Sharing UAA/ACC images

Do you have photographs of your time at UAA/ACC/all the other initials that you want to have digitized? Are you looking for an opportunity to share those photos with the world (or at the very least, other UA types)? Would you like to further our educational mission by making your photos available…

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Why People Use Archives

As an archivist I am often asked “what does someone use an archive for?” The question may seem easy to answer—many assume that most users of archives are scholars or historians. But researcher questions vary with each researcher who walks through the door, calls us on the phone, or sends…

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Keeping up on professional reading: the Use Statistics edition!

Our crew’s professional reading today was the proposed user metrics document created by a SAA and ACRL/RBMS* joint task force. Sound boring? It’s not at all! And it’s incredibly important work because in the end, pretty much everything archives do is about our users. User statistics help us serve our…

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Lunch on the SS Provenance

It’s that time of year for another Archives’ potluck based on an exhibit. Our first ever exhibit potluck, Convalescent’s Banquet, while a learning experience, was pretty tasteless, and last year, Alaska Lunch, provided some interesting Alaskan based dishes. But this year, we decided to do things a little differently. We based…

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Color our collections!

Have you been enjoying following all the “color our collections” posts from archives this week on Twitter? #ColorOurCollections is the hashtag to search and lots of great coloring opportunities have been going by. We thought it would be fun to participate, too. Here’s a few sketches of Alaskan buildings from…

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Research at the Archives

Tips if you’re planning to do some research in our collections or in the Rare Books collection. This turned out longer than I intended, so here’s a list of topics at a glance. If your question isn’t listed here, please contact us! I’m not a university student or faculty member.…

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What we did this year, part 4

The almost everything else post! We’ve shared our 2014-15 performance statistics in three previous posts: 1) Alaska’s Digital Archives, 2) Processing and description, and 3) Access. And here’s some of the many other things we do on a daily basis. Again, these are the stats for August 2014-August 2015, since…

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