Category: Arrangement and description
The other side of life
Apparently, I (Megan) can’t hide in my office anymore and plead my newbie status as an excuse for not writing a blog post. I’ve been Reference Archivist here in Archives & Special Collections for two weeks now and an Alaskan …
Archives and Athletes
An archivist’s external memory
Being an archivist means always having something new to learn. This is Arlene. I’ve been with A&SC for just over 7 years now. So I’ve got a fairly good grasp on what collections we have–maybe not item or folder level–but …
And the new buzz word is…
Is there an echo in here?
Lately we’ve been getting a lot of requests in pairs. Not the same queries, just queries for the same collection. Today we had two email requests regarding the Michael Philip collection from people who had spotted the portion of the …
I’ve been working on the Pipeline.
Clamber over? Or walk around? When automation creates work for us.
(This is Arlene). It’s not often I indulge my need to complain in quite such a public setting, but I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few days working on additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives and, well, …
Getting things done
Some days it seems like the most efficient people around here are our student workers. And maybe that’s because we give them tasks with beginnings, middles, and ends, unlike the stuff we reserve for ourselves which seems pretty much permanently …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …
The other side of life
Apparently, I (Megan) can’t hide in my office anymore and plead my newbie status as an excuse for not writing a blog post. I’ve been Reference Archivist here in Archives & Special Collections for two weeks now and an Alaskan …
Archives and Athletes
An archivist’s external memory
Being an archivist means always having something new to learn. This is Arlene. I’ve been with A&SC for just over 7 years now. So I’ve got a fairly good grasp on what collections we have–maybe not item or folder level–but …
And the new buzz word is…
Is there an echo in here?
Lately we’ve been getting a lot of requests in pairs. Not the same queries, just queries for the same collection. Today we had two email requests regarding the Michael Philip collection from people who had spotted the portion of the …
I’ve been working on the Pipeline.
Clamber over? Or walk around? When automation creates work for us.
(This is Arlene). It’s not often I indulge my need to complain in quite such a public setting, but I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few days working on additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives and, well, …
Getting things done
Some days it seems like the most efficient people around here are our student workers. And maybe that’s because we give them tasks with beginnings, middles, and ends, unlike the stuff we reserve for ourselves which seems pretty much permanently …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …