 “Winter and Spring Fast Ice Seal Hunting by Kangigmiut and other Inupiat of Kotzebue Sound, Alaska;” 1989-1991, written by Lucier and VanStone: manuscripts and drafts, comments, correspondence, notes, William B. Workman translation from the German of Woldt A (editor) 1889 for Lucier’s use in winter sealing article, and published article 1989-1991
2/1-6 “Traditional Beluga Drives of the Iñupiat of Kotzebue Sound, Alaska;” 1994-1995, written by Lucier and VanStone: correspondence, comments on corrections, Kathy Frost, biologist, comments on last pre-publication version of beluga manuscript, and final published article 1994-1995
2/7-8 “Death and Renewal [among the Iñupiat];” 1996, written by Lucier: introduction, first draft, concepts of death, impacts on individuals and community: draft 1996 February 7
2/9-10 “Drumbeat of Time;” 1981-1983, written by John A. Kakaruk and edited by Lucier: copy of unpublished book manuscript 1981-1983

Part 1. Series 3: General correspondence; 1949-2002. 1.0 cubic feet.
This collection consists primarily of incoming correspondence with friends, relatives, archaeologists, anthropologists, and Alaska natives. Arranged alphabetically by last name.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/11 Connell A. Armstrong: Native store, Deering, Alaska
Connell Armstrong congratulates Charles Lucier on his recent marriage and is sending a spotted seal skin in the mail.
1951 November 23
2/12 Bert B. Babero: Parasitologist, Arctic Health Research Center, Public Health Service, Anchorage, Alaska

People mentioned: Babero, Bert B.; Muriel, Dykes

Place names: Deering

Corporate Names: Federal Security Agency; Arctic Health Research Center

1951 January 4
2/13 Francis Baker
Correspondence thanking Lucier for letting her and husband stay with them after a flood.

People mentioned: Berry, Bill; Berry, Liz; Hunters, Celia

circa 1968
2/14 Maureen and Ron Ball
Letters discussing hunting trips, health, vacations, national news, and life in Sitka
2/15 Pauline and Gilbert S. Barr: Ipiutak remains found in Deering, Alaska 1998
2/16 Fred and Dorothy Behm

People mentioned: Behm, Dorothy; Behm, Fred

2/17 Ivona and Duane Belden
Greeting cards and correspondence regarding health and visiting.

People mentioned: Belden, Ivona; Belden, Duane

2/18 Mildred Birchfield 1984
2/19 Ted Birkedal
Letter thanking Lucier for helping to make casts for pottery.

People mentioned: Birkedal, Ted; Dema, Angela

Place names: Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

Corporate Names: United States Department of the Interior; National Park Service; Alder St. Gallery

2/20 Bruce Boolowon

People mentioned: Boolowon, Elden; Haviland, Andy; Slwooko, Quinn; Boolowon, Reva; Boolowon, Yagu; Boolowon, Seymour; Boolowon, Shannon; Boolowon, Rocky

Place names: Kenai; Gambell; Yakutat

2/21 Elden Boolowon
Letters discussing art, carving, art supplies, education, and family matters.
2/22 Loren Bouldin
Christmas letter to Charles Lucier from Loren Bouldin, detailing Loren’s travels during the year and divorce from second wife Claudia
2/23 Bui Family
Letters and holiday cards from the Bui Family to Charles Lucier.

Subjects: Sitka; Childbirth; Death; Greeting cards

2/24 Ernest S. Burch, Jr
Letters discussing conflict and cooperation in Kotzebue Sound, oral histories and stories collected by Lucier, intrasocietal/intersocietal conflicts, Iñupiaq borders, and homelands, as well as 19th century Buckland and other societies.
1989, 1992
2/25 Jacqueline Butler
Letters to Lucier discussing Butler’s art, travels, family, weather, health, relationships, and exhibits.
2/26 Norma Urbahn de’Castillia
A series of letters to Lucier about de’Castillia’s travels, family, health, finances, weather, and art.

People mentioned: Urbahn de’Castillia, Norma

2/27 Nancy Yaw Davis 1993
2/28 Gordon Dimmick, Jr.
A letter from Gordon Dimmick to Charles Lucier on the living environment of Elim.
1952 January 13
2/29 E. James Dixon
A series of letters, loan forms, and postage to Lucier concerning the loaning and return of pottery shards.
2/30 Lorraine Donoghue (Koranda)
Series of letters from Lorraine Donoghue to Charles Lucier concerning Lucier’s recordings of certain dances and songs performed by Eskimo peoples. Lorraine writes of her intent to re-record tapes onto discs and transcribe them, and growing interest in the project.
2/31 Burt Eakan: Iñupiat, Unalakleet, Alaska
Letters discussing Lucier’s work with the Friends Church and tomcod fishing along the Kugruk, “games by dog races”, details about race agendas, Friends Church Christmas Eve and Day celebrations and other Christmas celebrations around Kotzebue.
1950 December
2/32 Mary Eberhardt
Series of letters spanning 12 years from Mary Eberhardt to Charles Lucier mostly concerning updates on Mary and her husband John (whom Lucier had known since he was very young) and people they know.
2/33 Jim and Linda Faro
Letters discuss the sale of jewelry Charles has sent the Faro’s, family updates, hunting and travel, and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
1973, 1981-1992
2/34 Leo Faro
Letter from Faro to Lucier highlighting a young persons’ week at school and how he is doing in his personal life.
2/35 Keith Fullerton: Evangelical Covenant Church, Anchorage
The letters discuss the beginnings of the New Life Evangelical Conference to where it has grown by 1993. A third incomplete letter is also included. No author or date is included. Subject is about assertive training, “communication & feminism.”
2/36 Billy Gaines
Letter from Billy Gaines thanking Lucier for the painting he sent. Writing on envelope briefly explains circumstances about Billy receiving Lucier’s art.
2/37 J.L. Giddings, Jr.
Letters to Lucier congratulating him on his wedding and birth of his son, advising him that he was recommended for Noatak project, family vacations, information on the Wales site, Giddings’ discovery at Choris and Lucier’s finds at Chamisso and Kiwalik, as well as Giddings’ “Pagan Arts” museum exhibit in Philadelphia. The letters also discuss Lucier’s Trail Creek research and discovery of charred timbers at Kiwalik and Giddings’ urge to send timber sample to Philadelphia for analysis.
2/38 Leland and Beverly Glenn
Series of letters and holiday cards from the Glenn family to Charles Lucier, mostly concerning family updates with some talk of Lucier’s collection going to the museum soon and how they are to send him some of his ivory pieces that they have.
2/39 Enid Goodwin
Series of letters from Enid Goodwin to Charles Lucier detailing her personal life as well as her life working as a microbiologist, lab supervisor, and geometrician at Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
2/40 Senator Mike Gravel
A letter from Charles Lucier to U.S. Senator Mike Gravel illustrating the effective job the Arctic Health Research Center does in controlling and identifying infectious diseases and the harm that its closure could place towards the state, the nation, and possibly the world.
2/41 Cliff Haigler: Lucier’s landlord in Springfield, Oregon
Letters regarding rent, including rent increases, weatherization audits for future repairs, utility costs, Lucier’s rental agreement and an envelope with utility costs, phone numbers, and a 30 day notice from Lucier announcing his intent to move.
2/42 Edwin Hall
A postcard from Edwin Hall requesting Lucier’s manuscript.
2/43 William N. Irving
Letters asking Lucier’s input about Irving’s Noatak research, specifically kadigi that Irving located that correlated to myths collected earlier by Lucier. Also asks Lucier if he knows the translation of “Ayaryuit” and updates him on some of his recent research in Canada and South Dakota. The letters further discuss Irving’s original notes and translations from upper Noatak informants explaining the Messenger Feast, construction of a ceremonial dance house and his inability to translate “Ayaryuit”,  existence of villages north of the upper Noatak and whether any relationships or migration occurred.
1963, 1986
2/44 Della Keats
Letters from Keats to Lucier discussing tanned skins she currently has and clothing items she plans to make with them as well as upcoming travel plans. One includes notes by Lucier explaining Keats’ anatomical terms, translation for a future manuscript, and Keats details a whaling hunt and the subsequent feast, as well as gracious pleasantries. There is also a letter from Keats to Fred West with Keats discussing her cousin making West a Willow bow and the arm’s length measurement.
1968- 1984
2/45 Helen Kenyon
A letter to Lucier instructing him on how best to obtain illustrations of the Ipiutak Collection.
2/46 Mildred Kisor
Three letters from University of Alaska student Mildred Kisor who met Charles Lucier in 1981 in Fairbanks detailing her studies as well as parts of her personal life.
2/47 Maggie Komonaseuk
A letter from Maggie Komonaseuk to Grace Lucier about winter activities and family.
2/48 John and May Koonalook: Elephant Point, Alaska; letter written by Leslie Thomas
A letter detailing the prices of ceremonial figures carved in birch.
1951 October 12
2/49 Gladi Kulp
An official State of Alaska letter to Charles Lucier thanking him for his offers of copies of soon to be released articles on beluga whales.
2/50 Helge Larsen
The subjects of these letters include personal matters, how to best gather Alaskan Native Folklore and an archeological dig in Greenland, Lucier’s book on Iñupiat Dance Songs and highlighting their itinerary for an upcoming Alaska visit, finds at archaeological sites in Greenland belonging to Dorset and Sarwaq cultures.
2/51 Ole Larsen
The subjects of these letters include personal matters, historical sites seen when traveling with Jorgen Helgaard in Western Ireland, the death of Ole’s father Helge, holiday greetings, and other Larsen family news.
1979, 1984-1991
2/52 Charlene LeFebre 1989
2/53 Steven C. Levi
A letter to Charles Lucier asking for information concerning the Klondike Gold Rush of 1898. No response is included but there is a list of several books and other publications on the subject attached.
2/54 Abraham Lincoln: Iñupiat, White Mountain, Alaska
A letter reminiscing on their childhood and how far they have come in life.
1957 October 22
2/55 Luba Lindgren: autobiographical sketch
A reflection letter from Luba Lindgren to Grace Lucier on the excitement within the community to see the breakup of the ice and the welcoming of  fishing canaries and the harvest of salmon, and berries in different parts of their region through the seasons.
2/56 Bill and Nola Logan
A holiday card from Bill and Nola Logan telling Lucier thank you for the drawing.
2/57 Gerry Lumian
A letter concerning Lucier’s health.
2/58 Dan Lucier
A postcard letter to Charles Lucier from Dan Lucier; a distant relative. Letter concerns Dan Lucier’s life and that of his children.
2/59 Roger Lyngklip
A series of letters discussing the whale ivory carvings Lucier sent to be casted for molds and the legal boundaries they must follow when transporting/selling ivory.
2/60 Gordon Marsh: Father Innocent, Russian Orthodox Church
A letter from Gordon Marsh to Charles Lucier about the change in language and culture overtime. Gordon Marsh writes about the changes he has seen and experienced with the Russian Orthodox Church.
circa 1957
2/61 Robert Mason
Letters asking for trail markers and other supplies, and a photo of McCall Glacier with attached description detailing briefly the Life of Robert Mason and Charles Lucier’s last contact with him.
2/62 Leonard Mathlow: Yupik
An original letter written in cursive to Charles Lucier from Leonard Malthow detailing that Leonard was going to send Lucier wooden bowls and masks and the cost of each.
2/63 Kerry Paul May
A typed postcard to Charles Lucier from Kerry Paul May detailing the sale of one of May’s paintings.
2/64 Darcia Mayberry
Letters concerning personal matters between Charles Lucier and Darcia Mayberry, a close friend.
2/65 Esther Mayokok
A letter to her cousin Grace Lucier in which Mayokok writes of her experiences at her new job working at the Mayflower Cafe.
2/67 Robert Mayokok
The letters contain personal matters, including Mayokok’s travel plans to Anchorage, Ketchikan, Washington, California, Oregon, and Canada, his employment at the New York World’s Fair, his children, drawing and selling his drawings, and acknowledgement of Charles Lucier publishing a book and purchasing an automobile.
2/68 Jorgen Meldgaard
A letter discussing the declining health of a mutual colleague.
2/69 F.A. Milan
Letters from Fred Milan to Lucier reminiscing about past excursions in Alaska, and life in Copenhagen. Later letters include Milan writing about nearly deserted towns near Barrow, his work as an anthropology professor at the University of Wisconsin, comparing Lucier’s mentioning of whale hearing to one he found by another author, Milan also briefly mentioned his work on the Juneau Ice Field Research Project and photos of buildings Lucier sent to him.
1954-1958, 1989
2/70 Michele Morseth
Letters concerning Lucier’s Iñupiat cultural holdings.
1993 August 4-7
2/71 Taylor Moto: Deering, Alaska
Letters thanking Lucier for sending a care package to Deering, Alaska.
2/72 Bernadette Mullinex
A series of documents detailing family news and a photograph of the Mullinex Family.
2/73 Arthur Nagozruk Sr.
A series of correspondences between Arthur Nagozruk Sr, Grace Lucier, Charles Lucier’s wife’s father and Charles’s family detailing life in Nome Alaska.
2/74 Arthur Nagozruk, Jr.
Letter from Arthur to Lucier about casual work with stores in Kotzebue, teaching in Wainwright, Christmas plans in Elephant Point, photo of Arthur graduating from UAA.
2/75 Gordon Nagozruk 1954-1966
2/76 Laura Nagozruk (Baker) 1954-1955, 1959, 1965
2/77 NANA
A Christmas card to Charles Lucier from the NANA Robert “Aqqaluk” Newlin Memorial Trust.
1995 December
2/78 Reuben and Thordis Nelson
A series of Holiday Christmas postcards to Charles Lucier from the Nelsons.
2/79 Andrew Ningealook: Iñupiat
A letter to Charles Lucier about the prices of ivory carvings.
2/80 Margaret Olrun: Yupik
A letter to Grace Lucier discussing the arrival of her 14 day old granddaughter whom is the first girl the family has had for a while. Grace also lists all her family with names and birthdates.
1961 March 22
2/81 E’Louise Lucier Ondash
The letters discuss Lucier Ondash’s family and their accomplishments.
2/82 Guy Oomittuk: Iñupiat, Point Hope
Letter from Guy to Lucier talking about selling whalebone and seal skin rope, needing ivory to make ivory harpoon heads, and going whale and walrus hunting. Also asked Lucier what Lucier wanted Guy to make him, and sent order list of handmade hooks Guy would be sending.
circa 1958
2/83 George Ootenna: Wales
Letter from Ootenna to Lucier thanking Lucier for photos of Panu (Lucier’s daughter) he received, and references an ivory piece it sounds like Lucier received from him.
circa 1968
2/84 Helen Louise Oswalt 1985-1996
2/85 Wendell Oswalt
Letters from Oswalt to Lucier discussing Eskimo boundaries in research, Oswalt discussing his recent publishing deal for his book and encouraging Lucier on his own, and a magazine clipping featuring Wendell and Helen in their Eskimo Barbara underground shelter.
1986, 1983, 1993
2/86 Harry Outwater: Deering
A Christmas card from Harry Outwater to Charles Lucier wishing him a happy holiday and thanking him for the photos.
1949 December 14
2/87 Sue Smothers Peck 1990-1991
2/88 James Picnalook: Iñupiat, Brevig Mission and Teller, Alaska
Letter from Picnalook to Lucier discussing holiday season activities in Teller Mission, family affairs and hunting success while catching seal, fish and Oogvik.
1950 January 6
2/89 Holly and Emma Piper 1996-2000
2/90 William O. Pruitt
Letter from Pruit to Lucier discussing his travels to Canada, specifically to Duck Lake and the inhabitants, the Chipewyans.
2/91 Robert L. Rausch, Chief, Infectious Disease Center, Arctic Health Research Center
A letter to Charles Lucier thanking him for his support of the Arctic Health Research Center as mentioned in Folder 2/40 in this collection.
2/92 Dorothy Jean Ray 1966
2/93 Jeanne Schaaf 1996
2/94 Mary Schneider
Series of letters from Mary Schneider to Charles Lucier, mainly concerning family updates and talk of her husband Karl’s work at Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
2/95 Karl Schneider
Series of letters from Karl Schneider to Charles Lucier detailing his personal life as well as his time working at Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
2/96 Mary Schreiber 1992
2/97 Jerry Sexton
A few letters from Jerry Sexton to Charles Lucier documenting his medical ailments, staffing changes at Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the mayoral office, as well as his retirement from Fish and Game.
2/98 Jim and Liz Sherman: Candle, Alaska 1951 December 19
2/99 Ivar Skarland: University of Alaska 1950-1952
2/100 Pat Lucier Smith 1985-1986
2/101 Leo and Mary Smothers 1984-1996
3/1 Julie Sprott (R.N.; PhD)
Correspondence concerning the sharing of field notes regarding food preservation, storage, and fermentation processes among various Alaska Native groups and how that information will be used.
3/2 David Staley
Lucier’s response to letter and sketch of Elephant Point site

Subjects: Correspondence about rural schools; teachers; allegiance; villages; fishing; floods; reindeer; air mail service; air travel; cold storage; food; canning & preservation; electric generators; and kayaks.

