• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.


Those of you who have been following us for some time either here or on Facebook (or both) may have noticed that occasionally we do what archivists are normally very bad at doing: we document ourselves.

This all started back in 2009 when Mariecris decided that our outfits all matched one day and that we needed our photo taken (apparently she was put in mind of a ’50s girl band. Nicole and I humored her though we weren’t quite convinced.)

Mariecris, Nicole & Arlene

Mariecris, Nicole & Arlene


Over the past few years we’ve made an attempt to do a group portrait at least yearly. In 2010, we did one with the guys from AMIPA at one of our Archives Month events: an open house.

2010, ASC & AMIPA together

Then one of us decided we wanted just us in a portrait, so we did one later in December that year, too.

2010 December, Megan, Arlene, and Mariecris

2010 December, Megan, Arlene, and Mariecris

The last couple of years it’s been on Halloween. (Apparently the archivists around here, while generally loath to have their photos taken, are less loath to have them taken while in costumes. I have no explanation.)

2011: Megan, Arlene, and Mariecris with some archival tools to remind you that we're archivists

2011: Megan, Arlene, and Mariecris with some archival tools to remind you that we’re archivists

And of course, our best-known Halloween image in 2012, that went viral (viral for us anyway) on Facebook after the Society of American Archivists picked it up and featured it on their feed.

Michael, Arlene, Megan, and Mariecris, showing off a few things that give archivists nightmares

Michael, Arlene, Megan, and Mariecris, showing off a few things that give archivists nightmares

The Halloween costume tradition is great! But we decided to take the group portrait a little earlier this month since one of our crew is leaving us: Mariecris. She’s headed off to a great job opportunity in Seattle after next week, leaving Veronica and I on our own for a bit. And since two doesn’t really seem to be a “group portrait” we decided to haul MC in for one last image. And here it is.

2013: Veronica, Arlene, and Mariecris

2013: Veronica, Arlene, and Mariecris

No predictions for next year. I hope we continue the tradition, though you’ll hopefully see some new faces with us. It was a nice little trip down memory lane this morning, putting this together. Lots of great people have come in and left this department in the last five years and I thank them for all the amazing work they’ve done on ASC’s behalf. Welcome, Veronica. Nicole, Megan, Michael, Mariecris: it was a joy working with you and I miss (will miss) having you around, very much.


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