Weekly round-up! Where in the world is Jack?

It’s time again for the weekly round-up of answers to the Where in the world is Jack? contest we have running on our Facebook page. And if you’re trying to figure out the contest rules, they’re here. Monday: Canaima National Park, Venezuela Tuesday: Ulan Bator, Mongolia Wednesday: Belize City, Belize,…

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Weekly round-up! Where in the world is Jack?

It’s time again for the weekly round-up of answers to the Where in the world is Jack? contest we have running on our Facebook page. And if you’re trying to figure out the contest rules, they’re here. Monday: Bridgetown, Barbados, identified by Kae Hartman Tuesday: Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada,…

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Weekly round-up! Where in the world is Jack?

It’s time again for the weekly round-up of answers to the Where in the world is Jack? contest we have running on our Facebook page. And if you’re trying to figure out the contest rules, they’re here. Monday: Iguazu Falls, Argentina, identified by Kevin McClear Tuesday: Arviat, Nunavut Wednesday: Tokyo,…

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Chez Bland

To celebrate Public Health Week (April 7-13) we in the Archives decided to do a medical exhibit in the great room of the Library entitled “What Medicine Used to be” using rare books. One of the books was quite captivating: “The prevention and cure of disease; a practical treatise on…

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Weekly round-up! Where in the world is Jack?

It’s time again for the weekly round-up of answers to the Where in the world is Jack? contest we have running on our Facebook page. And if you’re trying to figure out the contest rules, they’re here. Monday: Gran Plaza, Monterrey, Mexico Tuesday: Hong Kong, identified by Kevin McClear Wednesday:…

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