3/3 Senator Ted Stevens
Letter from Charles Lucier to Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. Letter discusses Lucier’s sentiments regarding the Gulf War, an offensive against Kuwait and Iraq, and the general nature of Middle Eastern politics.
3/4 Mary Jane Lucier Stineman
Includes letters from Mary Jane Lucier to Charles Lucier about missing a family reunion in Kansas City in 1973, Mary Jane’s travels to France and Alaska. was preparing to leave for France. Her 1977 vacation is in Alaska.
1977, 1984-1991
3/5 Alice and Clarence Strong 1985, 1994-1995
3/6 Johnny Sunno: Iñupiat
Note while near death at Native Medical Center in Anchorage
circa 1971
3/7 Nobuo and Yuriko Suzuki Family: Hokkaido, Japan 1985-1989
3/8 Austin Thomas: Iñupiat, Kivalina, Alaska 1959
3/9 Jack Tiepleman: Iñupiat, Deering, Alaska 1950 November 2
3/10 Maureen Ball Toews and Justin Ball 1984-1993
3/11 Douglas and Barbara Treiber 1985, 1992
3/12 Trigg Family: Iñupiat 1964, 1965
3/13 Gail Valaskakis
Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec; call for papers, 4th Inuit Studies Conference
3/14-16 James W. VanStone 1952-1991
3/17 Leonard P. Vestal: Iñupiat, Deering, Alaska 1950 September 21
3/18 Joy Wemark 1958-1966
3/19 Winton Weyapuk: Iñupiat 1954-1965
3/20 Greg Wilbur 1989
3/21 William and Karen Workman 1983-1992
3/22 Makiko and Ichiro Yamada: Osaka region, Japan 1992-1995
3/23 Makiko Yamada 1995-2002
3/24 Mary S. Zingg 1989-1991
3/25-26 General correspondence 1958-1959, 1983-1994
3/27 Responses to personal ad (handwriting analysis) 1983

Part 1. Series 4: Family correspondence; 1950-1999. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series consists of incoming letters from Charles Lucier’s mother, ex-wife, children, and grandchildren.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/28 Grace Nagozruk Lucier, wife
Two letters, one containing a card. Discusses health and daily life of the family.
3/29 Juanita Bagby, mother
Correspondence discussing family news, the draft, dogsledding application, and how the Overland Trail is no longer usable.
People: de Sylvia, Bobby
Place names: Anchorage; Deering; Elephant Point; Fairbanks; Kotzebue; Kiwalik River; Buckland
Corporate Names: Candle Post Office
3/30 Theodore L. Jury, cousin
Correspondence and photograph of Mount Rushmore. Ted thanks Charles for Inupiaq autobiography, and they discuss the death of Ted’s wife, Mary, and updates on family.
3/31 Frederick V. Lucier, father
Discussing weather and health.
3/32 Paul Lucier, son
Correspondence relating to health, birth, travel, purchases, shipping, and various greeting cards. Twelve items containing documents, envelopes and cards.
3/33 Alyson Lucier, granddaughter
Includes document, Christmas card, and art.
3/34 Shawn Lucier, daughter-in-law
Correspondence relating to weather, health, children, softball, unemployment, pregnancy, and birthday cards.
Place names: Boulder, CO; Fairbanks; Homer; Anchorage; Wasilla; Barrow; North Slope Borough; Atqasuk; Togiak; Prudhoe Bay; Palmer;
3/35-38 Panu C. M. Walls, daughter
Correspondence relating to health, children, weather, fishing, and Permanent Fund Dividend. Also contains records of Inupiaq carvings and items contained in Charles’ safety deposit box in Springfield.
People: O’Malley, Tommy
Place names: Portage; Wasilla; Earthquake Park, Alaska; Anchorage; Yakutak, AK; Orlando, FL; Kenai; Barrow; Madison; Ottawa; Potter’s Marsh; Noatak River; Kobuk
3/39 Lori (or Laurie) Walls, granddaughter
Correspondence relating to domestic life, grades, and graduation. Also contains written contract with Charles relating to financial gift.
Place names: Anchorage
3/40 Matthew Walls, grandson
Correspondence discussing education, dreams, and grades. Also contains written contract proposal from Charles of cash incentive for quitting smoking.
3/41 Melissa Walls, granddaughter
Correspondence discussing gifts, birthdays, dentistry, hospitals, and grades.
3/42 Lori, Melissa, and Matthew Walls
Two undated cards from Charles’ grandchildren. One Valentine’s day card and one Father’s day card.
3/43 Lula M. Walls (torn letter not sent) Lula M. Walls, Panu’s mother-in-law
One envelope and letter (both ripped) discussing Charles’ concern over Matthew. Requests intervention from Matthew’s father, Phil (Lula’s son). Also contains Christmas card from Lula

Part 1. Series 5: Biographical materials; 1987-1994. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series consists of a brief biography, memoirs on Charles Lucier’s boyhood in Abilene, Kansas, and an audio cassette tape recording of Lucier recounting the time from 1940 to 1942, when his family moved from Kansas to Longview, Washington and then to Anchorage, Alaska.

Box/Folder Description Date
3/44 Brief biography 1987
3/45 Memoirs: life in Abilene, Kansas undated
3/46 Memoirs—Kansas, 1930s undated
3/47 Audio memoirs 1994 April 21

Part 1. Series 6: Family papers; 1945, 1960, 1983-1984. 0.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of the marriage certificate of Ed R. Bagby and Juanita Lucier, a certificate of voting in the first Alaskan presidential election of 1960, and the estate papers of Frederick V. Lucier. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Date
3/48 Juanita Lucier and Ed Bagby: marriage certificates 1945 December 1
3/49 Juanita and Ed Bagby: voting certificate in the first presidential election held in Alaska 1960 November 8
3/50 Frederick V. Lucier: estate papers 1983-1984

Part 1. Series 7: Business, employment, and education records; 1943-1993. 0.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of a variety of personal records of Charles Lucier, including payroll information, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and teaching records.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/51 General records concerning memberships, permits, immunizations, subsistence allowances, veteran’s bonuses, and summons for jury duty. The file contains: Membership card from the University of Alaska Ski Club; Fishing license from the Alaska Fishermen’s Union; US Veterans Affairs healthcare card, benefits and Subsistence activities card.

People: Quirk, Marie; Vokace, A.M.

1943-1949, 1970
3/52 University of Alaska Fairbanks
A series of transcripts and other documents from University of Alaska, alumni correspondence, and financial documents recording bill payment to UAF.
1944, 1954, 1981, 1993
3/53 Elementary teaching records, Karluk, Alaska
This folder contains twelve documents pertaining to the year that Charles Lucier worked at a “one-teacher” territorial school at Karluk, Alaska. He also worked with the Department of Fish and Game. These documents include correspondence and forms about teaching, public health, mobile health units (Health boats), economic policy, wages, political representation, and pensions.

People: Aga, Nadia; Agick, Gust; Alexander, Malutin;  Ambrosia, Emil Sr.; Ambrosia, Margaret; Ambrosia, Nick; Ambrosia, Teacon; Ambrosia, William;  Ambrosia, Zachar; Andrewitch, Mary;  Bachman, Sara; Bartlett, E.L.; Charliaga, Efsay; Charliaga, Matrona; Charliaga, Melcolie; Dapcevich, John E.; Dizney, Clarence L.; Erickson, Everett R.;   Field, Grace E.; Gregorioff, Parascovia; Herman, Masure; Huntley, Walter E.; Lucier, Grace; M.D., C. Earl; Melcoli, Annie; Naumoff, Julia; Naumoff, Nicholas; Naumoff, Peter W; Nicoli, Criska; Noya, Peter; Sugak, Timmie;  President Truman; President Eisenhower;  Tiffany, Warren I; Novatney, Dorothy; Vokacek, A.M.; Wasilie, Davez; Wasilie, Dennis; Wasilie, Willie; Pete

Place names: Karluk; Juneau; Bartlett; Kodiak; Dutch Harbor

3/54 Letter concerning temporary position of Fish and Game Aid III

People: Brooks, James W.

Place names: Anchorage; Little Diomede; King Island; Gambell

1961 March 31
3/55 State of Alaska payroll information
Letters from the State of Alaska to Charles  Lucier related to wages and pension
3/56 Federal income tax return and related papers

People: Charles Lucier, Panu Walls  C.M.; Mullenix, Bernadette

3/57 Internal Revenue Service, Notice of New Employer Identification Number Assigned, Boolowon & Lucier

People: Boolowon, Bruce

Place names: Ogden, Utah; Gambell

Corporate Names: Bruce Boolowon – Charles Lucier Ptrs.

3/58 Correspondence, lists, and receipts concerning the sale and consignment of arts and crafts. The files include photographs and descriptions of art collections, ivory carvings, and baskets.

People: Lindahl, Mary Lou; Fair, Susan; Lohff, John R.; McNeir, Gwennis H.; Orum, Carolyn.

Place names: Anchorage; Springfield (Oregon); Eagle River; Gambell; Wasilla

Corporate Names: Alaska Native Arts & Crafts; Café 131; Maude Kerns Art Center Gift Shop

3/59 Business ledger of buying and selling Native art and crafts including quantities and prices

People: Ningealook, Andrew; Weyiouanna, Alex; Piscoya, Burtha; Weyiouanna, Clifford

Place names: Shishmaref

3/60 Native Arts business ledger (copy)
Ledger from the art business Charles Lucier and Bruce Boolowon owned and operated together. John Faro was probably the bookkeeper. Many of the artists are from Gambell, Alaska. The ledger contains information regarding Lucier’s collection with names of Alaska Native artists. There is also a record of a theft incident resulting in 20 plus stolen pieces on July 13, 1979.
3/61 Packing check list and poster for Lucier speech in Nome on “Tales of the Frontier” 1995 August
3/62 Retirement card  undated

Part 1. Series 8: Personal subject files; 1945-2000. 0.15 cubic feet.
This series consists of papers created or collected by Charles Lucier. Included are issues of the University of Alaska newspaper, Farthest North Collegian, records of the native groups of the Cook Inlet Native Association and Urban Natives United, records of garden crop yields, yearly calendars, and a file of papers relating to a proposed anti-homosexual rights amendment to the city charter of Springfield, Oregon in 1992. There is also a recording of Charles Lucier recounting his views and memories of the Eskimo artist Robert Mayokok.

Box/Folder Description Date
4/1 Urban Natives United
The folder includes membership forms, proposed articles of incorporation, guest lists, and financial records. Also included:

The Alaskan Pioneer (Volume 19, Number 43) October 29,1976; Schedule for Urban Natives United Dancers performances at the 7th Annual Festival of Native Arts held June 30 through July 2, 1972.

People mentioned: Kakaruk, John A.; Kakaruk, Alice; Miller, Olive; Miller, Irene; Towksjhea, Anna; Snowball, Benedict; Singyke, Peter; Chief, Joey; Ukuwrk, Wilson; Lucier, Grace; Kiyutelluk, Isabelle; Strutz, Jean; Strut, Margaret; Lucier, Charles V.; Boolowon, Bruce; Yako, David; Schoppert, Jackie; Rogers, Doug; Stewart, Ruth; Noyakuk, Soulock; Mayer, Chuck; Bishop, Bill; Terry, Pat; Omelak, Ann; Omelak, Richard; Omelak, Jack; Frances, Rader; Jones, Richard Sr.; Anaruk, Wesley; Kendrickson, Dale; Koyaruk, Nara; Kalerak, Alice; Kalerak, Andrew; Gregg, Sarah; Kotongan, Betsy; Dayde, Alice L.; Komakkuk, Peter; Tweet, Mary; Tomalonis (sp?), Emily; Neukatsuak, Steve; Perry, Margaret A. (Peggy); Neakatsuak, Steven; Snowball, Norbert; Mike, R.R.; Sagoonick, Thomas, Sagoonick, Pauline; Komakkuk; Shoogukwruk, Kenny; Shoagukwruk, Wilson; Shoogukwruk, Anthony; Tottkaylok, Cora; Kealiker, James

4/2 Indian Education Act Dance records
Letter to Mrs. Grace Lucier from Edna Lamebull, the director of Indian Education Act Program; 1975-1976 Indian Education Act Dance Records, list of events and school schedules, map of elementary attendance boundaries, receipt for performance payment.

People mentioned: Lucier, Grace; Lamebull, Edna

4/3 Garden crop yields: date, number, and weight
Tomato and raspberry crop weights in grams (numerical and graphical) for Lucier’s yard in Anchorage, also numerically noted are crop weights for strawberry, gooseberries, spuds, and carrots Tomato, garlic, strawberry, boysenberry, green pepper, red pepper crop weights in grams with weather notes in Springfield, OR

Subject: Plants; Farming; Farms

1979, 1989-1992
4/4 Robert Mayokok
Biographical notes, audiocassette tape. Lucier describes the life of Mayokok
1984 August 20
4/5 Moose Hatchery proposal by Lyman Nichols
Spoof of a game management program regarding moose. It was the last report submitted by Lyman Nichols upon his retirement from the Department of Fish and Game. The document includes short written paragraphs and illustrations. People mentioned: Nichols, Lyman; Pamplin, Lew; Eide, Sterling; Schneider, Karl; Hinman, Bob; Leopold, Aldo
1985 September
4/6 Neo-fascism in Springfield, Oregon
Political material relating to anti-homosexual movement in Springfield, OR; Included are records related to the R.R.N.S. (Religious Response Network of Springfield): Events, members News clippings regarding homosexuality; Other event bulletins and programs; Button: STOP THE OCA (Oregon Citizens Alliance); Banner: Beware of Women Distrust Men Bet on Horses then Follow Zen; Letter to the editor of the Register Guard from Lucier on rights of homosexuals; Newsletter: Community Matters, Oct. 1992 for Jubilee community and ministries; Documents and letters urging voters to vote no on 9; Oregonians United Together Political Action Committee (O.U.T.P.A.C.); Charter Amendment paperwork that possibly prohibits the city of Springfield from promoting homosexuality; List of Springfield religious leaders who oppose initiative #20-08; 20 page document with the minutes of the meeting of the Springfield city council held Sep 23, 1991; Newspaper clipping from The Springfield News, Nov 11, 1992 written by Lucier on the denial of AIDS in the homosexual community dealing with measures 9 and 20-08.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.; Eikenberry, Bill; Hazen, Rebecca; Malone, Patrick; Brown, Alan; Roberts, Debbie; Phillips, Jeff; Lee, Sister Carol; Still, Hanna; Beveridge, Betty; Schreiber, Mary; Swope, Linda; Brandenburg, Fritz; Farrington, Debra; Pasek, George; Reynolds, Dan; Cieloha, Jan; Gordon, Glenn; Klopfer, Rich; Milk, Harvey; Lentz, Robert; Ladenhoff, Rev. Robert; Kimsey, Rev. Rustin; Gomes, Peter; Levada, Rev. William; Connolly, Rev. Thomas;

Place names: Springfield, OR; Eugene, OR; Portland, OR;

Corporate Names: Religious Response Network of Springfield (R.R.N.S.); Oregon Citizen Alliance (O.C.A.); Supporters of Arts and Letters in Springfield (SOALS); Oregonians United Together Political Action Committee (O.U.T.P.A.C.); V.O.I.C.E. of Reason; Springfield Together Opposing Prejudice; The Springfield News;

1992 May-April
4/7 Yearly calendars with appointments
There are three yearly calendars one each from 1992, 1993, & 1994. Appointments are notated by circled dates with lines to times and brief descriptions. In many cases appointments are medical.
4/8 Questionnaire: Japanese-American Communication Styles
Communication between Lucier, Charles and Makiko Yamada in the creation of a Questionnaire

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.; Makiko Yamada; Jerrick, Nancy

4/9 Moose Gooser train certificate
Certificate style document with partial poem by Mason Williams. People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.; Franzmann, Albert W.; Regelin, Wayne L.
1979 March 19
4/10 Rental receipts for cabin in College, Alaska

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.; Wolff, Nina E.

4/11 Letters to the editor and hand copy of news article
Article from News Miner “Agents sweep down on First Avenue vagrants; Letter to the editor of The Register Guard published in Eugene, OR regarding article “Births to unwed moms hit record.” Letter to the editor of The Register Guard published in Eugene, OR regarding governmental changes to address unemployment rates.
1957, 1995-1996

Part 1: Materials received from Charles Lucier. Series 9. Artwork and illustrations; 1958-1997. 1.0 cubic feet.
This series contain artwork and illustrations by Charles Lucier and others. Materials include watercolors, drawings and sketches, poetry, and artwork and writings by Lucier’s grandchildren. There are sketches and drawings by Robert Mayokok, as well as an etched copper plate by Lucier. The first part of the series is artwork created by Charles Lucier and the second part is artwork created by others.

Box/Folder Description Date
4/12 Yakutat drawings and watercolors
Ink drawing of a church with two steeples; Ink drawing of locomotive titled, Engine # 2; Black paint on orange paper of a pine tree; Watercolor nature painting of a grassy mound and bushes; Painting of an Eel with a hook in its mouth, Yakutat; Watercolor painting of a building side with a blue door, titled “Dream Door”; Painting of older willow, Yakutat; Ink drawing of male Dungeness crab, Yakutat; Painting of green Lilly pads; Watercolor painting of old, wet branches, Yakutat; Painting of Taiwa Creek and scenery, Yakutat; Painting of ocean scene, Yakutat; Painting of truck and boat on trailer, titled “Rain” Fish and Game, Yakutat; Painting of Taiwa Creek; Painting of dead wet willow, Yakutat; Painting of dead willows, Yakutat; Painting of Pussy willow

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.

4/13 Watercolor Miniatures
LG-127: “Harry Boyden Cabin, Nabesna”, remembered from 1946; LG-131:”Swells After Ice melt”, Kotzebue Sound as remembered from late 1940s or early 1950s
LG-449: “Galley & Fish Scows receiving fish, Bristol Bay, 1940s”
Letter from Lucier to Dennis F. Walle the Archivist & Manuscripts Curator for UAA describing artwork by Lucier that he was giving to the archives. The letter description includes context for LG-127: “Harry Boyden Cabin, Nabesna” and LG-131: “Swells After Icemelt.”

People mentioned: Walle, Dennis F.; Boyden, Harry; Nabesna John, Bagby, Ed; Reger, Danny

4/14 Doodles and drawings
16 drawings and doodles by Lucier
circa 1988
4/15 Newspaper articles, lists, and a news release concerning exhibits of artwork
Items relating to Lucier’s artshows, as well as artshows of Norma DeCastilla, Chris Surbaugh

Place names: Springfield, OR; New York City; New Hampshire; Eugene, OR

4/16 Exhibit of graphic art at Cafe 131
Autobiographical poem, a cartoon, and a pen and watercolor of a tree from the reading room of the UAA Library in the mid-1980s
1980, 1982
4/17 Bilingual suspended joke-boards
Ten boards with art jokes in both English and Spanish that hung as accompaniment at an art display. There is a note describing the joke boards that is written on a photocopy of partial obituaries.
4/18 Poetry by Charles V. Lucier
25 handwritten poems by Lucier, with most written in 1983-84;

Place names: Anchorage, AK; Spenard, AK.

1883-1984, 1993
13/1 Etched copper plate:
Ilyaganiq—Kotzebue Sound mythical folk hero (Rectangular plate of copper with etching of woman) [NOTE: Heavy]
13/2 Ink brushed and wash, LG-530, “Taiga”
Nature painting made by Lucier, Charles
13/3 Robert Mayokok
Ink sketch and wash of Native whale hunt

[NOTE: Framed and hanging in the Archives Research Room]

circa 1970s
4/19 Panu and Paul Lucier: Children’s pencil drawings
Drawing of home items by Panu dated 1958 or 1959 with notations by Lucier dated 1984. Two papers with looped lines thought to be mimicry of a letter by Panu with notations by Lucier dated 1984. Drawings of animals and flowers by Panu dated October 1959?. Paper with scribbles by Paul.
circa 1958,1984
4/20 Lori Walls: child’s artwork and writings
Watercolor paintings, paintings, doodles, art crafts, notes, random writings and drawings
4/21 Sketches by Lori and Melissa Walls, and Charles and Grace Lucier
Set of 17 portrait sketches created by Lori and Melissa Walls, and Charles and Grace Lucier of each other for amusement
circa 1980
4/22 Melissa Walls: child’s artwork and writings
Potato drawing; Leaf drawing; Drawing depicting grandpa [Charles Lucier]; Birthday greeting drawing to Lucier; Mouse drawing by Melissa; Other drawings and story; Letter to grandpa
4/23 Matthew Walls: child’s artwork and writings
Drawings of bears, dragons, earthquakes, snow plowing, whales, squirrels, self-portrait, dogs, buildings. Envelope addressed to Grandpa Lucier with clippings of comic strips. Some drawings are associated with stories and were created for schoolwork. Some include notations by Lucier.
4/24 Other children’s artwork
Four drawings from children.

