Working on sustainability

The Alaska’s Digital Archives has been one of the most popular topics for this blog in its short lifespan so far. And the reason we didn’t have a Friday entry is because Mariecris was very busy with reference and Arlene

Does the work ever end?

Today was a day we all spent on long-lived, and in some cases long-overdue, projects.

Mariecris spent the day working on the Commonwealth North records.  Commonwealth North deposited some 80 cubic feet worth of records with us about a year

Hidden collections

We’ve been hearing this term a lot lately.  Some granting agencies are offering grants to help uncover “hidden collections.”  And hidden is usually defined as a lack of descriptive material on the collection.

Hang around archival conferences a lot, and …

Who can I talk to?

As we are rapidly coming up on the end of May, it’s time to set up the A&SC reference desk schedule for the next few months.  So MC, Nicole, & Arlene sat down this morning to figure out who is …

In search of a thesis

One of our visitors in A&SC today was in search of UAA theses.  Generally, the Consortium Library ends up with two copies of each masters thesis produced here at UAA and APU.  Both copies are listed in the library catalog …