Color our collections!

Have you been enjoying following all the “color our collections” posts from archives this week on Twitter? #ColorOurCollections is the hashtag to search and lots of great coloring opportunities have been going by.

We thought it would be fun to …

What we did this year, part 3

Long overdue, sorry. I took a long overdue vacation.

The third in our blog posts on our annual report for the academic year ending in August 2015 [ed note: fixed from 2014]. This one is probably the nearest and dearest …

Archival pet peeves

Did you know it’s Pet Peeve Week? (We didn’t, but we do now). So in that spirit:

Okay, we admit, most of these are pretty low on the annoyance scale. But we were commiserating over a few collections recently and …

Finding Alaskan photographers

We haven’t calculated the statistics, but anecdotally, we can tell you that of all the document media types we hold photographs are probably one of the most popular types of documents used by researchers here at ASC.

Following along with …