People mentioned: Snowball; Miller, Susan; Harkness, Marty; Janet H.


Part 1: Materials received from Charles Lucier. Series 10. Family photographs; 1913-1997. 0.5 cubic feet.
This series consists of 415 black and white prints, 37 color prints, and 171 black and white negatives. The photographs are of Charles Lucier’s family and friends. There are numerous photos of Juanita Lucier Bagby, and Ed R. Bagby, and the U. S. Army Alaska Scouts Battalion. Other subjects include photographs of Charles Lucier, the Bagby family, friends in Homer, Seward, Nabesna, sled-dog racing in Anchorage, Eskimo dancers, the Alaska Railroad Moose Gooser train, construction of apartments at 12th and Eagle in Anchorage, and Frederick V. Lucier. There is a photograph number list, with descriptions of the photographs in this series. Charles Lucier described most of the photographs.

Box/Folder Description Date
4/25 Bagby Family
Photo of unnamed man sitting on porch steps dated May 2, 1945 Photo of Ed Bagby’s brother with two women in front of house in Washington state dated April 22, 1945
Photo of Bagby brothers with unnamed woman in front of house in Washington state dated April 22, 1945
Photo of eight unnamed Bagby family members in front of house in Washington state dated April 22, 1945
Photo of Calvin Bagby with his mother on porch steps in Enumclaw, WA dated May 2, 1945 with note by Lucier
Undated photo of bride and groom, possibly Ed Bagby’s niece, slicing wedding cake
Undated photo of bride and bridesmaid, possibly Ed Bagby’s niece, standing in church
Undated photo of five unnamed people taken in Oakland, CA as noted on back of photo
Photo of two women, one is possibly Ed Bagby’s mother, sitting on porch stairs dated May 2, 1945
Undated photo of C-47 aircraft
Photo of man crouching in front of a structure, possibly Ed Bagby’s brother Calvin, dated approximately 1945
Undated photo of unknown woman lying on unknown beach
Undated portrait of unknown woman
Undated photo of unknown woman outside at unknown location Undated photo cutout of unknown boy, cat, and dog
Undated photo cutout of unknown woman and man, possibly Ed Bagby’s captain in Alaska Scouts
Undated photo of unknown woman sitting in car with unknown man standing beside car
Undated photo of two unknown men and an unknown woman standing in front of a Lake Ida sign
Photo of two unknown children holding portrait of an unknown woman dated approximately 1956
Undated photo of an unknown woman standing in a kitchen Undated photo of unknown man seated with a plate of food
Photo of unknown man holding an unknown child dated August 1956
Undated photo of three unknown men attending a horse in a small corral, an unknown man walking, and an unknown woman sitting atop a horse
Undated photo of Jack, Wife, & Dick as noted on back of photo of woman named Marsha leaning against bunk bed taken in San Antonio, TX dated August 1956 with personal note on back of photo
Photo of two sisters, one named Ava, standing in front of pond in Bellingham, WA dated September 15, 1945
Undated photo of two unknown men, possibly relatives of Ed Bagby, standing behind barred door beneath Seattle Jail sign
Negatives of three portraits, one of woman, one of an infant, and one of a young man
Class portrait in folder of young woman, possibly named Florine (possibly Ed Bagby’s niece), dated 1953
Portrait of Ed Racine Bagby age 11 months taken in Black Diamond, WA dated approximately 1912-1913(?)
Class portrait of Ed Racine Bagby taken in Auburn, WA dated approximately 1931
There are cards with notations by Lucier included with a majority of the photos.

People mentioned: Bagby, Ed; Bagby, Calvin

Place names: Black Diamond, WA; Auburn, WA; Enumclaw, WA; Oakland, CA

1913, 1945, 1956-1957
4/26 Mt. McKinley Park
Mt. McKinley Tourist and Transportation Company buses, tent camps, horses, and sled and dog team
Item 1: 7 saddled horses standing near an unfinished log cabin
Item 2: Two men and dog sled team standing near a massive frozen waterfall
Item 3: Three tents in front of a mountain, summer time
Item 4: Many tourists exploring near a Mt. McKinley Tours and Transportation Company bus. Log cabin in the background
Item 5: Three buses, one truck and many people with large view of Denali Mt. range in the background.
Item 6: Same as before but from slightly different angle
4/27 Early Anchorage photos
Undated photo of two unknown women in costume
Photo of Juanita Lucier with unknown man seated at table at South Seas nightclub dated approximately 1944
Photo of 12 unknown people in costume at New Year’s Eve party dated approximately 1945-1946
Undated photo of two unknown people dancing at New Year’s Eve costume party
Undated photo of eight unknown people
Photo of two unknown women and Frederick V. Lucier on Pioneer Cleaning and Laundry Fourth of July parade float dated approximately 1942-1944
There are negatives for each photo included.

People mentioned: Lucier, Juanita; Lucier, Frederick V.

4/28 Fire Lake Roadhouse
Juanita Bagby, Ms. Flahart (sister of airline pilot Larry Flahart), and unidentified men in uniform
circa 1944
4/29 Alaska Scouts Battalion
Cook Inlet fishing site and drying racks
Photo and duplicate of five unknown men attending to splitting table at fish camp operation near Fort Richardson dated approximately 1944-1945
Photo of unknown soldier pewing salmon while other unknown soldiers splitting salmon on Cook Inlet dated approximately 1944-1945
Photo of unknown soldiers processing fish on Cook Inlet dated approximately 1944-1945
Photo of unknown man attending to salmon gillnet dated mid 1940s
Two double exposure photos of beach scenes with crab pots and fishermen dated mid 1940s
Undated photo of unknown soldiers setting fish on drying rack There are detailed notes on cards with a majority of the photos There are corresponding negatives for each photo.
4/30 Alaska Scouts Battalion: Ed R. Bagby reconnaissance trip of northern Alaska with dog-sled and dog team 1944-1945
4/31 Ed and Juanita Bagby with Alaska Scouts Battalion sled-dogs, Fort Richardson
Photo of Juanita Bagby petting tethered dog while unknown woman watches at scout camp on Fort Richardson dated 1945 Photo of Juanita Bagby petting Alaska Scouts dog dated approximately 1945-1946
Photo of Juanita Bagby petting Alaska Scouts dog dated 1945
Photo of Ed Bagby with lead Alaska Scouts sled dog dated 1945 Undated photo of dogs in pen
Undated photo of sled dog pen
Photo of Ed Bagby with dog team leader dated approximately 1945
Photo of tethered dog at Fort Richardson dated approximately 1944-1945
Blown up perspective of dogs in sled dog pen dated 1945
Each of the photos is accompanied by detailed notes on cards written by Lucier.
Also included are negatives of photos.

People mentioned: Bagby, Juanita; Bagby, Ed

Place names: Fort Richardson

4/32 Alaska Scout Battalion: includes U. S. Army Signal Corps photos 1945
4/33 Construction of Bagby apartments at northeast corner of 12th and Eagle in Anchorage
Photo of a woman named Elsie holding a wheelbarrow in front of a framed structure dated approximately late 1940’s
Photo of Juanita Bagby sitting in a chair behind a residence dated approximately 1950
Photo of Juanita Bagby standing in front of partially constructed apartment building dated approximately late 1940’s
Photo of Juanita Bagby seated on construction materials in front of partially constructed apartment building dated approximately 1949
Two photos of construction progress dated approximately late 1940’s
Photo of two men working on construction of apartment building dated approximately 1947 with notation that the apartments were sold to the Ford family
There are notecards associated with each photo and five negatives that correspond to the aforementioned photos.

People mentioned: Bagby, Juanita

Place names: Fairview (Anchorage)

circa 1947
4/34 Homer: Yah-Sure Club, Juanita Bagby, Shirley and Ray Lentz, Sis DaSilva (daughter of Shirley Lentz), Lentz property, horses, boat, Reluctant Virgin, and barge in Kachemak Bay 1947-1948
4/35 Winter scenes near cabin; Ethel Wilson, Juanita Bagby, and Ed Bagby
Photo of Ethel Wilson
Photo of Juanita Bagby
Photo of Ethel Wilson and Juanita Bagby
Photo of Ethel Wilson and Juanita Bagby standing in front of a snow covered cabin dated approximately 1947
Photo of Juanita Bagby
Photo of Ethel Wilson and two other people peeking out of snow covered cabin
Photo of Juanita & Ed Bagby standing in front of snow covered cabin
There are notecards associated with each photo and corresponding negatives.

People mentioned: Wilson, Ethel; Bagby, Juanita; Bagby, Ed

Place names: Upper Campbell Creek

circa 1947
4/36 Excavation of cesspool at apartments on 12th and Eagle, Anchorage 1949 May
4/37 Alaska Railroad Kiwanis Moose Gooser train, Anchorage
Photo of unnamed man standing in front of ARR 1 locomotive
Photo of woman named Elsie posing in front of Kiwanis Moose Gooser train
Photo of Juanita Bagby standing in front of Army vehicle outside of Cozy Corner Café
There are notecards associated with each photo and a negative of the photo of Juanita Bagby.

People mentioned: Bagby, Juanita

circa 1945-1949
4/38 Bagby residence, 12th and Eagle in Anchorage circa 1945-1949
4/39 Picnic in the trees
Undated photo of Ed Bagby and unidentified man sawing a pole
Photo of three unidentified men sitting in a group
Photo of Juanita Bagby and unidentified man
Undated photo of two unidentified men and a woman, likely Juanita Bagby, picnicking in treed area
Photo of two unidentified people
Photo of Juanita Bagby, unidentified woman and two unidentified men sitting in treed area
Undated photo of Ed Bagby and two unidentified men in treed area
Undated photo of Ed & Juanita Bagby
Undated photo of Juanita Bagby standing in front of structure
There are descriptive note cards and negatives associated with each photo.

People mentioned: Bagby, Ed; Bagby, Juanita

circa 1945-1949
4/40 Sled-dog racing in Anchorage circa 1945-1949
4/41 Winter scenes
Photo of woman identified as Elsie standing on beached boat in Anchorage area
Undated photo of woman sitting on beached boat during winter
Photo of Juanita Bagby standing on beached boat on Cook Inlet shore
Photo of Elsie standing near shore in Anchorage
Photo of Ed Bagby residence during winter at 13th Avenue & Eagle Street in Anchorage
Undated photo of a wall tent near a stand of trees during winter Photo of tent, likely Ed Bagby’s storage tent, during winter
Photo of house during winter
There are detailed note cards included with each photo. Negatives for six of the eight photos are included.
circa 1945-1949
4/42 Alaska Native dancers
Photo of three Alaska Eskimo dancers performing outside during winter at Fort Richardson
Photo of four Eskimo dancers performing near bench outside during winter at Fort Richardson
Photo of seven Eskimo dancers performing on and near bench outside during winter
Photo of five Eskimo dancers performing outside near bench during winter
Photo of Eskimo dancers performing outside during winter
Photo of Eskimo dancers performing outside during winter at Fort Richardson
Undated photo of four men standing outside during winter
There are notecards associated with each photo and corresponding negatives.
circa 1945-1949
4/43 Nabesna, Alaska
Gullwing Stimson aircraft, sled and sled-dogs, cabins, and Harry Boyden residence and cabin
Undated photo of four individuals standing in front of a small aircraft during winter
Undated photo of four unidentified men standing on a frozen lake in front of a Gullwing Swanson with a dog sled in the foreground
Undated photo of unidentified man standing on dog sled in front of cabins
Undated photo of unidentified man standing with dog sled in front of cabins
Undated photo of unidentified man wearing snowshoes, Ed Bagby, and unidentified man wearing skis
Undated photo of Ed Bagby with dog sled team and unidentified team handler
Undated photo of unidentified man with three dog sled team attached to light sled and built-up sled in background
Photo of log cabin in rural Alaska, possibly Harry Boyden’s cabin on Nabesna River Flats dated approximately 1946
Photo of Harry Boyden residence in Nabesna, Alaska dated 1946
Double exposure photo of Harry Boyden’s Nabesna residence beneath Charles Lucier’s residence dated 1946.
There are associated note cards with a majority of the photos and negatives for the three photos of Harry Boyden’s residences,

People mentioned: Bagby, Ed; Boyden, Harry

Place names: Nabesna

circa 1945-1949
4/44 Seward, Alaska: Street scenes, buildings, Mt. Marathon, and Resurrection Bay circa 1940-1949
4/45 Juanita and Ed Bagby, and friends: Includes Ethel Wilson, Harry Boyden, Sis DaSilva, George Lapp, Elsie, and George circa 1940-1949
4/46 Frederick V. Lucier 1971, 1978
4/47 Field trip to Kenai Moose Refuge environmental study areas; North American Moose Conference 1978, 1979
4/48 Alaska scenery undated
4/49 Photographs of Charles Lucier 1943, 1948, 1990, 1997
4/50 Other personal photographs circa 1937-1949
4/51 Photograph of family and colleagues 1981-1997
4/52 Original numbered photo list, by Charles Lucier undated
4/53 Postcards: blank undated

Part 1: Materials received from Charles Lucier. Series 11. Archaeology and anthropology photographs and slides; 1949-1996. 0.2 cubic feet
This series consists of photographs, color transparencies, and color slides of archaeological expeditions, digs, and artifacts. There are 89 black and white prints, 1 color print, 44 black and white negatives, 8 color transparencies, 6 color slides. Included are images of Kotzebue Sound, the Deering Inupiat Qargi dig of 1950, and the Trail Creek caves digs of 1949 and 1950; color slides of archaeological artifacts; and photograph figures from Lucier and VanStone’s article on historical Inupiat pottery. Most folders also have a description of the accompanying photographs, written by Charles Lucier. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Item # Description Dates
5/1 1-5 Kotzebue Sound; June-July 1949
Photographs by Lucier with long descriptions for each.

People: Barr, Bessie

Place names: Kotzebue Sound, Cape Espenberg, Deering, Shishmaref, Fairbanks

1949 June-July
5/1 1 Bessie Barr, wife of Pete Barr of Cape Espenberg and Deering, AK 1949 June-July
5/1 2 Shishmaref, AK Post office 1949 July
5/1 3 Alaska Airlines twin-engine aircraft, Weeks Field in Fairbanks 1949 June-July
5/1 4 Fire: Demolished Wienhangar and aircraft, Weeks Field in Fairbanks 1949 June-July
5/1 5 Mail being transferred from mail vessel “Kotzebue” to contracted carrier skippered by Raven of Kotzebue 1949 June-July
5/2 1-8 Trail Creek caves

People: Larsen, Helge

Place names: Bering Land Bridge National Preserve; Trail Creek Caves; Karluk

1949 July-August
5/2 1 Partial image of Deering Village with “typical structures” of the Inupiaq. 1949 July-August
5/2 2 View of top of opening into Cave 2 of Larsen 1949 July-August
5/2 3 Entrance to Cave 2 1949 July-August
5/2 4 Larsen’s Cave at Trail Creek 1949 July-August
5/2 5 Feature in area of Trail Creek Caves 1949 July-August
5/2 6 View of Trail Creek Caves 1949 July-August
5/2 7 Trail Creek Cave 2 before excavation 1949 July-August
5/2 8 Trail Creek feature 1949 July-August
5/3 1-3 Creole/Koniag ceremonial figures, BIA schoolhouse, New Karluk
People in the photos were wearing signs that wrote the year. [This is masking and New Year’s celebration]

Place names: Karluk, AK.

5/3 1 Creole/Koniag ceremonial figure 1949
5/3 2 Creole/Koniag “devils” 1949
5/3 3 “Three Wise Men” 1949
5/4 1-42 Deering Qargi dig
Photographs accompanied with detailed descriptions including geographical landmarks and local Place Names

People: Craft, Charlene; Dimmick Jr., Gordon; Larsen, Ole; Larsen, Helge; Meldgoard, Jorgen; Milan, Fred; Spaulding, Phillip; Vestal, Dolly; Vestal, Putu

Place names: Deering; Kotzebue Sound, Point Garnet

1950 June-July
5/5 1-2 Trail Creek

People: Barr, Zacchius (William); Larsen, Helge; Meldgoard, Jorgen; Moto, Taylor

Place names: Trail Creek, Alaska

1950 July-August
5/5 1 “Year 1950, helicopter in use for triangulation of ground stations” 1950 July-August
5/5 2 Charles Lucier, Taylor Moto, and Helge Larsen at Trail Creek 1950 July-August
5/6 1-6 Color slides of artifacts 1976-1979
5/6 1 “Wooden tool used for fishing and hunting” circa 1976-1979
5/6 2 “Wooden tool used for fishing and hunting angle 2″ circa 1976-1979
5/6 3 “Wooden tool used for fishing and hunting angle 3″ circa 1976-1979
5/6 4 “Alaskan Native Art” circa 1976-1979
5/6 5 “Wooden pendulant or button, Alaskan Native Crafts, view 1″ circa 1976-1979
5/6 6 “Wooden pendulant or button, Alaskan Native Crafts, Magnified view” circa 1976-1979
5/7 1-3 Robert Mayokok scenes of Alaska Native life on skin drum

People: Mayokok, Robert


5/8 1 Small artifact undated
5/9 1-18 Pottery manuscript plates from the journal article “Historic Pottery of the Kotzebue Sound Inupiat” by Charles V. Lucier and James W. VanStone. Images of pottery, manuscripts, and plates with some labeled from the Field Museum of Natural History.

People: VanStone, James

circa 1992
5/10 1-4 Return to Trail Caves, Seward Peninsula: National Park Service videotaping concerning Bering Land Bridge

People: Hopkins, David; Larsen, Helge; Larsen, Ole;

Place names: Trail Creek; Seward Peninsula; Granite Creek

1949, 1995
5/10 1 “Charles Lucier, age 22, (left); Helge Larsen, age 44; entry to Cave 2; Trail Creek, Seward Peninsula.; August 1949; Ole Larsen from Gentofte, Denmark; his fathers’ Kodachrome’s. 1949 August
5/10 2 “Charles V. Lucier, age 68, in helicopter leaving Granite Creek, AK Aug. 11, 1995.” From photo by Jeanne Schaaf, Nat’l Park Service, Anchorage, AK. 1995 August 11
5/10 3 Photography by Jeanne Schaaf with the National Park Service. Charles Lucier, age 68, (left); David Hopkins, age 73, outside S. entrance to Cave 9, Trail Creek, AK, on videotaping NPS Bering Land Bridge. 1995 August 11
5/10 4 “David Hopkins (left); Charles Lucier (right) Hopkins, age 73, Lucier, age 68; Trail Creek Caves, Alaska; Aug. 11, 1995” 1995 August 11
5/11 Inventory of archaeological photographs and slide from Charles Lucier’s own handwritten inventory 1996 May 13

Part 2. Materials received from Tiger Burch estate; 1903-2009. 7.3 cubic feet
Materials in part 2 include archaeological and anthropological field notes, journals, and sketches, correspondence between Lucier and his colleagues, family, and friends, manuscript drafts, and photographs. Many of the photographs are of Charles Lucier, Della Keats, John Kakaruk, and Gordon Mitchell and his family. There are also various Alaska Native stories that have either been transcribed or are recorded on reels or audio cassette tapes. There are also audio recordings of Alaska Native dances and songs. Records in this part retain the arrangement they were in when they arrived at the Archives.

