Archival pet peeves

Did you know it’s Pet Peeve Week? (We didn’t, but we do now). So in that spirit:

Okay, we admit, most of these are pretty low on the annoyance scale. But we were commiserating over a few collections recently and …

Finding Alaskan photographers

We haven’t calculated the statistics, but anecdotally, we can tell you that of all the document media types we hold photographs are probably one of the most popular types of documents used by researchers here at ASC.

Following along with …

Alaska Lunch

Our current exhibit in the great room of the Library is all about food in Alaska, with items from the Rare Books collection including cookbooks from the state. After the success (or at least entertainment value) of last year’s Convalescent’s

Electronic records in Archives part 2

What better place to take a bunch of electronic records courses than in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska in June?

June 8-12, 2015 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage, to be precise.

We’re pleased …