Box/Folder Description Date
5/12-39 Transcribed field notes, correspondence, and stories 1950-1952, 1966-1967
5/40-46 Andrew Sunno: Personal communication with Lucier and information on Alaska Native rituals and practices 1951
5/47-51 John A. Kakaruk: “Drumbeat of Time” unpublished manuscript, and tape recordings 1960, 1983
5/52-61 Buckland area place names, Sisualik/Sisualikruag ethnographies, Iñupiaq stories, and Misigaq Mitchell tape recording 1951-1952
5/62 Aluniq (Jenny Mitchell) notes: Alaska Native death and burial customs undated
5/63-64 “Burial Structures of the Iñupiat of Northwest Alaska” by VanStone and Lucier, manuscripts undated
5/65 Two tapes: Lucier and Jessica Ralph, and Lucier and VanStone 1967
5/66 James VanStone obituaries 2001
6/1 Notebooks: Specimen numbers from Fish and Game walrus hunt on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska Native word list [Iñupiaq?], and general data

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Lucier, Grace; Irrigoo, Clarence Sr.; Oktokiyuk, Frank; Konahok, Howard; Campbell, Phillip; Oovi, Lloyd; Slwooko, Vernon; Kaningok, Willard; Koozaata, Harry; Apangalook, John; Booshu, Solomon; Aningayou, Steven; James, Winfred; Blassi, Lincoln; Koonooka, Harold; Iyakitan, Daniel; Ooseva, Stanley; Kulukhon, Allen; Tungiyan, Robert; Campbell, Patrick; Iyakitan, Louis; Boolowon, Bruce; Apatiki, Ralph; Sheppard, Ed; Koonooka, Thomas; Duncan, David; Hall, George; Kakaruk, John A.; Shelton, Dr. H; Kokuluk, Robert; Walters, Dee; Iworrigan, Tom; Geist, Otto

Place names: Gambell, St. Lawrence Island; Juneau; Sitka

Corporate names: Alaska National Guard; Department of Fish and Game; Shimek’s Record Shop; Dependable Del; Emery Worldwide; Albatross Express; Courier Plus

Languages: Iñupiaq; English

Subjects: Walrus hunting; Subsistence hunting; Whaling; Fowling

6/2 Notebooks: Kotzebue, ethnography, Noatagmiut

nterviews and stories recorded from Native groups as well as lists of Native-English language terms.

People mentioned: Nagozruk Arthur Jr.; Lincoln, Abraham; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Mitchell, Misiguk; Sivek, Chester; Knox, Paul

Place names: Kaluwacóak; Igloo Point; Tigeramyut (?); Noatak; Diomede Island; Noatag; Kotzebue; Barrow; Wainwright; Point Hope

Corporate Names: Arctic Health Research Center; Alaska Airlines

Languages: Iñupiat

Subjects: Caribou hunting; Subsistence patterns; Migratory birds; Drawing of black flint point from one of deep house pits; Reflections on solar eclipses; Whale hunting; Story of muktuk thieves and the men from the moon; Young woman “possessed” of a devil; Story about unseen guests; Food caches; Caches; Breakup; Muktuk; Subsistence activities; Whaling; Hunting; Fur trading; Storytelling; Anatkuk or agatkok (?); Game increase story; Wordlists; Noatak Yearly Cycle; Subsistence patterns; Caribou, moose, ptarmigan uses; Housing settlements; Salmon; Trade; First kill of caribou; Solar eclipse; Lunar eclipse; Trading Feast; story of man who becomes caribou; power songs; Storytelling; Eclipses; Moon; Housing; Feasts; Traditions

6/3-7 Notebooks: Shishoulik ethnography, stories, song notations, and translations

People mentioned: Mitchell, Gordon; Keats, Della; Tarquhar, Helen; Lee, Bob; Norton, Frank; Norton, Paul; Snyder, Ray; Phillips, Forj Dr.; Gallahorn, Ralph; Howard, Mary; Ralph, Jessie; Anoquruk; Allen, Charles

Place names: Point Hope; Noatak; Kobuk; Shishoulik; Kotzebue; Kiana village

Subjects: Traditions; Caribou hunting; Oral traditions; Ceremonies; Storytelling; Conflict; Villages; Fishing; Tattoos and tattooing; Chin-tattoo; Wrist tattoo; Domestic life; Storytelling; Raven story; Seal story; Seals; Grass braiding; First game hunt; Myths; Translations; Coming of age; Eclipses; Lunar eclipse; Bones disposal; White man; Whisky; Tobacco; Blind boy; Wolves; Elders; Couples; Loon

6/8 Notebook: Della Keats
Notes about medical practices of Native peoples and extensive lists of Native to English language terms.

People mentioned: Keats, Della

Place names: Point Hope

Subjects: Interviews; Medical care; Alaska Natives; Traditions; Caribou Hunting; Tanning; Traditional healing

1968 October
6/9 Zip drive backups 2005
6/10 Correspondence: Bruce Boolowon
Correspondence between Lucier and Boolowon regarding their personal lives’and store inventory
6/11 Correspondence: Susan Fair 1991-1994
6/12 Correspondence: Fred and Lila Milan 1983-1995
6/13 Correspondence: Wendell Oswalt 1950, 2004-2005
6/14 Correspondence: Dorothy Jean Ray 1965, 1994-1996
6/15 Correspondence: Ivar Skarland 1952-1953
6/16 Correspondence: David Staley 1988-1989
6/17 Correspondence: Alison Till 1986, 2009
6/18 Correspondence: James VanStone and J.L. Giddings 1953-1998
6/19-23 Correspondence: Ernest S. Burch, Jr. 1987-1999
6/24 Della Keats information and stories 1952-1986
6/25 Notebook: Gambell 1961
6/26 Eliagunik story 1975
6/27 Notes and correspondence 1969-1989
6/28 Wainwright photographs from Helge Larsen 1942
6/29 Correspondence: Lawrence Kaplan 1987
6/30 Correspondence: Michelle Morseth 1993-1995
6/31 Correspondence: Levi Mills 1993
6/32 Correspondence: Karen Workman circa 1994
6/33 Correspondence: Jeanne Schaaf 1987-1995
6/34 Correspondence: Kathy Frost 1989-1994
6/35 Beluga article 1991-1992
6/36 Correspondence: Kenneth Pratt 1997-2003
6/37 Della Keats: skin working 1968
6/38 Correspondence: Dennis Walle 1990-1997
6/39 Deering family histories 1990
6/40 Correspondence: Oswalt 2005
6/41 Correspondence: Arthur Nagozruk 1951
6/42 Correspondence: Luther Cressman 1952
6/43 Correspondence: Ole Larsen 1999
7/1 Lucier family photographs
Man with dog in the snow
Juanita Bagby in alpaca packet, shoepacs- winter, near Anchorage Juanita Bagby sitting in field with riffle
Juanita Bagby sitting near water
Juanita Bagby right, and female friend
Double Exposure. Harry Boyder residence. Nabesna, below mine. 1946
Marine Scene, Anchorage boat
Juanita Bagby standing by gate with female friend
Sled Dogs 1944
Juanita Bagby next to fire
Bagby apartments. Figure in foreground construction scene. 12th and Eagle
Juanita Lucier and Friend “Fire Lake Roadhouse”
circa 1940-1949
7/2 Photographs
King Island: “King Island Late August 1939”
“Probably off King Island August 1939”
“King Island Late August 1939. Helge was aboard small coast guard cutter, not the Spencer. Photo by Helge Larsen given to C. Lucier”
“Elmer Nagozruk berry picking”
“Kotzebue. Nagozruks camped at far north of Kotzebue, with some Noatak people. I’ve forgotten whether the upriver Noatak families were at N. site, rather than at ancestral sites at CAA. C. Lucier Nov., 2005”
“Prob. Noatak R. people, taken by Arthur Nagazruk, Jr. at Kotzebue 1949 anyway late 40s when AN Jr had graduated from U/A Fbks and AN Sr. was Principal and teacher at Noatak school”
King Island late August (before WW2) photo by Helge Larsen”
Men working on boat

People mentioned: Nagozruk, Elmer; Nagozruk, Arthur Jr.;  Larsen, Helge

7/3 Otto Geist card
Postcard: From Dr. Otto Geist, written on his behalf by Miss Hess, in Germany to Charles Lucier in Anchorage, Alaska, on June 5th, 1963, as a reply to his letters of May 3rd. Dr. Geist had undergone surgery in April and was on the way to recovery.  The front of the postcard is an image of Germany.

People mentioned: Geist, Otto; Lucier, Charles

7/4 Correspondence: James VanStone
Letters from James Vanstone to Charles Lucier, mostly about their archaeological work but also about their personal lives and contemporary events.

Place names: Akulivikchuk, Nunivak, Seward Peninsula, Nome, Anchorage, Nushagak, Kodiak Island, Port Moller, Naknek River, California, Chicago, Pt. Hope, Anaktuvik Pass, Kotzebue, Tikchik, Mishiguk, Dillingham

People mentioned: VanStone, James W.; Lucier, Charles V.;  Keats, Della; Kakarook, John; Oquilluk, William; Bork, Annette; Bork, Alfred; Frankson, Andrew; West, Frederick Hadleigh; Ray, Dorothy Jean; Baker, Bob; VanStone, Polly; Hickel, Walter

Corporate Names: Bulletin; Tundra Times; Wien Consolidated Airlines

Subjects: Anthropology; Archaeology; Archaeological sites; Medicine; Galleries & museums; Newspaper (Bulletin Tundra Times); Photographs; Suicides; Deaths; Drownings; Income taxes; Vietnam War 1961-1975; Civil rights movements–Illinois–Chicago–History–20th century; Politics & Government; Elections (Federal & State); Sewing (skin); Marriage; Kayaks; Stone Carvings;  Aircraft Accidents; Oil; Travel

7/5 Correspondence: Johnny Sunno
Note: Johnny Sunno wrote down two messages since his voice was too feeble to be heard; the first asking Lucier to convey his greetings to his brother and the second for coffee. Lucier writes that he found Sunno dead. Johnny Sunno was the son of Lucier’s primary ethnology informant in 1951. The notes themselves say they are likely from the early 1970s.

People mentioned: Sunno, Johnny; Lucier, Charles V.;  Anasoguk, Nicholas; Sunno; Andrew

Corporate Names: Native Medical Center

Place names: Anchorage; Buckland; Elephant Point

Subjects: Deaths; Brothers; Families; Coffee; Health care

1951, circa 1970
7/6 Correspondence: Joy Mckenna, Archie Wemark
A collection of mostly handwritten letters to and from Charles Lucier, and Joy, Mckenna, and Archie Wemark.

People mentioned: Wemark, Matilda; Vanderpool, Roy; Wemark, Archie; Lucier, Grace; Lucier, Charles V.; Wemark. Mckenna; Wemark, Joy; Freddie; Craft; Ashenfetter, Alice; Nagohuk, Robert;

Places mentioned: Anchorage; Nome; College; Seward; Lowell Point

Corporate names: National Guard Armory; Jesse Lee Chapel; Fur Dressing Co.; Methodist Church; Fur Rendezvous; Modern Motor; Borough Health Department; Alaska Native Medical Center;

Subjects: Marriage; Bicycles and tricycles; Yo-yos; Money; Cold; Training; Vocational; Hunting; Hunting accidents; Sewing; Deaths; Cancer; Health Care; Oils and fats; Blood testing; Slippers; Hides and Skins; Seals (Animals); Boots; Education; Ducks; Mukluks; Purse; Money; Ice skating; Fractures (Bones); Vehicles; Electric batteries; Berry pickers; Berries (salmon and black);

7/7 Correspondence: William O. Pruitt
A single letter from William O. Pruitt to Charles Lucier describing his trip to Duck Lake and subsequent fieldwork there, as well as caribou hunting, the Chipewyan people, and Canadian life.

People mentioned: Pruitt, William; Lucier, Charles V.;  Spence, Jim;

Corporate Names: Canadian Wildlife Service; Canadian National Express; Hudson Bay Railroad; Hudson Bay Company; Coleman; Airtite; Yukon

Subjects: Liquor; Alcoholic beverages; Reindeer; Hunting; Ecology

7/8 Correspondence: J. L. Giddings 1957-1958
7/9 Correspondence: Della Keats 1968
7/10 Correspondence: Kotzebue Sound 1949-1954
7/11 Correspondence: Northern Bering Sea Iñupiat 1950-1951
7/12 Correspondence: Jessie Ralph 1976
7/13 Correspondence: William Irving 1963
7/14 Correspondence: Lorraine Donohue 1950-1951
7/15 Correspondence: F.A. Milan 1954-1958
7/16 Correspondence: Winton and Walter Wyapuk 1954-1962
7/17 Correspondence: Patton 1989
7/18-21 Ethnographic notes, Kotzebue Sound family descendants, Urban Natives United, Native communities of Alaska 1951-1974
7/22 In Town article about Lucier 1991
7/23-36 Artifact photographs, sketches, and lists, reindeer sketches, Trial Creek and Igloo Point artifacts, sketch of Sheskalik, substance occurrence list, Eclipse data, photographs from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stockings of Kobuk, AK, and Kenai 1950-1988
7/37 Field notebook 1950-1951
7/38-42 Kotzebue and Sisualik field notebooks and content list 1951-1952
7/43 Ralph Gallahorn stories, translated by Judith Bailey
Story titles: Cottonwood Tree; Alagaciag; Kupqaq; Rags to Riches; Killer Whales and Wolves; The Blind Young Man and The Loon; Burned Hillside; Spotted Wolverine; Raven Attacks; Raven and A Human Being; The First Box Drum
7/44 Jenny Mitchell stories, translated by Della Keats; stories narrated and translated by Gordon Mitchell, Sr.; stories narrated by Mark Mitchell (Misigag) and translated by Della Keats; stories narrated by Della Keats, stories translated and narrated by Yiyuk Harris (Yaayuk), with some Iñupiaq translations provided by Grace Lucier, stories narrated and translated by Frank Glover, and a story narrated by Mary Howard, translated by Helen Farqhuar
Stories and description: The Creature in the Lake; Muga’s Boat Meets Giant; Kununnuaka: Dangerous Man-like Sea Creature; Walrus Dog; Sea Weasel; Boy’s First Kill Observances; Girls’ Puberty Observances/initiation rites; Shamans and Missionaries in 1898; Igat: Bouncing Creatures; Raven Brings Flaker; Girls’ Lives and Puberty Observances in the Upper Kobuk River Area, around 1890; Unseen Monsters in Lake; Eclipse; Youth Injured by Mother Walrus, 1952; He saw a Giant Bird; Della Keats discusses in ‘Fragmentary genealogy’ and documents the genealogy of the people Lucier came into contact. Avanaluk; Crack Man; Old Man and Puffin; Mink and Raven
7/45 Tape inventory 1950-1951
7/46-60 Alaska Native burial practices, drum songs, stories, and tattoos; Lucier field notes; photographs of Alaska Natives, burial sites, and archaeological specimens.
The documents discuss the various types and processes of tattoos in Buckland, Selawik, Tapqaq, Deering, and Kotzebue Sound relating to Rites of Passage. Also includes research of Frederica de Laguna and Franz Boas about the Central Eskimo (Boas) and the Cook Inlet anthropology of the Dena’ina (de Laguna), multiple drawings and graphs detailing face decoration, location, motif, sex, and tribe for tattoos, labrets, and masks.
7/61-73 Manuscripts, maps, and notes relating to various articles written by Lucier 1986-1993
7/74 Lucier’s notes on Clarence Tjernagel’s diary undated
7/75-80 Archaeological site information and notes: Kotzebue Sound, Kiwalik Western Thule, Nondalton, Wales, Lake Iliamna 1949-1952
8/1 Notes: Alaska Native housing and hunting, music, song, and dances, manufactures, tools, and materials
Includes list of events in Alaska Native games in English and Iñupiaq; note from Charles Lucier to Tiger Burch; relationship tree from Bering Strait; list of place names around Buckland River area; beats for Beauty Song; Wondering Song beats and Iñupiaq lyrics; beats for Snow Loves song; personal correspondence. Also includes a newsletter from Urban Natives United in Anchorage dated January 1973. The newsletter describes a Christmas and New Year gathering, as well as Alaska Native games and dancing.

People mentioned: Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Mayokok, Robert; Lucier, Charles V.; Izakamma, Nick; Siitug, Andrew; Foss, Edna; Stanley, Margaret; Qaviraq (Aᶇnaatug, Aᶇnatuq); Barr, Walter; Barr, Andrew; Qaviraq; QaziⱮniq, Mike; Qauniq, Stanley; Koonalook, Mae; Koonalook, John; Thomas, Arnold; Hadley, Lucy; Hadley, John; Niemeger, Sarah Helen; Snowball, Mary; Sigyke, June; Sigyke, Peter; Anowlik, Paul; Palmer, Ollie; Palmer, Buddy; Strutz, Jean; Lucier, Grace

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Place names: Bering Strait; Cape Lisboume; Buckland; Anchorage

Corporate Names: Urban Natives United

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Music;

undated, 1973, 2005
8/2 Manufactures, Tools, Materials
Ethnographic notes: “Soapstone(?), Use of by Kiwalik Eskimo”; “Buckland Mineral Pigments”; and “Flint Working, Fragmentary Notes”

People mentioned: Sunno, Andrew (Sannu)

Place names: Elephant Point; Buckland

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Manners and customs; Equipment; Materials

8/3 Innuaqutlikgauraq
Ethnographic notes: Contains the story: “Innuaqtlikgaraq (dwarf)” by Flora Penn

People mentioned: Penn, Flora

Place names: TulaGiaq; Kotzebue

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq

8/4 Yiyuk Harris Story
Ethnographic notes

People mentioned: Vestal, Putu; Harris, Yiyuk (Yaayuk); Harris, Ruth; Mitchell, Mark (Misigaq); Mitchell, Jenny; Ashby, Wilson; Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Mendenhall, Fannie

Place names: Kotzebue; Noatak River; Sisualik; Sisualikruaq; Sealing Point;

Corporate Names: Kotzebue Friends Church;

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Subject: Alaska Natives–Northern Alaska–Iñupiaq; Interviews; Mission churches; Villages; Village life; Manners & customs–marriage; Subsistence activities–hunting, fishing; transportation; Dance; Seasons; Gold rush

1952, 1970, 1994-1995
8/5 Hunting Caribou and Bear
Ethnographic Notes: Description and sketch of traditional caribou corral; Description of traditional hunting practices

People mentioned: Kakaruk, John A; Jake, Louis; Qaviraq-Kuzitrin River

Place names: Seward Peninsula

Corporate Names: Fox Bar Dredge Company;

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Manners & customs; Subsistence activities–hunting–reindeer; Clothing & dress; Seasons: Shamans; Willows

8/6 Ethnographic Notes
Titles of documents and summaries of what they contain include “Miscellaneous Notes, Cape Prince of Wales, Little Diomede I., etc.”; “List of Ralph Gallahorn (Annuyaq) Material”; “List of Frank Glover’s Material”; “Manuscripts Sent to Panu Walls”; “Capturing Caribou and Reindeer, 19th and Early 20th Century”

People mentioned: Gallahorn, Ralph; Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Keats, Della; Mitchell, Mark (Misigaq); Harris, Yiyuk (Yaayuk); Tiepleman, Jack; Farquar, Helen; Tiepleman, Ina; Glover, Frank; Sheid, Dolly; Bodnar, Gloria; Kakaruk, John A;

Place names: Noatak; Kotzebue; Cape Nome; Salmon River

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Literature: Fables: Manners & customs; Shaman; Rites & ceremonies; Songs; Subsistence activities–hunting

undated, 1930, 1980
8/7 Games & Contests
Ethnographic Notes: “Bull Roarer (Imigilutak), Use of Buckland Eskimo; Correction to Previous Notes”; “A Cycle of Games and Contests Following the Gift Exchange at the Messenger Feast, Buckland”; “Trading Game, Buckland Eskimo”

People mentioned: Sunno, Andrew (Sannu)

Place names: Elephant Point; Buckland; Igloo Point

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Manners and customs; Equipment; Games; Toys

8/8 Housing, Hunting, Transportation
Ethnographic Notes: “Buckland Eskimo Catch a Fox in a Net”; “Dog Whip, Buckland Eskimo”; “Buckland Eskimo Swivels”; “Door Covering for Buckland Tupek (moss covered house)”; “Seal Breathing Hole Hunting, As Practiced by the Buckland Eskimo”; “Snowhouses Used by the Buckland Eskimo”;  “Buckland Eskimo Bird Darts”; “Buckland Rabbit Skin Blanket”

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Koonalook, John; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Hadley, John;

Place names: Elephant Point; Escholtz Bay; Buckland

Subjects: Correspondence; Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Manners and customs; Subsistence activities–hunting; Equipment; Willows; Dogsledding; Rifles; Igloos; Fishing & hunting gear; Blankets

1951-1952, 2005
8/9 Masquerade Day at Karluk
Ethnographic Notes: Notes from when Lucier was a teacher in Karluk; description of Karluk’s Masquerade and a conversation between schoolchildren and their teacher about it; “Conversation About Wives, etc.” “Medical Conversation Between Efsay Charliaga and Charles Lucier”

People mentioned: Charliaga, Efsay; Lucier, Charles V.;  Waselie, Willie;

Place names: Karluk

Corporate Names: Territorial School at Karluk

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Southcentral Alaska—Alutiiq—Sugpiaq; Orthodox churches; Banquets; School children; Teaching; Schools; Spouses; Arthritis

8/10 Ethnographic Notes
“Mackenzie River Eskimo Folk Tales – from Ostermann ‘The Mackenzie Eskimos’, Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, vol. 10. No. 2, pp 78 ff.” “The constellation tuvaaciat ‘the hunters’”; titles of stories and songs; “Prospective Illustrations for Buckland Material”; “Bendeleben Quadrangle”; “Teller Quadrangle”;  Iñupiaq(?) lyrics for the “Beginning Song of Eagle Wolf Dance”; description of the ceremonies following a successful wolf hunt as told by Chester Sivik; Lucier’s account of  a 1951 trip he and Jim Hadley took by dog sled; Della Keats’s family tree; “Tattooing as Practiced at Topqok”; “First Kill Observances: Buckland Eskimo”;

People mentioned: Kakaruk, John A; Lloyd, Mrs. Bruce; UpluGiaq, Uncle; Sivik, Chester; Hadley, Jim; Goodhope, Fred; Sherman, Jim; Sherman, Liz; Larsen, Helge; Larsen, Ole; Dimmock, Gordon; Keats, Della; Tiepleman, Ina

Place names: Goodhope River; Kotzebue; Noatak; Elephant Point

Church Rock; Kiwalik; Bunker Hill; Birch Hill; Pilgrim River; Saw Tooth Mountains

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Stories; Songs; Rites & ceremonies; Manners & customs; Hunters; Hunting; Wolves; Reindeer; Seals; Wolves; Subsistence activities; Dogsledding; Tattoos

circa 1909-1974
8/11 Wolf Dance
Ethnographic Notes: “Wolf Dance P-artic Villages” notes regarding where and by whom the Wolf Dance was practiced; “poss. Illus. For Kivyiksuat: Messenger Feast At Buckland”

People mentioned: Lincoln, Abraham; Gallahorn, Ralph; Morris, Mary; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Nagozruk, Arthur; Kakaruk, John A.

Place names: Kotzebue; Lower Noatak; Deering; Buckland;

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Rites & ceremonies

8/12 Ethnographic Notes
Titles of documents include “Death At Elephant Point, Early 1951”; “Selawik Cooking Pot”; “Making Fire At Selawik”; “Selawik Region Aboriginal Lamps”; “Selawik Eskimo Pottery, Fragmentary Notes”; “About Paul Hadley, Buckland, Alaska, 1976”; “Elevated Carved Wooden Animal, Figure in Front of Selawik River Area House”; “Selawik Grass Baskets”

People mentioned: Armstrong, Eva; Nagozruk Jr., Arthur; Koonalook, John; Koonalook, Mary; Hadley, Paul; Hadley, Nathan; Walker, Nelson; Rainey, Froelich; Koonalook, Mae

Place names: Kotzebue; Buckland; Selawik; Elephant Point; Point Hope

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Tuberculosis; Cookery; Pottery; Manners & customs; Fire; Hand tools; Willows; Stone carving; Lamps; Fuel; Mosses; Birches; Hunters; Wolves; Caribou; Herding; Shamans; Wood carvings; Subsistence activities

1951, 1976, 1991
8/13 Andrew Sunno Ethnographic Notes
Titles and descriptions include “Buckland Eskimo Clay Pottery”; an account by Andrew Sunno about the creation and use of clay pottery in the 1860’s; “Buckland Lamps”; “Buckland Eskimo Drip-Pan”; “Rules Concerning the Killing and Disposition of Animals, Buckland, Alaska”; “Buckland Fall and Winter Houses”; “Itchalik: Domed Tent”; “Snowhouses in Buckland Area”; “Buckland Cooking with Hot Rocks”; “Steam Roasting”; “Buckland Food and Utility Containers”; “Wooden Dolls”; “Buckland Needles and Needlecases”; “Making Leather”; “Bull Roarer: imigilutaak”; “Gathering and Storing Food at Buckland”

People mentioned: Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Lucier. Charles V.; Vestal, Putu; Hadley, John; Moto, Andrew; Dimmick, Gordon Sr.; Morris, Mary

Place names: Buckland; Buckland River; Kotzebue; Deering; Elephant Point

Languages: English; Iñupiaq

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Pottery making; Grouse; Manners & customs; Cookery; Pottery; Hand tools; Lamps; Rites & ceremonies; Subsistence activities; Hunting; Seals; Reindeer; Whales; Wolves; Bears; Wolverines; Foxes; Eagles; Buildings; Dwellings; Building materials; Tents; Equipment; Shovels; Spruces; Clay; Wood carving; Wood; Dolls; Pins & needles; Tanning; Toys; Berries; Celery

circa 1950-1982
8/14 Music and song
Transcriptions of songs sung by Chester Seveck (Sivik) for an event at University of Alaska. Also includes information regarding the use of instruments and musical toys used by the “Buckland Eskimo” prior to and immediately after European contact as told by Andrew Sunno.

Subjects: Reindeer herding; Music; Dance; Instruments; Drums; Rattles; Tourism;

People named: Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Sivik, Chester; Lucier, Grace

Places mentioned: Buckland; Elephant Point

Language: Iñupiaq; English

undated, 1956
8/15 “Festschrift in Arctic Anthropology” by VanStone, article draft 1998
8/16 Council City News notes 1903-1905
8/17 “An Eskimo Journey” by J. Hadley copied from original undated
8/18-22 John Kakaruk: outline of books; notes and stories; notebooks of stories circa 1970-1979
8/23 Note regarding the Narrowgage Railroad, Nome 1998
8/24 Correspondence: Wendell Oswalt 1997-2005
8/25 Correspondence: general 1947-1966
8/26 Kakaruk MS article deleted parts circa 1981
8/27 Kotzebue Shaman, burials and customs 2001
8/28 Correspondence: general 1950-1990
8/29 Correspondence: Charles and Grace Lucier 1959-1974
8/30 Correspondence: A. Nagozruk Jr. 1949-1952
8/31 Walrus hunting reports, St. Lawrence Island 1961
8/32 Correspondence: Martha Whiting 1995-1998
8/33 Correspondence: Alaska Native Language Center—list of tape recordings 1987
8/34 Oliver Amoak—story, original from 1951, copy undated
8/35 Correspondence: Roger Harritt—National Park Service 1989-1993
8/36 Correspondence: Don and Carol Drumond 1994
8/37 Correspondence: Willie Goodwin Jr. 1994-1995
8/38 Notes: Sisualik 1952
8/39 Notes: Grace Lucier recounting Wales and King Island 1958
8/40 Correspondence: Helge and Ole Larsen 1983-2001
8/41-42 Cassette tapes: Lucier’s life and family history, with written transcriptions and notes circa 1984
8/43 Ethnographic notes: Flora Penn
Notes in English and Iñupiaq detailing Northern Alaska Native Ethnotechnology, manners and customs, reindeer, food drying, food storage buildings, foraging, fishing, hunting, shamans, storytelling, and spiritualism

Place names: Noatak; Sisualik; Kotzebue; Noatak River; Shishoulik; Kivalina

8/44 Ethnographic notes: Jessie Ralph
Contains Jessie’s account of when her father cut his arm with a crooked knife while carving. The children were sent to get an Angatkok (shaman/medicine man) for help as the father might bleed to death. The stranger Angatkok saves the father’s life by closing the wound by putting his mouth against the cut. Written from conversation with Jessie in 1951. Jessie born 1898. Event may have happened in 1910.
undated, 1951
8/45 Ethnographic notes: Ina Tiepleman, copy of 1951 original
Information provided by Ina Tiepleman (born 1890) describing facial tattooing for beauty and protection from evil spirits. Information provided by Mary Morris (born 1880) also about tattooing-women tattoo their chins and men tattoo the corners of their mouths. Arms were tattooed for beauty’s sake.

People mentioned: Tiepleman, Ina; Morris, Mary

Place names: Kotzebue Sound; Deering; Espenberg; Topkok

undated, 1951
8/46 Ethnographic notes: Ralph Gallahorn, copies of 1951-1952 originals
Collection of stories and customs told by Ralph Gallahorn in English and Iñupiaq. These stories cover customs of burial, dress, subsistence, drum, song, dance, marriage, shamans and spiritualism. Titles recorded: Teyangnirluk, “Big Wrist”, A Napaktomyut Story Told, The Two Brothers and The Man-Killer, some told to Ralph by his maternal grandfather, Sutlouk, of Kotzebue.

Place names: Noatak; Napaktusuguruk; Kotzebue; Napaktomiut; Point Hope; Deering

8/47 Ethnographic notes: Mary Howard, copies of 1952 originals
Napaktoktuok Messenger Feast: Festivities include the “Wolf Dance” as well as gifting animals/skins.

People mentioned: Howard, Mary (Akolauk)

Place names: Shishoulik; Napaktoktuok, Utorqaq

8/48 Ethnographic notes: May Koonalook, copy of 1951 original
Female Puberty Rites, Selawik, Pottery, tattooing after first menses; May Koonalook interviews

People mentioned: Koonalook, May

Place names: Kotzebue; Elephant Point

circa 1951
8/49 Ethnographic notes: Mark Mitchell, copies of 1952 originals
Mitchell’s Iñupiaq name is Misigaq (often spelled Mishiguk). Included are various stories and observances: Ulului: An Upper Noatak Story; Kivyiksuat: Noatagmiut Messenger Feast; Wolf Kill Observances: Kotzebue Story August 1951. “Ritual performed after killing and skinning wolves. The same ritual was performed at Noatak, Kivalina, and Point Hope”; Disposal of Beluga Bones.

Language: English; Iñupiaq

People mentioned: Mitchell, Mark (Misigaq); Mitchell, Gordon

Place names: Noatak; Kotzebue

8/50 Ethnographic notes: Gordon Mitchell
Stories: Moving Stones; Retelling of story that his mother, Jenny Mitchel had told him; Lake Monster; Hunting Muskrat with Bow and Arrow
8/51 Ethnographic notes: Mary Morris
Notes about the Bladder Festival- practiced on the southern side of the Seward Peninsula (which agrees with Abraham Lincoln of Kotzebue). She also states that the Wolf Dance was presented in Deering but will not discuss it further for religious reasons. Mary Morris gave descriptions of traditional tattoo practices to Lucier along with Ina Tiepleman

People mentioned: Morris, Mary; Lincoln, Abraham

Place names: Deering; Kotzebue

8/52 Ethnographic notes: Arthur Nagozruk Sr.
Pottery Making at Cape Prince of Wales; Historical notes on lamps, pots, and stoves. Information about types of materials used and trade. There is a picture of Arthur with a quote “possibly the best man you’ll ever know.”

People mentioned: Nagozruk, Sr., Arthur; Keok, James

Place names: Prince of Wales

8/53 Ethnographic notes: Andrew Sannu, copy of 1951 original

People mentioned: Sannu (Sunno), Andrew

Place names: Elephant Point; Buckland

Language: English, Iñupiaq

Subject: Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Ethnotechnology; Harpoons; Superstitions; Hunting; Darts; Design drawings; Amulets; Manners & customs; Songs; Storytelling; Rites & ceremonies; Dance; Fishing weirs; Fishing nets

1951-1952, 1992
8/54 Ethnographic notes and stories undated, 1997
8/55 Ethnographic notes: Frank Glover 1952
8/56 Ethnographic notes: John Hadley undated
8/57 Ethnographic notes: Ralph Gallahorn undated
8/58 Ethnographic notes: Frank Burns 1952
8/59 Ethnographic notes: Abraham Lincoln 1951-1952
8/60 Rutting Bulls, Kakaruk story 1991
9/1 “Iqinniq’s Bones” first draft
Iqinniq was from Kotzebue and was the topic of a “clean up” burial of bones (boxed up). Lucier was unsure if the body had in fact been buried traditionally prior to the “clean up.” Description of Andrew Sunno’s home, lifestyle, story.
9/2 Notes: “The Alaska Diary of a Pioneer Quaker Missionary” by Hadley
Diary pages from a missionary by the name of Martha Hadley who had come to Alaska after an Alaskan by the name of Mary Moon had lived with her in the States.

People mentioned: Hadley, Martha; Pitcher, Jim; Moon, Mary

Corporate Names: Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)

9/3 Field notes: College and Port Clarence, Alaska
Typed pages of Lucier’s journal/field notes from a dig at Point Spencer in the summer of 1949.

People mentioned: Larsen, Helge; Giddings, J.L. Jr.; Skarland, Ivar; Anderson, Eskil; Froelich, Rainey; Komok, Joe (Kaveramiut); Olana, Washington; Picnalook, James; Ahndgnahtoruk, Johnny; Alexander, Ralph; Alexander, Nora;

Place names:  Kotzebue; Deering; Fairbanks; Teller; Point Hope; Wales; Point Spencer; St. Lawrence Island; Naknek; Bristol Bay

9/4 “1950s Alaska and its influence on James W. VanStone,” draft
Manuscript written by Lucier about Alaska around 1950, during the time when James Van Stone was residing there.

People mentioned: VanStone, James W.

Place names: Cape Denbigh; Kotzebue

9/5 Cape Spencer midden implements
Photographs of midden implements from Point Spencer, Alaska used in De dansk-amerikanske Alaska ekspeditioner 1949-50 by Helge Larsen given to Lucier by Tiger Burch Jr.

13 photographs/plates in total – some duplicates
Item 1: Plate of cutting implements
Item 2: Plate of spear and/or harpoon points and atlatl
Item 3: Plate of wood implements with drill holes
Item 4: Plate of spear, arrow, and/or harpoon points
Item 5: Plate of bone and wood implements, some with circular drill holes, including a scapula
Item 6: Plate of bone implements with some points
Item 7: Plate of bone implements
Item 8: Plate of  spear and/or harpoon  points with atlatl (duplicate of Item 2)
Item 9: Plate of bone implements (duplicate of Item 7)
Item 10: Plate of bone implements (duplicate of Item 7)
Item 11: Plate of wood implements with  drill holes (duplicate of Item 3)
Item 12: Plate of bone and wood implements, some with circular drill holes, including a scapula (duplicate of Item 5)
Item 13: Plate of ivory and/or bone implements; includes small figurine carving and possible beads
Item 14: Envelope addressed to Lucier from Burch, contained photographs and journal
Item 15: Copy of  De dansk-amerikanske Alaska ekspeditioner 1949-50 (1951) by Helge Larsen from Danish “Geographical Journal” (Item in Danish)

People mentioned: Larsen, Helge; Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.

Languages: Danish; English

Subjects: Archaeological sites; Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Periodical; Photographs

9/6 “Death and Renewal” manuscript and notes and copies of letters
“Death and Renewal: Traditional Iñupiaq Deaths, Burials And Funerals As Seen By Eyewitnesses, Their Descendants And Others” Manuscript by Charles Lucier (1998) describes Iñupiaq in Kotzebue Sound area and their thoughts and traditional beliefs about life and death, as well as traditional burial and funeral practices. Manuscript copy has handwritten notes by Lucier on the material.

Also includes notes and outlines from a phone conversation with Mendenhall, and an interview with Andrew Sunno (Sannu), as well as a copy of a letter between Lucier and VanStone about the study subject of the manuscript and telling him about his sources of information, including his correspondence to Goodwin Jr. and requests sent to the BIA.
Copy of letter correspondence between Lucier and Willie Goodwin Jr, the land manager of Kikiktagruk Iñupiat Corp. about old burials of Iñupiat and their history, and a request for any maps.
Copy of letter correspondence between Lucier and Fannie Mendenhall over the information that she had provided about Iñupiaq burials, and informing her on his letter to Goodwin Jr.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Schaff, Jeanne; Mendenhall, Fannie; VanStone, James W.; Goodwin, Willie, Jr.; Sunno, Sannu Andrew; Loon, Hannah

Place names: Chicago, Illinois; Kotzebue, Alaska; Seward Peninsula and Kotzebue Sound of Alaska

Corporate Names: Field Museum, Chicago; Kikitagruk Iñupiat Corp; NANA; BIA

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Correspondence; Manuscript; Interviews;

1994, 1995, 1998
9/7 List: Distribution of culture elements within the Alaska Native culture (Including Chukchi and Koryak); Distribution of Culture Elements in Indian North America and Northern Eurasia

Place names: Buckland

9/8 Correspondence from Fred Milan to Charles Lucier.
Discusses Lucier’s new teaching position, Milan’s future work in Greenland doing ice research, and Christmas, as well as family matters.

Place names: Juneau; College; Seward; Noatak; Kodiak; Karluk Lake; Nome; Seward Peninsula; Talkeetna

Corporate Names: Chicago Tribune; Juneau Icefield Research Project; North American Transportation Services (NATS)

9/9 Photographs: Lucier and Jessie Ralph
Email correspondence between Lucier and “Tiger” Burch about photographs. Also contains two photographs of Jessie Ralph with short descriptions on back.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Ralph, Jessie; Lucier, Grace; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu)

Place names: Kotzebue; Elephant Point; Buckland

1976, 2006
9/10 Photographs: Della Keats working on caribou hides
Email correspondence between Lucier and “Tiger” Burch about the photographs of Della Keats working caribou hides, taken by Fred Handleigh-West.

Sheets 1-4, 6: Photographs of Della Keats working Caribou hide

Sheets 5 and 7: Photographs of tools

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Keats, Della; West, Frederick Hadleigh

Place names: Anchorage

Late 1960s, 2006
9/11 Adrian Jacobson’s diary, German translation and notes.
Included in this folder is a handwritten list of clay tools, a typed diary entry about inhabitants of Inkuktok, a blizzard, and an Alaska Native woman who lost her spouse. Also includes six handwritten pages of Jacobsen’s diary and itinerary of activities in Kotzebue Sound and surrounding area. Copies of text written in German.

People mentioned: Jacobson, Adrian; Ningawakrak; Tatmik

Place names: Inuktok; Erscholtz Bay; Kotzebue Sound; Arawingenak River; Selawik, Orowignarak (on Norton Bay); Kwikak River; Kujuk River; Kajak; Itlauniwik; Eritak River; Kujuk River; Pujyulik Creek; Kogerok River; Yukon; Unalitschok River

Languages: German; English

Subjects: Equipment; Blizzards; Itinerary; Dogsledding;

1884, 1988
9/12 Correspondence: Walter Simpson
Copy of letter correspondence between Lucier and Walter Simpson, the chairman of the A.I.B.W.C. (Alaska and Inuvialuit Beluga Whale Committee) for information on Iñupiaq beluga whale hunting in the past in the Kotzebue Sound area.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Sampson, Walter; VanStone, James W.; Schneider, Karl; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Mitchell, Mark (Misigaq); Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Booth, Ezra; Penn, Flora; Burch, Ernest; Ralph, Jessie

Place names: Barrow; Kotzebue Sound; Buckland; Juneau; Sisualik; Kotzebue; Noatak

Corporate Names: A.I.B.W.C.; Alaska Marine Mammal Newsletter; Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Field Museum; Alaska State Libraries; Études Inuit Studies;

Subject: Correspondence; Whaling; Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq

9/13 Notes: Karluk
Copy of Handwritten and typed notes titled “Conversation about Wives, Etc.” between Lucier and two men, Efsay Charliaga and Willie Waselie. Charliaga asks when Lucier’s wife is coming and leads to short discussion on when Waselie married his wife in 1950.
Copy of handwritten and typed notes titled “Medical Conversation Between Efsay Charliaga and Charles Lucier.” Lucier wrote of his arthritis in his back and Charliaga describing a medical procedure he had performed on his back.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Charliaga, Efsay; Waselie, Willie;

Place names: Karluk

Subject: Spouses; Medical procedures

1952, 1953
9/14 Titled: “Deering Village Family Histories”
Handwritten notes involving a story about how Sami Andrew Barr sold his reindeer herd and carried 20,000 cash to the States with Robert Mayokok. Notes also describe the family histories of several people from Deering, including Nora Goodhope Thomas, her children; The Moto family and their children; and the Barr family.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Mayokok, Robert; Goodhope Thomas, Nora; Barr, Andrew; Kaviraq, Stanley (Qaviraq); Larsen Helge; Stanley Moto, Margaret; Moto, James; Moto, Alice; Foss, Edna; Nagozruk, Lucy; Lucier, Grace Nagozruk; Goodhope, Charlie; Goodhope, Fred; Barr, Fanny; Barr, Emily; Cross, Bess; Cross, John; Gideon, Zachius “William”; Tiepleman, Ina; Fair, Susan;

Corporate Names: Lomen Bros.

Place names: Deering; Shishmaref; Wales;

Subjects: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Family members

9/15 University of Alaska Museum of the North purchases from Lucier. Lists of acceptable specimens for U/A Museum Purchase, prices for items, copies of check stubs from item purchases and payment of archaeological research conducted, correspondence on price negotiations, purchase receipts, acknowledgement of purchases, artifact requests, and quality of items being sent and received. Correspondence from Charles Lucier to William Irving regarding Lucier’s archaeological excavation at Kiwalik and Chamisso Island in 1951. Correspondence regarding funding for Lucier’s purchases, excavations, and living expenses. Correspondence from Ivar Skarland to Lucier regarding potential graduate schools. Timesheets for hourly irregular employees and pay period information. Correspondence from the Candle Store regarding supplies and equipment orders and purchases.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Lucier, Grace; Hadley, John; Goodell, Helen; Skarland, Ivar; Frankson, David; Wilson, George; Nagorzruk, Arthur; Milan, Fred; Neubarth, Onie; Louise, Helen; Louise, Wendell; Schumann, George; Van Stone, James; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Warner H.A.; Goodhope, Fred; Tiepleman, Jack; Cade, Tom; Irving, William; Larsen, Helge; Guilscher, George; Argus, George; Skoog, Pat

Corporate Names: University of Alaska Museum of the North; Kroll Map Company; Danish National Museum; Arctic Circle Exploration Store; Havenstrite Mining Co. Store; Havenstrite Oil Company

Place names: Buckland; Selawik; College; Elephant Point; Kotzebue; Kotzebue Sound; Fairbanks; Seward Peninsula; Point Hope; Noatak; Deering; Kobuk; Kiwalik; Chagvan Bay; Chamisso; Candle; Shishmaref; Brooks Range; Tanana River; Copper River; Anaktuvuk; Nopaktogmiut; Kangikmiut; Kagalligmiut; Itkiliarit; Chicken; Dome Creek; Nome; Wasilla; Nunivak; Barrow; Anchorage; Karluk

Subject: Anthropology; Archaeology; Galleries & museums; Correspondence; Specimens; Prices; Checks; Wages; Archaeological Sites; Assistance; General Stores; Stores and shops; Merchandise exchanges

1939, 1945-1947, 1950-1953, 1959, 1987
9/16 Photographs: Figurines
Item 1: Photograph of figurine that has face carved onto it; Material unknown.
Item 2: Photograph of unknown material, possibly the back of the figurine in Item 1.
9/17 Manuscript: “1950s Alaska and its influence on James W. VanStone” with a foreword by Loran (Lori) Recchia containing handwritten notes by Lucier.
Manuscript also contains handwritten notes by Lucier. Manuscript describes Alaska during the late 1940s and early 1950s and also describes the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. He then relates the changing Alaskan and University scene to VanStone and his early work in Alaska.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  VanStone, James W.; Recchia, Loran (Lori); Oswalt, Helen Louise; Oswalt, Wendell; Giddings, J.L. Jr.;

Place names: Cape Denbigh; Kotzebue; Fairbanks;

Corporate Names: Arctic (journal); Field Museum (Chicago); University of Alaska Fairbanks;

Subject: Anthropology; Archaeology; Manuscripts

1950-1959 2001
9/18 Manuscript: “Reindeer Fairs on Seward Peninsula, Alaska 1915-1918,” by Lucier, Kakaruk, and VanStone.
Manuscript details four reindeer fairs between 1915 and 1918, that were organized by Bureau of Education agents on the Seward Peninsula; includes a transcription by Lucier of an interview with John A. Kakaruk about the 1916 fair in Igloo. Includes correspondence regarding the manuscript.

People mentioned: VanStone, James W.; Kakaruk, John A.; Lucier, Charles V.;  Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Oswalt, Wendell; Lucier, Panu

Place names: Seward Peninsula; Igloo; Noorvik; Noatak; Anchorage

Corporate Names: Arctic Anthropology (journal); Eskimo Men’s Reindeer Association; THE ESKIMO (monthly magazine by Bureau of Education); Bureau of Education

circa 1970-1976, 1998
9/19 Photographs: Sisualikrag, Reproductions by Field Museum. Photographs and photograph captions. Photographs and captions include site locations, directions, Iñupiaq grave, Iñupiaq woman sewing seal skin bag, demonstration of bow and arrow use, cooking and serving ladle, Iñupiaq style home, Iñupiaq sled, wall tent, spring-summer camps

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Mitchell, Jenny; Harris, Yiyuk (Yaayuk); Glover, Frank; Giddings, J.L. Jr.;

Place names: Sisualikruaq; Sisualik; Noatak; Kotzebue; Cape Krusenstern; Igichuk Hills; Salmon River; Kobuk River; Hotham Inlet; Baldwin Peninsula

Subject: Alaska Natives—Northern Alaska—Iñupiaq; Graves; Archaeological sites; Sewing

1890, 1898, 1900, 1952, 1958
9/20 Unidentified negative sent to Lucier by Jeanne (probably Schaaf) with note that copies the negative and presumably others are now on file with the National Park Service (NPS).

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Jeanne, Schaaf)

Corporate Names: National Park Service

9/21 Photograph of Lucier with small description. Photograph depicts Lucier and Helge Larsen taken by David Hopkins with Larsen’s 35 mm camera. Taken mid-August.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Larsen, Helge; Hopkin, David

Place names: Trail Creek

9/22 Photographs: Photos of Trail Creek

Subjects include people, tents, and landscape. Empty envelope included in folder with writing on the front “Trail Crk 1950

Place names: Trail Creek

People mentioned: Barr, Zach

9/23 Photographs: Photos of Charles Lucier, human remains, people, landscapes, cairns, and archaeological sites

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles

9/24 Photographs: Sisualikrag, Lucier, Trail Creek 1949-1952
9/25 Correspondence: Ms. Kuzguk wedding circa 1965
9/26 Correspondence: Jean Schaaf 1995
9/27 Correspondence: Wendell Oswalt 1950
9/28 Photographs: Sisualik aerial undated
9/29-30 Stories: Kotzebue Sound, funerals, wolf dance, spirits 1950-1952
9/31 Correspondence: Ted Stevens, Deering Ipiutak 1998-2001
9/32 Correspondence: Owen Mason 1989-1993
9/33 Correspondence: Trail Creek 1984
9/34 Correspondence: Ruth Sampson 1995
9/35 Cape Espenberg: Radiocarbon dating 1985
9/36 Correspondence: Philip Spaulding 1995
9/37 Correspondence: William Sheppard 1998
9/38 Stories: Ralph Gallahorn 1952
9/39 Noatak genealogies
Item 1: The family tree of Della Keats father’s lineage on the father’s mother’s side.

People mentioned: Misuq; Anuri; Ilupauzaq; Kuunruq; Webster, Daniel Qurliaq; Aakigaa; Umialaaq; Kuumak; Jones, Amy; Kuutuuq; Booth, Jeremiah Kaliksualuk; Kiiziq; Sage, Leonard Aksiataq; Mayuzaq; Saliaq; Piiniq; Uqzualuk (Uqsuaq); Kuunaasiiluuzak; Ayuriaq, Eunice; Annaqaq, David; Sage, Solomon Uusuk; Kuunruq; Sage, Joe Sakuniq; Kennedy, Edith Puktauu; Putu; Puuvlazuaq; Mitchell, Misigaq Mark; Mitchell, Earl Niaquq; Mitchell, Eli Nagaqtuaq; Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Kuutuuq; Mitchell, Thomas; Gordon; Keats, Della; Adams, David;

Item 2: Documents of family trees illustrating the heritage of Aluniq Jenny Mitchell, the mother of Della Keats. The family trees contain death information for some of the members.

People mentioned: Harris, Yiyuk (Yaayuk); Angalaksiak; Tairak; Takpurak; Aapatuq; Pinyialuk; Qaaqsi; Puyuq (Dell Keats); Apaiyutnak (G. Mitchell, Sr); Sinyiaksak; Mitchell, Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Marie; Marion; Robert; Darold; Rose; Tony; Gordon, Jr; Mitchell, Gordon Apaiyutnka Sr; Mitchell, Leila Tuugpak; Gallahorn, Ralph Angnuyaq; Baily, Grace; Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Mitchell; Saulauk; Aapakuq;  Umialaak; Bailey, Grace; Atarrak

Place names: Kotzebue; Kugruk; Kivalina; Upper Kobuk; Shungnak

Item 3: Correspondence relating to family trees of Della Keats’ parents, Eli and Jenny Mitchell, including their parents and grandparents. These family trees were created in 1952, written in the Iñupiaq language.

People mentioned: Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Piniiluq; Uqsruaq; Misuq; Anuri; Misiqaq; Sage; Sheldon, William;

Item 4: Correspondence created by Tiger Burch.

People mentioned: Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.;; Mitchell, Thomas; Kennedy, Edith; Mitchell, Jenny; Piiniq; Uqsrualuk; Akulaaq; Keats, Della

Item 4: Photograph of a family tree, created by Lucier and Burch.

People mentioned: Kuuluqzuarmiut; Piniq; Uqsuaq; Niaquq, Earl; Misiqaq, Mark; Nayuqtuaq, Eli; Mitchell, Jenny (Aluniq); Gordon; Della; Mitchell, Thomas

9/40-41 NuataaGmiut messenger feast 1999
9/42 Beings, spirit world, and monsters circa 1952
9/43 Correspondence: E.S. Burch, Jr 1993-1998
9/44 Obituaries and information about state biologists 1988-2005
9/45 Correspondence: Fannie Mendenhall 2004
9/46 Correspondence: Meldgaard 1987-1989
9/47 Maps: Kotzebue Sound, Krusenstern-Sisualik 1988
9/48 Sealing article: notes, maps, and material circa 1991
9/49 Lucier household inventory of artifacts bought 1976
9/50 Sketch: Clay County courthouse 1975
9/51 Correspondence: Lucier 1947-1987
9/52 Stories: Yiyuk  (Yaayuk) Harris 1952-1991
9/53 Correspondence: Herb Anugazuk 1995
9/54 Stories: Angnoyaq (Angnoiaq), many translated into English by Judith Bailey undated
9/55 “Alaska Eskimo Ethics,” by Charles Lucier undated
9/56 Photographs: Lucier, Ugruk skin drying, Ralph Gallahorn, Gordon Mitchell and family, and Clark’s Point 1943-1944, 1952, 2000
9/57 Songs and dances 1981
9/58 Sketches undated
9/59-62 Kakaruk volume: correspondence with publishers, notes, and article drafts 1982-1984
9/63 Watercolor sketch undated
9/64-67 Beluga hunting article: notes and rough draft 1993
10/1 Photographs: Original captions retained. Archaeological dig sites, Stone House Cave, Point Spencer, skeleton remains, Teller, Grantly Harbor, Point Prince of Wales, Kotzebue Sound, Chamisso Island, Kiwalik, Shishmaref, Nagozruk
Item 1:BW-615-51: House pits with side slopes in background. Kotzebue Sound.
Item 2: BW-623-51: House with close line and laundry.
Item 3: BW-614-51: Either Chamisso Island or Kiwalik, Kotzebue Sound.
Item 4: BW-613-51: Shovel inserted in cavity in house pit. This mossy soil was underlaid by roof timbers. Chamisso Island. 1951.
Item 5: BW-612-51: House ruins at Chamisso Island. 1951.
Item 6: BW-611-51: Depression in mossy cover, probably Chamisso Island. 1951.
Item 7 and 8: BW-608-51: Print and negative. Jim and Mike Sherman (or Sheridan?) pulling metal lifeboat through shallow waters along shore east of Kiwalik.
Item 9: BW-610-51: Negative of a dig site.
Item 10: BW-490-50: A shovel in a vegetative house pit.
Item 11 and 12: BW-607-51: Print and negative. Rocky upland at base of Kiwalik Spit.
Item 13 and 14: House pit? Skeleton Point, lower Buckland River. This village is the subject of a legend in which only one woman escapes with a baby on her back.
Item 15 and 16: BW-606-50: Print and negative. Shovel and sod at longhouse tunnel.
Item 17: BW-602-51: Barbara Moresett. Near Eagle Point on the Lower Buckland River. Eagle Point house ruins in background. Two frame houses on the right side in the distance.
Item 18: BW-559-50: Early stage excavation, house 2, Kiwalik.
Item 19: BW-500-50: Beach at Shishmaref? Larson and Lucier came on shore here (not pictured).
Item 20: BW-557-53: Negative. Close up of side and back of old house, Nagozruk.
Item 21: BW-556-53: Behind old house dated from 1908, Nagozruk
Item 22 and 23: BW-552-51: 2 negatives. Malformed beluga fetus (no tail).
Item 24: BW-480-50: Western view of Thule house ruins, Kiwalik Spit, probably 1950.
Item 25: BW-481-50: Unidentified trowel at dig site, Kiwalik Spit.
Item 26: BW-482-50: Negative and print. Roof timbers of burned Western Thule house.
Item 27: BW-483-50: Negative and print. Deeper excavation of main room, Western Thule house, Kiwalik, 1950.
Item 28: Bw-484-50: Deeper excavation of house, 1950.
Item 29: BW-485-50: Near area of burned bench or bench with remains of headless skeleton.
Item 30: BW-486-51: Soil profile at house dig, house 2, 1951.
Item 31: BW-487-51: Floor level excavation, house 2. Wolf skull (pointed southward with occiput near wall) at center.
Item 32: BW-488-51: House pit with shovel.
Item 33: BW-489-50: Landscape with shovel in background, Kiwalik Spit.
Item 34: BW-466-49: Negative. Woman splitting fish on beach, empty barrel in foreground, Grantly Harbor.
Item 35: BW-467-49: Gamble resident, man worked as deckman on the mailboat “Kotzebue”, 1949.
Item 36: BW-469-49: Shoreline between Grantly Harbor and Cape Prince of Wales.
Item 37: BW-460-49: Gravel runway at Teller, 1949.
Item 38 and 39:  BW-461-49: Negative and photos.  Small plywood boat used for hunting instead of kayak.
Item 40: BW-462-49: Negative and photo. 2 boys fishing for trout with string and hook, Grantly Harbor.
Item 41: BW-463-49: Negative and photo. 2 boys swimming in warmer inshore waters, Grantly Harbor.
Item 42: BW-468-49: Negative. Shoreline, Cape Prince of Wales? Photo taken from aboard the mailboat “Kotzebue”.
Item 43: BW-468X-49: Negative. Teller Spit, along Port Clarence shore of Teller village.
Item 44: BW-468Y-49: Negative. Teller Spit? Looking toward mainland.
Item 45: BW-468Z-49: Negative. Small boy playing with a stick. Teller.
Item 46: BW-470-49: Negative. Cape Prince of Wales? Photo taken from aboard the Mailboat, “Kotzebue”.
Item 47: BW- 471-49: Negative. Cape Prince of Wales?
Item 48: BW- 465-49: Negative. Umiak from Diamede (Diomede) Island unloading. Teller.
Item 49: BW-464-49: Negative. Diamede (Diomede) Islanders. They came ashore to get gas and trade items at Teller commercial company. They brought carved ivory to trade with the store women: Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Peterson. Shore of Grantly Harbor is in background.
Item 50: BW-479-49: Negative and print. Shoreline. Teller.
Item 51: BW-639-52 (A-SH- 16): Human remains in a box burial. Sisualik Ruaq cemetery, near Yiyuk Harris camp. Negative sent to the Field Museum, 1988.
Item 52: BW-638-52 (A-SH-24); Mossy and grassy beach ridge between Sisualik and Sisualik Ruaq. Negative sent to the Field Museum, Feb. 1988.
Item 53: BW-637-52 (A-SH-18): Human remains in a box burial. Sisualik Ruaq cemetery, near Yiyuk Harris camp. Negative sent to the Field Museum, Feb. 1988.
Item 54: BW-454-49: Negative and print. Final excavations at Point Spencer midden. Aerial from former weather station in background.
Item 55: BW-455-49: Negative and print. Northward view of hut and other buildings at former weather station, Port Spencer, 1949. Snow banks persisted into early June.
Item 56: BW-458-49: Negative and 4 prints. James Picnalook digging at Point Spencer midden.
Item 57: BW-459-49: Negative and print. Ralph Alexander. James Picnalook working in background. Former weather station huts in far background.
Item 58: BW-409-49: Negative and 3 prints. 1 meter section of midden. Troweled surface revealing artifact bearing layer vs sterile gravel. The surface layer was bulldozed down to frozen ground by US Army personnel.
Item 59: BW-408-49: Negative and 3 prints. Lower level of midden.
Item 60: BW-407-49: Negative and print. Late stage excavations at midden. Dark gravel in foreground bore artifacts from Iputak culture.
Item 61: BW-406-49: Negative and print. View of tunnel entrance of Neo-Eskimo house.
Item 62: BW-405-49: Negative and print.  Close view of tunnel entrance of Neo-Eskimo house.
Item 63: BW-404-49: Negative and print.  Midden cut in advanced state. Tunnel entrance of Neo-Eskimo house in foreground. Crouched figure at left is Ralph Alexander.
Item 64: BW-403-49: Negative and print. Later stage excavation of midden at Point Spencer. Working at the excavation are: Helge Larson, Ralph Alexander, and James Picnalook. Former weather station huts are in the background.
Item 65: BW-402-49: Negative and prints. 2 meter wide cut through midden.
Item 66: BW-401-49: Negative. Excavation at shallow midland site of beluga and seal hunting site. Point Spencer.  Ralph Alexander, first cousin of Grace Lucier, is in the foreground, and Helge Larson is in the background.
Item 67: BW-372-50: Possibly territorial school teacher’s quarters. Teller Village.
Item 68: BW-371-50: Negative and print. House pit overgrown with grass. Newhalen Rapids. May 1950.
Item 69: BW-50: Negative and print. House pit overgrown with grass. Newhalen Rapids. May 1950.
Item 70: BW-369-50: Negative and print. House pit overgrown with grass. Newhalen Rapids. May 1950.
Item 71: BW-368-50: Negative and print. House pit overgrown with grass. Newhalen Rapids. May 1950.
Item 72: BW-367-50: Traditional fishing place at the narrows of the Newhalen River.
Item 73: BW-358-50: Negative and prints. Bear Cave. Upper Iliamna Lake.
Item 74: BW-359-50: Negative and print. View of hillside near Bear Cave. Photo taken from floatplane tied to shore.
Item 75: BW-360-50: Negative and print. Floatplane pilot tethering plane to shore.
Item 76: BW-361-50: Negative and print. Floatplane pilot carrying rifle. Photo probably taken from Bear Cave.
Item 77: BW-362-50: Negative and prints. Bear Cave.
Item 78: BW-363-50: Negative and print. Stone house Cave. North shore of Iliamna Lake. 12 miles east of New Halen.
Item 79: BW-364-50: Negative and print. Overhang at Stone House Cave.
Item 80: BW-365-50: Negative and print. Possibly the Newhalen River.
Item 81: BW-366-50: Negative and print. Old campsite at rapids of Newhalen River, a few miles upstream from New Halen.
Item 82: BW-299-49: Negative. William Irving (left) and Fred Mila (right). Anchorage.
Item 83: BW-65-47: Negative and print. Mask display with mock-Mount Denali underneath. UAF Museum. Fairbanks.
Item 84: BW-67-47: Negative and print. Close-up of masks on a wall.
Item 85: BW-68-47: Negative and print. Native-carved wooden bust, possibly Eskimo. A display of small ink drawings by Native artists is in the background.
Item 86: BW-70-47: Negative and print. Stuffed mammal display (baby walruses).
Item 87: BW-69-47: Negative and print. Stuffed albino moose.
Item 88: BW-71-47: Negative and print. Alaska railroad storage building. Esther Station.
Item 89: BW-72-48: Negative and print. University of Alaska Museum, north wall of main room with framed paintings and masks.
Item 90: BW-73-47:Negative and print. Esther Station Building.
Item 91: BW-66-47: Negative. Portrait of Native man.
Item 92: BW-274-43: Rainey House, College Hill Ridge. 1943.

People mentioned: Sherman (Sheridan?), Jim; Sherman (Sheridan?), Mike; Moresett, Barbara; Picnalook, James; Alexander, Ralph; Larsen, Helge

Place names: Kotzebue Sound; Chamisso Island; Kiwalik; Skeleton Point; Buckland River; Eagle Point; Shishmaref; Nagozruk; Grantly Harbor; Cape Prince of Wales; Teller Spit; Teller; Port Clarence; Sisualik Ruaq; Yiyuk Harris Camp; Sheshalik; Point Spencer; Newhalen River; Bear Cave; Iliamna Lake; New Halen; Anchorage; Fairbanks; Esther Station

Corporations: University of Fairbanks; Alaska Railroad Corporation

10/2 Photographs: From The Field Museum; Sisualik Ruaq
Item 1:110447-4: Frank Glover Demonstrating use of  Bow. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 2: 110447-3: Frank Glover: Nephew and niece in background.
Item 3:110447-5: Wooden tray and ladle. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 4:110447-6: Mitchell family in boat. Sisualik,1952.
Item 5 & 6:110447-7: 110447-8: Burial at Sisualik,1952.
Item 7:110448-6: Old surface graves landward from Sisualik Ruaq, 1952.
Item 8: 110447-21: Mrs. Yiyuk Harris, Sister of Frank Glover. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 9:110448-10: 19th century burial. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 10:110448-9: Apex of burial structure, Sisualik, 1952.
Item 11:110447-22: Mr. and Mrs. Yiyuk Harris. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 12:110448-12: Water hole for drinking. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 13:110448-7: Sisualik or Sisualik Ruaq showing inflated ugruk gut, 1952.
Item 14:110448-5: Log coffin with nailed crosspiece. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 15:110448-4: Raised Eskimo burial sans corpse, Sisualik, 1952.
Item 16: 110448-3: Yiyuk Harris household tent, Sisualik Ruaq, 1952.
Item 17&18:110448-2: 110477-24: Mrs. Yiyuk Harris sewing berry picking bag for salmonberries. Sisualik, 195.
Item 19:110447-23:Mrs.Yiyuk Harris in dress parka with grandson. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 20:110405: BW 753-52: A-Sh-15: Charter Planes, Sisualik. Cannery workers are departing.
Item 21:110398:BW-561-52:A-Sh-13?:Burial site.
Item 22:110448-8: Beach driftwood. Sisualik,1952.
Item 23:110447-13: Family tent at Sisualik, 1952.
Item 24:110448-20: Gordon Mitchell cleaning fish. Background: Children Rosie and Gordon Mitchell Jr. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 25:110447-11: View of Siual Ruaq taken from westward view of Sisualik. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 26:110448-11: Midsummer view on beach. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 27:110448-24: Mitchell Family and boat. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 28:110448-24A: Jenny Mitchell seated; Della Keats. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 29:110449-4: Della Keats cooking outdoors, Sisualik, 1952.
Item 30:110448-18: Leila Mitchell cooking. Sisualik,1952.
Item 31:1100447-10: Sisualik West End shoreline. Sisualik,1952.
Item 32: Anthro 110762:Arthur Nagozruk, Jr. shooting rifle at beluga (harpoon on deck).
Item 33 & 34: Anthro 110768:Buckland, 1951.
Item 35: Anthro 110448-4: Della Keats cooking dog feed, Sisualik, 1952. (duplicate).
Item 36: Anthro 110761: Sisualik West end shoreline with drifted peat deposits.
Item 37: Anthro 110448-18: Mitchell Cooking Fish outdoors. Sisualik 1952. (duplicate).
Item 38: Anthro 110403: Snow melt ponds with Napaaqtaq burial in background.
Item 39: Anthro 110448-8: Firewood caches marked by claimants.
Item 40: Anthro 110398: Burial site (duplicate).
Item 41: Anthro 110405: Charter planes. Duplicate. See item 20
Item 42:110402: BW-748-52 (A-Sn-22): Lucier archaeological site with trowel seen in center.
Item 43:110403: BW-560-52 (A-Sn-12?): early season view of Napaaqtaq burial site.
Item 44: 110406: BW-752-52 (A-Sn-2): C.V. Lucier’s tent at Sisualik, 1952. Burial site in background.
Item 45:110403: BW-750-52 (A-Sh-3?): Up-close view of burial site.
Item 46:110399: BW-745-52 (A-Sh-5): Meat Cache with fishnets as roof.
Item 47: 110408: Bw-747-52 (A-Sh-20): Saiyut (sp?) battleground. Translated as “the place of willows.”
Item 48: 110401: BW-749-52 (A-Sh-23): Mid distance view of battleground.
Item 49:110400: BW-746-52 (a-Sh-21): Northward view of battleground.
Item 50: 110447-15: Frank Glover demonstrating proper use of boy’s bow. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 51:110447-14: Frank Glover demonstrating proper use of Boys’ bow (front view). Sisualik,1952.
Item 52:110447-12: Frank Glover. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 53:110448-17: Robert Mitchell (hatless). Unknown man in hat. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 54:110447-16: Frank Glover (Qutuaq). Sisualik, 1952.
Item 551100447-18: Old style Eskimo sled. Sisualik, 1952.
Item 56:110447-19: Yiyuk Harris. Sisualik,1952.
Item 57:110447-20: Yiyuk Harris in hunting parka. Sisualikruaq, 1952.
Item 58:110447-17: Frank Glover, Sisualik, 1952.

People mentioned: Glover, Frank; Harris, Yiyuk (Yaayuk); Keats, Della; Mitchell, Gordon Jr.; Mitchell, Jenny; Mitchell, Leila; Mitchell, Rosie; Nagozruk Arthur Jr.

Place names: Sisualik; Sisualik Ruaq

10/3 Reindeer Fair Notes:
The reindeer fair notes are 15 pages of “supplemental notes” expanding on John Azialuk Karluk, or “Papa John’s” biography. These notes contain critiques by W. Oswalt and E.S. Burch Jr. that compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Iñupiaq storytelling and a more traditional narrative style.

Subject: Reindeer Fair Notes with remarks.

People mentioned: Oswalt, W.; Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Kakaruk, Arthur; Karluk, John Azialuk; Lucier, Grace; Kakaruk, George; Noyakuk, Theresa; Noyakuk, Ralph; Noyakuk, Martha; Lucier, Paul; Mayokok, Robert; Rock, Ibrulik; Green, Paul; Kiyutelluk, Alfred; Oquilluk, William; Chief, Joey; VanStone, James, W.; Strutz, Jean; Bland, Laurel L.; Kakaruk, John A.;

Place names: Seward Peninsula; Tin City Mine; Igloo; Teller; Nome; Kuzitrin River; Fairview; Anchorage; Nunaka Valley; Wales; Shishmaref, Kotzebue; Point Hope; Nelchina; Norton Bay; Little Diomede; Nome

Corporations: Cook Inlet Native Association; U.S. Public Health Service; Native Medical Center; Alaska Crippled Children’s Association (Gilded Cage); Pioneer Schoolhouse; University of Alaska Fairbanks Museum

10/4 Audiocassettes and reel-to-reel: Kakaruk biography, stories with description list undated, 1974
10/5 “University of Alaska Fairbanks Anthropology in its Third Decade; ” note with article says it was never published

Subjects: Autobiographical account of Charles Lucier’s early years in Alaska including travel, work and studies at the University of Alaska. This account includes those responsible for the establishment of early Anthropology in Alaska.

People mentioned: Snyder, Heinie; Luopa, Bill; Loussac Z.L.; Hamerly, Ray; Lewis, Joe; Laurence, Sydney; Lathrop, “Cap;” Finnestad, Maggie; Finnestad, Oscar; Monseurd, Sally; Morey, Lois; Losey, Ira; Fenno, Neil; Pratt, Kenneth; VanStone, James W.; Nash, Stephen E; Bass, Lymer; Rainey, Froelich; Larsen, Helge; Skarland, Ivar; Geist, Otto; Giddings, J.L. Jr.; Gerda; Bunnell, Charles E.; Craft, Charlene; Vestal, Dolly; Vestal, Putu; Milan, Fred; Moore, Terris; Henderson, Gerald; Spaulding, Phillip T. ; Meldgaard, Jorge; Jensen, Saggaaluraq Charlie; White, Sagiilaq Oliver; Lucy, Ayagiaq; Knox, Anaaq Paul; Mitchell, Misigaq Mark; Penn, Avinnaq Agugluq Flora; Burch, Ernest S. “Tiger,” Jr.; Seveck, Sivviq Chester; Carr, Druska; Mehler, John S.; Irving, William N.; Dorsch, John B.;Tilly, Lola Creameans; Irving, William N.; Mikami, Mary; Yanert, William; West, Frederick Hadleigh

Place names: Vern’s Groceries and Meats; Bert’s Drugs; Bill Murray’s Dry Cleaning; Anchorage High School; Alaska Native Language Center; Fairbanks; Denali National Park; Alaska College and School of Mines; Harriet Hess Hall; Eielson Hall; Geophysical Institute; American Museum of Natural History; Danish National Museum

Place names: St. Lawrence Island; Platinum; Togiak; Bristol Bay; Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea

Corporate names: National Bank of Alaska (4th Street); Glenn Highway; Alaska Highway; Ladd Air Force Base; Cape Denbigh; Campbell Creek airstrip, Yukon River, College Hill, University of Washington

10/6 Alaska Native drum skins: article draft and slides
Alaska Native dancing and drumming techniques, drum skin preparation and paper “Change and Stability in Alaskan Eskimo and Indian Music’s” that highlights music’s role in indigenous cultures.
Item 1: photograph (#22) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating dance technique. Nov. 76.
Item 2: photograph (#23) of Alaskan Native female sitting with drum displayed in foreground. Nov. 76
Item 3: photograph (#24) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating dance technique. Nov. 76.
Item 4: photograph (#25) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating dance technique. Nov. 76.
Item 5: photograph (#26) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating drumming technique. Nov. 76
Item 6: photograph (#27) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating dancing technique with drum in foreground. Nov 76.
Item 7: photograph (#28) of Alaskan Native female demonstrating dancing technique. Nov. 76.
Item 8: photograph (#29) Alaskan Native male demonstrating drumming technique. Nov. 76.
Item 9: photograph (#30) Alaskan Native female demonstrating dancing technique. Nov. 76.
Item 10: Dance Program for “Urban Natives United.” Program (2 pages) outlines specific dances to be performed in Anchorage during the 1970s. Dances are 47 in number with some repeating and representing Mary’s Igloo, Shishmaref, Wales, Siberia, Teller, and Diomede.
Item 11: Eskimo Drum Skin draft outlines preparation techniques ranging from how to skin, how to stretch and how to string. Dated 1980 if not early 1981 with some pages missing (3 of 6 present).
Item 12: Blank outline of Bench and Motion Dance.
Item 13: References from “The Eskimo Songs of Northwestern Alaska.”
Item 14: “Change and Stability in Alaskan Eskimo and Indians Music,” by Thomas F. Johnston, University of Alaska Fairbanks for 1st Anthropology in Alaska Conference, Anchorage. Undated. Outlines musics many roles within Alaskan Native communities.

People mentioned: Johnston, Thomas F.; de Laguna, Frederica; McCellan, Catherine; Loyens, William J.; Binnington, Doreen; Jones, Leroi; Searles, Gaylen; Rock, Howard; Nick, Margaret; Kennedy, Edward.

Place names: Fairbanks; Napaskiak; Point Hope; Yakutat.

circa 1984
10/7 Shamanism and medicine, includes stories and songs: Buckland, Lower Noatak, Kotzebue
Item 1: AS-KANG97: Description of hare skin blanket manufacture in Buckland
Item 2: DS-KOB1: Story about Dr. Charlie, told by Dolly Sheid
Item 3: Brief conversation between Charles Lucier and Alex Brown concerning an old dog. Alex tells a story about how keeping a sick dog can cause a person to die
Item 4: AS-KAN-95: Story about a man trying to become an angatkok, told by Andrew Sunno and translated by Jessie Ralph
Item 5: Notes concerning the Buckland Game Increase Ceremony as told by Andrew Sunno. The writer notes that there is evidence that this kind of ceremony was practiced throughout the Kotzebue Sound-Point Hope area as well. Included in these notes is a note concerning a morning song that is usually sung by men, but John Hadley knew a Selawik woman who also sang it
Item 6: Notes concerning shamans’ songs, related by Andrew Sunno
Item 7: A story titled: “An Adventure of Charley Allen’s Grandfather”, told by Abraham Lincoln, Kotzebue, 1950. In the story Charley Allen’s Grandfather, then a young boy, goes on a sea journey in a tambourine
Item 8: Explanation of a hunting ceremony using carved animal figures, told by Andrew Sunno
Item 9: Story about the use of ceremonial animal carvings on the Lower Noatak, unfinished, told by Abraham Lincoln
Item 10: A story titled: “Angatkok Shows His Power”, told by Andrew Sunno. In the story an angatkok helps a man get timber by having him pull on a rope that brought a tree from 100 miles away
Item 11: JR-SEL-10: A story titled: “An Angatkok Stops Bad Bleeding”, told by Jessie Ralph. In the story an angatkok heals Jessie’s father. A note at the bottom says that the incident probably happened around 1910
Item 12: Description of Buckland shamans’ masks and their use by angatkoks, by Andrew Sunno
Item 13: An explanation of tuqoa by Andrew Sunno
Item 14: Story fragment titled “Six Invisible Guests”, by Abraham Lincoln. The story takes place at Sealing Point and is about six invisible men that disturb people sleeping in a qaligi until an angatkok sends them away
Item 15: Story titled “The Burning Alive of the Angatkok Sululikh”. The event related in the story took place in the village of Qwik and was witnessed by Andrew Sunno when he was a young boy. The story is about an angatkok who burned himself alive and returned from the dead unharmed
Item 16: Explanation of an event witnessed by Andrew Sunno when he was young in which an angatkok was cremated after death. The event took place at St. Michael
Item 17: AS-KAN-13: Notes on ritual and beliefs concerning animals. One set of notes is from Andrew Sunno and the other set is from Leonard Putu Vestal of Kivalina
Item 18: Story titled “A Kotzebue Boy Disappears for a Year” told by Andrew Sunno. A boy goes away beneath the ocean with the beluga for a year and then returns
Item 19: Transcript of a conversation between school children concerning a masquerade of devils taking place seven days before Orthodox Christmas
Item 20: A note on Washington State University, Department of Anthropology letterhead  to someone named Charlie from Robert Ackerman concerning some books about Eskimo folklore that Ackerman was suggesting for Charlie
Item 21: Hand written notes of firsthand observations of shamans and pre-Christian religious practices among the Iñupiat of northwestern Alaska
Item 22: Brief explanation of Inuit diagnosis by Andrew Sunno

People mentioned: Sheid, Dolly; Lucier, Charles V.;  Brown, Alex; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Ralph, Jessie; Hadley, John; Allen, Charley; Lincoln, Abraham; Vestal, Leonard Putu; Ackerman, Robert

Place names: Buckland; Lower Noatak; Kotzebue; Escholtz Bay; Elephant Point; Selawik; Seal Point; Cape Krusenstern; Qwik; St. Michael; Kivalina

10/8 Religious beliefs and observances: Buckland-Lower Noatak-Kotzebue Sound
Short stories taken by informants concerning religious beliefs and observances.
Item 1: AS-KANG 24: Kungykiguk: Feast For The Dead: highlights elements of feast for deceased loved ones.
Item 2: AS-KANG 49: Death and Burial Customs Buckland Alaska: Summary of burial  customs in Buckland, AK
Item 3: JT-CN1: Use of Grave Boxes at Cape Nome: describes how “graves boxes” came to be used in Cape Nome.
Item 4: OA-UNA 1: Irigat: Ghost: description of spirits, or Irigat.
Item 5: AS KANG 31: Innuzit: Spirits of Dead: describes what happened to people after death.
A Ghost Comes in a House: Story # 2 within document AS KANG 31: describes what women did when a ghost came in the house.
Item 6: AS- KANG 62: People Run Away From a Woman’s Spirit: Woman’s spirit inhabits village.
Item 7: Spirit in the Fire:  Evil spirit emanates from a fire.
Item 8: About Tuqoa: The “vital spot” or “weakest” spot of a person.
Item 9: About Wolves and Other Animals: Metamorphosis of wolves to humans and back.
Item 10: Human Beings, Wolves and other Animals: Handwritten copy of above mentioned story.
Item 11: Lunar and Solar Eclipses: Story relates occurrence of eclipses and what should be done to protect oneself.
Item 12: Notes on beliefs about eclipses, Lower Noatak: Notes on above story.
Item 13: A Cape Nome Ghost Story: evil spirit dwells in home occupied by Non-natives who rid the ghost by making an “X” in the air.
Item 14: Changes in the Religious beliefs at Cape Nome-1898-1905: Christianity changes the role of society and the shaman.
Item 15: Beliefs relating to Caribou Bones: Caribou bones should be broken for reasons unknown.
Item 16: Pure and Impure Hunters: Characteristics of good and bad hunters possibly relating to behaviors as a child.
Item 17: “Pure” and “Impure” Hunters: Metaphysical qualities of good and bad hunters.
Item 18: The Cave at the Narrow Place: Spirits that dwell in caves.
Item 19: An Amulet Against Wounds: Preparation and use of “Amulet” to obtain “animal power” and ward off injury.

People mentioned: Lucier, Charles V.;  Ralph, Jessie; Sunno, Andrew (Sannu); Koonalook, Mae; Koonalook, John; Tiepleman, Jack; Amoak, Oliver; Osgood, Cornelius; Lincoln, Abraham; Lincoln, Blanche; Hadley, John; Vestal, Leonard Putu

Place names: Buckland; Haycox; Elephant Point; Unalakleet; Cape Nome; Deering; Norton Sound, Lower Noatak; Kwalina; MacKenzie River; Narrow Place on Choris Peninsula.

10/9-11 Death and renewal and observances 1951-1952, circa 1996
10/12 Field journal 1950
10/13 Biographical notes: Lucier and Sunno undated
10/14-26 Death, dying, and renewal: notes, article drafts 1983-1999
10/27-29 Field notes: Shishoulik undated
10/30 Sketch book, by Charles Lucier—sketches accompany Alaska Native stories 1980
10/31 Glossary circa 1980
10/32-39 Kakaruk volume: “Boy and Man,” community, ceremony, and trade, stories and storytelling, fishing, hunting, and trapping, herding reindeer 1981
10/40-42 Sisualik/Escholtz: article notes and drafts—beluga hunting 1987, 1993
10/43 Transcribed stories: Taken from tape recording, circa 1970-1975
10/44 Autobiography and topic listing undated
10/45 Kakaruk: Reindeer period—notes and copies undated
10/46 Audiocassette recordings: Trail Creek—Larsen and Lucier 1949
10/47 Photographs and slides: includes description list—Kakaruk, Lucier, Yupik dancers, Joey Chief 1976
10/48 Ethnographic notes 1951
11/1 Slides: slides are captioned with description list: Andrew Sunno, Grace Lucier, Jessie Ralph, summer activities; Buckland area
Descriptions are written by two different people and some slides do not match the photo. Captions are below.
Sheet 1:
Item 1: Jesse Ralph rt, and Grace Lucier
Item 2: Boys shoving off to get water from the Buckland River for Jesse Ralph.
Item 3: Boys shoving off in Jesse Ralph’s very old dory.
Item 4: Boys shoving off in Jesse Ralph’s very old dory.
Item 5: Boys rowing in Jesse’s skiff to midriver.
Item 6: Boys rowing in Jesse’s skiff to midriver
Item 7: Boat offshore, abandoned Buckland village site behind, on the distant east bank.
Item 8: Grace Lucier, Jessie Ralph, and Liz Sherman, Jim Hadley’s daughter.
Item 10: Liz Sherman from Candle/ Kiwalik River.
Item 11: Jesse Ralph seated on her front steps.
Item 12: Jesse Ralph and Liz Sherman sitting on steps.
Item 13: Boy hauling water up steps, into house.
Item 14: Boy hauling water from boat to Jesse.
Item 15: Buckland resident (unknown).
Item 16: Jesse Ralph’s backyard cache.
Item 17: Footrace on Buckland aircraft runway.
Item 18: Footrace on Buckland aircraft runway.
Item 19: Prize awards on Buckland aircraft runway.
Item 20: Hair washing and bathing in Buckland River.
Sheet 2
Item 1: 1: Runner, 4th of July activities, Buckland, Alaska.
Item 2: 4th of July activities on runway.
Item 3: 4th of July activities on runway.
Item 6: Group of runners on runway.
Item 7: Starting footrace on runway.
Item 8: Grass beside runway, and possibly children hiding.
Item 9: Grass beside runway, and possibly children hiding.
Items 10-14: Runner on runway.
Item 15: Runner on runway, returning with shirt loose.
Item 16: Basketball hoop throw.
Item 17: 4th July preparation for x-river swim.
Item 18: Boat lands, swimmers on opposite shore.
Item 19: Boat lands, swimmers on opposite shore.
Item 20: Swimmers ready to dive in from skiff.
Sheet 3
Item 1: Swimmers dive in for x-river swim.
Item 3: Swimmers crossing Buckland River.
Item 4: Swimmers coming closer.
Item 5: Swimmers immediately offshore.
Item 6: 1st swimmer wades ashore.
Item 7: Swimmer near water’s edge.
Item 8: Swimmer walks ashore.
Item 9: Swimmer resting near shore.
Item 10: 2 swimmers alongside pilot boat.
Item 11: Swimmer and spectators.
Item 12: Swimmer pausing in shallows.
Item 13: Child playing with stick, water’s edge.
Item 14: Young woman, child spectator.
Item 15: Swimmer others in boat.
Item 16: Swimmers beside boats.
Item 17: Swimmers near boats.
Item 18: Swimmers approach shore.
Item 19: Young people in shallows.
Item 20: Girls playing in shallows.
Sheet 4
Item 1: Woman, child in jacket.
Item 2: Youthful swimmers, Buckland.
Item 3: Youthful swimmers, Buckland.
Item 4: Youthful swimmers, Buckland.
Item 5: Coming up for air, underwater, distance swim competition.
Item 6: Diving underwater, endurance swim.
Item 7: Swimmer end of underwater distance swim.
Item 8: Pair swimmer on shoal (?).
Item 9: Swimmer, end swim.
Item 10: Winner wading.
Item 13: Swimmer.
Item 14: End of underwater distance event.
Item 15: Small boys on stockpiled sand.
Item 16: Small boy on sand pile.

People mentioned: Ralph, Jessie; Lucier, Grace; Sherman, Liz

Place names: Buckland River

11/2 Photographs: Arthur Nagozruk, Alaska Native children, and at the Alaska Crippled Children’s Association (Gilded Cage)
Item 1: Arthur Nagozruk (Nagaaq) Quoted as “the most impressive person you’ll ever know”
Item 2: “Eskimo School children” (maybe around 1940)
Item 3: “Eskimo dancers” (1960’s)

People mentioned: Anderson, Mel; Lucier, Grace; Green, Paul; Kakaruk, Rusty; Kayutailuk, Alfred; Kakaruk, John A.; Kakaruk, Alice

Corporate Names: Alaska Crippled Children’s Association (Gilded Cage)

11/3 Sketches given to John Kakaruk
Item 1: “Little Bird Song” (1960 or 1961)

People mentioned: Kakaruk, John A.; Lucier, Charles V.;  Lucier, Panu; Lucier, Paul

Location(s): Anchorage, Fairview, Sawtooth Mountains

Item 2: (Men at reindeer camp)

People mentioned: Kakaruk, John; Lucier, Charles V.

1989 March
11/4 Photographs of John Kakaruk trapping snare
Item 2: Assembling/balancing the counter-weight for the snare
Item 3: Setting the snare between small cut willow branches
Item 5: Shows working end of the counterbalance; John reaching for axe
Item 6: Close-up of John’s hand holding snare trigger
Item 7: Further shot of John with snare trigger
Item 8: John working with piece of snare
Item 9: John illustrating height of snare
Item 10: Snare is now between the two sticks
Item 11: John is seated facing the snare set-up
Item 12: More distant view of Item 11.

*Items: 1&4 are missing

Letter labeled 7/7; discusses seal netting

People mentioned: Chief, Joey; Kakaruk, John A.; Lucier, Charles V. (photographer), Paul.

Location(s): Glenn Highway; East of Sheep Mountain; Kenai Peninsula

1975, 1971
11/5 Stories told by John Kakaruk Sr.
Journal with 34 pages of text written down by Charles Lucier
Stories and story subjects include “Herding Business”, “Those days we had no gun”, Ptarmigan snares, Govera (Qavitaq=Sandy Place), Nuluqina, Founding and attack of village by Siberian People, getting caribou skin to prepare for winter and the kidnapping and escape of Qaviraq woman begins, Separation Mark, transitions into ghost story about ghost of woman who had been abducted/kidnapped, “Wild Turkeys, Paul L.”, Child/adolescent notation about American wild turkeys
11/6 Arthur Nagozruk stories
“Qituinga walked from King Island to Wales” and “Sealing with nets at Cape Prince of Wales”
circa 1970
11/7 “The Bering Strait’s Expedition, 1950:” Lucier’s unfinished notes detailing Lucier’s experiences during his Bering Strait expedition.

People mentioned: Craft, Charlene; Erhlung, Barbara; Larsen, Gerda; Larsen, Helge; Larsen, Ole; Lucier, Charles V; Meldgaard, Jorgen; Milan, Fred; Moto, Taylor; Rainey, Froelich.

Locations: Anchorage; Deering; Nome

circa 1950
11/8 Notebook: Eagle Wolf Dance 1964, 1994
11/9 Photograph: Gordon Marsh, Alfred Bork at UAA, captioned “The Museum specializes in Anthropological exhibits”

People mentioned: Marsh, Gordon; Bork, Alfred

circa 1957
11/10 Point Spencer: Larsen Excavation

“Point Spencer 1949 Larsen Excavations” and Point Spencer 1949 Larsen Excavations Sketch

People mentioned: Lucier; Charles V.; Alexander, Ralph

Place names: Point Spencer

11/11 Photographs: John Kakaruk and his wife, Alice; another of Jenny Mitchell circa 1970
11/12 Correspondence: from VanStone to Lucier 1979
11/13 Accounts book 1971-1973
11/14 Photograph: Fred A. Milan undated
11/15 Field notebook: right side up—purchases of carved ivory; upside-down—archaeological field notes of trench at Arthur Nagozruk’s house 1958-1960, 1977
11/16 Notebook: Kakaruk’s recording notes and biography, lyrics of Wales’ songs, linguistic notes, and George Ootenna undated
11/17 Song notes: Kakaruk’s recorded songs undated
11/18 Photographs: Mary Igloo’s Wolf Dance model, Alaska State Museum
3 photographs captioned “Eskimo Wolf Dance Model- Mary’s Igloo Wolf Dance Model, Alaska State Museum”
11/19 “Reindeer Fair:” Wendell Oswalt’s critiques on article circa 1998
11/20 Kakaruk songs: reel-to-reel recording; 7 motion dance songs, 6 from John Kakaruk and one from Anna undated
11/21 7 minute dance songs, Anna: reel-to reel recording undated
11/22 Simon Koenig, Thomas Acohuk, Grace Lucier: reel-to-reel recording undated
11/23 Reel recording: John Kakaruk’s songs 1962
11/24 Recording: John Kakaruk, Reindeer rustlers 1960 August 2
11/25 Reel recording: Chester Sivick songs, recorded with Lorraine Koranda 1950-1952
11/26-27 Reel recording: Feast explanation circa 1950
11/28 Reel recording: various singers undated
11/29 Reel recording: Eskimo game songs circa 1970
11/30 Reel recording: John Kakaruk stories in book manuscript; side 1: reindeer rustlers, sides 1 and 2: Siberian abducting a Qawiaraq woman undated
11/31 Reels: A) Della Keats (Charles Lucier interviewing Della Keats, a traditional Inupiaq healer. Topics discussed include patients Keats lost, healing techniques and knowledge, and patient cases.); B) Kakaruk Raven Song; C) Debbie and Patrick. RESTRICTED: Traditional healing methods discussed. circa 1968-1971
11/32 Reels: songs and stories: A) Love Song, Wonder Song, motion picture dance by Lucy; lassoing reindeer by John; seal hunters; story of woman who committed suicide building a snow house; B) towing boat song, Olive Miller “I thought I saw my cousin dance; ” Sam Kasitug motion dance and drum wave undated
11/33 Audio cassettes: letters, songs, and dances; 1)Gr: letter from Grace Lucier to Bruce; 2) Gr: Wale Juggling song, yo-yo song, hide and seek song, Lucy and Molly at Wales; 3.C: Paul Tiulana, wolf eagle dance, Nome undated, 1982
12/1 Audio cassettes: stories and dances; 1.C: various songs and dances; 2.C: Siberian song, Uplugiag’s dance; 3.C: Patrick Omiak, Simerian Muscle dance undated
12/2 Audio cassettes: songs and dances; 4.C: eagle wolf dance; 5.Gr: Wales songs, Evelyn and Cecelia; Wales Eskimo dances undated
12/3 Audio cassettes: Kakaruk; 5.C: fishing for Lingcod and biography; 6.C-8.C: biography continued circa 1974-1975
12/4 Audio cassettes: Kakaruk and Lucier: 9.C: biography, reindeer fair; 10.C: biography and shamans; 11.C: letter to Jessie Ralph; 12.C: letter to Bruce, answer to Lucier circa 1976
12/5 Reels: contents unknown undated

Part 3. Materials received in 2018; 1934-1952. 0.75 cubic feet.
This part contains materials Archives and Special Collections received in 2018 from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives (ARPCA). This part contains records pertaining to Karluk, including census records, tribal government records, as well as commercial fishing and hunting and trapping permits. The part also contains ethnohistories and various stories collected by Lucier from Kotzebue, Buckland, Napaaqtugmiut (lower Noatak), Nuataarmiut (upper Noatak), Selawik, and Unalakleet.

Box/Folder Descriptions Dates
12/6 Census records: Karluk 1938
12/7 Economic survey: Karluk 1940 November
12/8 Native arts and crafts: Karluk 1940-1947
12/9 Commercial fishing: Karluk 1946
12/10 Fishing permit records 1945
12/11 Hunting, trapping records 1946-1951
12/12 Native government/Tribal organization of Karluk 1934-1951
12/13 Karluk Acts of Councils 1938-1948
12/14 Minutes of Karluk Village Council meetings 1944-1949
12/15 Karluk tribal relations and affidavits 1946-1949
12/16 Karluk legal proceedings; Law and Order Code 1939-1946
12/17 Native Family Records Cards: Karluk 1939-1940
12/18 Slides and negatives: Della Keats, Leila Mitchell, Gordon Mitchell Sr., conical drift burial, elevated burial, Frank Glover, Ralph Gallahorn, Yaiyuk Harris’ wife berry picking, Jenny Mitchell, Yaiyuk Harris, Aluniq, fish processing, bows and arrows, oogruk, 1952
12/19 “Buckland Eskimo Myths” by Charles Lucier, gathered at Elephant Point 1951
12/20 Buckland Eskimo Myths 1951
12/21 Buckland Eskimo Myths: Conclusions 1951
12/22 Buckland ethnography notes: Informants Andrew Sunno and John Hadley undated, 1951
12/23 Buckland chants undated, 1951
12/24 Drawing of Buckland site undated
12/25 Cape Espenberg ethnography: Tattooing 1951
12/26 Deering ethnography 1950-1951
12/27 Karluk ethnography: Conversation among Karluk school children, conversations about wives, medical conversation 1952-1953
12/28 Kobuk, middle ethnography: Informant Frank Glover, includes Inupiat word lists 1952
12/29 Kobuk, upper ethnography: Informant Alunik 1952
12/30 Kotzebue ethnography 1952
12/31 Kotzebue ethnography circa 1951-1952
12/31 Napaaqtugmiut (lower Noatak): Stories 1952
12/32 Nuataarmiut (upper Noatak): Stories 1951-1952
12/33 Nuataarmiut stories 1952
12/34 Nome ethnography circa 1951-1952
12/35 Selawik ethnography undated, 1951
12/36 Unalakleet ethnography 1952

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